Community N evs UPPER WlLLA/V.fcl I t PAGE FIV» THE SPRINGFIELD N’SW'4 T1IÜBRDAY. NOV. 6, l>26. By tp s c ls l C orrsspondents H iw K b .Q N NOTES OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL IUTEEEST Sriaf Rosume of Haon«ntng» o- TOWN AND VICINITY Tho city of R< nd. under an opinion of Iba attorney-general, may avail It­ self of act of the last legislature Andrew Melson H ors — Andrew author -Ing It to acquire 11 second- ; Nelson of < ottuge G rove visited te feet of w ater from Tun.glo cru d t for la lives In Springfield last week, a m un‘‘ lpal supply T he opinion waa »ought by K. 11. Fox. m ayor of (Send. A ttend Lodge M eeting- Jo in Ket- A o .rt. r se Ulon of land about »1» and Oswald O lson of the be at Od I four I Ice. weal of W eston. In t h . Fellows lodg attended a m eeting o f, hagn I .« m e of tha b ast w heat pro | Eugene odge T uesday evening, Visita Home Here—-John Blom, a v ..\a L-nf.etd college a t Mo- !t& uvli(, vjaltcp at thq home of da paren t-. Rey. gad Mrs. E C. B apilst church, over the t H cm »d. Ile waa accom panied la w by a toe Week Collected for - Co’orsdo— T>. N. Ki-a- R ' ‘ •: The b o tta of , IU*I ku Hull I Mrs. ¡mm»* (lam íale have .lir Co m ereiai S tate a *y. •' lu I I V*‘Fdal< I ti Cur Reader» »1 • ’ n vl Hint; b « f.ats-'-ts. Mr, i po I m other, Mrs. O. B. bunk. Friday * |.j!» :, J,viol, i 30th. Only » Mn*. W Uuni n t n j t l e . They W'ivn din in g land In VmatiUa county, lu t'i • 3 yaeterday from a p a rt of ili.- tur. (tin, wu it* xtvnj, Tib J 1». . rt mining Lb f 1 ih hiitcbory n - s r Ji. 13.800. j v is ito r » T u e s d a y . fU'C bil'l WB4 «1*11 Uotit r wuv when I r ng tv th h u lih e iy on the Me Hid» for the con»truction of Hie new tp Oregon by way of they r th<- (until) discovered l-t. M an B u st; I) «I«. now. A. M. bulrym pl«. w arden of th e Ore-i •ta t« norm al school p lan t a t Ashland con Callfo »tat. prison, left this week for P -r k ln . a t P e rtla n d -A . J. Perkins Kul*. wlio wen a tiiin h n * a (thristlati Via. Kumeat W rit and M n IP n «-ill be opened In Salem, November 12. j a c l . s e . Mias , w here It- will attendI returned a fter a buslners trip to K udsavnr p arty a t ihi M. E Hay» ' l i r ’o lln f fro n t C o tta : » Grove »pent County a»«o»»or« from nil seetlons the annual roeeting of th e American P ortland WedD»'»diy. r»sid( orv w alchrd lit« llatii,-» urtd 'V« <1 *:ea0.800,823, Kat« a »ary goial progfam H«ilow»«*n D it. Hough, who underw ent a very night. Saturday O ctobar 31. The serious operation l»»t wonk, 1» g et­ have elected to come under th e pro­ feet. T he report, which wa» for 111 tection of th« w orkm en's cotupensa- j mills, showed m anufactures aggregat-1 school him«« wan puihi-il, many aland ting along exceedingly w II. ing 102.»52,883 feel and shipm ents of i Mr and Mr* Hoy Kdmiston »nd tlon act. inn In tha hall. A fter th e program Geld w orth more than >20 waa the 98.07C 881 feet. which consisted of m usical number-«, Mr» John Edm 'aton visited Mr» Ed- rest>,( of one panning at Jacksonville. Hen-lptsVif the Oregon state fair for j reading a id playlet« hy lb« pupils. tnlaloii In Egem- fast T uesday. Wb-ra small gold mining operations 1928 aggregated >74,899.24, as against pun>| bln pie. i«U<*. candy and d d « r Mr and Mr» M J McKlln from are In progr««» on Main street by In­ >88,8.4 58 tn 1924, according to a wa» «old by tbu pupil« and teacher« Sprlngrteld »pent Sunday- with Mr. dividuals. flnaii -tat rep o rt prepared by Mrs. Ella Thl» netted the school >17 which go«-« and Mra Hoy Kdmlslon ................. Ed Richardson. 