The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 12, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY. NOV 12. 1025.
—T-____ ____
------ T '
. r
:uu not exploiting my sex any more 1
than you a re exploiting your aex
Practical Instructions In
«»m en a re a m atch for the men any 1
day and In many cases, they a re ,
more th an a m atch
Hv Ruth W yeth Spears
Jasp er M a n Here— J. L • of
Jasper M an in Town—R. H. Nesbit
W henever l h ear a man say that '
W allace of Ja sp e r was tn S pr ugfleld
of Jasp er was tn town Tuoaday.
I he is having so much fun being a>
| bachelor that, he a never golnv I ’ 1
In fro m W ilt s r v l lle — A . A. Camp­
H ere from W alterville— H. M. I*ol K,-t m arried. I begin saving for a «« - !
bell was here from W alterville Tues­
te r of W alierville visited Springfield ding presen; I kn o w ho Is wa tng
in deep w ater, and before Re knows
T h u rs to n M a n V is it» — Bus-ties« was
II he will be sunk w ithout warning,
C loverdalt
R esident
Here— John
th e purpose of a visit to Springfield
and before he can come up for air
by C. W. R uth of T hurston Tuesday Sellers of C loverdale was here on bus j some girl will have him brat ded and
iness Monllay.
hog-tied and coaxing for perm ission
Moves Here— V incent Gillespie 1»
P la s te rin g M c K in n o n House— L y n to love, honor, and support her for
snoring into the Perkins building this
del G ardner is plastering th e I). W. the rest of his Ife—am i he will think
she ts doing him a favor If she por-
McKinnon house this week.
H sro from Dorans—J. H K irk of
n i'ts him to do It. H e forgets all
P o rtla n d People H e re — Mrs. H arry about women being created for man *
D orena was a business v isito r In
L. G ray visited here o v er th e week­ am usem ent.
Springfield Tuesday
end with h er fath er. Fred Clover.
Possibly you hnve never heard the
R eturns from N atron—Mrs. E rnest
V isit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. H al­ story of th e colored hoy wjio alw ays
S tew art retu rn ed to h«y home this
lie Bryan of Springfield »pent the w histled wh»n he w alked' past the
week after a visit a t N atron.
last «weekend in Sq om visiting at cem etery—’'Ju st to keep up hie cour­
George H art Here—George H art of the home of Mr. and Mrs
Ashel age."
C edar F lat w as in Springfield Tues­ Fish .
Seriously. Billie, do you really
and* believe in w hat you have
V is its a t F la n e ry H om e— Mrs H. B.
Makes P o rtlan d T rip—R ussel Dow Flanery of C orvallis Is visiting at w ritten, or a re you only try in g to
n ‘ng of W enuling was a S p rin g fied th e hom e of h er son. F. B. F lanery get an argu n ten t? I hope you don't
believe It—not th at your outburet of
visitor Tuesday
of Springfid d.
what you consider popular fancy
At C ottage Grove—dE H. H alstead
H e re fro m Glyj n— Mr. a n d Mrs. am ong men Is going to cause any
of Springfield spent the week-end at L u th er S teln h au er of Glynn. Oregon, g reat stir— but It ts too suggestive
C o't^ge Grove.*
visited friends in Springfield last of b itte r disillusionm ent and disap­
pointm ent, and sex conceit.
H e re fro m Siletz—Mrs. E
’. Nix Sunday.
Don't ex ag g erate your own—or
of S le tx ts visiting here w ith her
Vinit Huntly Home— M ajor and
own sex 's Im portance. Both men
m other. Mrs. J. E. Hines.
Mrs. W. G. W hite of Eugene, and Mr
and Mrs. W. R. Wa lace and Mr. ^ « d women are equally im portant In
Away for W e e k e n d — D. C. Taylor
Coats of El Paso, Texas, w ese g u e sts, this world of ours I se your reason
Flowerlike Chiffon Skirt
of S p rin g fied spent the last w esk cud
a t th e M. B. H untly home Sunday, i p o w e r » —and If you really think i
for Evening Wear.
w ith his p aren ts a t C ot'ag* Grove.
‘ th a t women are Inferior to m en— j
The bodice of the dress is fitted
V isits B rother—Steph«n L. Baker don't say anything about It. You may very slightly to the figure and cut
W a lla c e s H ere— Mr. and Mrs C har­
in six pointed scollops at the bot­
ley W allace of Jasp er were- Spring- of Glendale, Oregon, is visiting this be laughed at.
week at th e home of his brother, W.
