THURSDAY, NOV. 2«, 1925. TI IK SPRINGFTXD NEWS PAGE El. EVEN KenneU-Ellis Portrait Studio HIGH class photography Whoa» adirdlo Is located In Eugen» on W plaw ctto St., next to the Ilex th eatre, la the Art Center for th is set­ on utid • njdys uu excellent palron- ige from Eugene anil all the aur oundlng territo ry . T hey also conduct i i>! ml to In Salem under th e saiae nam e. In a revb-w of th is ch aracter It Is nilncnt y fittin g th a t we devote om<- of our space to a te r t town UI of th» excellent work perform ed ut tills studio In the successful praet c of an Interesting and a rtistic p 'o ica oil The a rt of photography which was Inlrodun-d by iJsG uerre .nearly a century ago baa w ithin the period BUYING 0 2 SELLING developed from a m echanical trade to m odern photography to p lta so thn an a r t of science. As regards th e critical. photographer of today he m ust be a in t , t ’ a rtl’ Uo production °< . , , , , ¡to n 's p ictu res they have gain welt person of advanced .deas an d th o r - ’ ___ . ______, m erited com m endation and have an ough train in g »o as to^succeesfully > excellent display including the photo- compete (vlth those w ho a rc now mak grap h s of m any well-known people of ng tills profession an art. As th is this section. studio Is In charge of fin is h 'd photog- j We m ight m ake this suggestion ruphers who have m ade a life study ' th a t a P o rtra it P icture will m ake an f this Inti rer iling and a rtis tic profes- i exoellent C hristm as g ift and would «Ion they never let an opportunity j advise our read ers to m ake an Im­ pass to Im prove them selves. m ediate appointm ent for a setting, They have In this s'tudio, which [z T he business Is under the direct! a i ay bo term ed th is sec tio n 's a t t of latter-day business men who ap p re­ • nter. the latest, m echanical le v ie d ciate the value of good service as a .or the production of a rtta tlc photo-1 trade w inner and they and th e ir asso- graphs, and are adm irably equ'ppco ciato» are alw ays willing and anxious to produce anything In the way of to accom odate th eir patrons. (Tiri Itti)»'» l’liut» KrttfttH »I Tulhnnu Ct It KALE (1 »»», Sl.bu and $2.00 H ire r wrapper» printed nc< ordini. Kindl», Kiin'iii-, It 24. e» h. P. II. Eta* ry, tullo eu«t Hprlttg-1 to regu latio n s w hh la m a , wtaitb field. Cal] 17FI2. I t an d ad d ress. 51.26 a hundred a t th. F o il HALE t'artm ii ptttwir In birg» oh«»ie, J i i " , inch»», »tillable (or W .NT 1.1) TO KX< IIANOE— ISA acre» NOTICE TO CREDITORS . leak tux tracing». The New» Offlc«. NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN, th at of tim b er for acreage on good road» In laina County T im ber 8 m iles th e undersigned, E m ery M Richard- DKI'AK'i MEN'!' » F THE INTI-Tt i-u and Ellis J. R ichardson. have been from r i ll in ä .. Good tie m aterial. in it. (JNITRii STATES I.AM» OF. by the County Court of thn S tate of Addrena Tlm b r, N»wa Office. KICK. ttoaeburg, O ng-iti, ovomb»r O regon f ir the County of Lane, duly »0. 1915 N 5-13 19-28 appointed executor» of th» Will and NOTICE F u ll I’l'ltl,¡C A TIO N eslet» of Mary F R ichardson, da- Fornai Ext hangi-a Call (or School W arrants. (-cased, a»d th a t ull persons having N otiti' I» hoi h y 'g ir e n (lini on No­ Springfield. Or»., Nor. 28. 1925. claim« ag ain st «aid »».ate a re h ere­ vem ber 1», 1925 lionn.'i li I ongbbot­ by notified to p resen t th e »nine to the N olo» I» h » .»by glvm th at 8c.mol toni. of Al»"» Ore . fib I application No? 010273 lindi r lb ” Act of M ardi lllnl No. 19, lam » Co., Oregon Will « ail executors nt th e office of Frank 20. 