The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 26, 1925, Image 1

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    91 O- Library
County- Wido
Gains Headway
Two Mile« of Cement Walk Is
Lnid During Summer; More
Council Crente« Cominittoe to
To Co In In 1926
Aminiater 247 Acre« to Bo
W ith two m ites of sldrw ulk com ­
Used for Industrial and Park
pleted u n d er a program Just brought
Purposes; Ornamental Lights to a close, and an o th er program of
Asked in Petition,
sim ilar dtm nnstona projected for next
spring and sum m er, Springfield prom
A resolution au tborlx'ng the m ayor loses to lay clabna to the dlatlnctlon
to also the leaa» on 267 act«'» of th
of being the "b est sidewalk id ” town
old railroad »bop alt«' owned by the
of it* site tn the W illam ette v uley.
f liy of K u c « e In Springfield was
Final paym ents to Ilrlggs A Doty,
paaaorf and the !<«»«< read a t the coun­
contractor«, for the big Job Just com ­
cil at Ita Monday night atee tin«. Si­
pleted have been m ade by city a u ­
m ultaneously one was passed by the th o rities, according to
E ugene rouni-ll and I he land paaara
m« nt by R ecorder II. W. Smith. The
Into the baud« of the c ity u( Hpring
total figure in th e c o n tract was «5.-
field a t a rental of «1 a y ear for 69 933 65, not Including the en g in eer’s
y e a ra
fees of 6296.16, which bring the total
A park board and Industrial com- to more than 66UOO. Every 63 of this
m lttue was appointed by the m ayor sum built four running feet of c e tn e rt
* d h the approval of th e council to sidew alk In Springfield.
ad m in ister the laud as Industrial site»
The larg est single Job don» under
ami a city park .the lease requiring th is co n tract w as th at along the Hunt-
five acre* to be designated as a park. ly property on Second s t r e e t Pre-
T he board created consists of A. J volus Io the work done by lirlggs A
I’erklna W. O. Hughe«, 8. C. W right, Doty, several Jobs had been com plet­
i t L. C larke, and fl. E Maxey. Thia ed. Increasing S pringfield's eem«nt
ctnunilttee was given auth o rity to sub­ sid e* it k system to notew orthy d i­ THANKSGIVING IS TOPIC
lease the Rind for Industrial purposes m ensions.
w ith the approval of th e council.
A ccording to R ecorder Sm ith, tt Is
O rnam ental Light Petition In.
likely th a t th e city will procur'd to . Special serv ices a t the B ap tist and
A petition bearing over 60 names build m ore sidew alks next spring and , M ethodiet churches tonight w H bo
of all the business men and heavy sum m er, to connect with those al- featu res of S p rin g field 's observance
property ow ner* ask in g th at o raainen. ivady In. The 1926 program likely of T hanksgiving day. A special
tai Street lights h« Installed on Main wl)] be M large. o r U rger, than th at T hanksgiving service was held at th e !
THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1925.
"The People's Paper*
Building Growth In Busin«««
District Noted A» Prepara­
tions are Made for Occupa­
tion of New Buildings and
New Project is Pushed.
Removal of the F irst N ational bank
and the E. R. D anner Motor com pany
to Springfleids new est business build­
ings in th e n e a r future, and plans for
th e clrcu ation of a petition to the
city council asking th e paving next
»prlng of th e alley in the block
bounded by Main, Fourth, Fifth and
A stre e ts, a re Indications of contin­
ued progress in im provem ent of the
c ity ’s business d is tric t
The alley im provem ent project is
being pushed by various property
holders w hich would be effected by
the paving. T he alley passes along
the re a r of the business buildings on
one of th e m ost Im portant blocks in
the city, and along the side of the
, new garage being erected for th e
D anner M otor com pany's occupation
G eorge P erkins and Jam es Laxton.
W hile It is too late to a tte m p t to
RED CROSS CAMPAIGN ! pave the alley h is fall, it is th e plan
of those behind the p ro je c t to circu-
Sucoess to atten d in g the effo rts of!
