TIIK SPIUNGkTXD NEWS TillIRHDAY, NOV 12, 1825. ■ — —— ■ PAGE SEVEN IN THE o m cU IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FO R ! LANK COUNTY. Har-.M J Well*, plaintiff, v*. WII frnd ('oilier and Fred H. Collier, d » fendents. NOVEMBER 8-14 Hl MMOWR. I f your birthday I* thia week you are proud, conservative, and Ti, Wilfred Collier, Defendant.; Independent— with a secretive and judicial nature. Your perception IN TIIK NAME OF THE STATE I i remarkably keen, and your intuition is exceptional. Y - : possess OF ' ItROON, Yen are hereby re- an indomitable will power, and are capable of exercising a rkable qulr- 1 to appear »ad angwer (he com-. I ■ i. . n - ■ i.. influence over others. ;tali-t filed «gainst you In tha above •You ar-. n - -d ■-»’ .'y attracted ty enterprises and projects charac- entPie-1 aetfea with n six we- ks teriyel by i- ,ng and uncertainty, and are always looking (ram tb<. dal» of the flrat publication for new fields to conquer. of t ils Sammons, and If you fall to NOTICE WANTED TCl 0XCHANOB K 8 acro» FOUND— Yale and Do lg,. cur key» on so gaswer, for want thereof the Plato-' .Self-satisfaction is strongly marked in these people. They are of timber for acreage on good road* Ih'1 Method >*i Ahi un-lety will hold Inclined to live too much within themselves, becoming sad and dis­ ring Owner call ut New* off.ee tiff will take Jtrlgment against you as In Lana County. Timber II m lex II« unuual bazaar »ml chicken dinner heartened, suffering much throut disappointment. and pay for ad. tf. pray—1 for th» Complaint, to wit: for from railroad, flood tie material. The women usually have very line voices, and become great singers, In the church parlor*, Wndimul.-iy, the s-im of (8# *8 together with the public speakers and actresses. The men are ad/airably fitted to be Adcieaa TimMr, Now» Office, eoets and diet-arevnients of thta ac­ November the )mh Apron« »ml fancy N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S doctors, surgeons, or dentists. tion N 6-12 19 2* articles will ho tor »»!»• Hupper at NOTICE IH HEREBY OIVEN, that This Summons l* served upon you 1 00 I’. M A c I c I im 60 c ; Children, 35c the undersigned, Emery M "Richard­ try order ef th- Hon O. F Hklpworth, FO U ND - Single locker or car key son and Kills J. Richardson, huve been ' N 12 J n lr - of eaid Court, which order 1» Notice of Road District Meeting, log of the legal voters being realJent j nt ar poaloffto*. Cull Now» office by tbs County Court of the Slate of dated tha 6th day of September. 1925,1 To Whom It May Concern; taxpayers and owners of real prop- tf. Oreg.-n for the County of Lade, duly w-qnlrlng this Summon* to bo . publish LOST Between High achool and Notice I* hereby . . . . -| . ______________ _ given that a meet ln R'»<1 Distrl-t No. 11. In Lane appointed executors of the Will and -d onee a week for six successive in« of the p lowai M06 8th and K a little girls blue snccosjdve . Ing gal voters being resident W‘H 5?“ « ( t h e estate of Mary F. Richardson, de- week» in the flprtngflald News Date taxpayers and owners of real prop­ hour of 2 P. M. on the 21»t day of NOTICE TO CREDITORS, rain cape Wednesday noon, Novem* ceased, and that all persona having e f f rst pehlleatloa of this Hammon» erty in Road District No. 18. In Lane November, A. D., 1925 at the School­ her 4 ’ Itoiurn Io Mr«. Putman NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN. that ilalm s against said estate are here­ Thursday. O cto b -r 1st. 1886 County. Oregon, will be held at the house at Cloverdale ln said Road N 12 the undersigned has been duly up by notified to present the same to the WELf.B A WELLS. hour of 7 P. M on the 21st day of District, to determine whether sa il pointed by (be County Court of the said executors at the office of Frank Attorneys for ITalatlff, November. A D . 