The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 19, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, NOV. H>. 1928,
F ’ ^ -T T
A rthur Hall Here— A ilbur Hi» I o f' •• l«>'« »•• Ht» >p at Tollman Biudlo,
kiruttlu Is «UltliiM a t the Keseey hiyuiv F u re u r
(’ -ti
Practical Instruction« In
By Ruth Wveth Sp»»rt
M ill
1/ yo u r b irth d ay is th is w eek, count, e and determ ination a re the
Huge Relief Work After Midwest
Tornado the Greatest to
American Annals.
Ranged From Fire to Earthquake
and Covered Wide Area at
Home and Abroad.
.lti>'«t m arked ch aracteristics of > ur r. ituio. I V l i i n g i. » iys
im pression, you sontetinu’.» ta .9 u p 'it p arself bunlens und
biiiUc-.' th at seem f a r bityend > ir stiei ;;iit, but your clear
enorm ous reserve pow er enables ou to c a rry th e load, und «
stress, w hen weaker nature« i.iil utterly.
to create
g rit and
„lure the
I’vn-ons b m u n d er those v ile - a re not generally p o p u la r—they
a re eith er loved great!» or very ' >u»h dislike«!—tiiero is no tn-betwe, a.
Vet w on culture»!, th ey a re the mo»t fx»cinatitqf and com panionable
persons one would care to meet.
T ’ e'w o nan. w hile ra th e r im , utient and blunt of speech, m ake w ry
re e d m others and rule th e household. O utaide atTair* do not appeal to
to il,
i re men have ren-.arkah e talents, an d can reach the g re a te st
h- ti • -i ay vocation th a t dcu.anJs suprem e coolness, »«U-contidenee
u.»l Cour«k££»
Arab Hoyt Rae
ja Ami» H
)f Ritgen«»
’ T »\C H ANI» T I M B R I »
(Study i t Farli«. New York
nu I Chi 'Ago. 1
S p rjn g 'lt i«l CI a 1*“)'4,;.’! ^ ur **
d.iv Mi r m •.» ¡il ih« home
<»f Mrs. W hitney. 66Ö Sixth
Phon - S pringfield 12
Eugeni» lM rt-R
F ank Ua ilvy. «4iipluy«Mi «r th$*
Urki .. h ♦ • M \ intit Ciegv», eu taluvd u
brui atxt lvg tn a iutn«r «» Vtlttitlt to-
du y
ly. C F b»«tt. J i ,, broke
ht* a r ’U *wU« n ha «ce «l«ntl y
oft b i H k ’K at Uio Botilh K* ! y" l»lèUd.
Sev our w n».ow d tip lay of triple
w hit« eniim*l war,- E verything (or
ih« kitchen priced to sell ut the
Novelty si rv.
..................... —
" *"
Is the Shoulder Flare or the W aist­
line Flare Best for You?
The straight coat or the plaited
model usually helps to give the im­
pression of lidded height to the • g
ure. The woman whose hip
broad will do well to avoid a
flare. The front flare gives a grace­
ful line but if the coat is to be
worn several seasons one may tire
of it.
The coat that flares from the
waistline in the back is most be­
coming to the woman who has
straight narrow shoulders as I
have shown in the s'etch at the
right. The loose rippling coat il­
lustrated at the left is especially
good for the figure that is inclined
to have bulging lines across the,
shoulders or the hips.
V irtazl completion o t th e largest
peace-time project o t p,*t-d!»a»ter ré­ flerraotit, they began at «nee to re­
habilitai loa ever known ha* been ac- build, m aterially and otherw ise, an I
eompllshvd by, the A m erican ReJ alw ays on a b etter scale where possi­
Cross in less than a year, as a part ble. A nother «Igniflcant feature of
of Us relief work in the more than th ese occurrences, as noted in the re ­
90 d isasters in which It served in the port of the KcJ t 'i ss. was the prompt-
uess with which the local chapters
p ast year.
This g reat program wax undertaken organised em ergency reitef before
folkiw int the tornado which struck help could In- received from outside
five mid-western S tates last spring, sources A d irect effect of th eir « a
killing 790 people, injuring 2.239 more, ample has been to stim ulai« »! .»•»> r
and causing inestim able property loss. relief preparedness among chapters
It left a huge area of devastation in all over the country
Its wake, presenting a real problem J The services of the American Red
The Red Cross, however, went to j Cross are perform ed invii ibly tn the
work on the heels of the storm , car­ name of the American i „ pic. On the
ing for the injured, sheltering and effectiveness of this rep resentation
feeding whole comm unities, and help during the past year, it will launch
Ing every individual sufferer from the the ninth annual roll call this year
on November 11. to eontlaue until
iestrw ction back to normal.
