The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 05, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    •ri I I ’ USDA Y. NOV. E, lU'-if».
T H E S P R lN t îF lK L D NF W S
, w ars (Ul»*«'*l h e p*»petty own.
fur Hugh Itoach
uU ’ig th” t'hitrt* * A« I f *«*u road.
H ie c u r t duntral <>•»
Oh th,. Turn Hu«1' t ' ““ * ’ t* Wolf
of Hl«' » . 'k . US *U««1"
. k tu* » s o •• 'ten t h»*l I”’ n r ” n<hi**l
tl F B lip«'01 ih. tulio»*'
to th »mount, ut dann»««'»1, ih»
S hite of liivgou yer»u* •• H- 11
Vlv u er» ri'potl'
r r (ornery.
» ,
S tate of Crvgott venni» Percy Hoy-1
tier ami William H u” #»k«i
receipts increase
j Joseph M ill'no y« r us (tignai I nni
at clerics office
' ber c iiipany. a corporati«*”
■ —
Sial«' «>f l ’n g o n »visua »qg«»‘
Total I '. etitn at tb ” oftfea of H
F ruit G row ers’ ussqiduiion. a corpor
nry nil. . • . ity d a rk . «luting O ctober
war »Wlii’ itl a n iu .n l for thn local
1 !.. f) fcêott versus O. C. G 1«dir d
, r t n . t ra tin g the large amount **l
Eugen*' Huthtr versus 8n«l«> Indu*
legal bu.ln* •
transa* t.-l 1»
tria l Accident ctMBUil»»lon.
During the n u n ih a total of »3 1,1
C era llarklow . as guardian ad I
vtrum uat« »•■«•
,’“ y’ ,h t'
««ni of Opal llarklow. a minor, vurau» being the urgosl s'ngla «lay In sev­
K. O. Sutton
eral years. II Is reported
Eugene lin tel company versus John
H ie total for the month» was seg­
regated as toll«**»’. »«'. or’" 11« *•**•
« U til.» ; circuit court f«'»a. » M l
probate and county r.*url »• ”«• ’ ,7° ’
reports are made
BY ROUTE VIEW ERS »«; m arriage Ileus««# »108» mlacel-
History of Sprirgiie'd Linked
W ith Local Mill & Grain Co?
‘ c W illam ette riv er was first
llr van. Ladle»’ Civl*’
by la hlng two canoes together
;d w <n the fr«igbt w»» » w agou, h
The Springfield Mill an'’ G n‘
»..ken .»■.’a rt. placed IB the can
owned and oporatixi by O G H ushm « >
a n t taken across, while th«* lire
w as parchased by bins in
«■*' ’
a was forced to »» m. la te r ‘hi*
alm ost no»« the t r«l year h
re* lac«,I by a sm all plank and
has Incrca*’ <1 bi» trad e I
ry. both located ju st south
i s s i . T3< I cabli
h a lf million dollars last
ha grist mill, betw een th at and
differen t product» of 'b e
..Id sawmill. T his terry, owned and
mill »re. first. P eatberflakt flour—an | 'h i at.«! first by Mr. Briggs «hd Son.
all It. W flour made from ■
»as u <’-i un’tl the year ISM when
H and W
ha steel bridge was built.
Once a n F « » a sample is Tn^th« ! Pvrhap» a f<» «'f !<”» d<> V * kno*
one of th e best laborato'e»
so fur j just h« w Springfield derived its
norths»« at and th e an aly st,
b e t h a r t j ren te.
shown it to be one of tb
W hen K’ies M. Briggs in IS49 he
w heat flours on the m arket.
ra te d hfc claim w here our beautiful
Keport» of th» L«»” 'o u n ty road
Every day« run of flour s test
ittle i.'w n now stand», he chose as
view ers on two road» ha»«' tin ti pre
by bak lrg before it la ptaced on O ’
I hav* |mr<’hn«*<t n
. »«“I
(fee site to r h is dw elling a «P«» eon-
scuted lo Ih» county court. T h. view-
Sod. (or
m arket to be »old
vient io a beautiful spring of w ater
,ws recum trendetl ¿ h a t dam a«.'» *«f
Blend flours are. Xoxall. a
ah j
Rawlelgh 1‘r.Htucts w a Ilmi« away.
\ - a rt of th e p rairie w here stood this
(ISO he aw arded to Anthony Bhuati'r
scft and half hard w heat; SnowbaU. I
Call M J for llaw lelgh Produci».
■pentaiu *«» in due tim e fenced a n t
on the E d d ie creek r«»ad No dam
an all valley bard w heat.
his enclosure becam e known as the
Cereals which tnls mill p u ts out a . Sprns-H eM . H ence th e nam e of our
cream of w heat, (rraham and wh, ' j
tow n
w heat and they may be had in any j
T h e Springfield M’ll and Grain C o.
quantity desired.
_ _ h a s had
W1S rtk Prom Drtgg.«.
