The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 12, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, NOV 12. n>‘.*S..
PAGE E’ "'1 7
■ k et, which record »hall ho open at
all tim es to tit* Inspection of the
Market Master.
! Section 5. Space* of convenient |
site shall b* allo tted In the m an n er |
O rdinance No. 491.
An Ord im * to provide for the h erein after provided. and no p*--on i
estab lish m en t and control of a public or producer shall sell, or offer fo ri
m arket In the Town of Springfield, sale any article of produce or article J
providing penealtles for th e violation j u o ttu l to be sold In said m arket In
of the aunt« and declaring an enter- any o th er space than in the space
reg u larly allotted to such person or
T H E TOW N OF SPRINGFIELD producer for th at purpose; provide«'
fu rth er, th at reasonable Ingress be al
Section I T h ere Is heteb.v created lotted to property ow ners alo rg sa'd
and estab lish ed in the Town of , tr,,ct for th e n ecessary loading or
Spr ngfleld a pubi c m arket to be unloading of vehicles In a prom pt
known as th e “ Producer«' Public And reasonable m anner, and th # t a
M arket" located on the pavem ent on passage way shall be left in the mid-
the end of Sixth street south ot the j i e oj « I d stre e t sufficient for the
so u th l*ne cf Main stre e t in th e T o » n purpose of traffic* In one direction,
of Springfield.
, Section 6 A charge of tw enty f vs
Section 2 Subject to th e provisions w ( ( g
,,a v shall bo c o lle c t'd by
of the ordinance and all ordinances of (b# M arket M aster from each p ro
th e Town of Springfield, th e said ducer for each apace o r stall, and
public m ark et shall be u n d er the gp additional ch arg e of 35 cen ts per
charge and control of a m arket c o m -, d#y gbaU be ct<iected from each pro­
m is e e c o m p 'sed of five peopte to be J u c t r for egch ex tra sa es person in
»elected as h erein provid-d for Two
s lu h jpaCt) o r 8U „ . provided,
people to be appointed by the Spring how ever, th a t no ex tra charge shall
field Lions club, tw o by th e Lane
m ade for th e husband, wife »on
County F arm ers' I’nlon and one by
, , , URhter o f th e producer acting
th e Mayor of the Town of Springfield
* w ,M person. A charge of 50
and the appo in tm en t of all to be rati
b„ c H e c te d from
fled by the common council of the
association fo r th e use of »nob
Town of Springflrl.1. T erm s of office
<uU aIlo, !(, j t<)
s ta lls
of the m em bers of the m arket com ipa<J- may
reserved for a period
roittee shall com m ence on the first
t(j eXceed th e last day of the
day of O ctober of each y ear beginning "curTin( mon{b by |,a y tng rent In ad
In 1925. If eith er or both th e Spring vance for a t least th ree days of each
field Lions club or the bane County
F arm ers' union sha 1 fail to' a p ^ ' n
Sect on 7 The said M arket Com­
e r certify to the m ayor of U te jo « n
of Springfield rhe m em bers h
n eeJe
and the Mar-
for then th e m ayor s h .ll
Ma4, e r a appointm ent shall be-
subm it th e nam es of people SM «
becom ing effective be confirmed
cd by him self as m em bers of th e m ar
Common Council
ket com m ittee h e tsin p r o v td ? for <0 or a r r ^ J
reason of «•Id public m arket but all LIBRARY BOARD ORDERS
j liability or respons unity I» nsdttme 1
th e common council a t
m eeting in O ctober of each year. Said
KW nf the m arket com m ittee
m em bers of the m a r « « c
s ta ll serve for one y e a r and ateall
11 serve fo r o i w y e
in v e s t
. „ cause
esn se deem
deem ed
ed to
to t tne oesi
of the said Producers' Public M arket
° 1
o n lv on a tw o-thlrds vote
council and the ap-
, tbe mayor.
