The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 19, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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THURSDAY, NOV. 1«. 1926.
Vuloee the rnanknglvtng turkey
market Is unusdally high (he majority
I of the Umpqua valley birds wll bu
held over« until Christmas. Growers
i report that their birds this year are
¡shove the nveruge In slse, but are not
1 yet rally fattened.
Mak« Lins Change.
Brandall In Town— U. D. Brendell
Hsrs from Thurston— Mrs. Al Weav­
waa In town from up the river Tues­ er of Thurston was In Springfield
Power load on the line from Copco day.
shopping Tuesday.
to (iprlngfb Id was < ut down half this
week with the completion of changes
In lines wti reby the Portland Elec
Ir'c Power company furnishes a. I
power to the lower end of the Wl^
lamette valley, from Hpripgfleld,
north. The change had no effect on
the local plant of the Mountain
States Power company. Employes of
the company started work here on
942 Willamette St.
the rebuilding of the Mountain State*
Urn- betwe n here and Albany. Cop­
per stored on tbe vacant, lot near
Men’s Suits, In grey, blues,
Men’s Blazers A new ship-
tbe local plant for severi weeks was
fancy plaids, all wool-
being removed this week In prepara­
In all colors,
tion for the work.
j Kaylug th at'h e feared the attitude
of upper classmen regarding the af-
Brief Resume of Happenings of
fulr, a University o f Oregon freshman
The ccrnersliine of the Veterans appeared In Sprlngflsk) Tuesday, and
the Week Collected for
' Memorial hospital at Klamath Falls I sought a murrlage license both at a
Our Readers.
¡was laid with appropriate ceremonies local real estate office und at the city
by the American Legion post. The I hall quarters of Justice of the Peace
1 building Is being erected to the mem
Rk W Smith Publicity that might re­
Klititittih Fulls now tin* * population
ery ot world war veterans by the peo­ sult from hbi obtaining the license
o t ti'mrly 10,000 it Is ■■»tlmatotl.
ple of Kluiunth county.
at the Eugene courthouse led him to
I'bin» (or I ho organisation of a civic
John SV. Blodgett of Grand Rapid». try Springfield offices, the would-be
I vukuo uro motor way at Kllvortun
Midi., and his associates have pur- brldgegrcout told Justice Smith.
An luernaaa of
children of school ■-In Hi d approximately
W'thout power to aid tbe youth.
aa>< In Euguno was found by the school feet of yellow fir timber In Tlllumook
Justice Smith advised him to try Eu­
census onuinoratora thia your
county from ths W. H. White Lum­
gene and trust to luck, or go to Rose­
from $3.98 $5.98
The population of the county Jail bar coni puny. The consideration whs
burg or other nearby county seat. The
Overcoats, wool, cassa-
nt Salem has dropped to 17. the «mail said tn have been approximately 32.- j
student tnld the Justice he was of age,
Call for School Warrants.
«■«I number of prisotmrs In more than 000.uoo.
miar, worsted, fancy plaids
was a member of the reporting staff
a year.
. Three boya. iMd Ward. Al Bchufer
Bprlngfld d. Ore.. Nov. 12, 1926.
of the Oregon Dally Emerald, halted
Priced at
Notice Is hereby given that School
Jnffemon county s< hool» were clon­ and Charles Anderson, students of
from California where marriage li­
Diet. No. 19, Lane Co., Oregon, will
ed two day» lost wuek to permit tench Ihu Eugene high school, were arrest
censes could be obtained from almost
era to attend the Instllut« held at ed whlls attempting to break Into a
pay at tbe office of the School Clerk,
any notary oubllc.
City Hall. Springfield. Ore., School
Men’s neckwear for Xmas.
The board of trunteen of Linfield 1 i n us which hue played nn Important
Wheat Arrlvst Hsrs— Two cudoads Warrants 662 to 769 Incisive. Inter­
good assortment of pat­
Men’s hose, a real value,
college at McMinnville hne decided to
•if wheat arrlvod here from eastern est ceases after Nov. 214b, 1925
raise **90,00* tor new buildings ami lamette valloy.