I’ll g ran t you th at the woman ol tom. These scallops are finish'd
f old visitors Friday.
with bias bindings.
M. B aker of W est Fir.
the past was the slave of m an. com.
The drees is made with a plain
Visits H ere—Mrs. C. E G orrle of
P ortland Inspector H ere—A. L in d e .! m andlng resp ect as a m other; Idol
foundation of the chiffon. There
Douglas G ardens spent Friday In
inspector for the Nicolai Door Manu j atry . so n n t ines, by m eans of her are two tier» of the chiffon drap­
fa c tu rn g company of P ortland was beauty, but w ith h er aex looked down . eries, six on each row. The easiest
car- upon with contem pt, as being Inferio. *»V
’ h*P*
drapery pieces
In from W alterv ille--D r V . L . in town Monday, inspecting
, r
__| is to cut squares of twenty-seven
F u .e te r of W alterville was a business load of m aterial being loaded for his m entally and otherw ise
inches dimensions.
Th—t cut off
v isito r in i'rrin g field la s t Friday.
But th e eider C ato of Rome once the upper corner of «
com pany a t the Booth-Kelly Lumber
as shown in the diag.
at the
Goes to Albany—Miss C lara Wyse
-ighL The drapery piece, are then
all men. but our wives rule over n s ” sewn in place at the top only, the
sp en t the last week-end w ith friends
Goes to Silverton— W alter Goeeler
Today, m ore th an ever before, the rest L ing allowed to fall as it will.
in Albany.
w ent to S ilverton Sunday, w here he ,
higher outlook on life- is recognls
The edges may be picoted or rolled
Here on Busine’ss—C harles lessen acted as pall b earer at the funeral | ing th e woman, and her w om an's and whipped.
for Mrs. Fred Rockhill, who was the !
One and one-half ynrtls of the
of W alterville made a business visit
¡work, independently pursuing her
crepe de Chine and five and a half
to Springfield Monday.
life to th e hig h est developm ent of yards of fifty-four inch -biffon will
her pow er, o r living It out in wlf - be needed to make this ureso .
H ere from Goshen— Ed H arrison
Back from P ortland— Fred W allace hood. Beauty, intellect and m other
of Goshen was in Springfield Sun­
of Ja sp e r visited S p r i n g f i e l d lines« even In th e old days m a ' e
| Monday on his retu rn trip from Port sovereigns a t home. Today they m ake j
F u n e ra l fo r B aby.
Ship Lum ber E ast—The Springfield land, w here atten d ed th e In tern atio n ( women th e equal of man—and In a j
F uneral services for Maxine Ben-
L um ber com pany shipped a carlo ad j al Livestock show.,
I g reat many things, thwir kuperior
2-year-old d au g h ter of Mr. and
( Now, w hat do you thm k of th a t?
of lum ber to Milwaukie and ano th er
¡M rs. Floyd Benton of Springfield,
Line W ork Delayed— R ebuilding o f ;
to Chicago this week.
! were held a t the W alker chapel here
the Mountain S tates Pow er company-
C ollege F rie n d s M e e t
Scaiefe Family Moves— P an Scaie- line betw een Springfie d and Albany '
Tuesday. Prof. S. E. Chilueis, paster
fe moved th is week from F stre e t to is being delayed at the present tim e
The home of Dr. and Mrs. W H I 1 of the C hristian church, conducted
th e Richard H a rv e 't home on the while workmen aw ait th e arriv al of j pollard was the scene Sunday of a th e services. Interm ent w as in the
south side of town.
a special tran sfo rm er to be installed J ^appy reu n 'o n of old-time friends who L aurel Hill cem et, ry.
a t west 9alcm , according to local J »ttenrtvrl W illam ette 1’n lv errlty at
U nd ergoes O p e ra tio n — M r i. M . W
B u tte r w ra p p e rs p rin te d according;
Salem to g eth er in 190« and 1907.