The m agnitude of the problem Is in­ Thanksgiving. N ovember 2$, durlug
dicated by com parison of its huge cas which support through m em bersnlp
ualty list w ith th a t of the en tire pre­ will be invited for 192*.
ceding year, whose combined losses
were 735 dead and not quite 2.000 in­ W h at Becomes of Red Cross Sweater«
W hat becomes of the sw eaters
jured. as a result of the record num
which the American Red (“roes has
ber o t 192 catastrophic*.
The story of the Red Cross service asked for? In the Arat place, they are
In the past year, recounted by the re­ needed for the 30.000 disabled veter­
port. ranges from Area heading the list an s still in hospitals this w inter, the
of d estructive forces with 29 disasters, g arm ents being In g reat demand. The
to mine explosions, tornadoes, ty­ surplus left from the war has been
exhausted since the A rm istice, hence
phoons. floods and earthquakes.
The S anta B arbara earthquake was the new call for the sw eater-knitters
among the outstanding events record to resum e th eir needles, a call already
ed in the report. The Red Croes had being met.
Coes to P ortland— Mr- Florence
i h » ■ - opp< d her« Tuesday on her
way from her t'ninp creek horn < Io
lltrtla n d . « lo r e »be will visit a t tin
home of Mrs C lara jiask» ll
P ictu res showi ig various sawmill-
Ing operation in th e N orthw est prob­
ably wli! be shown by H. H. Dam-
mon. field officer of the Loyal Legion
of Loggers and Lumberm en, a t Mon­
day nig h t’s m eeting of th e local 4-L
unit. Mr. Darnmc-n Is In the city to­
day m aking p lan s for th e showing.
T he pictures will be m ov'ng, of life
size. T he m eeting will be held In the
W oodmen of tb e World hall.
Chicken Dinner SucceM.
U nqualified success atten d ed the
M ethodiet women's chicken din n er
served In the church basem ent. N ear­
ly $200 was tak en in.
H ere from P ortland— Miss G race
Male w as a week-end visitor a t h er
hom e h ere She arrived from P o rt­
land T hursday evening of last week,
and w as am ong the Springfield peo­
ple who saw the footh'4 1 game In Eu­
gene S aturday.
Women’s and Children’s
Coats and Dresses
Beginning Tomorrow, Nov. 20
O ur entire line o f w om en’s and children's coats and dresses
are o rd in a rly about 30% low er in price than elsewhere.
On top o f th a t e xtra o rd in a ry saving we are adding another
fo r seven days. A ll women's and children’s coats anti dress­
es are reduced to a new low price. Coats are fu r-trim m e d
and plain tailored In a beautifu l assortm ent o f styles, pat­
terns, anti colors. A t the prices offered you can’t a ffo rd
to miss th is selling event.
New Styles—New Colors
Dresses of silk, crepe silk, georgette, flannel- and serge th a t
include the very latest style has to offer. T h e ir q u a lity
is n o t exceeded anywhere fo r the price asked. See them !
H u rry !
Does Your W ardrobe Need
R efreshing?
A ttends Big Came— S B Reason
of I’ortlanil «attended the Oregon O
A C ge ne Saturday, rem ain tig over
■be week-end visiting friends In
Model Cleaners
H ere from Fall C reek— Mr ami Mr-
Frank K iutiley of Full Creek » , r ,
1 Springfield «tailors yesterday.
Always nt your service
H sre from L esburg— John C urrie of
1.,-aburg was tn town on biisin«»** yes­
co m p eted tta relief organisation on i
The American Red Cross serves In
the scene within a few hours of the
your nam e; you can make It more
disaster, and in addition bad launched effective by adding your name to it»
a program designed to perm anently tne menu-ship during the Roll Call.
resto re every person affected by it.
Svov. 11 -26.
to his form er statu s once more.
The Red Cross service in the period !
following the wreck of the Navy a ir­
ship “Shenai*doah“ was typical of its EUGENE M IN ISTER HEARD
pseM sr j U t
Fa '
t«k Spaara » I v a
prom ptness and effectiveness. Serv­
tfc-ni f-sr yav. A lir c s a bar is care of
ice In thia instance was afforded by
Red Cross chapters in the vicinity of
th e wreck, and by rep resen tativ es of 1 R elations betw een “dad and his
th e national organisation. It de&on bov” w ere discussed by Rev. Bruce
stra te s graphically the value of each
C H R ISTM AS W ORK MADE of the more than 3.000 chapters of . Olffen, U niversity of Oregon pastor
the society which are a t work in vlr- for the P resb y terian church In Eu­
An appeal to th e Springfield mem- j tually every
of the country. In gene, in bis nddress a t the annual
bers of th e A m erican Legion auxil ary the facility they afford the national fathejj and sons banquet of th e
to support th e sta te d ep artm en t In Its organization in em ergencies.
