T il VIISUA Y, NOV. 5, Practical Instructions in TOWN AND VICINITY Goe« to .»««dlttcn— P. R Lawson ( Go to Ro»« burg— Mr amt Mr«. G lt-fl on • tr.p to Pendleton Tuesday-. H. Turner spent Sunday in Roseburg Mo travelled tv S- utliem Psctflc. i Visits from Grants Pass— Mis» .. weveuvu «.7 IVg- HOME SEWING Only Ona and Three-Q uarter Yard« of Velvet Needed eervices Burlai waa In the Les burg cemetery, • vara w»ro b lied out for Philadelphia, and later In the week two were ship­ ped Io Milwaukie and two to Now Jersey Hops ara Shipped ♦ six carloads of hops left the H-'.l them Pacific wan-house here thl» week for eastern pultti». Monday, two \V A. Ilemciiway. The llawlelgh Man. (The Willow» H-’Uth 2nd. for Smart Hat Returns from Nebraska—Mrs. J o h a ’ gy Tuttle 1» a visitor at the K, W. It s e - ms th:» season that one has Ketels return«! Friday from an ex- Estea home from Grant» Pass never before needed »0 many hats. tended ytatt with reletlv«e In Nobrss- WHERE The plainer the hat the smarter It h*- ■ bora confined to his home with la O IR having ;’ is hut to be in the mode there must •k V « . S it i lit; Visits Ward Heme—Mrs. W alter. grippe th s week. ARE be a hat for »very frock. BUYING Larwood of Eugene v tsi cd at th- GREATEST Cottage Grove Resident Here— Mrs I WER Some of the Paris dressmakers are home of Mrs. Sydney Ward of Spritvt TIIRUOUT iifciWMiierNi mi una Peter Nelson of Cottase Grove visited show ng ribbon hats of the same col­ SAVES YOU field last Friday. TIIE YEAR ' friends in Springfield Tuesday. MONEY ors as the drosjses with which they are »42 Willamette * t , Eugene. Oregon See Ag^ie Game—Hr. S. R D-pi»'l shown. These In the satin and gross- In from Pall Creek—L. R Smith of and family we t to Corvallis last I grain ribbons have been exceedingly Fall Creek was In Springfield ou busi­ Saturday where they saw the O. A. popular all during the late summer ness Tuesday. and now they are appearing In the C. Monana game. Men’s union stilts, eottor Men's work Shlrls, Goshen People Here— Mr and Mrs velvet ribbons as well. heavy weight, priced ni Here Over Week-end— Mrs Delbert Carl Lowry of Goshen vlslied friends Hals of this kind are made with Bucknum ami Mis» Maxine Mushy, Molchklu Trousers, for ev­ In Springfield Sunday. out flam es and are so soft that they both of Portland, were visitors In ery tiny wear, l»r. Cotton and wool mixed un­ will fold perfectly flat. Anyone who Springfield over the week-end. Duffenbacher Hers—Cleve Duffen can sew neatly can make them. The bacher of Coburg was a Springfield ion, and Visit at Cottage Grows— Assistant particularly smart feature of the vel­ Corduroy Trousent, tan visitor Tuesday. Postmaster and Mrs. Walter Gossler vet ribbon hat I have sketched here and gray were visitors last Sunday at the home Get Batch of Salmon—D. W. Me- la the tucks that ornament both the All-wool Union Suits, grit) of Mr Gossler's sister. Mrs. H. II.'M ullen and Albert Simmons returned crown aud the brim. These tucks, are color, Work Vests, all leather to Springfield Friday from Mapleton i about three eights of an loch deep Harms of Cottage Giove. with a large catch of salmon. Dress Sox, silk and wool and made, as they are. In the heavy priced at Undergoes Oner'tion —Mrs. Ken­ velvet ribbon, they give a corded ef­ plaids and stripes, neth Carter, of Eugene, underwent Fined for Smoking—John Bench. fect. » Knglnner’« sox. brown and an operation at the Pacific Christian Springfield high school boy, was fined Canvas Cloves, leather A yard and three quarter« of »‘I hospital Saturday, perforared by Dr. $5 in Justice court Thursday for black, faced, srnok ng on 2 nd street. The boy was Inch ribbon Is required to make this W. C. Rebhan of Springfield. hat. First cut a circular piece ns reported by V. D. Bain. Work Shoes, all leather, Card Party Postponed— The Legion Payday Overalls, union la ig e as the width of the ribbon will