PrZLction 3 The P ro d u cers’ Public
v . i ' k . / ^ 1 h u a .„
l l _______
be *open /n
for r ournose
purpose of
displaying and » .lin g products (1) of
P i n c e r s , and <8> asso ciatio n , of
by Ih«1 salii n 'u ik et «ommlU«'«
Yearly » tin i’ili Hun» fcr 13 tnaga-
Hectton IS. laaam uch as Mila orili-
nance la necessary for the Im m ediata .tinea, git inoroar* ovgr <•'»
In ye liten mad» by ih»
p reservation of the public health, Isnt yt
1.1 it i i Io- S p rln g fb o l !•
Pl ica and aafety for the anille, an .li b ia .3
niergeucy I» hereby declared do eklat hr .iy in 1923. ae rn rd lu t 1» am m uuee.
and I» hereby declared Ibi» ordluanct a 11.1 I M 1» Marti R oberte, librarian1! «O into effect mill force from As Ik e n'.ns. i'iie s a n donateli to Ihe
and after Ils passage by Ih» uouncll librar», a . » ell MS dally and weekly
1'nsaed by the Common Council of papets. m ore m aterial will la* on the
th • Town of Springfield the 9th day reading tah lss next year thmi ever
of November. A. D . 1935.
l iana for the year's work a re to he
ahaped at the next meeting of the
Approved by the Mayor th s 9th library board 10 he held pecem ber 8.
At that tim e, the 1928 offlcetg will
day of N ovember. 1935.
be »elected
Cl. 0. llt’SIIMAN.
Forty-four new books, most of them
I, R W. Sm ith. City Recorder, Bolton. arrived at th" library this
hereby certify Gil» I» a compirti-, week and a re now on th e shrive»
co rraci copy of the ordinance and avallate* for Sprlhgfleld patron»,
Mias R oberta said,
the whole thereof
II. W SMITH. Recorder.
B irths i«e»»d Oe»thg — Tw elva
and five deatha were reported
In stalls F urniture.
A new aid of office fu rn itu re was from the Springfield d istrict In Oc­
tastallm l In the office» of Ur Eugene tober by Ur W II I'd l»rd. city health
K ester (his week
” V H I K E 0 ‘. S A S T
A ' RFO tR O S S R U -'
. T he' .
Red Cross
n)e3lherg Tl>tin g th e at
-_______ .u .k n o o a fin n
flrm ative on such question. Said M ar
at,co u rteo u s language In the
a a slstag ts shall sta lls
.. Is prohibited
k e t * “ \ _ , .....................„ „ J Z t l o n as
receive salaries o r com pensation a*
Rule 15. No person shall slaughter
« I d M arket C om m ittee shall deter-
----- ------------
d ress any anim al or fowl w ithin
d irect manage-
m ine and »hall^have^
j the m ark et spat es. or throw or depot-
roent and control of the said
o - j ^ any an lm a| o r vegetable m atter,
ducera' Public M arket, subject to the ,
Bleb. Tubblab o|. any
ordinances of th e Town of Stir ng
offensive or dirty m a tte r of
field, and It sh aJ be th eir duty to en
k )n j #f obglrBctlon therein.
w e ers,
r. > bulbs, shrubs.
force all ordinances, rules and r-g
r g u i
latlo n s of the Town of Sprlngfie < re-
pUntg an(, n u r, „ ry „,<*.« may
* .7 “
r *i-,»
s tr e e t, or public p lace , a . .h a ll have
been . by . ordinance
cstabliehed and .
designated as m arket places
ion 10 Any person, firm or cor-
p,,ration violating any of the provl-
slons of th is ordlnace o r m e herein
I ^ „ c r ^ j
, h all upon
thereof be punished by a fine of not
more than 8100 or by Im prisonm ent
, , hc ,.„ y Jal|
)ttu fur not m ore th
glsty d ay a
1 Section 11. Any person who has vio­
lated or shall h ereafter violate any
" S S X . - •
< w
“ “
“ | Rule 17. If any person shall offer lrp T ,a,on or ru lr contained In this
i for sale or sell any produce In said o rtln a n c e may be suspended or ex­
« b o « « ^ t b e l / o o r c p ro iu o tV u p o n
Sooiion 8. R o h ,
„ « u lb t'O B , puW,c m r k M „ « p„ , , hlth o r ih ,b
cluded by th e Market M aster from
i d owned or leased by them , an.l governing the conduct and control of
p rrT a, |ln|t m ark et price. It shall
selling or offering for sale any prod­
1 all cases where m eat or fowls
»aid public m ark et shall be as fof-
duty pf
M ark„, Ma„ er
uce In any public m arket In the tn » n
. e ____ 1— A» assist Inwg'
s 4 * a
TflCn <
»f the
th»* of Springfield. ITovtded. however.
