OREGON NEWS ITEMS Page Three THE SPRING PI ELD NEWS THURSDAY, NOV 12. 1925, I Jim Hi iiwlndt, 65, u fartnor rosining oust nt H<-lo, was shot mid woundad I by Ida «on John, axu 15, whan tbs Tea Cakes and Cookies h|* mothrr'g By Mra. Ib-lle DeGraf, Director, water alttrnalety, lo-ating until «Tie». (i oiiil the father b a tin g 14a 10 Home Service Bureau, Bpctry Flour ssoxoth, then add flavoring. Let stand _____ jyear «id brothar. * until thick enough to spread between Co. . . ■ i — -sjwur-panuad lycra. If used for Icing only It can Brief Resume of Happening» of! ni^ “u £ The plain cake Manter recipe which be uaed at once. 676 DEPARTM ENT STORES Orange Icing. the Week Collected for tint Crslnre«. auction of l.lnn county war given In the flrat article of tbla EUGENE, OREGON Un the intsreat of the Weyurhneuaar i-er'es can he uaed for a number of 3 tab aspoona oranxe Juice. OUT Reader» , company, it 1« »aid. Thor« 1« toiiald- attractive (m all cakes. In ‘moat cases ________ augur to make smooth Powdered .... I erablo speculation ua to the slgnlfl- one half the recipe wii be sufficient ■ enough to spread. f on stru ct Ina of n now (I7.oou hlxh '«neo of Ute cruise. If only a "mall number of rakus are ! ro 'le d Oat Cookies, school bulldliiK wan begun at Cascade! Flro suppoaad to have started frogi needed. If u vuriety of cakes are j Th'a recipe makes a lot of cookies Locks. j 11 I’lguretta stub »wept the entire up- Wanted for one function, this ra cip e, prepare the Muster cake recipe add Ho successful waa the mate fair a ll t‘«r floor of the building occupied by run be used for quite an assortment. Ing the following Ingredients: Hnlnni thia year that tiler« la u cash ’he Wentworth A Irwin company In Plain Cake. 2 cups rolled oats. Make the fam ily gathering one long to be remembered. balance of »34.0M9 I Portland, damaging 3» automobiles Note: All measurements are level 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Our good values w ill help you. Portland, with permit, of H .IH .M O I w,’rk'n« ,nJur’r l" ' t‘'ck bul"1’ aad flour Is sifted once before meas­ 1-2 teaspoon nutmeg. l lug «atliuated at (3R.OOO. Fine Table Linens. uring. Onohalf pint measuring cup 1-4 teaspoon cloves. took fourth place In construí tlou on 58 inch, fast colored damask, per yd Alter being atulled for morn than 1 cup seedless raisins. Is uaed. the Pacific roast In October. n month In the Willamette river ap­ Drop from a teaspoon onto a well- 8 egg». The Kd ItoUglaaa sawmill and plan­ 68 Inch bleached, all linen damask, yd. proximately four miles below Hulera, greased cooky pan. Hake In a fairly 1 cup sugar. ar. located between Handy and Kata- the river steamer Northwestern ar­ hot oven (about 375 degrees F.) 2 cups flour cada, Were dontroyed by fire. rived al the dock In that city Friday. 2 teaspoons buklng powder. about 12 minutes. 68 Inch unbleached all linen damaBk, yd. Karl Fisher, «tale tax comtnlaalonei The Northwestern atarted on Its trip 1-2 cup milk or water. la In New Orleans to attand the an from Portland October 3. If you are Interested In these Mas- 13 i-up melted shortening, nunl meeting of atutu tax commission recipes. Mrs. DeGraf will be glad to i D. L. Bailey, 31. within 15 minutes 18x18 mereerlzed cotton Napkins, doz. 1 teaspoon vanilla. ara. lifter he had signed a confession that send you her free booklet “HO Food 1 teaspoon lemon. 21x21 bleached, all linen Napkins to match, h alf doz To date 1495 carloads of pears und he hud appropriated funds from the Measure sifted flour and sift again Delights from 8 Master Recipes." A 374 cura of apples have been "hipped Hammond Lumber company's store at to enalern market by Medford pucklng Mill City covertS. g a period of 20 with hak ng powder; beat egg" untl i request to Mrs.» Belle DeGraf, Home very llgb', then gradually add th e;» ervlce Bureau, Sperry Hour Co.. 44x44 Japanese lunch cloth, houses. un iitlia, committed suicide at Hulcm sugar, heating It In with the egg Mat- ¡San Francisco, CaHf., wilt bring It to The new Rika' temple lit Salem, by shooting him self with a rifle. 