S p rin g f'e ld . M ethodist church Mon­
T here w ere 61 dom estic d isaster op­
effo rts to make th e coming C hristm as
day night.
erations reported In which th e Red
s. aaon a happy one for disabled v et­ Cross rendered service eith er through .
F orty fath ers end sons w ere pana-
eran s. v eteran s’ orphans and fam ilies, chapter o r national staff personnel
a.r«d tu b ercu lar nurse«, was sounded during th e year, in 34 of these the . <>nt at the banquet, which was held
by Mrs. J. W. M -Inturff. secretary of ra tio n a l organization appropriated a In the church basem ent P resident L.
___ _ to tal of $3.047,256.49, the g reater por- May of the M ethodist B rotherh-od.
th e dep artm en t, in h le tte r received
v Mrs'. 'd ' B H u e « y .F p res.d en t o f '
which «vas received as direct which sponsored the affair, presided
' contributions for the relief of sped- and Introduced Rev Glff n A rrange­
th e S p rin cf’eb! unit.
fled disasters. The relief operations |
‘‘If your m em bers could but v 'slt following >he n< rthern Ohio tn ra a d i m ents were In the hand« of Or W H
the hospitals in which the buddies of June. 1924, were brought to a close Pollard, chairm an of the e n te rta in ­
of th e ir sons.hcsbands, fath ers and in May. 1925, after an arrangem ent m ent com m ittee.
b ro th ers are confined, or see th e fam ­ had been made with the Lorain ch ap i Fight new m em her« f«r *h“ bro th ­
te r to provide expert services to the !
ilies of th ese men who a re Mill pay- fam ilies of any tornado sufferers wh > I erhood were propos‘-d. and w 11 be
ing th e price of 'h e ir ex’r-m e devo-
8Uch a g ïu ta n c e In the next voted on at the next business session
ticn to th e ir country. I am su re th a t two yeers. In this single d isaster the of th e organization.
they could never do enough for them relief work, as Anally accounted, i The M ethodist I-adles’ aid served I
an d for the A m erican Legion aux 1- reached a total of $1.019.751.23.
th e dinner.
The mid-western tornado of this
lary," said Mrs. M clnturff in h er le t­
O. A. C. Student» H ere— Ralph
year, covering a strip o t territo ry 400
miles long involved an expenditure Jones and Law rence Templeton, fra ­
The s ta te secretary told of the ne­ up to June 30 of $774.000. while tnv tern ity b ro th ers a t O. A. C. of Ivan
cessity for each un it doing its p art total am ount turned In to the fund I Male, were guests a t th e Male home
d u ring th e pre-holiday season. She through the agency of the Red Cross here over the week-end.
suggested th a t a toy show er be held, was $2.645.000. In addition to this
sum specifically collected to r the pur
a t which toys and garm en ts would pose, th e Red Cross had expended
be collected for the o rp h an s and fam from Its regular reserves $124.000.
In all these disasters. Red Cross • “We do n o t e n te r Into corre pond-
Hies. T here are several hundred Ore­
gon veterans scattered over the west w orkers have been Im pressed by the ence as to the reasons for rejectio n s.”
a t various hopsitals th a t m ust b e ,re sp irit of determ ination and hopeful- snickered St. P eter a s he kb ked th e
m em bered by the Oregon a u x ’llary if
* * »**’«*’■
protesting ed ito r down the ei vator
. i recovered from th eir grief and bewll
they are rem em bered a t till, she
Mrs. M clnturff said th a t It Is prob-
a l’ e th at she will be able to visit the
local unit during January. She urged
th a t th e work of th e organization be
tak en up w ith renew ed vigor a t this
Seven Days of Specials on
---- r - ---------------------- -----
— - ■ » » - - ----
Factory Dem onstration
Colonial Ranges
Monday, Nov. 23 to
Wednesday, Nov. 25
Mr. Campbell, factory representive, will be here
to demonstrate the exclusive and desirable feat­
ures of these Built in Oregon ranges.
With each range sold during this demonstration
PREMIUMS. See them in our windows.
Your old stove taken in as part payment.
A small down payment will place one of these
ranges in your home.
Wright & Son
Springfield, Oregon