Seversen of Spri gfield underw ent a pow er men.
to reirulAtfoaji with ram «,
w<- th t
m inor operation at the Pacific Chris-
W illam ette U niversity to S p rln g fb td and addroes, »125 a hundred a t the
t h i hospital in E u g en i Friday.
as th e sp eak er a t the M ethodist | —— — — — —
Move to N e a tirts— J. B. Hiller-
church occasioned the event. Both
brand and family have moved from
Dr. and Mrs. Pollard were fellow-
th e ir B stre e t home h ere to N eatarts. (
students w ith Prof. Oliver, as was D r f
D. A. Forbes, of C ottage Grove, »ho
was present for the occasion R< mini»-
Marcola Man Injured— H erm an Ma­
We carry a full line of need­
lie n e e s of old college days were en-
son. of Marco a, employe of the Fish- i
le work, baby ware.
e r Lum ber company, called a t th e of- j D ear Mias F lo :—A fter read in g a Joyed,
We do hem stitching, make
flee of a loca’ physician Monday for num ber of your articles, I thought
buttons, button holders, pleat­
you m ight also be in terested in a
treatm en t of an injured hand.
ing and embroidery.
bachelor's view point tow ard women t
I t P e n ite n tia ry
Guard — H arry
Just back of the First
- a n d why he is staying single.
Jones, fx-service man of Jasp er, and ,
National Bank
Of co u rse’ you know, as every o n e,
well-known here, left T uesday for
45 W est Ninth Ave.
else knows, th a t women were created 1923 Chevrolet roadster $300.00
Salem, w here he is to serve as guard
Eugene, Ore.
prim arily for m an's en tertain m en t 1 9 2 4 Ford COlipe .........- 420.00
In the state penetentiary.
and am usem ent. Adam was lonely— 1 9 2 3 C h e v r o le t t o u r in g
2 9 5 .0 0
Man Struck By Limb— Angus Har- th erefo re Eve. and womm have re- 1 9 “ 5 O v e r la n d r o a d s t e r .. 3 2 5 00
any one fia te of Ice er« am that
I» IU‘l up Io par
e r fear tho outcome of off« ring
anyona a plate of our cream ,
for wo ulako II a point Io k eep
It above par all the lim e. To
lh al wa owe our aucceaa.
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
It's A Good School
A. E. Robert*, Proaltlent
»92 W illamette St.
l ’lione 86«
Eugene, Orogon
Enroll Today
Buy Your Christinas Cards at The NeWs
Winter Bedding
In An
Man vs. Woman
Used Car Bargains
vlck, employe of th e Echo Hollow
mill, was attended by a local physi­
cian last T hursday for in ju ries re­
ceived when he was struck by a Umb
while at work fo r the mill. H e wll
probably be laid up for 10 days.
A t’end Stock Show—P rin c pal J. O.
Burcham of the Junior high school,
accom panied by his m other, Mrs. M.
A. B ur.-hati, and sister, Mildred, of
Uottag« Grove, attended the In tern a­
tional Livestock tn P ortia-.I
m ained m en's toys ever since.
Now women are refusing to rem ain
toys. In o th er words, they a re for­
g ettin g th eir place. N aturally men,
realizing th a t th ere can be no hap-
0 n ess in th e sea of m atrim ony,
w here th ere is m utiny on board ship,
do not carp to take a chance, so they
stay single. I for one, am having too
much fun being a bachelor to ever
think of g< ttin g m arried.
W hat do fou think of th a t?
1923 Chevrolet coupe ... 350.00
Best Values,
Easy Terms.
Gannett Motor Co.
Chevrolet Dealers,
Eugene, Oregon.
Wanted—A Job
Visitors at T urner Home— F . C. j You are q u ite flatterin g —when you , I want to work for ’i OL .
W oodruff of Roseburg, who hag beer.; c re d it mo with reasoning pow er an d !
I can double the amount of
v isiting at th e hom e of hla sister here, try to convince me th a t my sex I s ; work YOU now prtJfluce!
Mrs. G. II. T urner, retu rn ed to hlB; m erely m an’s
And thereby Increase YOUR
I o ne last Friday. J L. Beard of Med ' change your mind no doubt, about mj
ford, another visitor a t th e Turn« r reasoning power, when you learn th at
I can cut in half Yi.'UR
hom e, also h a s returned to his home. it tak es a lightly d ifferen t tu rn from daily worries!
yours. I h eartily and m ost em phati­
D islocates Elbow—Falling from a
bed a t his M arcola home, Clifford | cally disagree with you. W here do
you get the Idea that women were
Sm ith, 2 year-old son of W. Smith,
created m erely for m en’s am usem ent.
di.-ioca ed h 's elbow la st Friday n ig h t |
T he lad was attended by a local phy­ Possibly you have been atten d in g loo
man / mu leal comedl«» and rev lt Ws
If so, vo n m ight he pardoned for
T hurstons Residents H ere on Busi­ coming to such a conclusion, but 1 o
ness—Among business v isito rs in one can have even a fair acq u ain t­
Springfield Monday from T hureton ance with tho world of business worn'
v-ere Ira Gray, C harles T aylor, Fred en w ithout tiding convinced o th er­
Russel, George P latt, and W illiam wise.