1022. (42 Kt •’ 4ti»t io ax bang» pay Ml lb» off1»» of the School Clerk, A. D -I'iie, Attorney for the e sta te at S pringfield, Oregon. properly verl- Hie H ', H W ,. S W , HE1-«. H .cilon 2». w iihln six month» from the date City Kali, Sirlngfl" IJ. O r» , lb ho I f ami HE1« B E 1«. »»i lion 39. Tp. IS K. W ho» m ost m odern and up-to-date tloa th a t we d irect your especial at- la te st model and strictly up-to-date. i i* Oils notice. b at*d, O ctober 27th, W arran ts 770 to 797 lnclurlve Inter Itnng' 9 W ill W M w ithin Ul» Hitt- 1925. I plant Is located in Eugene a t 8tp tention to th eir Ice m anufacturing D uring the w ar the national food ad- • -l m akea a fte r N ovem ber 30th. 1916 law N ational F o n a l, for th e .In lo r on PRANK A. Del’UE, a id F erry St.. Is one of the m ost ex- departm ent. m inistration placed Ice cream In class Ih» N W 1« N E '«, h e itto a 3.1. 'I'll 20 It W. SMITH. A ttorney for th e E state. t 3 because they found It w as except on- H. Hang» 3 Enat W M w illen Ui» - Clerk of School 1> strict, EMERY M RICHARDSON, t'-nslve and m anufacturing plants In T here Is iro h ab ly no o th er com-1 ,, , , K , , . . . . . t aai'uil» N ational E on ’ ; I t al,y Ligb in food value. O ne q u art of ELLIS J RICHARDSON, Springfield. Or». Th» purpose oi tipu noli»» I* tn Al­ thia « 'T lo n of Oregon. They do a m unity th is s ite in the country th a t j th is delicious Ice cream equals tw o E xecutors low all perron» i lapiiing ili» hin t »I- O 29 N. o 12 19 28. | , r(.n„ .nijoug fru it packing and ship- is b etter equipped in th is respect, for pounds of lean beef, 1-8 pound ham , On Rifle Team. i't'toil. or having b o ra fide objection« NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. ! P*»K business and m aintain one of thv th s well-known and popular c o n c e rn ' 2.8 pounds of eggs, 3 pounds potatoes. to »Iloti application. un opportun y Ot gun A gricultural College. Cot to filo th eir pro! » » In Willi the Itogli- valila. Nov. 28 William Hals y of leading D ehydrating plan ts in th is bus provided m odern and scientifica,- T herefore, even atf Its p resen t price N otice Is hereby given th at Mary te r and Kecolver u» ih» C atlett Hint»« ; d istrict, as well us a com plete Ice ly correct m achinery for th e m anufac- loe cream, is yet one of our ch eap est Springfield, iophoinor» In forestry. Is A H uuphrey lui» filed h»r final n< L and tifile» at Koet burg, fre g ó n i tu re ct pure Ice. and this, coupled foods. Anv such p ro tests or (injections must * a m em ber of »n» id th» In tram u ril count a» the executrix of th e last and Cold S torage plant. The» Eugene F ru it G row ers' asso- with the m aiutainance h ere of one T h is popular p lant is one of th a b» fund in thl» office witinn llilrtv rifle toante. L’lramurwl b rin g w l I will and testam en t of David Hum- phrey. deci used, u n i tha» S a tu rd a y .1 C|tttlon p a n t Is the largest food plunt of the m ost m odern and up-to-date leading in s t tutions. They have al- days from th» d ate of first publical oa comm ence N ovem ber 30. _____"Kl„ the 5th day ■ f December. 1926, a t tta- Jn tlw. , h„ , hl. of this notice, which first publical ion hi t or t»n »clock In the forenooon ***• Nortlvwewt and the larg est plants In th is section, is respons.ble I ways taken an activ e In te re st in a t Is N ovem ber 19, 1925 of said day, ut the County Court packers of vegetables on the PaciCc for the very satisfactory service ren- m a tte rs th a t p ertain to the good c f NOTICE TO CREDITORS non coal. Room In the Court House a t E ugene,| Coast. They m ain tain plants a t June- dered to th e ir m ay patrons. j the county and have aided In the bet- HAM IId. A. CANADAY. N otice Is hereby given th at tb» un lam e County. Oregon, has b"en fixed ___ T his Is also th e home of th e fa m -! to rm en t of local conditions, realizing tlon City. C resw ell and C ottage R egister d erslgnrd Louis E Benn has been ap N 1»- 28 I) 3 1017 pointed by tb» County Court ot l-nne by th e County Judge mm the tim e and i Orf)Vt, ous College Ice Creaimi T his Ice cream Chat a larg er city* and com m unity place for hearing objections to sa id ' County. Oregon, as general adtnlnl» fl! j | an ,| for ftnal settlem en t! It la a fact beyond question th a t ( is not only healthy, p ro tectin g but would be a benefit to the w hole peo- N u T H E TO CREDITOR» tra to r of the esta te of John M WII - - ■■ -------- ----- *— oh- -*- ! adequate