è TH E 8PEÍNOF! 3-D NEWS T llU IttU M Y , NOV S, 1925. Classi led A ds _ ___!!■■■» GET {¿SUETS; (BUYING Og SELLING* 1 FOUND- Yal8 and ring. Owner m il and pay for ail car key» on New* off ee tf, BUY YOUR C H R ISTM A S CARDS NO W There Is now a large and va­ ried line to select from while close to Christmas some of the finest cards are g< nerally depleted. 8»e the Christ- mas curds at the News office. PAGE SEVEN Notice of Road District Meeting. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owners of real prop- erty in Road District No. 1». In Lane County, Oregon, will be h.ld at the hour of 7 P. M on the 21st day of CAI L AND 8 Ï E h r N. W. Einer» November, A. D., 1925, at the high «n pH w on otat» end other work •- chool building at OakrNge In «aid Roud District to determine whether oatd road district »hall levy a special Not lie of Rond District Meeting tax of *3000.29 upon all the taxable f< Whom It May Concern: i property In said district for the pur- Notice Is hereby given that a meet-¡pose of providing funds for matn'en Ing or the legal voters being resident' ante of existing roads and construc- 'axpayers and owners of real prop tlon of new roads. erty In Road District No. 11, ln'1-a'.e C. P. BARNARD, County Oregon, w ill be held at the County Judge. hour of 2 P. M. on the 21»t day of C L IN T O N HURD. November, A. D . 1925 at the Behool- O. E. CROWE. howse at Cloverdale In said Road County Commissioner N 5-12-19 District, to determine whether said road district shall levy a special tax i t »621 60 upon all the taxable prop­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E erty n raid district for the purpose S T A T E O F OREGON, IN AND FOR of srovid'ug fends for maintaining LANE COUNTY. road on mall route No. 1 and other Harold J. Wells. Plaintiff, vs. W il­ by-roads In district 11. fred Collier and Fred H. Collier, de­ C. P. BARNARD, fendants. County Judge. SUMMONS. C L IN T O N HURD. To W ilfred Collier, Defendant; County Commissioner. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE O E. CROWE. O F OREGON, You are hereby re­ County Corner 'Asloner quired to appear and answer the com- N 6-12-1» plaint filed against you in the above enGtled action within six weeks Notice of Road District Meeting. from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and If you fall to To Whom It May Concern: en answer, for want thereof the Plain- Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ tiff will take Judgment against yon as ing of the legal voters being resident prayed for the Complaint, to-wit: for taxpayers and owners of real prop­ the sum of »80 88 together with the erty In Road District No. 6 In Lane cost* and disbursements of this ac- County Oregon, w ill be held at the tlon. hour of 2 P. M. on the 21»t day of This Summons Is served upon you November. A. D , 1926, at the Lower Camt, Creek »cboolhouse In said Road ^ ^ ’ '’¿ • 5 . ^ ' ' ° f , Kk l? J Ort?1 mltted Information card« this year , r * chorch or h*» * denominational or religious preferr­ ence, according to a report compiled bjr th„ camDUg y . M c A ttnd y w r , v ™ *» shows a slight propor- tlonal decrease over last year a h a »2 per cent expressed acme church preference. Pn-sb/terlans lead with 5S0 giving this denomlnat'on their preference, while the Methtodlst. Episcopalians come second with 381 a id those of the Christian church, third, with 243. W A N TED TO EXCHANGE- 16? «er. » Butler wrapper» printed ausordlng of timber for acreage ou good roud» to rcgulutiona with cam«, wesgbt In lame County, Tim ber 6 m i s and address, »1.16 a hundred nt tbg fruiti rullroai. (¡nod (Is material. I have purcbaaeil a lioim , and open Others In order of their totals are: Address Timber, News orfica. ad a »alcuriHitu. at 20» Hnutli 2nd. for Episcopalian, 206; C hrlsfan Scien­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS .. N 6-12 19 26 Itawlrlgh Products W. A. Ilumenwsy. NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN , that tist*, 138; Catholics. 