T l IVKSPAV. NOV 12. 1925. T U S SPR IN G FIELD NEWS ?AOK FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 PYROTOL D EM O N STR A TIO N , A T TH U R STO N ON FRIDAY] O F F IC E R S OF L A N E C O U N T Y F A R M E R 'S U N IO N Busy Year Shown by County Agent’s Annual Report to Court • • • • • • Loosi R epuriors J L N erlbup C anary .. .. Ray IleWer C sntral Mrs. 1, J. (b tchell C loverdale Quant Fork M rt. Geo K«>brlb«»<’k C l" » . II . .Mrs. M A. H ern Mrs Ada J lining« Dorena Mr» II. Baker Mrs M Gillespie Hadleyville) Mr» G race Jeip s Jasp er Mrs C M F oster Lorune M f K «*nt h» H arry C Jackson Mt V ernen Mr» V A Reynold« llululi Smith Sllk cmbm E B T inker T rent Vtda Mr» W K Boat • • | COUNTY OUDGE.T BOARD 13 TO M EET ON FRIDAY F irst m eeting of lb« county court U se of pyrotol In both stumping 'a n d th" eo ility budget board will bo • Ralph Laird, C rssw sll. P resident. • hdi ! ditching work Is to be demon I,--Id tomorrow. Budget schedules fur • Will W heeler, T rent. Vlee-Preel- • • • • • • • • • • • ' the various adm inistrative depa»t- »(rated a t a m eeting held by the • d e n t * • FROM STATE MARKET AGENT • I n ,-nts of tin- county governm ent havo county agent at T hurston tom orrow • Betty Kappauf, C ottage Grove, * Is Told by 0 . S. Fletcher In i* By c. E. Spence • be, n prepaled and a re ready for th»» • «1 1:38 o’clock. The m eeting place • see.-Tessa. Statement To County Court; • • • • • • • • • • iconsideration of (he board. Increased e s, ; • N. A. Horn, C ottage Grove, Door • la th , Ira Gray farm, one mile work (of several d epartm ents Is re ­ K eeper • Reorganized Work Progress­ o f T hurston. County Agent O C. Oregon Leads the U. 8 Again. sponsible for larger dem ands for H, C. Jackson. W altervllle, Con- * ed Successfully, It Is Shown piutch ?r will be assisted by F E. For th e third consecutive year Orc funds for the coming year. II la said. ductor. • * Price, extension engineer of the Ore- ; O. L. Clement, C haplain. Indicating a general Im provement g»n leads all sta te s in the o rg an isa­ Additional Juror«. gun A gricultural college. In farm ing moth,ids throughout Lano tion of new grange»—83 during the To lake the (la c e of Jurors d is­ county, and telling of a y ear of «uv­ year. N ebraska was second, with 14; The schedule of these m eeting» yet Idaho next with II. while California m issed. oddll'onal nam es have been UV |M E I* u v a l cesala! activity on the part of » the io be held includes one on Tuesday MT. VERNON LOCAL ---- •-----•-----2 —2 2 2 t -----2— 10. The total draw n on the panel by the clerk of I specialist and the ag ricu ltu ral organl j h»» r,,ur‘ h P1 “ '-’* » « “ a t the M artin B rothers farm at Ada (he court. The added Jurors a re : * lo tio n s with which he cooperated, th, “ un,b* r ot “« * grange» Io th e I’nlted and anoth er on W ednesday a t the George B Bloomer. Eugene The Mt Vernon local met Wednee , annual re p o rt of t ’ounty A gricultural P*'4 “ * ’ for y*“ r 147 T ht‘** H A D LEYVILLE LOCAL H aring farm seven miles n ortheast F O, Taylor, bulkier. Eugene . . . ____ . ______ I , — . Ck a C l . , . . , . . K -. were 8 new Pomona O ranges organl of Florence. day, November 4 for reg u lar business Agent O. 8. F letcher has been pre 1 aed In (he country during th e year, G reta Buckingham . clerk. Eugene I session. pared for subm ission go thu county | ' T h e H adleyvllle local m et T h u rs ­ with which O regon la credited with Edward J. Helyea. banker, m otor j As we could not get the Springfield court. I 4. or one half of the co u n try 's Iota . day evening. N ovember 6 T here was route II W O. W hall for the 18th the basket He established on F ebruary 1 a fter ‘ T here are now about M b k fta n g ie In a large atten d an ce to h ear the pro­ J B. Coldren, farmer, motor route social will be Friday the 2»th In a lapse of two years, lam e coun’y gram and buy th e lie s which went Ute s ta te and the organisation la A stead. ngent work has been c n rrh d on un- J fast. T here w ere tw enty-four