Ice service is essential to is health as 'well. Only the pie. We w ‘sh to com plim ent the m an- The undersigned R obert Soren»en liani», deceased, and also adm inistra of «aid » state. All persons having ha» been appointed ad m in istrato r ot tor of the p artn ersh ip of W illiams & jcctions to »aid final account, ^ r e no- j th e progress and expansion of any purest of cream and flavors a re used alternent upon th e ir progressive . tlfled to file the »»me. In w riting comm unity. T herefore In detailing the and every precautions Is taken to - successful policies, and to re fe r th e 'r the e sta te of H ans J. Sorensen, with the County Clerk for Lane Coun prospetes for a "G reater Home Coun- make th e product delicious and * establishm ent and Its products to our ceased, by the County Court of lain» Bean. AH person» having claim» either ly. Oregon, on or before said date. County Oregon, and all persons having ty ” It ta with a feeling of saCsfac- healthful. The m achinery is of the readers. M a RY A HUMPHREY. claim s agslnst »aid e sta te will pr» against the general esta te of John M E xecntrlx of the esta te of -David •e n t the sam e duly verified at the William», deceased, o r ngalnst the law office of W hitten Swafford, 315 p artn ersh ip of William» & Bean are j1u-inplirey, deceased, M and W B ldg, Eugene. Oregon, on hereby notified to present tu e sam e, DONALD YOUNG. Eugene, Oregon properly verified to the undersigned A ttorney for estate. or before alx month» from the date N 5 12-19 28 D 3 at his law office ut 860 W illam ette of the first publication of this notice. »(., Eugene, Oregon, within 8 m ontns Dated and F irst P ubltsnrd October from the d ate of th e first publlentlop NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ‘ BUTTER KRUST BREAD’’ 29lb. 1925 of thia notice; date of first publico Notice Is hereby given by the un- ROBERT SORENSEN. Located In Eugene with a m odern ' ed th eir doors to the people. bouses carry this excellent line of ■ derslgned th at he ha« been duly ap- A dm inistrator. tlon O ctober 29. 1925 So g reat has been the care In th eir pure food products, ¡pointed a» ad m in istrato r of tn e es-J plant ai 1760 E ast 13th Is th e home ' l . e bean . W H ITTEN SWAFFORD. I tate of W. It. Andrews, deceased, by (>f the famous "B u tter K rust B read," effort to give th - people th e m in t ’ T he standard of th is in stitu tio n is O 29 N 5-12 19 Admin »trator Ally. O 29 N 5 12 19 2- I the o rd er of the Judge of tne ( o u n tr The bread th a t Is m ade with milk. wholesome food th a t th e ir h o sts of the b est grade flours, pure shorten- — t------------------------------------------------ j C ourt of L ane I o u n t> . T his ta one of th e m ost widely eustom ers have learned to refuse lng. sugar. saJt. m ilk and o th er in­ p irso n s hav ng claim s ..gainst said i »State are nereby notified to present known concern«, not only because goods from any o th er establishm ent, gredlents. mixed and baked under the sam e unto said ad m in istrato r, aC they m aintain a m odern, scientlflcal- because they have confidence in t-heii clean, san itary conditions by skilled id le office of Fred E Smith. A ttorney pqU!pp<(j p a n t w hich Is under ex products. workmen. J at Laiw, 445 8 Miner Building. E u g en e,1 As a c o re tq u en ce they find th e T heir bread is alw ays crisp and six m o n to rfr o m t o e ' ^ lp" - d « « * r t m anagem ent, BUY FURNITURE HERE Oregon, w ithin T elephones: Office 813 Res. 2075 business of the institution spreading but also because of th e fam e (h eir fresh, it supplies stre n g th and en­ ! d ate hereof. Rockers, B»da, M attrtasea. Stoves, famous high grad» products' has ergy and is protected by a san itary far and wide over th is section of th e Dated November 19, 1925. Tubs, Stove Boards, Clothe« FRED E. SMITH. A ttorney for Ad­ spread far and wide. Of course, ev­ w rapf e.'