K tenogiaphers, shop girls, w aitres­
ses and business women with th eir
V isit R elatives—Mrs. Em m a Olson own successful etab llh m en ts would
and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. L andsberg probably answ er th a t If w hat they
and fam ily sp en t Sunday in Eugene are doing now co n stitu tes play—
visitin g a t th e home of Hugo Hallin, th ey hope th ey will never have to
W est F ir mill superintendent. Mr. go to work In the field with w hich I
H allin is Mrs. Olson's brother.
am m ost fam iliar, and rem em ber, I
Economy Event
A rt a i J N ze d ’e
By Flo
And double or treble YOURj
enjoyment of LIFE!
I can, in short., make 1 FE
itself a pleasure!
And I come where the door
is open!
1 will cost you less than 4
e a rn !
For I am a FRIEND.
Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure,
Science of Restoring Health
through the Nerves.
License No. 300
Phone 355J
Geo. A. Simon
Over Penney Store, Eugene
V o ll lio v il
Only blanket» and b c h lln g of the hlgh««t quality In th«lr reapM tlv«
grade« e n te r tbU aale at W eth -rb ee Bow. rs. Blanket« In the new
[la id design«—tn m any colors—cotton, virgin wool, and wool and
cotton m ixed—to »ult ev« ry need of th«, m odern home. One has but
to step Into our Bedding D epartm ent Monday— note the grade of
m erchandlae offered— the very special price» In effect—to r.allxo
Chat this 1« the prem ier twddlng event of the year.
$11.50— 66x80 Virgin Wool Blanket»
Our Prescription
Business Grows
F inest Virgin Wool B lankets In the new block p a tte rn s—In col
orlng ol g o d , blue, pink, lavender, rose und gray, flnlshe«l with
deeply whipped edge», now pair
$ 9 . 8 5
Because We Promise Def­
inite Things And Do Them
$8.50__66x80 Wool and Cotton Double Blanket»
In our advertising we a n ­
nounce f e a t u r e s which
tend to make our prescrip­
tion service popular.
These statem ents are not
merely claims- but actual
Gondi/ions which are ap ­
plied regularly in this Im­
portant departm ent of our
When prescriptions a r e
brought to us they receive
the kind of attention your
doctor would wish.
Exiteriencfcd pharm acists
only do componding and
they have at their disposal,
drugs of standard potency
am! every scientific aid for
facilitating their work.
Prom pt service and accu­
racy are also features
which you’ll appreciate, es-
pe< tally when medicines
are needed in a hurry.
Giwd weight, fluffy wool und cotton mixed blank«to. New plaid pat­
tern s In gray and w hite, black and while, red and black. Heavily
whipped edge«—double stylea now
$ 6 . 8 5
$575__55x80 Heavy Cotton Double Blanket»
Double cotton blankets In double block plaids largo assortim -nt of
colors. Every blanket finished with sateen bound edges. Very good
<iua ity, pair
$ 4 . 6 5
$7.50_Wool and Cotton Mixed Blanket»
Double blankets of m ixed cotton and wool block plaid p a tte rn « --
blue, pink, tan und gray— wide sat.-en bindings to match,
pm r
$ 6 . 3 5
$3.25— Heavy 64x76 Cotton Sheet Blankets
Heavy, double cotton sheet blankets In plain gray or tan. with bluo
und pink figured b o n ie r« -fin ish e d with whipped edges,
p a ir
$ 2 . 7 5
53.95__“ Nftshua" Novelty Robe Blankets
Single "N ashua” Novelty B lankets In the new Indian Rob- pattern»
—good assortm - nt of colors wool and cotton mixed «loiil.l«'
whipped edges .............. .......■'......
$ 3 . 3 5
Convenient Terms— No Interest