The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 19, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, NOV. li». 1925.
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----- ------------------------------
Community News
A baby »
Mu i,
lxi batto
bur 14
In Mr. unit
h‘u -ml m u
■I molo, i I H
nluy, Mi vota* '
m. Il J Eng* '
Charles Curtis, Master Political
Strategist Can Save President’s
Ebbing Power and Prestige
By Spacial
C o rre sp o n d an ts
I m U k S i ON
J. unin
Lodi um un
Hai .h u. ■ mid non* from
i*lu i*l A ï illude
fluy » i U i
in n tun) fui inly.
I. j-
u, y
So 2d ? . ./¡liiani AJcii VM ni la.
V. ,, t Things Kait an Can
W reit Re*lno of Authority
Etoin Coiigrtsa
f Senator Charles C ,
He sought them and
runt him a» w orth while,
he value of patronage,
hat no m an 1» in office
friends. Dai ding friend-
a pro:'»-«lo... He stood
but the Ituniator al w as
e shrl ka of the re-
rh a fm for bis e ar
hl» objective and
he tri i T he g re a t railroad
b i l Jtttl m eaning as a d is .r-
n an«, ihv man who con-
th railroad vote, the attorn-
th e railroads, the off etui»
w ord w a x 'la rg e ly law w ere
?d as the key factor» to be con­
sidered. An 1 so C ro u g h th» U nited
.State» Senate this wise and u n d ’ r-
»•.an*line man ha» gathered to h m-
»elf a deep rooted knowledge of hu­
man n atu re an I a host of friends wi'.h
power am! faith In the S fn a to r from
K ansas, fo r he never breaks his word,
and h‘ Is never too tired to seek a
favor foF a friend.
If the senate line» up for w ar w th
Coolidge on the Issue df leadership,
then if th e president wins the man
from K ansas m ere than lliteiy the
tom ahaw k w if be buried, and C h ie f
Save His Face perhaps retain full
fe a the rg
'’ ’M L wkk - w
M argan t I iiiuplieU from I
era! dnya lu»t w
Hull mi
Erf ward Percy Howard,
it; r e la t if u livre.
mil II i
utaud tuen five hundred
i. Alberti Wt
and daug
T pit III!,
<ml lio /t lirut
»ly stupid, four h u B 'inil
Kdeaaa, Bilge
und ttliirl
Un b
»rhuoi r «b itu u inani ui
<i d ifferent. n inety ra ttle
L e u lllll'K Vini il ut A, B. Mul
bu» ki
Frlduy, Nov« mlisr 13 by u
ulylze and sense
lome Severit)
lust w e'k .
11 t io y rh i r who playvd
f I he world, and
Tlie stu d en
te of th è lilglt «mi Biadi
on Ur
lit athoal ft » Intim i u u sii sihool tn jo v n l u vacation T h lirtd ay Olle '« I I »puille and wishful of
» w r i'
. . i i . •
Wort •M rice llanahadlsr* ro a te ri
alni F r'd ay wbll» th è lia i lier» ut*
“ Your face is fam iliar" T hat's
I A r u I u U t i i ' i uml Harold IMIIy,
them In i r n »» and boldly grimptug
li'io led In u lltp lo Iti Eug«-r .
w hat they all «ay to Chief Two
Kuuriin; (' Ilford
H auler uml Lyman
Guns W hite Calf, who posed for
.MI»» ljenuf» fro i. L en b u rx spim i th e rein to d r ve. Such a man 1«
Tliik**r, fo ra. ,1«
Curili if K ansas, t|i- man to whom
the Indian head on your five cent
T h ursdsy n lrh i wHh M lldr.-I ì ’rl-c
pieces. He recently attended the
T h » ( l u i i u i i body of Union high
Alien W hite SJiyu f’r* «ldcnt
Howard Bstialimiin frum Eugeni- Willi«
first G rand Pow-Wow of Indian
•< bool No I will give a progntiii mid »peni W ednesdùy night In T burslou t'oolldae m m t lock for Ibe »ulvutlon
T ribes in Seattle, Wash
ba»k»t social Huiunluy ii I k IU, N o -
M iss"« Altee Cd vert ami Lucile of Ills power au 1 p restige, providing
v»iul»-r 21 ul H it’rbx k at Uir high j
Jackson from Hugrne vinile 1 relu luw ays pre»ldentlal power an I p res­
and be an o th er bidden to w alk to
io hoot Thn proceed» Bo Into the stud Uve» b e re th è lu tte r p a rt of Im j weclt 1 tige a re destin ed to bo preserved,
Topeka and shape his future, He
out body fund
walked, and followed then th e im ­
The L adies' uid ne t w th Mr» ftenu and the head of the n at'o n he restor*
Mt»« Resale Feagles, a Junior al th«- j
■ d us leader of our political destinies,
press of New E ngland thought. C har­
E dm lrton lust T hursday.