. s ta te and In th is review of o u r pro­ B aik e's. m in istrato r. T heir b akery goods a re th e very g ress 'we are glad to give com m end- eryone knows t h e r excellent serv- Osteopathy stands for khe ALLEN ANDREWS. Wm. DONALDSOv NEW AND Ice in th is connection W hen the peo- best th a t m oney can buy. T hey are able m ention to th e ir activ ities and truth wherever It 1» scienti­ A dm inistrator SECOND HAND STORE fically proven. N. 19 26 D 3-10-17 pie who handle Im portant artic le s baked u n d tr the m ost wbolesomo to predict for the place ever g re a te r O steopathic Physician and S ur­ of Ju lia A Oodiinin. Deceased. of food and the place In which they conditions, and th e very beat of In- expansion in the future. geon a re handled, as desrlbed above. It Is gredlents, mixed and baked under ; -phe m anager has been closely al- Contracting and Building NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT. safe to w ager th a t w hat they have the very fre sh e st of condition. ' Office 484 M « . W Bldg.. wjth the large business in te re sts GEO. W. PERKINS N otice Is hereby given th at Salllc Eugenn, Oregon to offer th e ir custom ers is th e best Those who have never trtod th e prod- of th is section of the sta te for som e G. Sikes. A dm inistratrix of th e estate Corner 5th and D Streets O steopathy »rands for the tru th • ucts from th is bakery a re m issing tim e, and h as been instru m en tal in of Ju lia A. Uodman. deceased, has th a t money can buy. Springiield, Oogon w herevFt R ta » clen tlfle^ly f led in th e County Court of th e S tate T his Is the kind of a place th a t Is one of th e accom p ishm ents of the the u p b u id in g of this section of th a Plane end Estimate« Furnished proven. of Oregon, In and for Lane co u n ty , operated by th is popular eslabllsh- perfect meal, as hosts of people a re country, and th e in stitu tio n should Free. W ill Help You Finance h er final report as such a d m in istrat­ Your Building. rix and that ten o'clock In th e fore­ ment, and the kind th a t they have praising the work of this concern receive th e patronage of th e e n tire noon of S atu rd ay , the 12th day of De­ been operating since th y first open- and are dem anding th a t th eir supply people. cem ber. 1925, at the Court room th ereo f, have been, by said Court. CLOVER’S MARCELLING Call I fixed and appointed as th e » m e and SHOP ; place for hearing objections to said SUTTON TRANSFER ; report and for the f nal settiem nt ot Work Guaranteed (he esta te of deceased. Phone 57 Upstairs—336 Main Street SALLIE G. SlK E o. HUDSON ESSEX DEALER A dm inistratrix. Phono 73W Who a re located in Eugene w ith G reatest Buy" and sales prove it. teous and accom odating and it is a ' A E. W IIE E nE R . A ttorney N 12 19 26 D 3-10 «a esroomis a t 824 P earl St., a re the U* sim plicity h as alw ays m eant a pleasure for them to sui 8 y your agent for th e fam ous Hudson-Essex low er sc', ing price th an is perm itted w ants. QEO,. N, M cL E A N LADIES! Try dial expert T hey offer a com plete line of p a rts autom obiles in this section. Few cit- *’* com plicated types. No des gn, how Automobile, F ire and Lite hair cutter at Anderson’» ies of the like sixe in the nation can o v tr costly, has been found to excel and service by (mechanics who a re IN S U R A N C E Barber shop. boost of such a m odern and u p -to -, Super-Six sm oothness, reliability and thoroly fam iliar w ith the construction Surety Bond«,. Phone 8)7 date m otor service. N ot only because perform ance. -Hudson quality h as con- of th e engine, chassis, body and in of Eugene A. A. ANDERSON My business Is ,to p ro tect you» they are author lied sales and service siantly been im proved. E asier ste e r­ fact w ith every detail. buelnese Ì0 A C II AND TEACHER BARBER SHOP 860 W illam ette St. Eugene G regot^J station for the H udson-Essex, but be­ ing, g reater roadability, m ore comfort T he m anagem ent and « « sistants a re OF VOICE cause they ren d er m ost efficient serv b e tte r m aterials, finer w orkm anship. am ong the business raws of high (Study in Paris, New York ice. This well-known autom obile com-i1**n