131; Baptists. the undersigned, Emery M. Richard­ Call 54 J. for Itaw lrlgh Product». 11S: Congregationalism, »8; Luther­ Ft)U N D —Single locker or car key son and Kill» J. Richardson. have been ans, 37; Jewish. 18; Uni arlan, 16; NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEARING . ” near postoffice. Call News office. by the County Court of the State of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) 12 and tf. Oregon for the County of Lane, duly Notice 1» liarcby given that the United Brethar;n, 4. Elght-en were appointed executors of the W ill and underalgnml baa fill'd In the county miscellaneous. estate of Mary F. Richardson, de­ NO TIC E TO CREDITORS. court of loina County, Oregon, bln ceased, and that all persons having 8lxty-alx simply marked proteetaot final account as ailralnlalralor of the ______ ____________ NOTICE IS HER EBY _______ G IV E N _ , ___ tha. claims against said estate are here- on their cards giving no denomina Ksiatn of Kila M. hyson, deceased, tbs undersigns^ has beau duly sp- hy notified to present the same to the tlonal preference, while 817 did not and that said court has set the time pointed by the County Court of the | said executors at the office of Frank mark the cards at all. Stale of Oregon for the County of, A. Delhie, Attorney for the estate at for a hearing and allowance of said lame as Administrator of the estate hprlngfteld, Oregon, properly vert account at 20:00 A. M. of November of Angellne Hills, deceased, and has fid within six months from the date University of Oregon. Eugene, N07. , . 6, I »26, at the rooms of said court. In duly qualified as such and all per of this notice, hated. October 27th. ' S f * ' « ! )— W ith a seating cana- the court bous'\ Eugene, Ore., at sons having claims agalust said es 1926. r ‘ F r,t <200, the new grandstand on FRAN K A. DePUE. hlch Urna all parties Interested «aleare hereby notified to present the Hayward field will be completed In Attorney for the Estate. same properly verified to said ad­ therein may appear and be heard. thne for the homecoming game be­ EM ERY M RICHARDSON. ministrate at the office of Frank A. i wper, --a n » GEORGE A. I) Y SON. AdmT. E LLIS J RICHARDSON, Ik-Pue, the attorney for the estate, " ° 7 ° “ ‘ “i 0 ' * ’ C ° n NOTem‘ 8. I). ALBN, Attorney for Estate. Executors. In Sprlngrield. Oregon. on or before 14 * ' ‘ " e blulding committee has O 2» N. 612-19 26 six months from the dale of Ibis no­ O 8-16-23 29 N announced. The cost of the grand- tice. stand I* »24,424. NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEA RING P. L, BARBER. ___________________ Administrator. NO TIC E TO CR EDITO RS Notice Is hereby given that Mary FRANK A. DEPUE, A. Hunphrey has filed her final ac­ Ma " '» 8 a License, , or Wsek. The undersigned Robert Sorensen Attorney for the Estate. count as the executrix of the last has been appointed administrator o O >2 29 N 612-19 will and testament or David Hum > road d rtrlc t » h a n T v y tax datwl 0,6 8th daJ’ of September, 1925, Dnrtn< the P««‘ week marriege II- On' estate of Hans J. Sorensen, • phrey, deceased, and that Saturday,! . ct n 1 y a . . ic w-qulrlng this Summons to be publish senses have been Issued by the conn- ceased, by the County Court of Lane the Gth day of December, 1»25. at th e , nf *» « » < » “ P<” > «*• ,h - taxable prop- ed once a week foi six