The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 19, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    n \GK SIX
Old Mr. C arter Holped
j.iou a.b
by Simple Mixture r cling
Slops that full, bloated
Bring« to il old wnate mal-
ne te r thought was in yuur
Kxi e l l 'ul for chronic conati-
l.l.e , y » Drug -tont.
"A fter taking Adivi Ik,i I f <1 bel »y»t
te r Ilian fur years At my ug« t'JOi patit
it Is Ideal- »o différent fro u other
modi, In. » "• (slguvJI W W C arter ) CXI I ’ ;» s m -. H i N W. Emery
1 Adler k.t la a s lin i’e inix'uro of luu k >n io
• » i - t r i . a n il -the." worn •!
[thorn bulk, glyoorlti- . <tc„ which-
a l I --Unían Stadio,
i titilliv i» GAS lu ton m inutes ami
I* I " ’ 1
Il 2«
j eften brings surprising relief to the litigone
B> Mrs. Belle IV Graf. D irector. Home
C. F. G rant Here—C. F G rant of
C cburg Man H e r « — A . G P irtle of
Se vice Puristu. S perry F lour Co.
Pum pkin or Squash Pie.
. T hurston was h ere on business Tues.
U ooarg » a s a visitor here Monday.
H -3 cups Milk
During th e holiday season at s:o
2 eggs.
Lea Davi» Mere— Loo Davis oi
Here from Alvadore— W. T Nelson f ' lal oi P**»«T usually forme elth-v
I eup brown sugar.
T hurston was in S priug.ield on busi-
of Alvadore was a visitor In Spring-
, r ' ,lrl
th«» sw eet course. X w
1 tenapocu cinnam on.
ties» Monday.
Held Tuesday.
¿4«»» arv really an expensive type oi
1 teaspoon ginger.
In from T hurston— W alter J'latt ol
I d essert and should not be served un-
1-3 teaspoon i utmeg.
T h ir s ’on w as in S p r ngfivlJ In bus)
Here from Lowell W. J, Golden o? |,»ss (he erust la erlsp and flaky,
1-4 teaspoon salt.
i a»»e 1 was in Springfield on business i Careful m easurem ents a re moat itu-
ness Monday.
112 cups cook 'd pumpkin.
J po r,aU{, „„ t he flour and fa t should
13 eup orange m arm alade.
H ere from Mohawk—Mr. and Mrs.
Put Ingredients In ttj p e r part of a
Marlon C hase Here— Marlon Chase , he In the right proportion.
Stanley Ball of Mohawk were in
Camp Creek was a Springfield
T "’ ‘ M as,*r revlpe fn thia Install-e [ double boiler and cook until some- i
Springfield on business Monday.
visitor Friday.
: ls ,h ** •n*** f° r • differen t variety of | w hat thick Pour Into n pastry pie
Move to Elm ira— Mr. and Mrs C. A.
fillings. We have selected some un- dish and bake uni I firm, having oven
R ogers moved to Elm ira. Oregon on
Visits M other Dr. t G. Van Vab Usual types of filling» which a re i - hot when pastry la first put In but
»ah of Port la ud was a visitor at th e jp e c ifU y suited to Lhls season of the Im m ediately reducing the heat
th e first of the week.
home of his m other. Mrs, A. B. Van year
Pum pkin and Nut P i t
In from Wa terville— H arry Jackson Valsait, of Springfield, this week.
Crip P astry. t
1 cup rm iked pum pkin or --quash
c f W aitervJle was a business visitor
"M aster Reclpo,"
1-3 cup sugar.
R eturns to Corvallis— Mrs. H B,
h ere Monday.
teaspoon cinnam on.
Flaner.v, who has been visiting at th e ,
Here from eaburg— Mrs. Al Mont­ home of h er son. F. B. Flanery. has '"** f'° Ur *’
**c* hefor,‘
1 traapoon ginger.
u ring One ha f plut m easuring cup ' 1 3 teaspoon salt.
gomery was here on business- from returned to h er Corvallis home.
Is used
3 eggs, well beaten.
h er home at L eahurg Saturday.
Here for Game— Miss G ertude H an­
11-3 cups flour
I cup pw-eet milk.
Neil Pollard Here— Neil Pollard was son of P ortland spent the last w eek­
1-3 teaspoon salt.
Mix In the order given Bake uni I
In Springfield over the la st week, end visiting Miss M argaret Gorri«
1-2 cup shortening.
; firm In a pan lluetl with pastry. When
coming down from Portland.
of S p rin g feld Miss H anson, an O. A.
t-3 cup (about) cold water.
Icrtd cover with whipped cream flav.
Sift flour and sa lt together. P h o p .o re d with vanilla. Cfeaiu may be put
Mao Tonsil» Removed— Mrs. Myr­ C. graduate, saw the O. A. C.-Orfgon
sh o rten in g Into the flour; add liquid cn w ith a pastry b a r thprlnklo finely
tle Plank of Springfield underw ent a gam e at Eugene Saturday.
- gradually, using knife. T h !s dough chopped n u ts over the top.
tonsil operation Friday.
Mrs. Cb.lscn Recovers— Mrs F O
should become stiff enough not to i
Che»»» Cake,
Move from Marcola— P. A. N lse n
stick to the sides of the m ixing bowl i 113 cups scaled milk.
an I fam ily moved here from Marcola hospital, w here she has been con Place dough on mol-Hng hoard and
3 eggs.
Monday. T hey are form er Springfield fined for some tim e with an attack ‘ [ro ll to 1-4 Inch thickness. T hen fo ld 1 2 3 cup sugar.
of pneumonia.
1-3 of this sheet of pastry over the
11-3 rups cottage cheese.
teaspoon alm ond flavoring
Here from Jasp er— R. H Nesblt of!
Jasper* was fn town Monday, and dts- M rs- Jam es M artin of M arrota. who :he f,r»t iold- t h*n f°»d across. Roll
Heat eggs separately, add su g ar to
posed of his barley crop to
the n,T e been
’ »siting at th e Denney 10 one-fourth Inch thickness again.
yolks an I beat unt I cream y ; then
Springfield Mill and Grain company
ho!E® here. have retu rn ed to th eir
Th,a P«s»cy can be used a t one-
pour hot milk over the m ixture, add
1 hut is improved If nllcftred to stand cheese and flavoring; then fold In
Speeds W eek-end Here— Ida F ran k .
|se v e ra l hour». By folding the dough the w ell-beaten egg w hites, line a
of S tayton spent th e -week-end In
F ra" k DePue, Jr„ H ere— Frank De ln ,ij|» mann, ri layers or air a re In- ddep pan with pastry, pour In the
Springfield visiting a t th e home of Pue- J r •
at the home of his d o sed , iwhlch expand when th e pastry m ixture. It will tak e about 45 to SO
M .lford Allen.
i p aren ts h ere over the week-end.
H e j g placed In th e hot oven, m aking the m inutes to bake. T est by plunging
- '
atjt,e" iiin* the m edical school
of p |e flaky. W hile th e oven should be knife through the c e n te r; If It comes
V isits R elative Here— Mrs. D o n n a; the U niversity “ of • Oregon
in Port
“ *“
• .h o t a t first the heat should be re out clean the cheese cu stard Is cook
Lowry of Goahen visited a t th e home ian d.
duced a fter It h a s browned.
ed suff cientfy.
of her aunt, Mrs N. Nelson, h e r e '
Bsm bury T arts.
O range Souffle Pis.
i Lindley, cousins of Miss Edith Den-
1 cup finely chopped raisins.
Here from Oregon City— Miss Doro-1 ney. have retu rn ed to th eir Portland
1 lemon and g rated rind.
1-3 lem on grated rind and Juice.
thy Crawford returned Sunday to h er ( hoera a fter a sh o rt stay here. The
1 soda crack er rolled to fine
Oregon City home a fte r visiCng a t Lindleys atten d ed th e funeral of th e! 3-4 cup of s u n r .
4 tablespoons corn starch or flour crum bs.
th e W. H. Pollard home here.
kite Mrs. S arah Denney, m other of
3 tablespoons sugar.
3 eggs, separated.
.Miss Edith Denney.
Undergoes Operation— Mrs. George
Mix In the order named. Roll flaky
1-4 cup «ug»r.
M ctjainn underw ent an "portion per-; v is it R elatives H ere—Mr and Mrs.) H eat orange and I t nion Juice and pastry one-third inch thick. Cut Into
farmed by Dr W. C. Rebfcan a t the Andrew Campbell and d aughter, of g rated rind In a double boiler. Mix four-inch squares Place a spoonful ,
Pacific C hrist-an hospital Sunday, i Amity, spent the week-end visiting at 3-4 cup of su g ar and flour until well of the Bam bury m ixture In the center
Boy Is Born__A 10-pound baby bo- ,h e
B F lin tr v home here. Mrs b le n d e d ;'a d d to hot Juice and cook of ta c h sqliar . fold over In a tri­
e s born S itu rd a y to Mr and Mrs
»* ^»r - F lan ery 's sister. All unt! thick. Beat egg yolks, add to hot angle, brush the edges w ith cold wat
Law rence Goss’e r of Thurston, His attended the O. A. C.-U. of O. foot­ m ixture an 1 cook 5 m inutes Beat e r and press together. Bake In a hot
ball game in Eugene. Saturday.
"gg wh*teg until stiff, add 1-4 cup oven.
nam e is Jam es Lawrence.
sugar. Fold Into hot m ixture and pour
Apple Roll.
E lectric S uperintendent H ere— As­
Mrs. C lark - Hon»e—Mrs. H erbert F
into a baked p astry shell. Place In a
Make a flaky or plain pastry. Roll
sistan t E lectric S uperin ten d en t Wai-
C larke returned to h e r home Satur-
slow oven and bake until the top Is out to one dtlr-l le rh thickness. Cov- -
’ te r Smith of the Mountain S tates Pow-
•d ay a fte r a few days visit in P o rt­
a delicate brown, about eight m inute- I er with thinly I Ire I nic ies, sprinkle
, e r com pany's Albany offices was a
T his last may be om itted if w ish' d. I with su g ar and a little nutm eg and
visito r a t the local "plant of th e com ­
Cool thoroughly before serving.
dot with bits of b u tter, about one (
R a i'rra d Man Here— Ernes? Stroud, pany Tuesday.
I tablcspoonful. Roll as for a Jelly roll. [
B utteracotch Pie.
tr a 'n m a a te r a t Engine, was a visitor
Loyal Legion to Meet— Loyal Le-I 1 1-2 cur» brown sugar.
I brush fhe edges with cold w ater and j
at th e local So-fThern Pacific office ’ Iglen of lo g g e rs and Lum berm en.!
2 tablespoons butter.
! p nch together. Bake In a hot oven !
I Springfield local, will meet at the , 4 ta b ltsro o n s corn starch or flour. and serve with a hard sauce
2 eggs, separated.
Coburg R esidents tie rs__Mr. and Woodmen of the World hall Monday
If you a re in terested In th se Mas­
Mrs. H. R. Slavens of Coburg w ere night. S ecretary D. W. McKinnon an-j 1 egg. beaten.
reclpea, 11-s. DeGrnf will be glad
business visitors in Springfield F r i - inounced today. Convention reports
to send you her free booklet "kfy Food
will be the principal topic of the meet-
1 2 cup cold m lk.
D elights from X M aster Recipes."
I teaspoonful van I a flavoring.
, ing.
Portland Men H ere—C arol Moiri
Mix flour or corn starch with cold A request to Mrs. Belle DeGraf. DI­
Buys Eugene P roperty—Nick Skib-
son and Dr. Rem elm eyer of Portland
milk to a sm ooth p aste add to b u t 1 rector.' Home Service Bureau. S perry
Wire ?- -e Saturday visiting at th e ec-k y . of Springf eld. h a - p u rc h a s e d a
f ( c ,. Q T e r h o t
,,n tii [ Flour Co . San Francisco. Calif will
hom e of the form er's brother, E. E house and lot on Lincoln street. Eu­ ; thlovk, about 15 m inutes. B eat I egg j bring It to you.
M orr son.
j e gene.
' “r ' llu
“‘ Andrew r F ish er of th at
yolks and add to th e thi.-k
city, it was announced by a local real--
Leave to r Texas—
E. P a rr and tor. Mr. Skibensky bought th e place n
m ixture.
rs mix
fam ily I< ft Springfield S aturday on a as an Investm ent, and will rem ain tllre ls r °° nS pi1 1 * Rnk-‘r
I b u tte r In a saucepan and cook, stir-
m otor tr p which will probably take in Spr ngfleld.
r'fiE constantly until perfectly blend-
th m to T<-xas. svhpre they will mak«-
. . „
. „
. .
th eir home
H ere ,rom P ortland— Dr and MrF ed and s“ «ar ll! «omwwhnl m elted.)
W ilmot F o ster and children spent the Add th is to the o th er m ixture, cook
C alifornian
Is V isitor — Millard week-end a t th e home of Mrs. Foster"« i until thick. Add vanilla and pour Into
Scott, O A. C. graduate now living P «*nt> , Mr. and Mrs. F A. D ePu-. a baited pastry »bell. WTten cool, beat
at W h itfe r, California, visited John T h* Fosters are both g rad u ates of the the whites of two eggs very stiff.
Bushm an of the Springfield Mill and U niversity of Oregon, and attended Add gradually 4 tablespoons of sugar
Grton company Monday. The two are th e football gam e in Eugene Saturday.
and a few drops of vanilla. Pile on
eld college acquaintances.
Baby Girl W elcomed—A 9-pound top of pie and set ln a Blow oven un­
girl was we cocned into th e home of
R eturn to Medford— Miss Ella Boes-
til a delicate brown, about eig h t min-
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Signor, of A ber­
-td Mr and Mrs. J. L eonard o f|
deen, W ashington, N ovem ber 16. The
M e-if'-i. retu rn ed to th eir hom es Mon
Signors are form er Springfield peo­
day after spending th e week-end a t
the home of D-. and Mrs. W. H. P o l-,
lard of Springfie d.
w ^ -a s e M t
T here In a natural)
tranquility mid simple
beauty about our Scr-
vloe of S i n c e r i t y ,
& 6 2 -J
Planld. dignified, It I k
a t-etvmonial of kind-
nesa ami um bm tam l-
S pringfield , ore .
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
Enroll Today
It’n A Good School
A. E. Roberta. Preeldent
»92 W illamette St.
Phone 666
Eugene, Oregon
Springfield Bakery
Here’s n bake »hop that pritlen Itself on the high quality
of ita produrla.
Whtilher It bn TbankagivinK or any oliti t
■euacn of the year you are aeeured that everything we
bake Is made from pure*! ingrotlienta, rich In food pntper-
tiea For Thunk-iKlvlug Day Dinner we have many particu­
larly good ihlngd.
Pumpkin pies, m incemeat pies, Hikes, pantries, bread and
freah from the oven every morning.
Fred Frene, Prop.
Phone fil
Fourth and Main St.
Wanted—A Job
Baby Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. ,
ent ; of
7-pcund baby boy. bom a t I want to work for YOU:
Smith of Marcola a re tne par-
I can double the am ount of
the Pacific C hristian hospital Sunday work YOU now produce!
n r r" lr g The new vhm er h a s been
And thereby inereafie YOUR
named R obert Lee.
01 v "»h influenza—Myrr.' McKin­
non li» le d aughter of Mr. and ?.frs.
TV W McKinnon '» confined to h er
borne th ‘s week w ith a case of In­
N ursing Infected Hand—Mrs. Guy
H alsev is nu rsin g an Infected band
?uatalned w hile she w a s w orking ln
a cannery a t Eugene.
Here fo r Funeral—Out-of-town rela­
tives who w 're here to atten d the
funeral of tb " late Charles F. Scott,
and have retu rn ed to th e ir hom es
were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jellison and
children of Portland. Mrs. I). Green
cf Ro: eburg. G-orge HaK and son,
Leslie, of R o t-b u rr Mrs, R. Jones, of
S ealtle. will rem ain ln Springfield
over the week before re tu rn in g to
het home.
I can cut in half YOUR
daily w orri-»!
And double or treble YOUR
enjoyment of LIFE!
I can, in short, makq, LIFE
Itself a pleasure!
And I come where the door
is open!
I will cost you less than I
e a rn !
For I am a FRTEND.
The m ost pleasant tasting.
The m ost effective.
Geo. A. Simon
’Course you know just as well as we know that a fine
turkey doesn't always make a fine Thanksgiving dinner.
While It plays a very im portant part without the trim ­
mings it wouldn’t he particularly appetizing. Anil If the
dinner Is to be a big success they must he right To he
sure they will he let us supply them.
The m ost satisfactory relief
for colds we know of.
-they wear well. Don’t throw
-• way those old. shoes when the
soles wear through. Take them
to the Electric Shoe Repairer,
Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure,
When you have us repair
Science of Restoring Health them there is always double
your money’s worth of really
through the Nerves.
comfortable wear in them
LicenFe No. 300
Phone 356J
John 11, Will, Prop.
Over Penney Store, Eugene ¡\faln St. Retween 3rd & 4trh
Thanksgiving Delicacies
Safe for children as well as
Contains no opiates.
Larger size hottie than most
cough remedies a t the price.
Mince Meat
Plum Pudding
Fruit Salad
Careful attention given to all phone orders
delivery promised.
and prompt
9 »HUE FflOflT GROCERY - 9