notice In
to Bllrh
such DM
prevailing m arket price and after any person »o expelled »hall have Hi»
dv “ shall mean persons who have each d .v In th e w e e k .e x re p .S u n d a y said notice said person shall be pro " j ' b, ' a t any tim e to pet lion the com
h„d «he anim als or fowls la th eir pos- a t the ilscretion of th “ M arkey Ma
hlblted from selling said produce at
cooncll for rein stall m enl V 'l
» X » “b X X :
, r
a hlghbr price than th e said pre-
(.onatdpra.|r,n of th e petition the
vailing m ark et pr ce.
j r
.„ pbaI| «.¡ther g ran t or refuse
^ m e are slau g h tered or offered for played la te r th an 15 m inutes a fte r
Section 9 It s h .l be unlaw ful for
a n y person to plat**. n**t up. *• • P or
. Town of Spr n<t!al<‘-
'c lo sin
g um
Rule 2. Spupe in s a il m arket
m ajn taln any booth, stand, table, b o x .' Section
. . . to an
___ . . . applicant
lln n n »
i h »h«’'
n T C N boardi , . helf or o . th
. er
a. a
* f _ r * th*
m ^ T a s 3 ' ^ ! « ! 0»1 C ^ P sed of bona not be allotted
“ "¡'„ /« n y " -a la ’ lc«.
by agent«, provided m e ag en t is paid c IglWUty.
on a flat salary badis and not on ccan-. R ule 3. Prodapers »hall remove
i h o rses and o th e r an<mals, and
shall he unlaw ful for any pro- vehicles from th e m arket stre e t
d r-o r by him self or ag en t to offer once a fter unloading.
Jo" .a le at « i d m ark et any produce
Rule 4. It shall be unhewful
tre e t, avenues, alleys
„ in the s stre
aiieye or
- r pu
all |)(, plar,.g fxc"Pt MUvh i,orîil •" "f
r t pr. oc 1 upon e ith er land owned any person to m ake a n , pub . .
c - b a se d by h raself.
° r d ° »>aw k lrK or Spieling
It shall be u n la r ftt for any per- to give any m usical or oth er en • .
. n to display o r offer for « l e o t tatn m en t for the purpose of draw ing
« said public m arket any prod-1 custom or to a ttra c t .« te u t on to any
uce purchased directly or indirectly m ark et I’ ace.
from any o th er person or o ffer for
Rule 5. V endors may place sig n ,
ta le or sell In said public m ark et any Ov«r th e ir booths. ,aW e* ° r " L “!
pre luce of any kind co n trary to the subject to the approval of
e .
provisions of thia ordinance.
M aster.
1. «hall be unlawful for auy pro-
Rule 6 It shall be unlawful for any
d u cer. ag n t to offer for sale or person to fail to prom ptly v acate the
... ! at public m ark et any produce stan d a s s lm e d to him upon th e dl
w 'ic h is c o t grown upon the land p o rtio n of his goods, when ordered
owned or leased by the producer he to do so by th e M arket ^ a ’ te r '
j i aw
e»» 7 ». • No person shall be allorven
all be unlawful for any agent, m ore than one booth o r sta j . nor
„ M ia g -r o r any o th er pereon repre- .»hall be sell through more th an one
-, :
g an association to offer for em p o y e. e x f .p t with the consent an !
sab sell
o r display in pub'le mar- approval of the M arket M aster,
ket any produce which Is not grœvn
Rule 8. The occupant« of all stalls
upon th e lend owned or l-ased by B 4hall ke»p th e sam e In a clean and
bona fide m em ber of the aiscciatio n sa n ita ry condition, shall not perm t
It shall be unlaw ful to offer for tb< accum ulation of filth or rnbbish
-ale any m anufactured o r prepares, o r any o th er offensive m a tte r w at-
a iiicle tn said pnb ic m ark et unless ever. A 1 rubbish shall ba rem oved be­
n e iia'n in gredient of said article b ar fore h aving th e stalls. No produce
bee. » i, <luce;l u ;o r land owned o r - h a l l be allowed upon th e pavem ent,
leas •' by th e producer or b o n . fWe
R ule ». A p rice card muM be' post-
r Of the association off-rln g cd In a conspirions place on all goods
i or selling th e article.