successive ty clerk to the following con-i.g- County Oregon, and all persons having hour of ten oclock In the forenooon, ,>rtT ,n "ald « « « * * f ° r ‘ be purpose NO TIC E TO CREDITORS weeks in the Springfield News. Date Oscar W Zoller and H e l« , tv»,-, claims against said estala will pre of said day. at the County Court * Providing funds for maintain» old of r r s t publication ot this Summon* o “ Notice la hereby given that the un­ sent the same duly verified at the ™ b ,h ot ®u8ene; Everett King and Room In the Court House at Eugene, ’ road b* low Ilpper Camn Creek »«bool Thursday, October 1st. 1925. dersigned lamie E Bean has been ap law office of W hitten Swafford. 816 la n e County, Oregon, ha* been fixed hou'"' 01 wh,rh one half ot 6 mlUa U W ELLS A W ELLS. , v,o,et Clark, both of San Francisco: Count'y 7 t ^ \ s the Gme and '« to be used and one half to bnlld new M. and W B ldg, Eugene. Oregon, on pointed by the c u n t y Court Attorneys for Plaintiff, Almon L. Wiest and Mildred Brooks. ounty. •« « « » •« » 1 place for bearing objection, to M ld road above upper Camp Creek school- or before six month« from Hu- P. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon, both of Eugene; Slmner Wallace (nii] account and for final settlement hoi of the first publtcaUnn of this notice. irntor of tho estate of John M W ll j , final bouse O 1-8-16-22-29 N 6-12 Brown, and Dorothy Elisabeth M cKr'g C. P. BARNARD, hated and First Published Oc tobe Daius, deceased, and also administra­ of said estate. All persons having ob­ tor of the partnership of W ltl'ams A jections to said final account, are no­ County Judge. _________ — — ——— both of Yoncalla and to Henry L 2»th. 1926 8 EW A V c NZ o ^ z «S T U D E N T S Chrl’ man aDd Elisabeth Agnes Houck, C L IN T O N HURD. Bean. RO BERT SORENSEN. tified to file the same. In writing, County Commissioner. All persons having claims either with the County Clerk for Lane Conn Administrator. C HAVE CHOICE CHURCH both of Eugene. O. E. CROWE. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. ngnlnst the general estate of John M. ty. Oregon, on or before said date. University of Oregon. Eugene. NovJ County Commissioner. Atty. 0 i t N 612 19 2' Williams, deceased, or against tbs M a RY A. HU M PH R EY. N 6-12 -19 FGto SALE—Gn^kto paper to large partnership of W illiams & Bean are ________ __ estate at David Executrix of the 6.— (Special.)— Eighty-eight per cent, «haeta. 38x89 inches. «uttwMe for hersby notified to present tue same Humphrey, deceased, or 2041 of the 2C58 students who sub- No’ lce of Road District Meeting. properly verified to the undersign-d t DO NALD YOUNG, Eugene, Oregon. SUV F U R N IT U R E HERE making Uwefngw. Th-> News OT' -« »1 his law office at K«0 W illam ette! Attorney for estate Tc Whom It May Concern: Rockers, Bads, Msttrstsss, Btovse, St,, Eugene, Oregon, within 6 monlusj Notice Is hereby glygn that a meet­ N. 5-12-19-2« D 3 Tubs» Stove Boards, Clothes ing of the legal goters being resident from the date of the first publication of this notice ; date of first publics-! taxpayers ar d owners of real prop­ Baskets. Notice of Rood District Meeting. erty in Road District No. 23. In Lane tlon October 29, 1926' Wm. DONALDBOs NEW ANO To Whom It May Concern: County Oregon, w ill he held at the L. E. BEAN, Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ h -ur of 2 P. M on the 21 st day of SECOND HANO STORE O 2» N 612 1» ?r Administrator _ . , _ Springfield. Ore., Oct. 2«. 