54x54 Japanese lunch cloth, i r. When creamy add flour alternate. you. which waa erected recently at a coat Ordera booked by mills of the West of approximately (176.000 wus dedlcat Const Lumbermen’s association drop- j Iv with liquid, mixing until smooth. CALL AND HER Dr N. W Eraerj This amount of batter makes 2 large ed Saturday night. | ped to the lowest point In many ‘ layers or I medium sited loaf cake. on net*»« on elate and other work •» A movement la on foot at Ashland months In the week ended October 31, Jelly Square«. to prevent the uae of all J.o-plillie totaling 87.360.846 feet. Output of the Prepare the Master cake recipe. county xrounda for commercial pur 106 reporting mills was 103,930,916 feet Pour batter Into a large, well greased posos on Hundaya, \ for the week. Shipments amounted to shallow baking pan. Bake In a hot All but 12 of the 38 counties of Ore- 1O8.8V2.234 feet, oven (400 degrees F.) about 16 min­ gon were i'epre»«nted at the annual Incroasus In salary for officers, utes. ilnmove from oven and cool; meeting of the Oregon County A»»c» ,|,,p„(y wardens und office aaalstanta then turn out of pan and cut In half tors' aaaoclation at Dallas. , ,,f ,h„ state game commiaaiou aggro- Turn one half of cuke upside down A limited se a so n for the killing of g a tin g so m e (3570 a year are proposed and spread other side with Jelly, 7 SELLING DAYS BEGINNING SATURDAY, NOV. 7th. adult bull elk was proposed by E F. In a revised schedule prepared by A. which has been beaten with a fork Averill, state gain» wardeu. In a report F. Averill, state game warden, which Place other half of cake top side I MEN OF EUGENE AND VICINITY READ THIS MESSAGE! will be referred to the commission at filed with O ovem or Fierce. up on top of Jelly. Sprinkle top gen- J Halls have been laid between the Its next meellug. IT WILL MEAN A GREAT SAVING TO YOU erously wfth powdered augur. Cut j Salem teachers have Indicated (bat Kltson creek and Halt creek water­ cake through the center lengthwise, ' sheds on the Eugene-Klamath Falla they would appoint a special commit­ AN OPPORTUNITY BUY then crosswise, Into squares for In­ tee to demand of the school board a line uf the Southern Pacific. dividual service. A 4-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs special election to raise funds to In- Cinnamon Cskes. Itobert Kittson of Marshfield obtained , »alarle». The adjustment of Prepare the Master cake recipe. salaries requested by the teachers matches and set 14« clothes on fire would entail on additional exponsu of Pour the batter Into a well groaned, j He was so badly burned he died. shallow baking pan Sprinkle (50.000 annually. John Campbell, pioneer Klamath C- J. Breier Company has made a cash buy of 2000 suits from Block. granulated sugar and cinnamon. Approximately 55 per Cent of the hardware merchant, died unexpectedly n»ke In a hot oven (400 de­ motor vehicle owners In the state of They are all new fall and w inter models. They were bought way below at a natatorlura In that city when be i Oregon have had their equipment ad- grees F t about 15 minutes. Cut Into was stricken with heart disease. their real value and we are selling them the same way. Everyone knows j Justed In compliance with the pro­ smal> squares and serve hot or cold. Hix Japanese steamers of the 8000- Whipped Cream Cake (Bouchettes) visions of tho new automobile lighting Block quality. All 100 per cent wool. Cut on the latest styles. Come ton class or greater site will load on Prepare the Master cake recipe and laws, according to announcement Coos bay before the first of the year made by T. A. Itaffety. chief Inspector half fill well-greased muffin pans in this week. and take 10,000,000 feet uf lumber to fur the state motor vehicle depart­ with the enko batter. Bake In hot the far east. ment. oven (400 degrees F t about 15 min The Immigration office at Portland; Final liquidation of the defunct Gold utes Remove from pans and when spent (134R for tickets during the; HUI Slate hunk will be made this cold Ice with confectioner's Icing In mouth of October to return aliens un-1 week with the payment of a dlvldeiid different colors; chocolate, pink and lawfully In the United States to their of approximately 10 per cent based on white Just before serving split cake native shores. $18.00 VALUES, the claims of depositors, according to half open and fill with sweetened, D. L. Halley, 31, employed ns clerk - Frank Bramwell, state superintendent $22.00 values , vanilla flavored,’ whipped cream. nt thq Hammond Lumber company of bonks.. The loss to depositors as a L 'ttle Fudge Cakes. $35.00 VALUES, store In Mill City, was killed, being result of the failure will not exceed Prepare the Master cake recipe, shot Just over the heart with u 26 36 8 por cent. It was said. omitting two tablespoons of flour, and rifle he was carrying. W h e re Sportsmen of the Bend section have adding two squares melted chocolate Ratios of assessed values to actual | forwarded com plaints to the state ut the lust. Fill well greased muffin to T ra d e values for the year 1925 were aunounc-1 game wardeu. stating that there has puns half full and bake In a hot oven ed hy the slate tux commission. It been such an Increase In (he number (400 degrees F ) for about 16 min­ iju w w w r w i was said that the ratios for 1*26 show of white fish In the upper Deschutes utes. Remove from tins and when n slight decrease when compared with river that they are destroying the ool Ice