,7 7 ” “
, F
, late the p etitio n Im m ediately, th a t
the m em bers of the Springfield Lions It may be considered by th e council
club to dispose of five Red Cross this w inter and p reparations m ade for
u n iv ersal I d
m em berships each in the c u rren t the w ork early next sum m er. Own­
th ,a Jrear 11 '• pl• n,“•<,
th u rc b
Sunday, w“ h . today. , n m any f>Inl| reuDlons
Red C ross drive In Springfield. Un- ers of tw o-thirds of the property ad­
ami the old wooden poles be M.( busy on th e proposition early In program by the Sunday school and a h e l n r h e ld s » h <■ m h » _____
moved to th e „ le y s was p r i n t e d
, p rl„g
J »er.non on T hanksgiving them es by d ^ X . JnhThuie X
v cT nT ^
official report» from various w e n - jace n t to the alley m ust sign th e pe­
to the council. The petition was spon-
Ttte»e sidew alks, s o n g wtth Ita un Hex 8. E arl C hilders.
l y w a y e .'o tL e nterlng
! the table, a re under
M ^ a ’ berS lndlc“ * tb a l » « T ara «-eUlag
Dr. W. C. R ebhan and Dr. S. Ralph
sored by a com m ittee from the Spring- usually large am ount of paving, give i The M ethodist mid-week services
th e lr m em berships rapidly.
Dlppel plan to move th e ir offices In-
field U ons club. Tb« petition was re Springfield a d istin ctiv e place among tonight will be given over to T hanks- p e o p e a re out of town, having din­
R eports of the progress of the d r iv e , to
q u arters in the second story
(erred to th e light com m ittee fo< In­ cUtse Ita six» In the valley. The giving topics, according to announce- n er -with relativ es and friends In o th ­
e r com m unities.
will be heard F riday noon when th e
the new F irst N ational bank build-
vestigation and recom m endation.
Only paving on the eaat side of th e ■ m ent by Rev. F. L. Moore.
Among these a re Dr. and Mrs. W. club m eets for its weekly luncheon. ‘
a t Ma,D and F ,fth 8treeta- D-
Dance H » ll Ordinance Up.
The B aptist services will s ta rt at C. Rebhan and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
W illam ette riv er In Lan» county Is
Roof, local Jeweler, also plans an
An ordinance regulating
public w l(b| n th e lim its of Springfield
7:30 o'clock. Rev L. E. Blom will
In th is m anner, th « Red C roa. roll immP<)tafe remova, from hls Fourth
Male, who a re spending th eir Thanks-
dunce halls 'a the city of Springfield j
give a T hanksgiving serm on.
giving at B row nsville a s th e guests
“ St>‘'ln<fleld 18 bein« handled gtreet locaUon to tbe buglneaa room
«a. ordered draw n by the council SCHOOL TAXPAYERS
MORE TO CUM __ ______ ___ _____
‘ quietly and quickly, local b u s in e s s '
, h„
. ...
, ......
: of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. T em pleton.
° n the low er floor of th e bank build-
a fte r discussion A fee of 613 a uuur
men believe.
te r w in tlie license decided upon. The
a re spending T urkey day w ith friends
F ix tu res are being installed In th e
o rd ln a n ie will be draw n sim ilar to
I bank building th is week, and it lg
a‘ Albany
the ru e now In force In E u g tiv , which
show ing lotal expenditures for the
■ - ■
Miss Eubank, of Stanfield, Oregon.
START HERE DECEMBER 1 the hope of bank officials to be ab le
is doHlgm-d chlelty to regulate m inors
here for T hanksgiving a t th e home
to open for business th e re early in
going to public dancea.
C hristm as seal sales cam paign for December. It is probable th a t the
on by tax p ay ers of school d istrict No. plans for a C h ristm as drive for the of her brother, Leland Eubank.
Budget Passed by Council.
th e benefit of tuberculosis work will bank will m aintain tem porary head­
T he Springfield City budget c a rry ­ 19 at an election m eeting to he held benefit of th e P ortland v eteran s hos-1 Mr and Mrs. C. E. W heaton have
i In th e city hall tom orrow evening ! pital wre Im portant featu res of a ( as th e ir guests today Mr. and Mrs. s ta rt here on D ecem ber 1. T he sales q u arters In the old building a t Second
ing estim ated exp en d itu res of 625.-
¡If th e budget Is adopted by the tax- 1 m eeting of the A m erican Legion aux- H erbrt V incent of Eugene.
will be handled by school children, and Main stre e ts while the move is
926 as advertised was passed by the
payers, the schools will be operated Illary, held Monday evening a t the
and will continue u n til C hristm as.
under way.
council and the reco rd er Instructed to
j llles a re enjoying T hanksgiving to-
E. R. D anner of th e D anner G arage
The money raised through the
c e rtify th e sam e to th e county a s­ this year at an Increase of 61800 over h o in e of Mrs. M. B. H untly.