¡offered for sale.
It hall be ui v ful for any person ' Rule 10. All poultry m ust nave a
!o r.,< ar.v deceit, Im position or Inched th ereto a card giving the
. . . rapt- nam e and ad d ress of the seller. I onl
tug to sell any article at saH public try fed im m ediate y prior to killing
will not be perm itted to be sold In
m ark. t.
e s iid m arket.
Section 4- Any person or associa­
Rule 11. All eggs m u st h e a r the
tion deeirlng to «el products 1n said
nam e of th e producer eith er upon the
public m ark et »hall satisfy th e M ar­
k et ’ a ste r tb it he o r It Is entitled egg itself o r upon th e carto n in which
to tu t privileges of « i d m arket as they are sold. (S torage eggs m tst be
above provided and the M arket Mas- Plainly m arked “Storage" an 1 »old as
t r in Ills discretion may require
I roof by affidavit of th e facts which
e n titles such person a r assoc'atlon
t J th e privileges of said m arket.
A gent» sh all subm it to th e M arket
M aster proper evldenco In w riting of
th eir agency and shall keep a full and
. .m plete record of the produce re ­
ceived by them a t said public mar-
Rule 12. All goods offered for sale
by w eight m u st be weighed In plalp
view of the purchaser.
Rul" 13. N w person shall s o l or of­
fer for sale any diseased or »polled
produce, or any article of produce
not. fit for hum an food.
Rule 14. Smoking or profane, abu
- .......
' n flr’n
W hen W inter
One of our nice Orw «tuffed Davenports would be very
nice In front of your fireplace.
JACQUARD COVERINGS In m any beautiful color» and
pattern». $78.00 to $105.00
MOHAIR DAVENPORT. $117.00 to $1/0 00
BILTWELL BED DAVENPORT. In Jacquard. $125.00 anti
Wright & Son
r a t i o n cans
enus d b bv y '
„ „ .„ „ „ orntlon
Save Money Daring
Canned Food Week
November 9-21
Specials by the Doz. or Case
Appetising—Wholesome and Satisfying fresh m eats are
always to be had here. A modern plant kept In a highly
sanitary condition insures you the best product obtainable.
505 Main St.
I '■
It’s the time for you to "stock up" for winter.
Stock your pantrv with all the canned fruits and vegetable»
y o ï c a n g e t^ G h e your family «he variety of diet which
only ‘canned foods make possible, In winter.
D o v o u know th at canned fruits anti vegetables are rich
n v Z m i S In fact, canned foods have b - n proven
o have a higher vitamine content than the sam e foods
cooked! the ordinary way in the home. Canned om atoesv
spinach, peas and •» are specially good vitamine lood .
Read the lists of canned foods in this advertisem ent
Check the items you want to stock In your pan j y In
winter. Order now and take advantage of the savings
offered you during (' nned Hoods Week.
"If it’s canned—i t s fresh
Rich in Vitamines"
A Few Suggestion Among Our
L arge and Varried Canned Stock.
AVp es.
Aprir s,
A sparagus,
B' ans, Baked
P each £ i'
( a hup .
Ix.t iinherrles,
1 u ie M aple Syrup,
I p o lire » ,
Black bt-ri tes
I ir ientoa,
I’iiii apple,
P ru n e..
Pum pkin,
R aspberries,
Jam s and Jelllrs,
I t ’S
tim e
X .
T is fu lly tiine to sec about mate­
rials for fall painting. W in te r w ill
soon be here and a needed coat of
p a int now w ill .save repair bills later on.
In addition to bigli grade materials like
D utch Boy while-lead, we have a large
stock of experience in the painting and
decorating line. Wc like to talk over
painting requirements w ith our cus­
tomers. If it lx* only a brush, we want
i t to be Hie rig h t one for the purpose.
S lo p in th e next littic you
nrc d o w n tow n .
Vasby Bros. Paint Shop
S ardines.
F aut rkraut,
F ru it Salad,
Boost berries,
G rapes.
Grape Fruit,
H traw herrles,
Shrim p.
Corn on Cob,
’ ’hone 80