Back Community News THURSTON Mr» N O ftS PAO« ftv » THE ftPRINOPIELD THURSDAY, NOV 12. 1»26. fro m H o s p ita l— M rs. M ai Green, wbo has been at the Pacific ■y Special Corra spandente In Bend. Baker and Westport, and Cady, Coeur d‘ Alene, Ida., Grant Sal­ in Tacoma, ,W q „ and Kootenai, Ida- ***mrF« Ba$cr and C. L. Simpson, hrlstlMii hospital In Eugene follow h o .,ja .t month. Th. 4L board of dk hg «Up. major operation, returned ¿u tenir, r . I. selected by the member- iMp to formatele policies regarding l»«r dX'Bie hare yesterday! minimum wage w ales, overtime r,g - l UPPLR WILLAMETTE » lo tio n s , w o rk in g c o n d ito n e Z T B MLMUUn T " 1"? r Ô ’ i V “ * a - T o t0" ’ ’ T “" ' ? IL DIRECTORS TO Wn., F. R Tltcomb, Snoqualmie other common problems of men and Fa' Is, Wn., A. Morrison, Bellingham, MEET IN PORTLAND Hurt from W nltirvlll« »pent Lost in iho hill« south of P lea sa n t1 management. lllll at darkntas ou Tuesday night, Wn.. J P McGoldrlck, Spokane, Wn., Mi»» Muu^e i'I.luila'tiu uttoniled Hl« i,* u * i uumtiOfi, young »ou o. Members of the noard at the com j Huuttepton Taylor, Coeur d' Alene For mil. Nov. 12 — (Special )—» i'h/lrtlb.n Kmb-avhr church ln Kugin« land Mr:, Chris Manion of llii.iig n l J Joseph Stoddard Baker and J. P. 4- wm I operators and employes rep Ing session are: last Wadbcsday »venlng. ! H II. fnucd tils way I mo « vacaql i ■•«•aenl ug the 10,000 members of the Employes, W. I. Smith. Wwidllng, Hennessy. Bend. Mr. «ml Mr» Hurry llurbll from house owned hy Georgs tlonneft ' ______________ _ L or mlxaCon will meet here next W. D Smith, Portland, C. A. Mcil'i j Coburg visited Inst Kunday with Mr ¡There he prepared to r< tnn'n until! M ow l.i; for the fourteenth seml-an- Ian, Portland, F. C Beckman, Ray BUY YOL’R CHRISTMAS CARDS j «layll - it we |< | make it po»elble for' und Mr» Frank Campbell. 'iial board of directors’ meeting of mond, Wn., Blrt Brad field. Hoquiam, j NOW. There Is now a large and va- Mr. and Mr». Ruy Rd-uiUtOB «pent hint to find hl« way home, while a j ‘-he group, which wilt be held In the Wn., J. A. Z< later, Tacoma. Wn.. J. ! rled Hue to select from while close last Hunday In Hprlngfleld with Mr ’ frantic ¿enroll for the lost lad wua »asem ly room of the Portland hotel. M Kanall. Sncqttalmie Falls. Wn., to Christmas some of the finest cards und Mr«. M. J McKlln. Twelve employe-directors and twelve Chas. B. Kn'bbs, Bellingham, Wn., J ’are generally depleted. See the Christ- l»tart , tors has scored a touchdown. The Red Cross tlrrt aid railroad car Miss Jeannette Calktn». alumni sec- Sprlnxf cld, deterntln«-«l to even the has been In continuous operation PHONE- 228 rctary. The alumni In flu x will con score, played a faat game, resorting throughout the .year It covered stllu te a record. Miss Ca' kins de- Ito p assin g Once, the local »<|a<| IU.34U miles, visiting 137 cltlra. where 6 2 -J An« clarea. | lost the hall on downs when within 1.200 meetings were conducted by the In addition, at Hast 10.000 gueats a foot of the goal line The final pass surgeons, with a total of 146,327 are expected to see the Homecoming (he game and tied the people. Industries particularly have availed football game, which th’s year will score. themselves of the Instruction affordeJ be between Oregon a id O. A. C. by the Red Cross. The Western Elec­ Counting «Indents, more than 16.000 To Vlelt Pollard Home— Ml»» Elin tric Company, for example, reports a reduction of the accident rate per will attend. Jack Beneflel, graduate Bosen, of Medford, will arrive tomo; L0O0 employees. manager, believes. row to apend the week-end with Dr. | The advance sale of reserved grand i stand seats, according to Beneflel. ' and rMs. W. H. Pollard. Ml»» Dorn-1 To Send J e llie s to Vets. thy Crawford, of Oregon City, a n iece! has been exceptionally brisk, and It of Mrs. Pollard, a!»« '»Hl bs a week i M r». M. B. I iu n t ly o f th e A jR hrlca n j Legion auxiliary today urged that at . Is doubtful whether the supply will ' end guest at the Pollard home. (xpeettng to contribute to the can­ be sufficient. ned good» te lr g sent by thy organ! j Plans hnve reached dready a stale Call For School Warrant«. ration to the Veteran# hospital in • of perfection that presages one of Springf i* 1. Cre . Nov 12th, 1926. Portland bring their contr button tn the most entertaining “Old Grad" Notlci Is hereby g'v ti that School the Huntiy d die. lessen as soon as w eek en d s In history, a ccorlln g to J?tst.‘ No li>, I ju e Co.. Oregon, will possible. An effort is being made to James Leake, general chairman. f LAFFLING MYSTERY, pay at the office oi the School Clerk, »end the north to the hospilal by City Hall, Springfield, Ore,, School Thanksg'vlng. J< Hies, jam »'and can-' The J. A. Ebbsrt Mem orial Church dar ; ng adventure , /'i Wnrrunt» 682 to 769 Inclusive. ned good- will i - accepted. • R W. SMITH. At the 11 o'clock service the then»' GORGEOUS ROMANCE. W alte-vi'le People Her»— Mr end ; Clerk of Sc'iool District, wilt be "The Enrichment of Life." ViiTH T h t THFILLi» 8jrlngflelil, Ore. Mrs. T. W. Carrey of W siterville | Special music. Membership day. h It spent Tuesday in Springfield. Mr. and At the evening hour of 7:30 we will OF A L lrE U M E The Mr» Frank of the stfr t community sing tho old fashioned songe. ’ were visitor» here 'yesterday. choir will render the anthem "Come Tnou Fount." Mrs. Pi t aril w'll sing Bridge Worker Injured—Richard "Well Wife I've Found a M odel, i MacLean, workman employed at the Church." Wayne W heeler will play ! Hendricks bridge balow WaltervlUe, the violin. The theme will be "Heart j W as treated in S:>rlngflelil Tuesday Hungers.* The service will ho brief I for a crushed finger. and thia will be followod hy a "Friend | »hip Hour In the Parlors." The early illsclp e s used to break I bread. We won't have bread hut w'll ’ have a glass of Home refreshment | served hy the Epworth League. Church school, with Mrs. Ida Onntx, ns supcrlnlondant m eets at 9:46. - \ Intermediate league at 6:00 P M W udansday «üfcUi in Tbunut>a. Clean W holesome Bread £3 A V E Red Cross First Aid Popuîar in America As Accidents Gain atyour. DRUCSTO&E Springfield Bakery l/ANTLEEIZ Flanery’s W .F.W ALK ER FUNERAL SERVICE spring field . ore .. I FAIRBAN don OF ZORRO Epworth league at 6:30. The Brotherhood will have Father and Son banquet Monday at 6 P M. Any man of town or country 1» In­ vited to come. Bring your »on or somebody*» els«' son. G u ilty on L iq u o r C harge. OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOUR WIFE A verdict nt guilty of transport ng j()Vp,, liquor was returned by a Jury h'ur ’iR ,l„. case of'P ercy Snyder In the dr- " ig out cult court In Eugi'n” Yesterday. Jury In the case Of G*orge Malone agnln»t the Signal Lumber company returned a verdict to the effect that tho de­ fendant recover $467.96. Undergoes Operation— Mrs. F. B Elmer of Hprlngfleld underwent a major operation at the Pac'flc Chris­ tia n hospital Wednesday, performed by Dr. W. C. Rehlisn. The local sur­ gi on removed the tonsils of . Charles Cunningham, of Eugene, on the same day. THE HIT OF THE YEAR! Showing Let your wl?h FRIDAY and SAT. McDonald Theater Popular Prices Matinee, 35c Evening 50c Children 20c