Or gun Tuesday. They were consign
Both Klamath Falls bunks aro re- ed to the Springfield Mill and Grata
Clerk of School District,
f fusing Io cash Kbmutth county road company.
Springfield, Ore.
The bed of lower Klumnth Inltu yield­
ed 46 bushel« of rye to nn acre thia warrants. The banks point out that
year on a 378 acre tract, according to the road fund Is now overdrawn to the
extent of 3 DI. uoo and they refuse to
M .Metachcnbachcr.
Wtv.wiiac— six— as— s i n issa ami mos — — —
handle thia paper uulll the county
llernd Christianson. 79. nu Inmale 'court gives lhint some uasarance as
o f the Lutheran home for the axed to when they will he paid.
near Eugene, sustained a broken neck
llallol Ct let for a constitutional
when he fell off a barn.
' amendment and Initiative measure
The etty council of tUndon has In-
authorising the state to engage In the
atolled W. II. Foster of that city as development of hydroelectric power
city recorder to fill the vacancy caus­ were prepured by the attorney general
ed by the death of Jamas Mast.
al Salem. Both the proposed amend­
The McKensle pa»» hlghw sy. over ments and the measure are sponsored
the summit o f the Caacadss was open by the Oregon state grange.
ed to traffic again after having been
There were two fatalities In Oregon
closed two days on account of deep 1
dua to Industrial accidents during
the week ending November 13. accord­
Establishment of a branch ot the ing to a report prepared by the stale
W est Coast Tanning company In Industrial accident commission. The
Salem will ba considered at the next : victims Included A. Klelndlest. Spring- ;
meeting of the local chamber ot com­ field, powderman. and William S. Or-
mand, Portland, (ruck driver.
The Arlington city council has ap­
Federal assistance In maintaining
proved the city budget for 1926. In and Improving Chutnpoeg park, one
the amount of 321.14K, us against •of ihe moat historic sputa In the Pa-
322 445 for the year 1935, a reduc­ ‘ d flc northwest, was advocated by Al-
tion of *300.
j bert Toiler, caretaker. In a letter
Tranchell A I'arcllus of Portland received al Ibe offices -of the state j
were awarded the contract for the tiuard of control. During the summer
general construction work of the state of 1825 a total of 11.600 persons visit- j
normal school at AnhlamL Their bid ed the park.
■K N guam M aa
was *109.972.
Umatilla county has received Judg­
t<f 3177,622.04
That he would he a candidate for ments
governor on the republican ticket at ! against. owners of property In the •
the coming primaries was the an­ county on which luxes are delinquent. >
nouncement made at fo-nd by Jay H. | The lands have been ordered sold.
Upton, slab, senator.
The total bonded Indebtedness of the >
' city of Salem la 3430.000. according to
A total of 251 persons were arrest-
ed for violations of the state prohibi­ figures compiled by 8. K. Purvlna, a
tion laws during October, according to member of the city council.
a report prepared by William 8. i The Jury trying J. S. Trent at Mo
Mlnnvtllo for murder r 'turned a ver­
Ijev eu . state prohibition, director.
When Mr. and Mrs Newton Smith dict of guilty of manslaughter. Trent
drove up to their home In Snletn Fri­ shot und killed George llamlln ot
day night they discovered a large Portland, and dangerously wounded
whitb hen roosting on the front bump­ his father as the llamlln purty was I
er of the machine. The hen wan Stopped alongside the foriqer'a farm
September 15. It was Trent's conten­
Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive- of tion that the Hamlins hud been In his
Portland, during the month of Octo­ watermelon patch
Georg« A. Loud, who served 20 years
ber aggregated 3I6S.7OII.34. according
to a report prepared by the stab! In congress from Michigan, was killed
fire marshal. There were a total of In a wreck near Coquille. He was
tiling with J. 8. Whitaker when the
66 fires.
Hay Jlllson. 34, a Southern Pacific xuluniobtla collided with the rear end
ticket agent at Ashland, shot Mrs of a truck parked on a turn In the
Fred Nell, 36, and then, turning the road. Mr. Loud had spent several
pistol upon himself, committed sul- months at Myrtle Point, looking after
old«, at the Nell residence, where extensive timber Interests. He was
We will continue to make service quality, and workmanship our ideals
about 70 years old.