1928. ing of the legal voters being resident Noyemb*r. A. D., 1925. at the Budget Commltte meeting was called to order by Mayor O. O. Bushman taxpayer, and owners of rgal prop- Bcho0lhou.e In said Road It was moved and carried that G. G. Bushman act» as chairman o f the erty In Road District No 2 In L an e, {o detormlBe sald Budget Committee. ° County Oregon, m nn th e i i at d s y o f t road the taxable prop- Esllmate of the Budget Committee of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. November, A ’ in saw « S a d 'w tT ln "aM d,"trt<,t for the P“ rpo* e E X P E N D ITU R E S FOR T H E YEAR 1926. Center Schoolhouse » r u in n tu u u iiiu u n o iu n o iu _s^4 * _g_ d a . s < f osrvrrt District, to determine whether said ' of fU^ d f? .e d J In' Street Improvement Contracting and Building road district shall levy - — ...........‘nt'BC’ n< " “" a Ro,d L aBd Road J Lumber special l*x tnendng Tntephisiee : Office «13 U«w 2078 » 115 00 Labor, Man and Team, 12 M o n th s ____ _____________________ 1100 n0 GEO. W. PERKINS of »3681.64 upon all tho taxable prop- t, :'*ecL C. P BARNARD. Crushed R o c k _________________________________________ 1500 00 Comer 5th and D Stroeti erty In said district for the purpose County Judge. Cement Alley Crossings________ ________________________ 100 ro of providing funds for extending the Springfield, Qfegon C L IN T O N HURD, Cutting Weede ____ ...____ __________________ __________ 260.00 Osteopathy Randa for the M arket road west of Creswell. P la n s and E s t im a te s F u r n is h e d County Commissioner. Surveying S t r e e t s ______________________________ ______ C. P. BARNARD, 100.00 truth wherever ft (a artmtt- L. E. CROWE, Fres. WtU Hetp You R i C lsM ln c D itc h e s ___________________________ ___Z County Judge. 26 00 County Conxm'.eeloner. flcaJly proven. Your Bufliftnq. Equipment and S u pp lies______________ _ _ L _ 2 . _ _ L _ _ C L IN T O N HURD. 125 00 .« 6-12-19 Sewer Pipes _______________________________________ 2 _ County Commissioner 100.00 O. E. CROWE, Notice of Weed District Meeting. Office 404 M. A. W. BBrtg, County Commissioner, CLOVER'S MARCELLING I 3416.00 I o Whom It May Concern: Police Department • N 6-12-1» Eugene. O s g m SHOP Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ 1 Town Marshall, 12 Months _ _ 180.00 Osteopathy afwtuls for (he trwrh ing of the legal voters being resident 1 Night Watchman, 12 Months Work Guaranteed ._ 1200.00 Notice of Road District MeeUng. w h e re y R * to soUntlfloafly taxpayers and owners of real prop­ 1 Traffic O ff cer. 12 Months _ - 200 00 To Whom It May Concern: Upetaire— 336 Main Street proven. erty In Road District No. 65, In Lane Supplies, 12 M o n t h * ________ _ 60.00 Notice ly hereby given that a meet County Oregon, w ill be held at the Phone 75W log of the legal voters being reel dent hour of 2 P. M. on the 20th day of » 1630.00 taxpayers and owners of real prop­ at the Recorder's S ala ry- erty In Road District No. 10, In Lane November, A. D-. 1925, 1 Recorder. 12 Months H all In said Road ...» 900.00 County Oregon, w ill be held at the Minney LADIES! Try that expert Call hour of 2 P. M. on the 21»t day of District, to determine whether said Treasurer's Salary 1 Treasurer. 12 Months hair cutter at Anderson’» ...» 180.00 November, A, D., 1926, at the Pleas- road district shall levy a special tax SUTTON TRANSFER H lll Schoolhouse ln said Road of »2827.65 upon all the taxable prop­ Attorneys Fees Barber shop. 1 Attorney, 12 Months ..» 