auxiliary' card party has been post-J Visit from Foster Mr. and Mrs. I permit for the top of the crown., cut made, poned indefinitely, according to the ' w H. Clark of Foster visited over the the ribbon for the sides of the crown announcement of the president. Mrs. I week-end with MY. and Mrs. T. H. according to your head measurement», M. B. Huntly. plus two aud a quarter Inches for the Hulbert. tucks. The crown has only three lock« the tacks and for the slight fullness Goes to Portland—H. J. C :s, chief Returns to Corvallis— Mrs. E. D. U l- while the brim has four The tucks In the trim. t accountant of the S 'rln sfic” oftlc ly reiurntd this week to her home are mad» »0 that they cover the seam* Tb# M,J|t erown , , gathered at the of the Booth-Kelly lumber company. . Corvallis after spending several in the tibbon. top as near the selvage as possible. made a bus'ness trip to Portland days here visiting at the home of Mr When the side piece for the crown it ■« then backstltched to the center early In the week. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery IT'S MORE THAN GOOO has been cut. cut the ribbon length- p-ece as I have shown at B. The Recovers from Op«ratior— W. C v is it on Indian Creek— Mr and Mrs. sla t through the center as I have brim la sewn to the crown port‘on It Is positively dellcton«. Kv- McLagan. machine su reriaterc-n t fc: Charles Taylor of Thurston and Mrs. shown at A. This gives you two strips extending slightly below II as at C. the Mountain States Power eoT?*ny W. H. Adrian of Springfield motored eryone who eats our Ice crt*am i w,t{j a selvage on one edge One piece This edge Is then turned down aud was back at his desk at the focal plant to the Indian Creek district last Sun jor tj,e tll ¡„ CU| two Inches longer whipped over the raw edge of the says that. And why not? It 1» Monday after an extended confine­ day. to visit with relatives of the ,j,e piece for the sides of the brim as at D. The orqament is made made from the purest m alcrias ment following an operation he under­ Taylors. ( crown. This measurement allows for as at E. In a sanitary factory In all fla­ went at he Pacific Christian hospital j Visitors Hare— Among Waltervllle vor«. Order some today In in Eugene early in October. and w- II John, of Cottage Grove, and Robert. ... W altervllle residents _ w h e o „ were < He was 39 ' years of age bulk or brick» and see for your- of Reedsport, and four sisters, Mrs. It F. McCollom. Mra. M. J Drury. NORTHWEST LEADS IN »elf. Certainly we deliver It _ Springfield , p known n this district. visitors Tuesday were l LUMBER CUT FOR 1924 ! W. Corn. J. W. Fountain. Roy Baugh. I Mr. Willian Is survived by his wife Mrs. George E I’ottter, and Mrs E rn­ o si West, all of Cott (age Greve. Arthur Eeaston, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ! and tow sona, Delmar and John, of Washington first and Oregon sec­ Trotter and Mr* and Mrs. T. W. Car- Camp Crook: h s parents. Mr and ney. ond in lumber cut for 1934. is shown Mrs. Tom Willian of Cottage Grove; , Rev. Harry L. Benton of the Chris in detailed figures Just reedved by -------------— brothers, Robert, of Thurston, ttan ,-------------------— church conducted (he funeral FUNERAL HELD HERE FOR I three <----------------------------------- ------------- ------------------ the district forester's office in Port­ CHASUES ISAAC WILL, land The lumber production f'gures for Faneial services f«x Charles Isaac O U 24 were compiled by the U. 9 de­ Willian. former res.d-nt of Walt* r- NOTICE HEREBY 0IV E N to , be iegal’ voters of School District No 1« partment Of commerce In rooperaflon with the forest service, department ville, who died at Camp rook bourn of i,an- County, Stale of Oregon, that a School M-etlng of said dlslrh I will Dakota. October 24, were held at th? j be hejd at City Hall, on the 27 diu of November. 