dollars grow ing rapidly. H lrhord Thom, farm er. Junction We expect to h a re a good program ler a d efinite r v g ra n t which has j and a few c e rts which will help keep City, route 2 C ertified Seed Good Investm ent. ass'«t- I and invite the Sprlngfle d people to ! it.eluded d em onstrations and a s s 'it- I u srv in so neea uooa investm ent. , ,,ur o rggB|ie r | n (he f’eld to boost C W Yarnall. garage man. Spring- atten d . Ladles bring b a sk e ts w ith .m ’s in raising farm crop«, livestock,| Nebraakn has a law. practically the F arm ers' union llerth a K appauf. field -lu n ch for two, and th e men bring poultry, rodent control, horticulture, sam e as Oregon*«, for certified seed county se c retary • treasu rer. was R obert llllettian. farm er, Mabel pocket books well filled to buy th e t u ral engineering, and a I other phut- j potatoes, hut In addition It has an a* prs-s-nt and gave a very encouraging O. Sinclair, farm er. Mabel. same. es of ag ricu ltu ral extension woik. An ] »«elation of seed grow ers w h'ch b>jtalk. We hope she wit visit us again r e c e n t; I T he ML Vernon Thim ble club m et indication of th»- busy y ear «pen* by under rigid regulations. In recent , (n phe n ear future M arriage Licenses leiued. with Mrs. Lena Davis Thursday. No- ,j,c agent is found ‘n th e sta tist l j •I 1 dem onstration« one grow er planted; The vhdtnra from lx,ran« w ere: M arriage I cen»»-a have been Is vem ber 5 with nearly all m em bers in the rep o rt, which show th at he ¡certified s»«d th a t ylei ted 257 buah- Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Biasour, Mr. sued to the following couples during present. A bounteous din n er was received 2124 office calls. 883 tele- •!» of C 8 No. I to the acre, while and Mrs. E Furring. Mr and Mrs. the last week: C larence 1, Foraci». served to th e following ladles: Sarah phone calls, w rote 1384 individual let ¡th e sam e variety of uncertified seed. E d ite r • Net«.-— Through '[ w e a l , r - T hom as C lark, Mrs J H enderson and Hoy. and Ethel V Raker, C ottage »«« JM n rn t w ith T h e Educational B .o k Co.. Francis, Mary M cPherson. E dith C ar­ ters. trav elled 9896 m ll»s by aulom o-j» »»Id »” '1«» local m arkets, produced I daughter, Opal. Miss Jesse Sm /th, G rove; Archie J R ussie and R ach­ N T , this newspaper now o fte n its m d ­ penter. M yrtie Scott. E thel A rm itage. bile. and. with v W tin g « p c, »lists , 191 bushels—« difference of 45 bush se« th is Interesting fsalurs. " Q U IZ " . heir.» sstrsctA fro m th a t book, r a i r m l by Eu «ere fir the certified seed. ! und 'Abe Koch from Eugene. Mrs. ael Fern« C-liton. both of Kug'-ne; ' Ida G orrie. G randm a C arpenter. M ar­ spoke at 134 m eeting« before an a t ¡»I* «« « • a s C. Gibney. D irector o f E -ttp r.-i.^ \ e- Kvrbl Ryan and Ells! Botta. T here ,.u r| r ,„ yt) c„,ffn r v and Ju an ita Lv g aret Sm ith, Mrs. A rm itage of P o rt­ tendance of <947. ttetties. Now Y o rk Board of Educ. . ¡A fter th e two field an I one bln In- , were several o th er visitors. Io n s. Bugen«; Dow if» M ea’owa Thss. pusslss w ill ba found in u lle r tu » . . spvetion have b w n m ade sam ples are land. Lizzie G ray and Virgie Rey- r t f vs. In nsofar ns possible, Agent F letcher Florence, and N -llle Marie Send. Mr« \\ I S eals and Jam es llasit- . . ______ __v h_„ I sen t to Ixiutaiana to be grow n In the ; colds. Puzzle Nth X » sta te s In his rep o rt, th e work ha« w arm cllm nte th ere, w here dls<-a»e. If Ina and Mrs J J Hook- r furnished M apklon: Fi»d R Buck, i n ! Croosua A fternoon guests w ere Miss L aura b en carried on In cooperation with 'T ry o n and E tta D avit Cassity. the n uste Jessie Sm ith a"d Opal 1 ce. b< Ih of Fugen«,' Al’red J John- var;. ua county o rg a n ita l ons. W hen “ ll> will quickly develop. If It dee« Q uilting and hem m ing dish tow els h» took over the w ork In February, develop, th»-« the grow er Is notified Heudereer. sang tw o songs. T b cn iss «»n und Alm» I l.'tU e. both of Cot- lag - Grove re« ' was