F e ^ s —C om m erclal feeds ma “ j B ring; and C ’ , ft passed in the h an d s
faetured are, Xoxall e s s prodnc ' o f W. B. P n (r» . Cady. W ashburn«.
Xoxall scratch fped, Xoxall milk pre Xoel. B aker. Caswell, E lm er Paine.
dneer T hese fet'd products show th
F ran k Chamber» wa« then app«rittted
weeks ago. on a w arrent tssui-d In Eu
highest laboratory test on th e m a ’- reeelv er and sold it to th e p resen t TW O CONVICTED AND TWO
gene charging them with the theft
ow ner. G G. Bushman.
ket today.
FREED IN T H E F T CASE of a a u lu a s e b.» ugtng to a Eugene
Second grade feeds are: Ooxmod-
in Mr.» we have a reliable
salesm an. The charge la te r was
tty egg w ash , Commodity scra’eh and a . rg> tie and enter prising business
Conviction of H arry Briggs and i changed to receiving stolen properly,
man, who is w orking for th e benefit Hugh Roach and acq u ittal of Jam es anil th e court appointed four a tto rn ­
da ry meal.
Tbe am ount of products consura.«! of a bet’e r r • b '-v e r Springfield Roach and Jo sep h Rutledge all of eys to «iefend the youths. The atto ru
in Springfield is very sm all compared and I think iu reqprn we should use whom stood trial on a chargo of re ­ eya were Jam es K King. Howard M
w ith w hat it should be. Goshen as o n r efofrts tp J i'lp h m in his e n te r­ ceiving stolen property, was th e de­ Brownell. M O. Hoge and 8 M. Cal
sm all as it is buys m ore th an Sfriny- prise by buying Springfield Mill and cision of a Jury In the circuit court kins. D istrict A ttorney J. 8. Miultey
G rain products.
, _
¡and A ssistant D istrict A ttorney Oor
in Eugene W ednw dny.
The Springfield Mill and Grain Co., J
■ Ron W ells prosecuted the case
T he tria l followed the a rrest ol
is putting out a car load of teed and
The jn ry recotntneotled leniency
the four youths In R oseburg several
flour per day and can mHl front 1000
W est H e a rd F ro m
to 118» bushels of w heat per dU/. j
T errito ry covered In sale« extends
scuth to the C alifornia line and w e itj
to Pow ers In Coos county and north,I
to Corvallis and Albany.
These sales could be g reatly in -'
creased if each housewife In Spring-
field would ask for home m m u factu
ed products. At least give them a |
See o ttr varrietl line anti prtt en o f these heaters
trial. The next sack of flour I buy.:
shall be F eatherflake. If we a re to |
Trade In your old heater on the new one.
keep o cr money a t home we m ust
£ $ » •>
Term s If denlred.
spend it at home.
A t j«
Mill Long E stablished.
The Springfield flouring mill was
completed In the year J854. It wa*
built by Driggs. B riggs and Co., w ho
arrived in the W illam ette valley in
1847. Its construct <yi was sn p erv ls. 1
by an experienced mill w right e n ­
gaged in the e a stern s ts te s and
Gov. Mrs,. Kelile B cv., Wyon.
brought out especially for t h a t pu - ir.g’i dynamic leader, made a
pose. None but the b e -’ at»S la te st Im­ ial trip to see Pres. Coolidge an.
prptsr.ted g ra n tin g concessions in
proved m achinery of the Case was
Colorado K i-'er Basin giving pri­
used and thp mill rem ained n th “
vate intere* -’ control of w n U r
tam e condition as when firrt erect d power. Wy m.'rg and o th er Basin
Let the little ones kav«’ a P LE N T Y o f clean, wholeaonje
ur.til 1885 when it wa? purchased by S ta te Gc-.. uurr »*11 apoea, before
-• o x e r Commission in pub­
B J. Bengra,
lic’s w-fcl-ov.
b e tta r t.ia n M EAT:
In 1871 it was again improved ana
Costs m uch LESS!
extend« d to th ree time» Its orlg nal
Best Bread on E A R T H !
capacity or 1000 bushels daily.
The Springfield Mill was the first
1 o’ir it .r mill started in 1-ane county
C cn -id erat on * F th - reto lu tlo n n?fc-
cn a~V considerable garlo.
Fred Frese, Prop.
Phone 51
F ourth and Majn St,
T he lum ber used in the conftruc ir g to r a w > k's vacation for all nl*m
tion of it ■’ as saw ed at a mill then b ers of th e o r g a u lf tio n who have
located near what Is now called H ay­ given .service at one operation for a
den bridge and which was built b y . y ear or more, p re-en ted to th e re c /n t
?; P **
F*lix Scott in 1853 and was the firs’ onvenli u a f V.’t t4o rt by the Spring-
s .w mill in L ane county. T his was field loc *. is being given by a com
m t tee of five m rabers of th e Loyal
1 in wn for years as Scott» m ’ll
In 1852 with the leda in mind th a t Legion of Loggers and Lum berm en
w ater power was needed to run the The com m ittee will ttu d y th e plan
mills which Isaac B rig rs and so". and p resen t lw find ngs a t a m e’ ting
E lias, were to build the following < f D istrict» 1, 2 and 3 to be held In
I Eugene.
y ear a «nill race bad to be dug.