192», at 7:30 o'clock In of agriculture. tniK-ua the budget hereinafter set out Walker chapel here Tuesday morn the afternoon for the purpose of ’ discussing For the entire United States the with the levying board. ¡ng. Mr. Crook d'ed as a revolt of In­ The total amount of money needed by the said school district during tip- lumber cut wav 3S.93O.S3g.0OO feet, juries received when h? was gored bv fiscal year beginning on June 30. 1925. ard ending Jun- 30. 192«. Is e sti­ or 3.3 per cent less than for 1923. Of a bull at his South Dakota ranch mated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received the 29 states, each of which re-—e e , from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, the production of more than 150.000.- special district tax, and all oth«m moneys of the district: lt’B A Gotxl School BUDGET 000 feet of lumber in 1924, 19 showed Enroll Today Estimated Expenditures. a smaller cut than for 1923. This i A. E, Roberta, President ' TERSONAL SERVICE: decrease was shared by all prcduc'ng i Salary per Eugene, Oregon Phone B6G U92 Willamette tît. region« of the United States. Yellow - year Principal. 1 8 2100 00 9 2100 00 pine and Douglas fir lead all species. ‘ YVe carry a full line of need­ Principals. 1 .... 1350 00 1350 0(1 constituting 34.7 and 20 8 percent re­ ITInc pals. 1 le work, baby ware. ... 1400.00 1400 00 spect*! vely. Teacher», 1 ............................. .... 170000 170000! We do hemstitching, make ’’’ash'ngton’« total lumber cut for , Teachers. 8 .. . 1216.00 3646.00 ' buttons, button holders, pleat­ Teachers. 3 __ ______ __ _______ -y r-___ 1125.00 2250 00; 1924 was 6.267.343.0C0 feet, board ' ing and embroidery. Teachers. 3 ............ 1080 00 3240.00 1 measure, and is a 01 per cent da- ! Teachers, 7 . ... 1035 00 7246.00 Ju st back of the First «•ease from 1923, while Oregon cut Teacbers. 5 . ... 1012.50 5082 50 National Bank 3,665,547 000 fe't which was 7.6 per Teachers, 5 „ . _______________ ______ 990 04 4'- 11 Appetizing—WhnleBome and Satisfying fresh m eats are 45 West Ninth Ave. Teacher«, 2 4 time ........ ............... .... ......... 41»; 25 832 cent less than her 1923 cut. These fig­ Janitors. 3 ............ Eugene, Ore. 990 00 297-1 Oo always to be had here. A modern plant kept In a highly ures are based on data furn'shed to j Clerk. 1 ..._ 300 00 300.00 i the Forest service by lumbermen In ' sanitary condition Insures you the best product obtainable. Other services ............. .......... ............. ..., 100 00 100 00 ' these two states In 1924 there were j Total ____________ __ ___________ ___ ..................... »37,146.00 469 mills in Washington rerorting. i MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: which Is 161 less than In 3923, and ............. » 900 00 ' Furniture (desks, stove», curtains, etc.) 39S In Oregon, which Is 61 less than 1 .‘supplies (chalk, erasers, etc., ............. 135.00 HOLVERSON BROS. reported for 1923. This decrease doe» I Library books ..... ......................................... .............. ........ 85.00 Flags .............................................. ............ rot. necessarily mean, forest o ff’ce-v | 200.00 505 Main St. Phone F0 Janitor's supplies ...... .................... ............. ..................... 300.00 say, that there was a smaller number 1 Fuel ............ .... ..................................... ........ 833.00 I c f mills operating in these states hut Light ..................................... .......... ................ ................... 8M.OO might mean that a smaller number Water ..... ........................................ .............. ....................... 275.00 Postage, stationery and printing _____ ................... 17500 furnished data on their cat for the year. »• , Total ........... ....................................... ........... .. ................... »3253 00 Louisan a ranks third and also MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS; «•hows a lower cut by 44.4 per cent, j Building and grounds ........ ...................._... .................. » 400.00 Limited Offer— hut Mississippi, which •» fourth, had • 12— le sso n s— 12 » 400.00 Tot’al ...................... ....................... an increase cf 4.3 per cent over her I Gold Plated BEGINNERS OR ADVANCED INDEBTEDNESS: 1923 cut California and Nevada r» I » 3537.60 Bonded, and interest thereon , r..... - ▼ DEMONSTRATION FREE cord Ilk« * ise a 1« ««ened cut hv 5.7 per ! 2460.00 Warrant, and interest thereon Learn to Rag and Jazz Popular SongB with Swing cent, Idaho and Monana both show » 6987 50 Total ___ _________ and A ccent Learn Double Baa». Endings etc less production In 1924 than In 1923; » 420.00 INSURANCE: ................ Enroll Now Alabama and Georgia show Increases. MISCELLANEOUS: WATERMAN PIANO 8CHOOL ................. » 60.00 Winnie Irene R ubbc I, Mgr. How to Use Concrete. 50 00 T o t a l ____ 244 E 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Phone 19G7J There are hundreds of ways and places where concrete may be used »47,255.50 Total for economy and advantage on farms ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 7100 00 —In barns, silos, fence posta, septic From county school fund during the coming school year -------- 1300 00 From state school fund during the coming school year ............... — tanks, floor«, trou fib a, walks, walla From elementary school fund during the coming school year ....... .. 4300.00 and basements storage cellars, hog Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during ths Have your wallows, manure pita, foundations, 6600.00 coming school year, H. 8. fund ..........»............................................... etc. If any farmer Is Interested he Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax ......... ....... — »18,200.00 RECA PITULATION: mny secure booklets on any parilcurir Total estimated expense« for the year ----------- --------------------- ——....»47,266.60 use, without charge, by writing to Total estimated receipts not incldlng proposed tax ——------------ 18,200.00 the Portland C-ment association, 100J Balance, amount to be raised by district tax . - ...... ............... »29,066.60 One Pint Oasco building, Portland, or the 0 . . THE INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICT NO. 19 IS AH FOLIA,WH: A. C., Corvaills. These booklets give of the Vacation Time« Enlarged and Fram ed Compound, excellent to use Total bonded Indebtedness ........................ ................ »73.000.00 estim ates on cost, blue prints, how to Total warrant Indebtedness ...................................—..........—........— _ 43,920.00 At mix and much general Information after shaving, Total amount of other Indebtedness, estimated ....................... .......... 1000 00 New Flax Harvesting Machine. Special 59c ................... »117.920.07 Total amount of all Indebtedness The Campbell ranch in Motnana Dated this 2 day of November, 1926. Is working out a system that might be A ttest: R. W. SMITH, District Clerk. woll worth while for flat growers of C. A. SWART8, F E. LOCK, the Willamette valley to Investigate Wm O. HUGHES, that of harvesting flax from the wfn- A. F. FIAJWERS. i*ew by a combined Larv»vtr thresh- Everything Photographic D B. MURPHEY, »r that It la claimed will cut thé cost j . c . M c M urray , f»cm 18 to 6 cents per bushel Board of Directors end Budget Committee. 75c 5 1 .4 9 5 2 .9 8 $ 4 .3 8 5 2 .4 9 5 2 .9 8 $ 4 .9 8 S&.9O 79c 19c 5 1 .3 9 35c 5 3 .2 5 »« 5 4 .9 8 I EG G IM A N N ’S AN Secretarial, Stenographic or | Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College A rt and Needle Shop FRESH MEATS S A V E wZrA SANITARY M ARKET atyour. DRUGSTORE PIANO JAZZ Valet Auto-Strop RAZOR $1 Value 59c 2 Tubes Colgate’s Shaving Cream 35c Flanery’s Favorite Negatives Carl R. Baker’s Kodak Shop 7 West 7th