FAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TUIC QPDIM PCTF1 R I n iL o r M l l U r i L L U NFW Q I y E» v t Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by We are tod to believe th a t If th* oourt m artini' MANY STUDENTS AT ORE- »0 convicts and punishes Colonel Mitchell there will AOr CC1 <- c . n n ^ n - r , . , , I be a revision of court m artial law before long. SELF SUPPORTING * T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. K MAXEY, Editor • Three Months _ . ..Tie Stngle Copy 5c W a tte rv llla Man In— Char '<•« Jaa «en liny Your Christina« Carda from of W ullervllle waa a buatneaa v altor tho Newa While there la a large «loch In Springfield Tu«>«day • * * * « * j university are partially or wholly ' a«' f-aapportln*. idle The»« figure« h a v e’ juat he. n an- nounctxt by the rF«lMrar*ii office. Of th»’ 1TM «tudrut* on th«* vfcmput, , Balloon trousers are the latest stuff but high ' ,u "r" “ ‘"U'l'icly »■ *r- 7 s ,..r cam am from »» • • • i to 7jk i .r cent •rlf nurp.' 14 is per e. in m e (ruin "4 to .‘>0 per ««nt • I'nless one is asham ed of himself now and then «elf aupp.-rt'ug: ».$« are i.»« Mmtt so per cent Orly 1« «'<9 per rent give no • he is not honest. • * * source of tnrotne • If you get excited over short skirts It doesn’t Tty men are tar ahead of women In • take much to excite you. , j percentage of «elf support. tho figure« w »how. Five hundred ami fi^v It-ur • Samson was the first anti-bob agitator. rmn and IPS women are totally »elf « • • • • aueporting. » • Senior» and graduate students lean E d ito r ia l C o m m en t • In th e amount the)' contribute to their e • e • own aupport • KEEPING TIIE BALANCE OF WORK AND PLAY. Yaking the atu lent body «« a whole What hop become of all the time saved by modern ma there are 747 who are totally Inde- i chinery. invent'on and industrial processes? The IS. prndent; 203 more than 76 per cent 'hour fa^forV day has disappeared, the lOhour U going »«if supporting; 404 »ho are more allitu d e records a re still tachl by sh o rt s \ n s. Ti l KSDAY. NOV. IS. li-.». E ditorial Program M »V i SpHngfiald the In d u ite al Cantar of W e e tern Oregon. • II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Bui'd a City of Contente!? Homes. • III. Im prov* Living Conditions on the Farm. P-o- • mote the Ra sing of Purebred Livestock « ’»d ths Crowing of F ru it; W ork fo r B etter M arkets • IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon's Scenic Wonder- land. • • • • • • • Nothing on earth moves faster than an r u iu o r . M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E $1 75 $100 j tur another ( m i tulll'oti. Those who love at first sight often get over N,”r" ’* O i“ ‘ laid— Approximately • it after a good took. i *° **’’’ CV,U ,,r ’he attnb’uta in the Baterod aa second class matter February 14, IM,1 at tha poststfice, Springfield. Oregon One Year in Advanct Sis Month» .................. .. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore THURSDAY. NOV. 11». 1H25. L LET S HAVE A ROAD ON THIS SIDE OF THE RIVER T here is considerable talk Of another pa veil road from Junction City to Eugene on the west side of the river. If there Is to be another paved highway why build it jvarallel with the one ai- ready constructed From Harrisburg to Spring- field would not only afford a shorter route but would serve a large territory with a hard surface road which is not now on a first class highway, There is not a foot of paving in Lane countv On the east side of the river, w hen time comes for more hard surface roads it is up to this com- m uuity to asserts its rights in this rogarti many trad«» the 44-huor week is standard—five and a thau 50 per cent; and 2«4 who are 1»»» than SO per rent. Four hundred Shall we have a 24-hour week, four 8 hour days. In and one studenls fa 'le d to report. 195°- AnJ lf *»• nt' 1 »i hour days ■ week with — --------------------------- «»* dv * tor play Drive to and from the plant, (or the HAVE IT YOUR OWN WAY— home in the country, twice instead of eight time* a week ’ COLD WINTER" BATTLE ON Saving in transportation, avoidance of road congestion. ' —— "b y not more machinery and two S-hour days a week? Oregon farmers are heiug warned* That is the trend of a coaununlcatton from a reauer. H.» hy the Sears Roebuck Agricultural answers It by saying that more leisure creates n -v re- foundation against placing faith In qu'rem -nts for a pastim e: more autom obiles—-or aer> forecasts of an extremely cold w n planes—golf, fishing, theaters. dnnclng places and «0 on. tur *»>»»>1 to be tullowad by nu un The demand for equipmsttl to use In leisure will prove reasonable summer In I#.’