200.00 District, to determine whether said erty ln said district for the purpose A. A- ANDERSON Phone 57 road district shall levy a »pedal tax of providing funds for general road Lights and W ater Ltghts: Mountain States Power Co. iff »1862.84 upon all taxable prop­ purposes. Lights for Streets and Public Building, 12 Months __________ » 2125.00 BARBER SHOP erty In said district for the purpose C. P. B 'R N A R J). W ater: Mountain States Power Co. nf providing funds for road work ln County Judge. Fire Hydrants, Street Sprinkling,' Drinking Fontatn, Public said district. C L IN T N HURD. Buildings, 12 Months ______________________ ____ _________ » 1076.00 C. P. BARNARD, GEO» N, McLBAN County Commieeloner. Street Cleaninq and Flushing DR. N. W. EMERY County Judge. O. E. CROWE. Ire and LI Man and Team, 12 Months ..» 1080.00 C LIN TO N HURD. County Commteeioner. D E N T I8 T I N a U R A N C E Fire Department County Commissioner. N 6-12-19 Surety Bonds.. Phone 8Î7 Labor, Flushing Hydrants, 12 Months _______________ ____ _» 60.00 Sutton Bldg- Phone ÍO-J O E. CROWE, Responding to Fire Alarms, 12 Months ______________________ 240.00 My businecs la y o protect .*owr County Comm ¡«eloner. Resldeneo Phone 163 M Notice of Road District Meeting. Hose Supplies, 12 Months 25 00 buslneee N 5-12-19 To Whom It May Concern: 800 W illamette 8fc Eugene Oregon Springfield. Oregon Notice Is hertby giYen that a meet­ » 326.00 Notice of Road District Meeting. ing of the legal voters being resident Town HaI, supplies To Whom It May Concern: taxpayers and owners of real prop- Fuel, 12 Months 45.00 Notice Is hereby given that a meet #rt Rob(1 restrict No. t in Lane VASBY BROS. Heâtth Officer »I Ing of the legal voters being reet tent , Conntlr. Oregon, will be h«ld at the Medical Services and Official Supervision 60.00 taxpayers and owners of real prop-1 hour o{ 2 p m . on the 21st day of Painting & Decorating Recorder’s Supplies erty In Rond District No. 18. In I-ane i November* A. D„ 1925. at the 12 Months ___ ______ __ _______________ 36 00 In all its branches county Oregon, w ill be held at the I p Iue River Schoolhouse in sail Your Home When In Offlc'al Advertising, 12 Months ............. .................... . 100.00 hour of 2 P. M. on the 21at day of Rond District, to determine whether Springfield • 312 Main Street November, A. D„ 1926 at the Sohool- said road district shall levy a fpeclai Town Library Services, Rent. Wood. Supplies and Expenses __ ________ » 570.00 houae McKenxIe Bridge In «aid Road tax of »4460.91 uron all the taxable District, to determine whether snid, property In said district for the pur- Care of Poor, Aiding Destitute, 12 Months ____ _______ ______ _____ _______________ _________ I 10.00 road district shall levy a special tax r o«c of providing funds for comnle- Annual C le a n u p ... ......... ..... ....... ............. ............... ............... ........ ......... 100.00 of »724.65 upon all the taxable prop t lon of road from Nimrod to west lino DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Municipal Band. Expenses, 12 Months ....................... ......... ................. 260.00 erty In said district f T 'he purpose of d'strlct. Interest on Bonded Indebtedness: DENTIST DRESSMAKING AND C. P n - R N ’ RD. of nrovldlng fund! for general road General Improvement, First Issue ........ ........................... »35.000 00 2100.00 CountV 'ge. ” ‘rpoaes nn King road, Belknap road, ALTERING Phons 43 General Improvement. Second Issue ...... ................ .. 60.000 00 3000.00 C L IN T O N HURD, Foley road. General Obligation Bonds, Due 1932 ____________ ___ 35,000.00 2450.00 County Cnm.-nlrs’oner. C. P. BARNAHiD, 240 MUin St. Vitu9 Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Refunding Bonds, Due 1944 ................. .............................. 60.000.00 3000.00 O. E CROWE, County Judge. Sewer Bond« ......................... .................................................. 1,400.00 84 00 County Comml’ -loner. C L IN T O N HURD. Bond Sinking Funds ............................... ..... ............... ..... ...................... 