1925. at the high road district shall levy a special tax F o i l SALK--Cartoon paper In large Htute uf Oregon for the County of A. Delhi-. Attorney for pho estate at P. n . Addreae, Eugene. Oregon school building at Oakridge In said of >521 60 upon all the taxable prop­ •beat», 3*a3» Inchea. suitable (or Lane a» Administrator of the estate Hprlngfleld. Oregon, properly vari­ O 1-6-15 8« t i N 612 Road District, to determine whether erty in ¿aid district for the purpose said road district shall levy a special ot ■»rovia'ug lands for maintaining making tracing» T ha New» O ffice of Angullue lltlls, deceased, and has ed within *lx months from the date duly qualified as such and all per­ of thia notice. Dated, October 27th, tax of 13000.29 upon all the taxable road on mall rout« No. 1 and other Notice of Road District Meeting I- Into o f J u lia \ ( I . ic la-i-ena cd sona having claim* agalnat Mid os 1926. property In said district for the pur­ by-roads ln district 11. late are hereby notified to present the FRANK A. DePUE. pose of providing funds for malnten C. P. BARNARD, To Whom It M ay Concern: NOTICK OF FINAL HETTLEMENT Attorney for the Estate. County Judge. Notice la hereby given that a m eet­ ance of existing roads and construc­ Notice 1» htreby glveu that Hallie same properly verified to »aid ad­ tion of new roads. EMERY M RICHARDSON, ministrate at the office of Frank A. CLINTuN HURD, ing of the legal voters being reaf-lent (I Hikoa. Administratrix of the »«tale ELLIS J. RICHARDSON, C. P. BARNARD, Delhie, rhe attorney for the estate. County Commissioner. taxpayers and owners of real prop­ of Julia A. (lodman. deceased. haa Executor*. County Judge. O E. CROWE. erty in Road District No. 6 In la n e filed In the County Court of Ibo Hlata In Hprlngfleld, Oregon, on or before O 29 N. 613-19-26 (’■ounty Oregon, will be held at the CLINTON HURD. six months from the date of thia no­ County Commissioner. of Oregon. In and for lain« i ounty. O E. C R O W E . N 612-19 hour of 2 P. M on the 21»t day of her final report aa such admlnlalrat tice. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. County Com-mlsslone- P. 1» UARHER. November. A D , 1926, at the Lower rlx and that ton o'clock In the for» Administrator. N 6-12 19 Notice la hereby given that Mary f'ac’.p Creek Hcboolhouse In said Road noon of Haturnay, the 12th day of De­ FRANK A DBPCB. AGGIE DOPE GOOD TO A. Hunphrey ha* filed her final ac­ District, to dethrmlne whether said cember, 1926. at the Court room Attorney for the Estate. count as the executrix of the last roa-I district shall levy a apeclal tax thereof, have been, by »aid Court, Not'ce of Road District Meeting O 22 29 N 612 19 W IN N. W. CONFERENCE fixed and appointed a» tn« ..m e and will and testament of David Hum I of 11169.01 upon all the taxable prop­ place for hearing objection« to »aid phrey, deceased, a m that Saturday, | erty In »aid district for the purpose To Whom It May Concern: Oregon Agriculture College, Cor­ report and for the f lint settlem ent of the 6th -lay of Di rein her, 1925. at the ! of providing funds tor m aintains old Notice Is hereby given that a meet- NOTICE TO CREDITORS the estate of decuaaed. hour of ter. oclock In the for-nooon road b-low upper Camp Creek school- in* of the lega voters being resident vallis, Nov. 12.—At the top c f tha HALLIK (1 KIKEh. of said day, at the County Court | hou •• of which on- half of 6 m ils I»'" taxpayers and owners of real prop­ confere-nce ladder w th Notice la hereby given Ihui the un Room In the Court House at Eugene, i to be used and one half to build new erty In Road District No. 3 In Lane Northwest Administratrix >, , . . der*lgn-,-erly verified to the undersign-d I H unt ¡ rev, deceased, which in turn won from Idaho, the DONALD YOUNG. Engi ne. Oregon. County Junee. Notice Is hereby given that a m eet­ or before six month» from (he date ut hl» law office nt 860 W illam ette' team which took Cr-gon's measure Atlor’n- y for estate. CLINTON HUitD. ing of the legal voters being rest lent of tbl' f'r»t pubie alien of Ihls ’ otlce. Hi . Eugenn, Oregon, within * months| N. 618-19 26 D 3 taxpayers and owners of real prop­ in her first big game. County Commissioner. Dated and First Published Octobe from the d ale of the first publication County Commlsslo- »r. erty In Rond Dlstr'ct No. 23, In L-.ne 2»th. 1926. No Aggie man was Injured ‘n Sat- -if this notice; dnte ef first public« ' NuCce of Ros t Dh trlct M-etlng. O. E CK WE Count» Oregon, will b held at the ROBERT HORBNSEN. •. i.y 's victory oVer Pacific 56-0, tl--n October 29. 