51, ex ferry opera ___ Scbulix Wilson, secretary of the state tow ard buying a «el of encyclopedia Mrs L lllsh Rhode* »nd daughter». T heda and lone from S p rtn g flell to r on the Coquille river, com m itted ; fnlr | t was estim ated that the | the school 1« buying this year. tli. week ‘ tul 1 1 1 T huraton j suicide a t Co20.008 a fte r all ex-| 1 g irg train . , ponses have been paid. echmd Thl» rnnhe» the atten d an ce 44 d a rre her» last Sutrday evening Work on the new arm ory a t S ilv er-- E m phatic dental th a t be had direct-! Rnndfiv m orning th e re were s- verni (' K Jordan sta rte d building hl-« ,t,e sheriff of K lam ath county to- pi a house W««lne»day. NoVi tilier 4 o u t 1 tioklpg for the r gute« which were ton Is expected to he com pleted In tw o! Mr. and Mr». Thumpson Mora« »ml carried away bv a crowd of the young weeks, according to m em bera of th e e R a in a te from the tax roll all of the I firm of co n 'rn cto rs who are building ■ unpaid taxes of the E n terp rise Land j grandson, Ixdam t. h av ^ moved onto f, Iks playing Hallow een prunk». the stru ctu re. ' & Inv, stm en t company, as charged th* Cobb place Mis. t ' E Jordan w as In K iir-m FOR S A L E —t ’a/h n n paper In lare** ’ A band of wild horens roam ing or. October 22 by Dr. Elwood Mead, com , ’he t ’aa.-ade m ountains near the Me- i tnlsr of reclam ation, «vaa made Friday. O ctober 30 ati'l a lt'tid e d the •h its, >l,xl’>9 Inches, suitab le for Kensto pros will roukded up s o o n ! at K lam sib Fulls by R. E. Bradbury, Farm er» Union luncheon a t the Eu­ making tracln;; The N ews Office i ind s-dd hy Sheriff Taylor, according - president of the K lam ath Irrigation gene hotel I to th at officer. * i district. T h e n v n ih e t’s o f th e C h r is tia n En The Oregon state grange withdrew W 0 . Mac ,r>-n of Portland has r, deavnr soe'ety hold a llallow ’-su ja r ty mbi-r of the »tute parol • from the sta te departm ent a t S alem ' gtted an a r Friday night Demi» r 'o at th e h»mc beard. He " i appointed to th e botird its petition for a constitutional amend- ! “GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN TI HE of Mr »nd Mrs M E Haya Hallow­ 23. to succeed Irs Mar- meet authorising a bond Isaac In an .January 28 WHO LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE FOR ANOTHER?' een refreshuieuts w -re »«rved unilnilted ciuouut for the developm ent t In o t Pertin [ T ni-iiil--» of t ' 1*' C! ' ' O En­ Those of us who appreciate their sacnii ? w it! A to tal of 20.7.342 rt creatlo g lsts vlslt- cf Y y ilr electric power in Oregon un deavor of Idc» a I H I I » H en le the d e r stata control. T here ha» been sub­ continue to protect the homes of Am-i a b y ratty nt t U F u r-n e C httM lrn church Qains 142,000 Members in Year stitu ted for this, fe constitutional : ebedionce to law, by hard work and by T i .d T. the pa«t n ’«Hon. according to a report W .dti «day. N' vem her 4 am endm ent providing th a t the bond in Schools Throughout Misa Ju a n ita Lombard of S trin g Save and Have Issue shall bo lim ited to 4 per c e n t, United SUtes. i » «»«•»» aaporviaor. field I« helping a t the T inker home. of the assossed valuation of property 1 A woman and 'tw o men are thought Morton Br «Utw. who ran « 4P tsmny la ,th is stato . > hy officer« to havo robbed th a Helio spike In his font 1*'» week» a id I» A n-.vw high level In peace time . . . P rices on Pacific