W H IN THE SPRINGFIELD NE wc □ ADVERTISING STOPS B U S IN E S S B E G IN S TO CRUM BLE "T h« People’« Raper* L IV E NEW SPAPER IN L IV E T O W N - ■■■■■■■■ SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OiUSGON, TWENTY-HKCONP YEAIl ■w PROPOSED SHOWHOUSE IS • Opens H I M BREAKS l i t Yjociety Market on Nov. 21st ON LOWERING 2ND Men W ill S n tertaln . OF METROPOLITAN STYLE _____ A rehit « d u ra l draw ing fo r tbe new ; th e a tre proposed for the Main street : property of J. A. Seavey and L. K. i Council r a s ic i nh,riuW ,.v unina at 7:30 o'clock E. 0. DANNER BUYS LOCAL FORD GARAGE -A — a * Page are p ractically com plete, and ! Anderson-Wing Motor Com­ show a handsom e, up to -d ate show- pany Is Purchased by Eugene house equalling anything to be found Man, Who Will Take Over In tow ns the s ite of Springfield in the Business Monday; Oregon, Mr. Seavey reported today. T he Andereon-W lng M otor com pany Due to the fact th a t the P ortland inraiir «»iu whom «avui nego- has sold the Ford agency and g arag e th e a tre o upviatui p erato r with tlatlnns for the operation of the p ro -)• a 4 equipm ent In Springfield to E. B. posed local rhow are underw ay has f a n n e r , of E ugene, who tak es charge been In S eattle for the p ast week, few next Monday. E. fL Wing and Ivan new developm ents In the plans for A nderson, who have been p a rtn ers Io the building have been made. As the I tJ*e en terp rise for th e la st sev eral arch itectu ral draw ings a re now prac- j m onths, will re tire from the • ocal tlcally ready for the consideration of field. Mr. D anner, w ho Is a m em ber of contractors, how ever. It la not likely th a t the w ork will be delayed as soon the D anner-R obertson S porting good* firm In Eugene, Is well-known h ere as negotiations are com p etsd. as an experienced autom obile sales­ Tbe proposed building will have a man. He plans to operte a firs t class large, well-lighted ¡-n g u ie u lu loby. oy, v On u r e i ith m e er , side will be- two .m all, glass-front BerTlce Ka ra «e under the nam e of th* E. R. D anner M otor com pany, and shops, a m etropolitan feature. Ac­ will retain the Ford agency. W ithin a cording to Mr. Seavey, the plans call few w eeks th e business will be moved for a stru ctu re th a t will seat 1000 to th e new garage building now going persons. Specifications ca' I for a first up a t Fifth and A stre e ts , and th ere class organ. Mr. D anner will com bine rep air se rf- The p roperty on which It la pro- ice and sales. t-osed to erect this bluldlng Is located T he Ford garage h ere h as changed betw een tbe Com m ercial S tate bank hands several tim es w ith in th e p ast and Sneed D epartm ent store. tw o years. It was originally operated Springfield's new public m ark et I» to be opened Saturday, November 21, t-piiai «wuit »111 m Women of th« Huptlat nburch is w Sidewalks _ to be Laid on Estab* m . ! .. T h . J ' » ' « n tertalned by the tnen of the '" • rk «’t f w 1). l W ¡p arty featured the evenings entertain- throughout L ane county. i n o t care c a r . to o ex- • N ecretary BUILT AT LOCAL MILL riding skidded on kite Pacific high- prix! any money on H»«<>n I tr»hmun voted "n o " pn low ering 111" grade «>B Second a tr - I at Monday night'« eousoll n w e ilp c A motion Io reduce th e h u r v J ' “ * " " ’, m •f • Here a few weeks ago. one of the county schools. - - ------- —