blab school, '«»» operated on T h u rs , Mr« William
" l i l t s m ay «peak truly. Ho tnny
les gave up “Jockeying" and w ent to
llarn ett hn» been
day ul mldniKhl lor appendicitis. At qnlet III wltli lnt»«llnnl flu
prove u prophet. T he a m s e l deter-
Sagacious political leader from
lust report« »he wit« doing nicely.
Kansas, in whop* veins runs the
G u ls RtBH s p e ll „„.at of last we* k
,0 cllp lhe
H is firs t Job was th a t of a re ­
Th*. o m g n gallon of the I'lcasunt In Oakrtdg*
” f l ’,e ««mate and th u s reestab lish blood and fighting instinct of
porter on a N orth Topeka paper.
Hill C hristian church ruined 1253 no , Miss Dorothy Travis». who la tr-seb-
In the executive head of
Then cam e politic». W hen he was
by personal subscription Bunday f«»r|ln|c
c a n a ry , aIa0 MIh, HeI<fh T rav . governm ent may m ake th e K ansas
R ooreveltlan I'rogresslvlsm was part tw enty-four, having studied
a new •furino e, and a carpe! fur thè ,
who 1« teaching al S pencer creek, i
! » * « < « • ll,e • » » « .In g : b u l l of the game, just a» standing unflln Shaw nee county elected him as pros-
rn s ttu n i am i ulule«
spent the w eek en d with th»lr pur If the u: per bouse «lands firm under «•mngly Iig.iln. W ilsonian d - n o c r a r v ecutlng a tto rn ey T he county -was
Il (' Wbe. lei Is bl«»y Ruttlllg lid i
the fir» of our hero with Iho rev er­
entS here.
wa p art of the game, and not bo- dry. The folks witl^ the pull w anted
Croaa menile rollìi»« Ibis weck
able i Ipe. |f the so ale give defiance
Ml«« E idlne C aru th ers, who I,
cause this b g silent man from Kan- it w et, and »o they slipped the “Jo
rico v eriti
t»aehlng at C anary, »pent the wowk- to th - ravings of the root), theu un aa» regarded o r p-ven now regard»
ennugh frolli hi» r i t m i Ulne«« to al
ijuestlonably fhe pre« dent must grasp
•nd with home folks
uny of these ¡»sues or any of th»
temi iduir, li Sumlay,
Mr It ,M I’rlee from Notl Is visit a bund such as th a t <f C urtis*to load rip u behind them as at all Im portant.
Hold F arew sll Party.
lug his »on, John and faintly hare
Too n -'itte porhap» to »ay so. Cur­
Mr un I Mit
It .1 Kngtlsh and
His Rise to Power.
Mr and Mr.» Gli-n R iddle from
daughter, M argaret. s e r e
¿to n er
Why C u rtis’— Because h< Is th e tis s-em s (o view the passing of the
Springfield, at» nt Friday ev nlbg al
th ro n t w ilt
tlndly sym pathy, au
gue«t« |f Mi and Ma» W I, Rrlatow
one outstan d in g figure l„ W ashing- .
•ehn Kdntla'nn
ca«v ,
but a roil! disdain.
T hursday, N ovetnher 12 In th a fter
T h e re wiu« a p a rly
nt th e hall
so'.ne’h 'n g iu h » In-
tinon tli» bulle« of thè nelghle ritorni
Thnraduy evening. Several of the Bornli with b » brllllapce and lud - ' jff«ri •!< od that m ake« him Instinc-
gathered at (he Bristow home a« a i
penitence - a«'» bin shadow from the
farew ell In Mrs. English Those pre« i ung folks ftoot Leubttrg attended. llud .im to the Gol !»n G ate; th>- na- tively Im pervious, while outw ardly
John William from C ottage (¡rove
flm- !e. persuasive and home
ent w ere Mr* Robltjett, S r, Mr« Tru
• ’on knows and adm ire» him ; th | hr- id.
man llo h jm lt, Mr; B n u g h r u M r « i motor* d over to see h s brother, p< o p le like his fighting p r.ver; but y In m anner If voq wore! know the
W oodward nn I son. (lb nil. Mrs E i G. i rre, Friday evening.
they an aly te him Th?y e a n t analyx- fcrl. k consider the m 'xiure.
H aitln g s and son. Leland,
In h erit« F ig h tin g In stin c t.
Y Swift. Ml
Mdler, Mr-. E It Tin ' John
C urtls. Curtl» rooves behind
th*’ !
her. Ml-» Juiiiitiii Lom bard, Mrs. S H. I fro'i Eugene, visit* I s few days licit «eem » No calcium o p erato r has yi I ' The daughter of W hite Plumo, a
Ksw Indian chief wa« the great
t'allin u i. Mi« llrlsto u . Mr», t' L. • ie k a t Fred d ray 's.
b e n found quick enough to throw
Earl Jo n es from Hood Klver was
grandm other of C urtis of K mea», hl
W illiams. Mrs. English, M.irg.irgl Eng
the ro i UrlH upon h in He moves
In T h u rsti n T hursday
Hut* ami Donne Je a n n e Tinker.
with th e s« lf-re l!.n c . and »Hence of K ™ 1 urandfath. r being a F renchm an
Velva Hills of D exter, a student at | P srry Price aud Jay G rant, who are th e panther, and Is In d eterm ln H h
<h '-r - •” *»"
the I'nlon high school, ha« been os I ntfendlng O A C nt Corvallis, spent alien to a ttain hl» objective. H e i 08 “ ,n,1' Bn a,Iotm ent p te,e to North
the weuk-end at th eir hom es here.
H ere you will f nd your gu est's favorite candy—w ith which to
• the slek list for several weeks.
know . men. he know . life, th e senses , Topeka. K ansas. T here am ong the
Miss W urllng from E lm ira wus In moving Impulses
com plete the T hanksgiving feajsL Every one h a s th eir own prefer­
Mr. .and Mr» Ed tllblw ns and three
From the g reat H»''»"». «’»'»rle. C nrtls cam e Into be
sons, N orman. Paul and Stanley o f, Hliurwton Sunday.
ence in candy and here you will find a ew eet to gratify every taste—
heights of his w estern m ountain« h e , ’"« ,h “ h,>' r of CaPtfl!n ° ’ A' C ur,!’ '
O akland, C a lf ., a re atopplng al th e | r r “nk R 'n n le . w ho Is a traveling
, . ..
. hum
___ an- who won hl» spurs In th e civil war,
bonbons, chocolate cream s, nut oenters, candied fruit—b itter c r milk
vlt wa 'h . e m ass of . struggling
home of Dr aud Mra. Holm of P leas-,
Sunday with his par*
b. low. . l i c k to put hl» ttn g 't o r ,
an, m u
I "nt«. Mr. and Mrs W illiam Rennie By
. .
, .k
i 'g ran d m o th er. Pam ella H ubbard tu r -
th e forcea th at m ake the m annequins ; " ,
, ,
,.k ,
, tls gave to him that strain of blood
Boy John retu rn ed from Columbia
„ ,, .
k k , k
squirm and wiggle. C harles C u rtis 1« .
U lllle Goff from the fish halchery
th at throbbed w ‘th the spirit of New
Falls, Montanu, T hursday. November
1 a full else man. Ju«t as he I* no man « '
England, blood that surgfd for thrift. ;
m an, desp ite th e oft repeated InueniV |
his g ran d p aren ts, Mr and .Mrs. Wm
97 School Children.
th a t he haa re a e h “d the p 'n n a rle of j for order, for system , for sterlin g hon-
esty and correct devetlonal exercis- j
According to the school census of Bennie.
preferm ent while running erran d s for
Mrs. H elen Cam pbiJ Is spending
P leasant Hill th ere a re B7 children
the railroads. H alf his life h a s been es.
He was raised In the atm osphere ,
belwnen the age» of 5 and 20. Thirty- the w etk with h er m other. Mra. llar-
spent In g etting o th er men Jobs. "The
of th e prairie. T aken to the reserv a­
five girls, thirty-one buys. Of this hlt.