generously with uncooked those of a year ago. trout there by eating the eggs. They chocolate Icing. • As the result of an outbreak of are asking that the fish he extertulnat- Orange Tea Cake«. amullpox among patterns In the Ore­ ed. Hlmllur reports are recelvud from A light and fluffy orange colored gon state hospital nt Salem. It may be Crescent lake. cake can be made from the Master necessary to quarantine at least two From the lutter part of September cake recipe by using orange Juice for wards In tho Institution. to October 31, 5833 quarts of liquor the liquid apd the grated rind o f one Kecelpta of the state motor vehicle were seised by the prohibition patrol orange for the flavoring, omitting department for the month of October of the Oregon customs district, the milk. Powdered sugar Icing made aggregated (56.632 29. according to a appraised value of which was (24,496. with orange Juice la excellent for report prepared hy the secretary of in connection with the seltures 21 these cakes. state. Thus far this year the receipts aulomobHes and one boat were con­ ~~ Cocoanut Drop Cookiea. fiscated, their appraised value being have totaled (5.816.625 18. Prepare ha t the Master cake re­ (14,980. Cases disposed of up to the A. J. Greeg. farm supervisor at the end of October netted *3500 In fines. cipe, adding 1 cup shredded cocoa- atate tuberculosis hospital at Salem, Plans lutvo been made to consolidate nut. Drop by a teaspoon on a well- la suffering from numerous Injuries as greased cooking pan. Bake In oven the result of being attacked by a the California-Oregon Power company for 10 minutes, a fairly hot oven with a new company to be organised hlarktall buck deer which recently was and controlled by tho Standard Gas (375 degrees F.) about 12 minutes. Imported front linker county. A Electric company, It Is announced. Recipe for Uncooked Chocolate Icing The Jury In the case of J. R. Haless, The California-Oregon company oper­ and Filling. tried In the Coos county circuit court ates a system supplying electric light 2 squares unsweetened chocolate. at Marshfield, returned a verdict of and power to 44 communities In north­ 11-2 cups powdered sugar. not guilty after 46 minutes' delibera­ ern California and southern Oregon, 1-3 cup hot water. tion. Hnless killed George Holmes In Including Klamath Falls, Medford, 1 teaspoon butter. Haless' home In North Bond. Ashland, Grunts Pass and Roseburg, 1 teaspoon vanilla. T ests of sugar beets grown by 17 In Oregon. Melt chocolnte and butter over hot cities, and elsewhere held aloft EACH IN G into her distant Mnrlon county farmers have proved The state of Oregon through the water When melted add sugar; then on heavy poles, now offers corners were the' Roman no satisfactory that tho cbantbors of apportionment of funds derived from commerce at Salem and Portland are the sale and lease of lands within Its communication f a c ilitie s that Empire’s military roads, built much Interested In tho possibility of national forests, will receive from tho are practically free from the that the couriers or armies of Ralston’s Successor establishing refineries In that section. federal government (168,804,20, ac­ hazards of storm s and other Caesar might have highways H. F. Schillings, receiver of the cording to Information received at tho First National bank of llandon, which executive department nt Solera. Fol­ dangers. that were dependable. closed April 2. has announced that tho lowing receipt of a check covering In affording rapid, and de­ Through the industrial heart first dividend nniouutlng to 30 per this amount, the state treasurer will pendable transit tu th o u g h ts of America — from New York cent would be paid depositors und apportion the funds among the various creditors the latter part of November. counties In which the national forests voiced every minute between to Chicago— a highway for the A total of t.817,206 flBh wore plant­ are located. There are 13,199,388 acres g re a t cities, it serves a large ter­ voice has’just been dedicated to ed In lakes and streams of Douglas of land In the national forests in Ore­ ritory both alone ana as part of gon, according to the federal report. service, likew ise designed to comity, tho eggs having been hatched Whether tho stnle highway commis­ In the Rock crock hatchery, according a national wire system that is afford dependability to its trav­ to the report filed hy Superintendent sion has authority under the law to being further extended through ellers. This is the world’s longest Hill with the state game commission. limit the weight of louds moved over cables in response to the people’^ the state lilghwuys will he determined telephone cable which, buried The highway between Klamath Falls In a legal action to bo tried In the nee