The resolution was presented at the
Bug Race with Oxen,
V rd s of »oola at th at tim e were convenMon by Roy W. C arlton a n i U
B u y n o w , K r a u t C a b b a g e a t bed r o c k p ric e s , fin e q u a lity
V» ry lim ited and much o’ th e work W. .McKInncu, deb-gate« from th?
? done with a spade and shovel. Spring! eld local.
Cheese, full < ream ............................. - ..................
POJ > of course wa? dene by ox team
\t • h
- I,v< t-’ * n e!c< t on, M t, Me ..
There an I a STORE in thin town that e built m a rly to CATCH
at first built narrow Kinoon was cho .cn a m* m ber of tbe
'W. I*
p q aeh 's. Royal club 2
t.'p a ' ri nt»e ¡1* bit of fBiilng
ard of i)l r h t 1. which Include
Every store in OUR TOW N is buiit and icnducted to DESERVE
¡••••ter Pa.i ¡', best r.ard wheat, 49s ................ $ 2 » 2 r' t
to o l 11
1.11 *
I fcav
• g th« in c re i • i " ' *
Dalle i D. Flo. «. a
I bard wheat, 49s
There isn’t a BUSINESS man bee who doesn’t DEI’ fc l© upon the
wage« by 5 c nt" 11
who h - 'r
f w of
people in litis town and surrountlinR teriitory foi all— or most of his IN*
to the board oi di- '
th e d t
M'.K< >:L‘ V’a l h y IT< ?. 4 9 s
....... ..............
nm« nt, the local
C ;lg r .
An th er, op«» «¡l
N e w P r u n e ; . pe* l b .................
..................... ........ ..............
And it is the AIM and STEADFAST PURPOSE of these men to
cf tfie m inim um .
also ‘
SERVE you faithfully and thereby strengthen tbe commercial and moral po­
U diked cn tl.e 1 111
sition of OUR TOW N.
, ,
»i •
■ ■ T C,
f <lld (he
W, D. ‘ 4-1?
R ai* ?,, , it - i : •! ’I y . 'l <■ lb ,
f unde ■ * f th? Fi
IP ” atlon to:
I ; . . i . t t P '. d
? p e r c a n .............................. .......
■;anlzi tion. Mr..
all this pvosperoMft regioti.
F' h T ■ re m a , •* cep: ■ w
f rvi
I lie «elections possible in all kinds of MERCl IANDISE and all kind»
b * bad often he«
I ’. rtio /» i’.
of TRADING SERVICE arc ns great h o e as any pUce in H r land— and tho
ever earned wj *
,?ltor T tteg ’ay,
-! m ontv
mill race, re n lv -
PRICES more often arc LOWER— hc< »use tliey have never hoeft IN ­
P o rk a n d B - a i s J « 1 in , 3 c a n s .......................
S p rn g fd
Booth d<eliy m 11 here
'otn t 1U» Mr. P en -
0? a dav.
We carry a co, ¡ ’ - Kne of Dairy and Poultry feeds. See
wenty dollar
hu ■ laa-
1 ; I
This TOW N and its MERCHANTS wish to know all of you BET­
or the W est,
lece. T.ane
w hat we i.
” your eggs, wc pay top price.
TER. You ought to'know TU l M better.
* n ’!”” a the«* two • al in
In 1884
¡ng ho? to h ie cotiv ■ntlon
This is possiLle when W E all do A L L of our IR A D IN G A T HOME.
n th eir te « h a v ng done tb ’" 1
T im * it is mutual SERVICE,
Mrs. F ran k Fo-.* er? on Fourth a"d |
B eeaut" ' f 1«' k cf sp ace Iu
ft »tre ets. Srurlngf eld, Oregon, stated S rong
botg th» Spong a n i Tl: ma»
th at h er fa her. W illiam E bbert
i re sta u ra n t will not be moved there.
j;e|pr-d on the mill race.
Tfceee th ree m en I rem em ber well ¡a s it w as announc
: -h o only p e rsc ra lly acquainted w ith ago. Thomas. Thomas one of th«. pro-
Hv Mr». Mat
The Kids Love It.
Colonial Heaters
Wright & Son
Feed It to Them
SO M Ë t W H G |
doing HEg£
Springfield Bakery
It A lways Pays
t o T rade at Grays
... ftl.83
- 25C
tbe latter. From fti'h a sm all b*-
g n n ih g they m ade v ry «ueceanful
bnalnes» men both financially an,!
c ’herw lse.
During the
prletor» «»7«-
two large
I A n e w Lang ran g , .
, ,n B(W
I nvens * "d 8 7* i 2 f ‘ . ’¿f th e reetnur-
H « th e equipm ent of the
passage an t.
Ladies’ Civic Club