th e work for th e day. not to longer use the seed, but to get Clark »aro n resltal on. al- At a Hallowe’en party, thrci new seed for the n>xt y ear’s planting. leg »n I our s e e r - te r y lr nsarvr. Mr» T he next m eeting w:X be with Mrs union offer-’,I th eir a«s1stnnce In c a r­ Bumpkins were brought in, num­ W snted—A 8»lnt. o therw ise he will be exp«-l!ed from Johnson, gave n readl g tn did J J ' Sm ith, December 2. bered as the ones shewn above. rying ottt th e planned program . O t h 1 1 "I h ate a man with bad hab- young folk-. ker. S»-veral the association. T his rlg'd certification , Ho< Hooker. Several of cur folk» j She: The largest pumpkin was offered organizations which have given him b ro th er din-sn't smoke, drink, cost money, but It re tu rn s money—It gave reud ng anil re c lta t’o.’«. T h r ill« Mv as a prize to the boy who couid SMALLPOX PREVENTABLE assistance a re the com m unity d ubs, arrange the pumpkins in a row SAYS BOARD OF H EA LTH th e Lane County H o rt'cu ltu ral «,.,1.- Is an Investm ent. A d d phosophnte and j evening was enjoyed by all th at was j ew, ,r or chew tobacco th ey formed a number o f three fig­ H e: "D ees be c ro c h 't? " wood ash»« show good re tu rn s as , there ures that could be divided by "a disgrace ty. and business o rganizations such phosphates In Increased ylelila. W hy Is sm allpox u J le d eleven. How did the winner ar­ as the Eugene F a rm e rs’ cream ery Quack. Quack. Quack. to civil zation?” Farm M e rtg io e r Increase range the pumpkins? S entenced to P rlton. Eugene F ruit Grower» asso-1 Because It la so easily and en tirely »n thods recom m ended by th e agent, Sam : ” 1 don’t feel so g o d la triy The simplicity of tills Rad­ ch aracteristic eruption. T he sta te m ark et ag»nt soys th a t R A raea>ureme..i D and o th ers were furnished Ortmm a l­ io will appeal to you as It How is it tran sm itted ? A when we consider th it the farm ers, j m an, guess ah got borkeloala.*' l A totality falfa seed at coat by the Eugene R astus: ’’Yoah beltah go see de I uim to iib . Anyone can op­ è By direct con tact with a sm allpox of the n a ’lon only rocelvs about eight R A title (hgt Dcc’uh. fo It g ets yoah down." erate It— Ju«t one dial. o case or with any person or article cream ery In order th a t to .y n,U ht A piH-m A Come In and arrange for S everal days la te r Sam again en È experlm ent with th a t va N um ber of years com ing in con tact w th him. goes to the consum er at a cost of ». D JL A berth o th er crop dem o n stratio n s w ere held. demonstrations. countered R astus shufflin’ 'round. W hat a re first sym ptom s? tw anty-tw o billion. It is not hard to Puzzle No. 3 "W ell. Sam. how 's ho B e rk e lo sfsr’ __________ A ssistance to th e I«ane Coun’y underatned , rRnlp,, „ why , fn , ,, rn \ mortgage« dou- Sudden and _______ severe _____ fever, ____ backache. An Arab died and he left his heartache and vomiting, followed a fte r Jersey club In hold ng It« annual Jub , thinks they will continue •’G e tt'n ' wArse— It am Just twice •eventeen camels to be divided 48 hours by an eruption. Hee, and to the G uernsey c a t . , | ncreB»e UnUI Mita great spread as bad Ah done went and seen de r,G ftth Ave. W. Eugene •mom» his three sons, so that the How long a fte r exposure do symp- breed ers In form ing a county or t o( Doctuh and he said ah don got TWO Sttnl'»v Bldg. eldest had half of th^m, the next tom s ap p ear? I P ’Olzatlon, and prelim inary w >r r " | form prfM, u f t, ,H iy ,hort<-nci berkelosls now.” had one third, and the youngest h ad one ninth o f them. ’ U sually two weeks. ¡th e organlxat'on of a cow -tasting a s -, Good P otato P rlc et Think it - At w hat stag e is sm allpox 'catch sociation w ere featu res of th e W ith the potato crop of- th e coun­ lng?