Jlllann lodged.
in this business as have Mr. Wing and Mr. Anderson. The Ford policy
White cedar logs to the number of
Whether the teachers employed In
the Salem schools will receive salary 2000 were floated down the middle
enjoyed the world over will be lived up to in every detail at our place.
Increases aggregating approximately fork of the Coquille river In one of
*30.000 annually, will be decided by
the voters at a special election to be cent rains were sufficient In volume
to give a good head tor the several
We carry a full line of Ford cars, trucks and tractors in stock. We
held December 8.
splash dams which were used to float
One hundred and four mills report­ the drive. The outgo belonged to the
have also a large and complete line of parts and accessories, so there is
ing to West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ Coos Ray Lumber company and to
no delay in any of our service.
ciation for the week ending November the Western White Cedar company.
7 manufactured lOO.N6O.4tK feet of
The Washington. D. C., office of the
lumber, sold 91,063,431 feet and ship­
biological survey tins requaated a com­
ped 96.696.647 feet.
The garage and service department in Springfield is regarded as one
plete* survey of the rodent condition
Outstanding bonds of the state of I In the a u to of Oregon, particularly In
of the best Ford agencies in the Willamette valley. We will soon move/
Oregon November 1 of this year ag j regard to tbe numbers In oountles
gregaled 380,589.690, while the total ! where campaigns huve been curried
to a fine new concrete building being erected especially for us at the
credits were *, according ' on as compared with numbers In those
to a report prepared by Thomas U. counties before campaigns were start­
Corner of Fith and A. streets. Here we will have one of the largest and
Kay. slate treasurer.
ed, according to Ira N. Gahrlelson.
best plants to be found anywhere.
Thu Flora Logging company of Carl­ leader of the rodant control service.
ton gave the logging world something
The federal government, while It
to shoot at when they loaded 70 cars would bo glad to sanction construction
of large logs with one W illamette load­
Come in and renew acquaintances even if you are not in the market fcr
of a wild bird refuge In the Klamath
ing machine Ui eight hours IS minutes. luke bed srpa of southern Oregon and
a Ford- There <s something new and interesting in Ford products all the
The net acale wan 611,697 feet.
northern California, has no funds tn
The annual conference of editors use tn constructing such A preserve,
time. Besides we are always glad to see you.
nnd business managers of the P adflo was the position which interior depart­
Intercollegiate PresS association con­ ment officials took In response to
vened at Eugene with 24 delogatea, suggestions from the Klainnth district
representing every collegiate news that the reclamation service should
paper on the coast. In attendance.
undertake the establishment of a bird
A high wind, bordering on a torna­ refuge there.
do, caused damage In the rural dis­
Oregon pensions have been granted
tricts lying between Independence, as follows: Charles T. IJvntiH, lhirt-
Polk county and Liberty, Marlon coun­ land, *12 a month; Frank Woodruff,
ty, aggregating approximately *2000. Portland, 316; George L. Cunningham.
The storm followed a path 150 feet Portland, *30; Maude M. Hathaway.
Portland, 320; Lucy L. Thomas. Port­
A report favoring the deepening ot land, 33(1; Jessie II. Stewart. Portland.
the Columbia river channel between *30; Fred E. Hoskln, Portland, 315;
the Tongue Point naval base and the Edward S. Warner, Portland. 312;
mouth ot the stream hoa been made Horace B. Coolidge, La Grande, *18;
to Major-General Harry Taylor, chief Ernest Wagoner, Prineville, *16; John
of engineers, United States army, by W. Gates, Creawell, *13; May T. Moon,
Major R. T. Coiner, diutrlot officer at i Eugene, 320; George A. Rice, Cor-
J vallls, *15.
5 1 9 .7 5 to $ 3 4 .7 5
5 1 4 .7 5
5 2 9 .7 5
5 1 .9 8
have purchased the FORD Agency and
Garage of the Anderson-Wing Motor comp­
any at Springfield and assumed possession
Monday, November 16. To all the customers
of the • ' old firm we send * greetings and desire
to make many more friendships such as
yours has been with this institution.