The officers nom inated will be vot- gether.
sessor. No citizen was on head t o j ast
sale of the seals in Lane county finds comfPa ny sta te d today th a t ho expe
budget w ithout e«t on a t the m eeting to be held
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Its way back to th e com m unity to opf‘n for business In the F ifth and
suggest any a lte ratio n s in th e budget
Adoption of th«
change is anticip ated by school of­ D ecember 16 They a re : presid ent, children a re a t Oregon City, w here through service in th« schools, clin- - A street8 bT Jan u ary 1. Removal of
ficials. The expense schedule was Mrs. M. B. llu n tly ; vice-president, they have dinner with Mrs. P ollard's les held in various com m unities, as- ' ‘quiPinent to the new stru c tu re will
draw n up by th e d is tric t budget No­ Mrs. F. B H am lin and Mrs. C. A. sister. Mrs Lottie Crawford. W illiam ! sistan ce to tuberculosis suffers and sta rt 39 8000 38 the doors and win-
LOCAL GRIDIRON TODA vem ber 2, and at th at tim e the meet- S w arts; scretn ry , Mrs. Rewey and Pollard, who rem ained h ere for co- th e ir fam illts.
dows a re completed. W orkm en are
. .
Ing called for tom orrow night.
Mrs. H. E. Max^y; tre a su re r. P earl day's footbal game, will go to Ore-
I now laying the cem ent floors of the
A rlp-rim rlng T urkey day b attle I.
Th(, bU(1|M , b<1WB a „ lnrreaKe in
B eth Konkel. executive secretary bu,w ,n r . . hlcb l8 o^ e(1 bv
Snook; hlRlorlan, Mrs. B ernice Van gon City tom orrow.
vorm teed those who view th e grid t(.ll(,,lerB and ,an lto r Wpe of n early Valzah and Mrs. Maxey.
| Dr. and Mrs. N. W. E m ery a re host of th e Lane County Public H ealth an(j p e r ^jnS- F B I
n r ts r w ia f in n
a r u in l
fh o
lo o t
Iw.tttle to be stair"«! th is afternoon be- 65000 T h is d istrict Is 6117.920.07 in
Plans w ere made for solicitation of and hostess today to a large num ber association, has spent th e last two
tw een th e Springfield High school
debt. Of thia am ount, 673.000 Is In local business men In connection with of relatlTe-s and friends. Among these
football team and the hlghly-toulcd bonds, and 663.020 In bonded Indeb­
th e drive to be made for good things a re Mr. and Mrs. John Rossm an. Mr. covered nine cases of tuberculosis a t
C ottage Grove eleven.
Co fill th e C hristm as box to be sent and Mrs. C harles Paddock and chil- W endllng.
The Springfield team , while slig h t­
to th e V eterans hospital. It was point- dren, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Lightfoot
F o rty per cent of the money raised
H alf a dozen or niore Sprlngfelld
ly crippled, goes Into Ihe gam e h e a rt­
ed out th a t the cause Is a w orthy and children, P. H. E m ery and son, through the seals rem ains in Lane
High school youths will leave Friday
ened by th e veltors defeat by Lehan-
one, and m uch help from th e busl- Lloyd, and others.
county, 5 per cen t goes to the nation­ for McMinnville, w here they will a t­
on last F rday by a score o f 16 to 0. FORMED AT MEETING HERE
nesa houses Is expected in th e effort.
Mrs. May C raft is a g u est a t the al association, and 55 per cen t for
tend th e annual O regon O lder Boys
P revious Io th a t tim e. C ottage Grove
Monday Mrs. H untly shipped a C. F. Eggltnann hom e today.
work throughout the state.