1925 T ’ V.h -m it May Concern: N 6 12 19 hour of 2 P. M on the 21 st day of Administrator. !,. K. BEAN. I Notice is hereby g lv n that a meet­ hence the entire squad with the ex­ N w -n ib r . A. D.. 1925. at t.he W H IT T E N SWAFFORD. O 29 N 6-1219; ' Admin »trator : ing of the legal voters being rest ’eni Unity Schoolhouse in said Road ception of Be? and Marrin Dixon Atty. O 29 N 6 12 1926 Notice of Road District Meeting. taxpayers a id owners of real prop­ District, to determine whether said is expected to be in top form Satur- Tc Whom ft May Concern: erty In Road District No. 21 In Lane road district shall levy a special tax Notice Is h -r -ty given that s m-et day. County liregun. will be held at the of $1424 65 upon all the taxable p»op- -------------------- ----- ------ hour of 1 P. M on the 21 at day of erty In said district for the purpose November. A. D . 1925. at the Camas of providing funds for Road J com­ Center Schoolhouse ln ssld Rond mencing where R ’ad L and Road J In­ District, to deterailae whether »atd tersect. BUY F U R N IT U R E H E R E Telephonoo: O ffice W3 He« 2075 road district »hall levy a special tax C. P BARNARD, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Schoo! District No 19 of (3661 54 npon all the taxable prop­ County Judge. Rocktrs. B*ds. M a ttre **» *. 8 to v *(, - CLINTON ............ ........... — - S “ »** Ot ° TtKOD’ tb<‘ » S'hool Meeting of said district will erty In »«Id district for the purpose HURD. T u b *, Stove Board*, C lothe* County Coromlielnner ! held at City Hall, on the 27 day of November. 1925. at 7 30 o clock in ef prortdlag mads for ettenOtag the | B aiket«. . E. CROWE. the efternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget here narter . « out Osteopathy stands for ff»e P Market road ww»« of Creswell. County Co mm lee I oner. wl‘ h the levying board. 8 « u a n e r set out C. P UARNA1W. troth wherever It Is sefentt- U Wm. DO NALDSO* NEW A ND ., 6i2-19 „ Tbe total amount of money needed by the said school district during the County Judge. SECONO H A N D STO RE flenlly (troren. ■ fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1926, and ending June 30 IO’’* is estt CLINTON HURD. O iteoputhlo Phyalel*» end •>*«- 'i .m a t.d In the following budget and includes (he amounts io be^'received' Coeiaiy Com;ui«sloner N o t’ es of hos'l D istrict M eeting geoa U Irom ¡he county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund O. B CROWE. Contracting and Building 3 o Whom It May Concern: Special district tax. and all other moneys of the district- County Conxnieeloner. O fflca 434 M. * W lM 4g . Notion Is be--by given that a meet-1 BUDGET. N 612 19 GEO. W. PERKINS Kngene, Or»Ron Ing of the legal voters being r e e l-le n t__ Estim ated Expenditures. Corner 5th and D Street* O»ta,»pathy stead» far the truth taxpayers snd owners of real prop-, I’FRSONAL SERVICE: Notlce of Ke«d D P tric t Msetlug Springfield. Oregon w !i« r« v < It ta saleattfloally orty In Roed rn-trlct No. 66. In I«n> Salary per To Whom it May Concern: Plan* *nd E»tlm»1e* Furel*hed proven year Nolle« 1» hereby glv-e that a meet­ county Oregon, will be held at the Free. W ill Help You F4n«nee Principal. 1 2100.00 ( 2100.00 ing of the legal voters bring resident hour of 2 P. M. cn the 20th day of Principals, 1 Your Building. ,, the 1350.00 at 1350.00 taxpayers and owners of real prop­ November. A. D.. 1925. Princ pals. 1 14C0.00 V00.no Hall In saih Ro*« erty in R«a I District No 10. in I/snc Mlniiey Teachers, 1 . 