1 riff raff of the nation." cry his ene-
Mr nnd Mrs. W illiam C ulver from
tion when he was th ree y ears old ’
num ber, 29 new nam es are on the cen­
j mles. "T h ey ail died poor," replle«
and m otherless. Ills boon com panions
sus. Of this num ber 24 are children Eugene visited relativ es h ere Sun­
IC urtis, w riting a m aster b r‘ef In four
—at home m eans a whole lot of fussing and fixing in a
who have come Into th e P e a s a n t Hill day.
I sb<-t words C urtis him self has nol were t.he dogs and horses. R aised In
hot kitchen, with dishes to wash afterw ards. Come beta
D. O. Beugh. who underw ent a ma
Ih'e saddle, at tw elve he was “the In- |
d istrict since fhe last census, rep re­
too many dollars to hl» nam e, yet
for a delicious Turkey dinner and enjoy the whole day.
senting nine fam ilies, eight of which Jor operation a t th e Ihiclflc hospital
dian Jockey," riding for r r zes at
I he Is p erhaps the m aster politician
festival g a th - 'n g s .
have purchased farm s al P leasant Hill some tim e ago was able to retu rn
$1 dinner served from 12 to 8 o’clock.
j of hl., tim e If th e tim e sha'j come
cam e the tra n sfe r of t*- Kaw Indians j
w ithin the last year.
win a he must help Coolidge probably
Audit» M athews from O akridge was
T here w ill he an
to Indian T erritory, »ml C harles was ■
, l,<
11 do so because It 'a part of th"
T hanksgiving service at the Pleasant In T hurston T hursday.
"-•hoeed" to IPs pa‘ — ial grandm other. I
gam e. Just as resistin g Populism was
B orn—Al th* Pacific C hristian fcos-j
Hill church T hanksgiving m orning
W hen th e day of parting cam e his |
Cream Tom ato Sotlp
followed by a hnakot com m unity din pltal In Eugene S aturday, N o v em b er, ,lhI 1
*um4>' ’ut,t ag com batting
Indian g ran d m e'h er faced one way. ;
Celery and Ripe Olives
ner. Everyone Is Invited to come and 14. a 10 1-2 pound eon. to Mr. and
Roast Turkey with Celery Dressing
bring their dinner with them A sp e­ Mrs. latw rence G oatler of T hurston
Whipped Potatoes
cial Invitation is given to all the new ­
Mrs Bny Baugh had a slight opera-
com ers of the district.
lion perform ed In her m outh a few
Cream Peas or Corn
The fam ily of W l'l M athews, who daya ago.
Coffee or Tea
Hot Minced Pie
broke his leg last week while working
In the woods, Is nt th e home of Mr.
CALL AND BEE Dr N. W. E m eri
and Mra. Thom pson Morae at P leas­
nn orl os nn nlst- and o th er wnrk ’•
ant HUI.
* T
To Top Of- the Feast
Thanksgiving Dinner
(Form erly Hall’s Cafe)
Mare Than Three Hundred Year» Ago
T he Pilgrim F a th e rs were forced to carry a blunderbuss w here
over they went. T hey know the value of PROTECTION. A fter a
year of hardalilpa they se t a day and called It T hanksgiving, th e first
Tliiiiikaglving Every year th ereafter they celebrutoil tho day and In
tills m anner the habit has come down to us.
Today, th ree hundred y ears later, people alao kqow the value of
PR 0T B 0T IO N . It la not. nroeaaary Io curry n blunderbuss, hut It Is
NECESSARY to bank your money, valuable papers and Jewelry. The
U topia which 1» abnolutely free from d an g er of th ^ ft Is y et to be
found, and until It la It wll* be necivseary to place valuables lu th eft
proof places. Wo solicit your business.
Springfield, Oregon
For The Thanksgiving Dinner
We can supply you with the m any necessary delicacies
th a t go to m ake up the successful Thanksgiving dinner.
Our stouk is fresh and every brand speaks quality. Lowest
E R A X 5
G reat gran d fath er had to go out and shoot h is T hanksgiving bird.
All you have to do is go to the phone and call 63 and a big plum p
Juicy tu rk ey will be delivered rig h t to your door. AU picked and
dressed, ready for your oven.
T he choicest and te n d e re st birds In town.