Th«> first re g u la r m eeting of the
conference held under th e auspices of
had held herself u n defeated by high
newly organised W illam ette U niversi­
the Y. M. C. A. T he boys going from
school aggregations.
eluding ntno boxes of Jellies, p reserv­
W edding A nnouncem ents Made
here re p re se n t the Hi-Y, churches,
T he line up which s ta rts today's ty ex -students and g rad u ates club,
es and canned fruit, and th ree boxes
Mr. and Mrs. M ilton Cyr have re­
and o th er organizations.
gam e Includes Pollard a t center, organised here last F riday, will be
of apples.
ceived word of the m arriag e vester-
Among those who will attend the
Thom pson and Iximhurd nt guard. held Jan u ary 8. probably In Eugene.
of Mr. Cyr'e sister, (know n to
Springfield High school honor roll, coference are F rank Lom bard, John
Moon and Louk a t tackle, H astings
Springfield people a s Mrs. E lm er Including all who have made grades I D> n«'h, R alph Cole, Lee S tratto n , Lyle
and C. Thompson nt ends, M cPherm n ganization m eeting held a t th e Dr. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Ft«‘rb s t> t ° George R obinson of Ash- of 90 or above in th e firs t six w eeks | H astings, and C harles Thompson.
a t qu arter. C ow art anti larwia at half,
land. T he 'wedding took p a c e a t the of school, was anounced yesterday by
•were elected a s fo lo w s: Miss R uth
T. J. W h itak er of th e high school
and Geiger at. full hack
T hat he will not accept re-election home of Mr. and Mrs. John ,C yr of P rincipal V. D. Bain.
faculty will accom pany the local dele­
"W allop Cnltiige Grove" has been Schaefer, Eugene, p reald en t; Fay
gation. T he conference will end Sun­
th e w eek's slogan, printed on bill­ Spaulding, Springfield, vice-president; to th e presidency of th e Springfield Kelso, W ashington.
The nam es follow:
The newly-weds left Im m ediately
day night.
boards and ribbons, at thq high i l.yle Bolton, Eugene, secretary , and C ham ber of Cominerce u t tom orrow
A gatha Beals, L ucella A ndrus. Iowa
school. In this giimi' It Is the hope ! V. D llaln, Springfield, treasu rer. n ig h t's m eeting was th e announce- after th e wedding yesterday for C arlton. Naomi C arlton, Alnia G reen-
o f Ihe grldders Io m ake up for t I„dr I Datil« 1 T aylor of Springfield was m n t made («slay by W. F. W alker, points south, nnd are expected to stop
Mr. W alker h as served as head of the a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wood. Dale G riffith, W ilma Hock,
d e feat by Harrl»l»urg laut Friday, 14 chosen rep o rter.
Any ex-W illam ette stu d en ts In this local civic body for five years.
Cyr for a short visit In a few days. G(ertrude H augan, Evan Hughes. Dor-
to 6.
L orim er, E sth e r
M cPherson.
d istrict a re urged by th e officers to
Tom orrow n ig h t's m eeting will b.»
E lection of officers will be the
Grade Morse, G ertrude Musto^, M ar­
B enefit Card Party.
com m unicate w ith S ecretary Lyle held at th e cham ber a t 7:30 o'clock.
principal business to be tak en care
Bolton, care of J. C. Penny company, The «lection of th e officers for 1926
Spanish W ar V eterans auxiliary Is
BY LOCAL ORGANIZATION Bugene, before th e hext mwetlng Is will be th e principal bu sin ess featu re, giving a benefit card parly a t the liam Pollard, Paul P o tter, C onstance of a t a m eeting of the Springfield post
R ebhan, Lucille Richm ond, Em m a of the A m erican Legion, to be held
it though various civic problem s are arm ory In Eugeno F riday night. Mrs.
T h e need, of more o p erato rs In the held.
R ogers, Lucille S tew art, M argaret th is evening. The new ly elected of­
scheduled fo r discussion.
M. B. llu n tly . of Sprngfield, Is chair-
ficials 'will be installed a t a fo rth ­
l-oyal Legion of Loggers and L um ber­
S w arts and W lnnlfred Tyson.
m an of the com m ittee arran g in g the
Cookie Campaign On.
coming mieetlng, and will serv e for
m en m em bership wns em phasized by
A gatha Beals, M argaret O derkirk the com ing year.