1700.00 1700.00 Count- Oregon, will be held nt the District, to determine whether said Teachers, 3 1215.00 364 5.00 Call CLOVER'S MARCELLING hour of 2 I’. M. on ’he 2!st day of road district shall levy a special tax, Teachers, 2 1125.00 2250.00 November. A. D.. 19(5. at th - Pleas- of (2827.65 upon all th - taxnbl-s prop-1 Teachers, 3 . SHOP 1080.00 3240.00 HUI Sctr oinotrr in »aid R wd i erty in said district for the purpose) Teachers, SUTTON TRANSPER 1035.00 7245.00 Work Guaranteed District, to determine whether s«.d of providing funds for general road Teachers, 5 ..................— ..... 1012.50 5062.50 i ad district »hail levy a special tax purposes Phene 57 Teachers. 5 Upstair»— 336 Main Street 990,06 4950.00 of 8195( 84 *pon all taxable prop­ Teachers. 2 % time C. P. BARNARD, 416.25 832.50 Phone 73W erty In sath district fcr the purpo« • Janitors, 3 ... ....... County Judge, 990.00 2970.00 of providing funds for road work in i Cl. rk. 1 ................ CLINT N HURD, 300.00 300.00 _____________________________, ■aid district. Other services .... vountv Comrni«sioner 100.00 109.CO C. P BAR NA RD. O. E. CROWE, CEO.. N. M eL E A N LADIES! T ry that expert County Judge. Total _______ __ . County Comm«»sioner ..(37,145.00 Automobile. Fire and Life CLINTON HURD. N ¿12 19, MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: hnlr fu lle r at Anderson’s 1 N S U R A N C E County Cnnraissioner. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) ________ ( 900.00 Barber ahop. Surety B°nd»„ Phone « 7 O. E. CROWE. Huppl'es (chalk, erasers, etc.) .............. .................... 125.00 Notice of Road District Meeting. County Com nleeloner. Library books ____________ __________________ My bualners It to protect yosi' A. A. ANDERSON 85 00 F l a g s ....... ............................................................. .......’ " N 612»19 To Whom It May Concern: buelhete 200.00 Janitor's supplies ______________ _ BARBER SHOP Notice is hen by given that a m eet­ ! »60 W illa m e tte 31. Eugene O renr / £ 300.00 Fuel ________________________ . ....... ................ ing of the legal voters being resident Notice of Rond District Meeting 833.00 Light taxaavers and owners of real prop­ To Whom It May Concern: 350.00 W a t f r ........... ..................................... . Notice Is herehy g’ven that a meet erty In Road Distal,-’ No. 2.. in Lane 275.00 VASBY BROS. Postage, stat onery and printing DR. N. W. EM ERY I 175 00 tng of the legal voters being resident Countr. Oregon, will he held at the taxpayers ard owners of real pror-, hour of 2 P. M. on the 21st day of Painting & Decorating D E N T IS T Total __ _____ _____ ji.......... 1925, at the «Msn on • erly In Road District No. 18. In I^ine November. A. D Button Bldg. Phon* HW h County Oregon, will he held at the Blue River Schoolhouse In sal] MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: In all Its branches Building and grounds ______ ( 400.00 hour of 2 I’. M. on the 21»t day of Road District, to determine whether Residence Phone 153 M 312 Main Street November, A. D.. 6926 at the School-j said road district shall levy a special Total .................. ....( 40C.0O house MeKonrle Bridge In snld Road tax of 94450 91 upon all ’he taxable Springfield, Oregon 1 Dlslrlrt. to determine whether said property In snld district for tho pur­ INDEBTEDNESS: ( 3537.50 road district shall levy a «rectal tax po»» of providing funds for comnle- Warrant, and interest thereon .... 2450.00 of $724 65 upon all the taxable prop t’eu of road (torn Nimrod to west line DR. 8. RALPH D1PPEL ertv In said district for the purpose of district. C. P P I R N ’ RD, 59S7.50 of providing funds for general rond D EN TIST Co'”” v Judge. 420.00 ur-'O a on King road. Belknn-p road, ■ « CT T N -'O N H E R D . MISCELLANEOUS: Phone 43 Foley road Your Home When In Countv Com-iilssloner. Premium clerk's bond 60 00 ( C. P. BARNARtD, O E. CROWE, Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Springfield County Judge. County Com.ru'«sten-r Total ............. ................... 60.00 ( C U N T N HURD. N 6-12-19 County Contiul .-loner. Total .................................................................................................................. $47,255.50 C. E. ( ItOYvE. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Not'ce of Rond District Meeting. Countv Commissioner. Freni county school fund during the coming school year .................. 100.00 N 5-12 19 To Whom 't Mnv Concern: WM. G. HUGHES From state school fund during the coming school year .................. 1300.00 N’otlce Is her by gl-en that n m’ H . From el-nientary school fund during the coming school y e a r ........... JEW ELER F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E 4300.00 Ing of the legal voters bc«ne resident Estimated amount to be received from all ot^er sources during the Notice of Road Dh trlet Meeting. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Repairing a Specialty taxnavers and owners of real prop- To Whom it May C oncern: com'ng school year. H. S. fund ................................................................ 5500.00 Springfield, Oregon . O ffice at T,-( lie» s I' reby glvtn t at a n e t O’ fv 'n Road Dtr-tr'et No 9 In l j ” ’O| Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax ....................... $18,200.00 FIR ST NATIONAL BANK Ing of the legal voters being resident County. Oregon, will he li-l* a’ th e| RECAPITULATION: Springfield, Oregon taxpayers and owner, of real prop-, hour of 1 P. M on the 21st day of Total estimated expenses for.the year ........................................................(47.268.80 erly In Road District No 12. In Lnn, November. A. D.. 1925 at the W. Total estimated receipts not Incldlng proposed tax ................................ 18.200.00 R. W. S M ITH W. Hall Jasper In sa'd • I County Oregon, will be held at the O. Rond District, to determine whether hour of 2 P. M. on the 21st day of Balance, amount to be raised bv district tax ......................................(29.055.60 Justice of the peace and November. A. D„ 1925. nt the Los said road district shall levy, a special THE INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICT NO. 19 IS AS FOLLOWS: lax of (2162.04 upon all the taxable notary public, Insurance Valley Sehoolhouse In said Roa. Total bonded indebtedness .......................................................................... (73.000.00 In snld district for the our- District, to detormine whether said property Total warrant Indebtedness ...................................................................... 43.920 00 All kinds of gravel for con­ -osp of providing funds for eonstruc- Total amount • ’ other indebtedness, estimated ................... ............. 1000 00 rend district shall levy a special tax I'on and maintaining said side roads. City Hall Springfield, Oregon crete or road wor.k. Wo of (3331.70 upon all the taxable prop­ Rond 1 T.lttle Fall Creek. 27>lrL make a specialty of crushed Total amount of all Indebtedness ........................................................$117,920.07 erty ln said district for tho phrpose Road E W. P. Hills road 1 7 « ,^ . rock and rock sand. Bunk- Dated this 2 dav of November, 1925. of providing funds for road Improve­ Road C. Wallace Creek 27%%. Rond A ttest: R. W. SMITH, District Clerk. ers at foot of Main on Mill ment in district barnaw d F. Hills Creek 27%%. FRANK A. D E P U E C. A. SWARTS, street. C. P. BARNARD, A T TO R N E Y A T LAW F. B. LOUK. County Judge. » Countv Judge. SÄ - H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. K m « . HUGHES, CLINTON HURD, CLINTON HURD. N O T A R Y P U B L IC County Commissioner. A. F FLCWERS. County Commissioner. D B MlTtPHEY, O. E. CROWE, Sutton Sprtwflfle’d O. E. C R O W E . J. C. MeMVRRAT. County coramlsstoner. ' Bee OOT line of v la tth if cards, County Commissioner Butdllng Oregon. Board of Directora and ii.'P ’ f.- N 5-12-19' paneled, or plain, at «he N ew * offiee Badge« Committee. w. **«*«•»• (.*— •* 1 Oassiiied Ads (BUYING OR SELLING' o m 6ET RESULTS) c i ! SU SI N ESS D I R E C T O R Y 1« Notice of School Meeting Dr .John Simons “The Loop” D. W . R oof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. ——————— ""R