« The v in ­ tile check on the shortening of hours. Is his answer It v ,er niay he extremely c«vd and the JOIN THE RED CROSS. man has 35 per cent ad.:ed leisure and hl* new wants re- SJ,,,nicr unseasonable, but sclen- In the last few years Springfield’s support of quire 25 per cent more proouetion. mere goes hl» leisure t!st* h“'f” 11,5 m’a0* ,ell""i 11 th e Reti Cross has been, negligable. Noti, Pleas- But „ productivity Increase* 5u per c ia f and n- » de- ,l“ * ' “ rly d ,,a A * • * *• lh ' ,un« an t Hill. Donna and other communities have con- mands grow only 2 5 ‘per cent, ther still remains 25 por dl* uno the weather At­ tributed to the Lane county chapter more than «ceni of the new elsure to enjoy the motoring, golf an t lur“- NoltbtT Is there reason for tails»-1 h as Springfield. fiahing Ing that tho w'nti-ra in thl» eectlon The Lane couny chapter. American Red Cross A maa co",d Mrn HDOU men *° °n time-saving machln.rv m ther bureau figures on tho p tnt. sickness, vocational training and dozens of other crea(H‘d prr rutin ng back thru- night itr« ke In and stole, about aged people reduced to privation, becauae they failed to save when they had It. O thers have had their life earnings wiped out by unwise Investments. This Bank Is your protection- keeping your valuables In its steel vaults protecting your savings from thieve* and guarding you against unwiae Investm ents by giving expert advice. •» 3% and SAFETY Make Our Bank Your Bank Commercial S i d e Bank Spi inj,.field, Ort gon es «■HO* p * * dollars. • • . Loud talk in an argum ent proves you know you an* Wremer 3ozo Butts They Drive, - W 111 IB I- ’ -T — '- I'.» ® ', Roundtrip Fares Specially Reduced —you can take the whole family at surprisingly »mall expense. Comfortable trains most cveryw-here. Night and day service, with convv,. icn/ hour* of departure nnd arrival. Aik uny uqenf for complete (ruvei information. An arm y lieutenant won the navy seaplane a»» Is on» of the most variously used of pres nt-day J, good old fashioned winter One ex- race- Captain Smith led the arm y flyers around products and with other public utilities, represent» an In- pianutlon for this Is that memory Is the world over w ater as well as land. Now they vested capital greater than any other American Industry tricky and recalls the exceptional tell us that navy flyers should be sailors before excepting agriculture and the railroads. Its capital xa rather than the average Another la becoming flyers. We say they should be sailors ticn. together with lltat of the ga» equipment and appll- that modern living ha» taken the edge ail the time. lan ce companies, has been estimated a f some .four 14 lion off the extrem e weather A snowfall * r Make it a memorsMc holiday, visit frlendsorrclativeaforahappy reunion. I extrem ely cold w in te r Is dubbed ns If you come to work a fter eight o’clock in the m orning you have eitner made up your mind you are a capitalist or never expect to be e j n,a ( ottr forefathers would have trod ,n th,> U"‘ r*,r " alon*‘- the of iso a l i t t t e W ORe . a h ( t h a t '5 E-e-TTCR. n.oriiinK Belter beating, too. muk-s us feel the low temperature, less, und ice refrigerating plants and electric fan» make extrem es of beat more en durab e " While the weather Is constantly changing from one year to another, big climatic changes are too gradual to be observed In the lifetim e of one or even a hiin'lred generations, the foundation stales. Scientists figure that the clim ate of this continent has not changed In some ten million year», not since the passing of the gtactal period, and probably will not Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Ageut WILD ro c The q u ick est-start­ ing, full-powered gu»« oline that ever pro­ pelled a car. On sale at the “ Red Crown” sign. ST A N D Sm > OIL COM PANY (OaStoni*) NEW WINTER RED CROWN’