~ ag en t’s activ ity am ong livestock try nearly h arv ested , the yield may will be t 14 next week. T h e fust five BoJoticn« . . ,-d to each aet Any tim e during the progress of th e ow ners. P rep aratio n of a d irectory of now be ptidged quite closely, and the MttxJex w-lll receive x.n c re d it« : when Have your R e t w in n er ha« o b tain M 100 credit* he disease H»* co u n ty ’s purebred livestock last estim ate 1» ■ »leld 72 per cent W ill be entitled to a * Q U IZ C L U B ’’ button Does sm allpox resem ble chicken- breeders w as an o th er phaso of this of norm al. Price« all over the coun­ © r pin. 5fy- credit! w ill e a tftle the w in n er ) 4. QUIZ Magnavox Rad o Marshall’» re^ L e a t tr * r tiv e p rite and alao > a r c L jb ra a x ' p r u .;« i on the honor rolL pox? worl:- try a re steadily advancing and Indica­ Th» mild cases may. b u t th ere a re Sim ilar activ ities am ong the poul- tion« a re th at Oregon prow era will po n ts of difference clea r to the ex trym en a re reported by th« agent get good price». p-alih of.'lcer and q u a r­ heW or fl thtmila nd me B can do a wo:k b et­ H»' e ta —F irst Bunday of each • antined. A,1 exposed persons should am ong th e f irm wom-’ n w ere held m onth, H rc e ta School House. • be vaccinated or quarantined. by speclaliatn from the f r e c i A gri-j ter than one m an, by w orking for Jasp >r—Second and Fourth Wed- • I Why do some sta te s and countries c u l'u r-I college. Soil building dem- m utual benefit. nesdays, W, O. W. Hall Jasp er. • have no sm allpox? !,»»• ir:-fun", w et" held, pest control Lorane— Second and F ourth • iiccfsi - B ecause 'h ey have stric t law s r e ­ v- rk was carried fo re a -d The Last Resort. W ednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hall. • quiring vacclnatiorf. fully and corttrnt n ty activ ities w ere Th« new R ector was a ¡dressing hta | McKenzie local, second and • congregation. "A s you all k n f *, the How often should one be vaccin­ aided. fourth W edne^iay, 8 p. m. 1. O. O. • al fd ? church has been try in g to raise m-m P. hall. W altervllle. * E rglleh, H istory a rd S s'ensc Lead». ey fcr a coal fund. W e’ve trb ,1 every Ev«*ry five to neve# yfisn*. Mt. Vernon F irst and Third • Are th ere any bad effects from vac I t ntveraity of rTf gnn, Eugene, Nov. | noncclvable m eans <>l »ettang -money W ednesday. B rasfleld Store. • d n a tio n ? j 12 (S p rc ia b )—The fu tu re le a 'h r« ; hopeaily but with plt'ful results 3t!k Creek M eets F irst and T hird • I W ith strict cleanliness th ro a re no I of O n g o n , Htudents In the school of | T h ere la nothing left to do but bold T hursday a t Cellar School Mouse • bad effects. The chances of Infec­ education, a re more Interested In | B bazaar. Spencer Creek—T hird Friday, * tion from th e common pin scrath are E n g lb h . •’Istory and acien ci than Pin. Grove School House. • •m any tim es g reater. Can’t Tell Nowadays. ever h«fi-re a» -o-ding to Harl R. T re n t—Second and F ourth Wed- • | Can sm allpox be stom ped out of la n d lo rd opened the door a n d with Douglass, of the school of eduevt’em neodayn. P leasan t Hill H igh • i Oregon ? In-uity, who handles practlc, toar.b- sw"<- .frtg band Indicates th e Interior School Bldg. • Yes. By state wide vacclnallon. of his hew model t o y ' apartm ent»: ipg. Vida— Sr'oond and F ourth Satur- «1 ••There how 's IhaP, p retty cosy I E ns'tah leads with th e larg est num days a t Mlnney Hall. • Maybe He’s Moved. call i t " ' ' ’ ’’ her of pratlce teach ers, sc 'c rc e Is S ecretaries will please send In Boss: “I w onder w here I coif d g 't second and h istory itblrd. Tills Is "Oh, John, w hat a lovely Pride tim e and place at m eeting and Lincoln’s G ettysburg address — Jts {/he first tim e th ere have b>-en enough closet." changes of d ate as Wiey may oo- ‘‘Cloaet? torn ou t of th is book?” e x p lo s iv e ? V. in terested In science to fill the po­ la n d lo rd Stupid S>tono: "W hy don’t you call i T h a t’s the living room sitions, D ouglass said. ‘Inform ation’?" Favorite Negatives of the Vaoatlou Timos, Enlarged and Framed Carl R. Baker’s Kodak Shop 7 West 7th J E v e ry th i:g Photografic W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street r •• Eugono, Oregon I