IL II. Dnmnion. field rep resen tativ e
and W illjur P eters top the list w ith
Cookies for th e V eterans hospital
A feed is planned by the legion­
of that, organization, In a talk given
a g rade of 95 per cent each.
naires, w ith M. B. H untly In charge.
before the locul un it In mending Mon­
woek-end by m em bers of the auxili­
Plans for a cam paign for 50 neiw [,
....... —
d ay night.
U nafflllated M embers Gueata
Thlrty-flvo couples
m et a t O range
American Legion Auxiliary Cookie
Mr. Dammon showed on Che screen ary of the.A m erican Legion. Word has m em bers by Jan u a ry 1 w ere m ade a t
scen es of various logging o p eratio n s been rocelved by Mrs, M. B. H untly a m eeting of th e Springfield lodge of ball, a t T hurston, la s t T hursday
E a ste rn S tar m em bers n o t y e t af­
The cookies drive at the A m erican
In the N orthw est. Among th e pictures th a t Ihe Springfield quota of cookies th e Woodmen of th e W>ortd held Tues- night, and organized a dancing club,
w ere some of th« re cen t celebrations m ust lie In P ortland n o t la te r than day evening. A m em bership cam - The new club will m eet every two filiated w ith tho Springfield chapteb Legion a u x lia ry is now on and all
nt W endllng nt which m any locnl 6-L Decemheir 3, and for th is rt'ason all paign com m ittee wns na.m»d as fol- w eeks In the future. T he firs t dance will be special guests a t social night, who will give cookies may leave them
cookies contributed hero m u st be lows: chairm an, George Cox. O. H. will he held a t th e G range h all on De- to be held on the evening of D ecem­ w ith Mrs. H untly a t th e store or w ith
memlbers were In attendance.
T he m anner In w hich the 6-L o r­ ready for shipm ent nHtiirday. The Colburn, iDr. R. P. M ortensen. Sam com ber 3, T he com m ittee on arrange» ber 1, by the C ascade chapter. A pro­ Mrs. Mgxey a t th e Springfield News
ganization has prom oted b e tte r fool­ cookies can be left a t the H untly dfl- Richm ond, Mr. Cross, R. C. M arkee ime « ts Is planning refresh m en ts v a gram . and refreshm ents, a re fe a tu re s office. Any and all kinds of cookies
being arranged.
featWfi of th e affair.
nre alw ays appreciated by our boy«
ing In th« lu m l^ r IrWliistry betw een IcateSHcn o r n t the Springfield News and Ira Sankey.
T uesday evening, th e E astern Stur In the hospital and should be left at
E lection of officers, and eomifletiion I
--------------- -------- -
men mid em ployers was told by the office.
of th e cam paign plans, will bo fea-| p ortiand Man Here— B. S um ner of m em bers served refresh m en ts to the e ith e r of th e above m entioned places
h ires of a m eeting to be held on the th(> T A R |g gs com pany of lxm lnnd m em bers o f the local Masonic lodge not la te r th an S aturday of this week,
Kill Klare In Eugene.
tWetiing of D erem her 1. A large at- v a a jn Springfield on business Tues- follow ing lodge m eeting.
M arket M atter Named.
N ovem ber 28.
W illiam Donaldson, local business
T he Kill K lare club of Springfield is tandance Is expected.
M other Is III— Mrs. W illiam Pohl,
Will E ntertain.
m an, has been appointed m aster of to m eet a t the home o f Mrs. Wilfred
Mrs. W. H. Adrian will en tertain
th e new prisluoers m arket. The mnr- Bocks In Eugene Monday afternoon.
In from C edar F lat—Oeorge H art
Here from T hurston—Mrs. L. Har- of A storia, m other of Mrs. M. R.
k e t opened w ith succors la s t S a t­ Many of the 'o ra l d u b m em bers are of C edar F lat was In Springfield rlngton of T hurston was h e re Tues- llu n tly of Springfield, Is reported to the C hrysanthem um club of Spring-
be seriously 111.
field a t her home December 2.
urday, and was used again Tuesday. planning to atten d the affair.