6000.00 N 5-12 19 County Commissioner. O. E. CROWE, .....»15,634.00 County Commissioner. N'Oloe of Rond D l'trlc t Meeting. WM. G. HUGHES Emergency Funds, Unforseen Expenditures, 12 Months ....» 700.00 N 6-12 19 To Whom 't Msv Concern: JEWELER FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Notice Is h er'b y given that a meet­ Gross Total Estimated Expenditures ........... ........................... - ..... »28.424.00 Repairing a Specialty ing of the legal voters being resident NOTARY PUBLIC Notice of Road District Meeting. tnx-pyers and owners of real nrop- Anticipated Revenues: Springfield, Oregon To Whom it May Concern: . Office at I Icenses, Bool and Billiard Halls, 12 Months .....» 300 «0 , Notice Is hereby given thut a meet- ertv n Road District No. 9 In l.ane Fines, 12 Months .............................................. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200.00 ' Ing-of the legal voters being resident County. Oregon, w ill be h r Id at the Road Funds. 12 Months ....................... .............. 8prlngfleld, Oregon | taxpayers and owners of real prop- hour of 1 P. M on the 21at day of ..... 2000.00 I erty In Rond District No. 12. In Lane i November, A. D., 1925 nt the W. R. W. SMITH Total Anticipated Revenues, 12 Months ..................................... ....... » 2500.00 W. Hall Jasper in sa o County Oregon, will be hold at the ID . Total Net Estimated Expenditures ...... ........ .................... .................. »25924.00 Justice of the peace and hour of 2 P. M. on the 21»! day of Road District, to de'ermlne whether The Budget Committee of the town of Springfield w ill meet on Monday, November. A. D„ 1925. at the Lost said road district shall levy a special notary public, Insurance Valley Schoolhouse In said Roa;1 tax of $3162.04 nnon all the taxable November 23rd, 1926 at the town halt In Springfield at the hour of 7:30 All kinds of gravel for con­ District, to determine whether said property In said district for the pur-: p m , where and when any and all taxpayers of the town of Springfield shall noso of providing funds for construe- be heard In tevor of or against such tax levy or any part thereof. City Hall Springfield, Oregon road district shall levy h »peclal tax crete or road work. We l ‘on and malnta'nlng said side roads. O. G. BUSHM AN. Chairman. of »3331.70 upon all tha taxable prop­ make a specialty erf crushed Rond 1 L ittle Fall Creek. 27UTr . GEO. W PERKINS, erty In said district for the purpose rock and rock sand. Bunfc- Road E W. P. Hills road 17U% L. J L EPLEY, ot providing funds for road Improve­ Rorfd C Wallace Creek 27%%. Road or9 at foot of Main on Miil R E. M OSHIER, FRANK A. DEPUE ment In district 12. F. Hills Creek 27%%. g" ■ L MAY. street. C. P. BARNARD. A TTO R N EY A T LAW C. P. BARNARD* M. J. M cK LIN , County Judge. Counfv Judge. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. C. E. W H EA TO N , C L IN T O N HURD, NOTARY PURt-IC C L IN T O N HURD. H J COX. Countv Commissioner. Countv Comailss'oner. 8utton Springfield H ER B ER T F. CLARKE. O. E. CROWE. O. E. CROWE, See our line of vlaltlug card», Buldllng Oregon. Motion made and carried that, budget be accepted. County commissioner. County Commissioner. Motion made and carried to adjourn. N 5-12-19 paneled, or plain, at the Naan ofltoe N 5-12 19 HERBERT F. CLARKE, Secy. . W ut. E stim ated B udget For th e T o w n of Springfield For 1 9 2 6 B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ) D r . M u Sim on Osteopathic Ptvyglst*« Mid B*« "The Loop The Model Cleaner D. W . R o o f SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO.