r Many a Marchant Haa H a a n Ov»ratock»d b y Palling to Ailvartlaa. • THE SPRINGFELS N r TWENTY-8E< '( >NI) VEAR OFFICIALLY OPEN HPRINGEIELI», LANE COUNTY. OREGON, rZT L ocal H otels zi T1 NOV. 19, 1925. "T ha People's Papar" O. /J L r . O’ ¥V A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 44. i A re C row ded WILLAMETTE CLUB PLANS Bridge and Power Line Crews H. C. Jackson, WolLKnowni BEING SHAPED BY GRADS Make Headquarters Here; | 50 Turned Away. Fttrn2 i r\ tOa ^ 5 r2 n# •'> « - tor tlu*~nrgunl»atlon of a .«> ary Market Martors Stall, WlllttlllBt„. vm.er.l.y WHh 6i) men force,! to luko quart-1 Be Used Throw Day. a Woek, ’ , lud, aril ,j ,t era In Eugene d ee.lt« a preference ( It Is Decided by Committee |u niectlug i> -iiu g to be h held id ut the home bom o f ! f l>r Hprlngflald, all accomodations at BI SCHOOL CENSUS Figures Indicate Steady Growth of Springfield; Total of 798 Children in District, Against 776 Last Year; Division Cause of Smaller Figures Here Ur and Mr», W II. Pollard lomorrow , local hotel,- are taken and a m illing : - An Increase of 22 In the number of < fftchll opening of the new itprlag evading Mi e. Pollard mid Mr«. V. D | bualmws 1» being done. children of school age in the Spring- fli hl 1’uld.c m ark et will take pisce Ilaln, both graduate« of the Kulein | Proximity to thw scene of opera- ' Hut orila y morning ut field district Is noted In a re-check , fock. with MnbodHt Institution, are prom oting' thm» In n b u filliig the Mountain; II I’, Japkson, wi I known farm er o f , , (, pyoposed dub ¡S ta tes Power company’s transmission with last year’s figures announced to­ th .W altorvllls ,1 atrU t and _____ m »inbir| gey, rift of the teachers In the lo­ line between Hprlngfleld aud A lbany1 day by R. W. Smith, clerk of tha sf be mark,t vomurtt»*. tru lli, a cal schools, a large numb, r of Eu la rewultlns In thu heavy Influx ol i ! school board. The complete figures, tomporary market mauler gune people, unit several Cottage w o rk n in nud the crowded conditions: ! showing a total of 798, with 384 boys The mark'd conmillli-« met till« drove residents, are former student« In local hot,-hi Two crews of 12 ouch. i •week and ,1 , t,|««i to hold m ark et < i f WlllaUiett« and, If the d a n s pro and 414 girls, will be turned over to both working for the p a w r company. , thr <• days out Of each week, b tin -* area*. will be brought Into one o r -l#r# | \jary Magill of Hprlngfle-d. For sary for them to go to Eugene for Fire swept the barn belonging to I district, with 1000 children register­ A delegation of Sprngflt-'.d busi- farmers early Halurduy morning, anJ the first time In IK years, the five quarters amt travel the extra dlatanca neaa men will attend a meeting to be lrl 8 ‘ewart on North M an street Mo“- ed In the census, If it were not for tiMtrui-tlona nml other Information children of the family, wtth their fain-■ u , work held at the Eugene Chamber of Com- day »«ernooa. totally destroying the the fact that a few years ago the will be given by (he market tnaaler id Dies, were all gathered together at Propom-d bridge and road construc­ merce room. tomorrow- evening at b“lldln8- 30 ton« of hay. eeveral farm- Glenwood school was separated from that time The market will remain the ilprtngfleld home of tb d r mother. tion work, including the assured which several officials of the Ureal ln< <«“ P>»®ents. and a sedan automo. the Springfield district,” Mr. Smith open throughout the day. By mere coincidence, nil gathered ut , work on the Springfield /allroad Northern railway will discu s, the b‘>* Tb* “>‘al danla*p was «‘8tin“ t- said. “This fact Is not often taken That the market was used unof­ home at the same time. bridge, g ’ves promise of a continued "N ortbw aat Hallway Situation." The ‘‘xce" of »60TO wlth lnBuranc* into consideration when a compari- ficially lust Friday, -with s u c c a s , la Those front out of town were Mra d«man,l for living accomodations . on the barn, par and hay aggregating aon of Springfield’s figures and those believed to tie an Indication ’ that the Luella L ister, and sou. Delow». of throughout the next year. Recently, a ! m,'*ting * nl °Pen _at J:S0 0 c’o tk - | 3300 of past years, and of other districts, official use of (he ate I a will prove Portland, and Mr. and Mra. Lloyd crew en