coast cranberries ‘ .rsii iiice •«••■il«, — uvu — , . „ _ . abarwhip of th«, American Junior >K«l< ffH» r cently When the gum of ah' to b,wnh«ut again 183 in po«t.l fumi» and check» u à « !" « ™ ™Iscd fcy thè Pacific tm n b ir r y Miss Fern Hay« vl»Hed a t Pina» Rod Cro»» 1» recorded for 1925—Its taken from th è »afe. I B x ^ a n g e a l A steria from >3.58 te >4 Springfield, Oregon ranks numbering-f-.73x 848 school girls ani Hill over the week »ml M lstak ln , a .m ali b o tti, of poison « ° r *12 » b“ r r ' L L and boy»--«i gain of 142.000. S e v e ra l people at P leasan t Itili ar> This unl-in«- and powerful children's tab lets for aspirin. Miss Jean M addox,, mambos. T his price Is considerably •uffcrlng with poison oak. organisation started as a war meas- I 17. « Junior In th e Roaeburg high under th a t of e a ste rn berries. T here has been a larg«*r m ovem ent of west . ore. but today Is one of the g reatest K2.ÌT-Y-, asara- iichiiol, took several of the tablet» and boa Influences for pea««, ever known An ern c ra n b erries this year than ever ORGANIZE —.............. PROMOTION ! Increasing participation In local pro I 1» In a serious condition. before In the history of th e industry. GLUS AT HIGH SCHOOL gram s of aerrtce h ss featured th eir Eight persons were accid. ntally kill - w tgteru crop , hl< year will mount -------- , year's growth It Is ladlcated th at to p j during th e Oregon deer hunting (n to m< m{ re r(, than than 150 J50 cars c a r, and au(, is la of of extep. excep­ O rsnulxailon of a B oosters' club. ' » g reater d«^re- than ever pupils In a(.Baon th a t a ta rt„d R eptem ber 20 and tionally fine quality. , ttrgaotsa i the ach«xib are perform ing Individ- . , .0 two were klll- »Hh th - p u r ,..... of promot ng Inter-, eolh.c, , T, , r t . of service In . r ‘,G7 ' J , T " ,nl ' Oregon p13 a m onth; V ary Drake. Portland. laes« a> «amr tbrsutsrh fthltfthrumt of R departm ent of >30; Faancls M P«!ch, Portland. >18; at the SprlngfP 1*1 high school. P n n - 1 • program, i...t«w.Ssv«i binnchc'l last year through I d en tistry in In connection with th Uni ,, V II Hain annootw ed today • co^ip.-ratlnn of th«. l.lfe-Sarlng Rerv- dentistry the e U n l-.( ,e M Fuater Fo?est Grove. >30; , (-i,„r i... I Ice of the Red Cross, has led to a de- v verslly e r s lly of Oregon tin- w)]^ In Hanno!Ji y,rd- >1* ; Martha IVragon was urged In th« F lr„t ni'-mhcra of t> club a te t iiarn - ________ ___ u ________ term ination to make H a regular foa annual report of the state board of j A. Kiser, F orest Grove, >30; John W. I Thom pson. George Moon, Shirley lure of both these bran«-h«e. dental exam iners filed with G overnor P rentiss. Selma. }1-'; Alvin S. Klein It, im-nway and I.i-on«* Ils, sbeth An outstanding feature of the - ai ^ i . O regon City. >12. F rank Pierce. Th«- Uotisierw club « « tick t-sih ln g jú n io ra’ work th lj year was the par 1 I’leree. Four and n q u a rte r million tr i- u t) sandy, >12; Mary A. Mack. Engine, organisation M« m’w-rslUp Is op«*n to tl< Ipatlon for th« flr«t (!*ne of a Junior Leon B. Hn f, Mnr hilelrt. 515; «nv s t u d m selling >5 worlh of llc‘ i Red Crocs w orker In Ihe dhm ster rc- fry from th e McKcnsle -du>e hatchery „.«.„„I fugctlon »ts to sny on** nigh srr.ooi rwrcuon. i lief operations following the torna lo were d istrib u ted in d ifferent atrpam s Helen H. Hayden. Belem, >20; W l’.llam In Mlsonurt. Illinois, and Indiana J H edcson. _____ Buras. >18; Fannie E. Ad lltlons lo thè m«*i„b r«hl, ll’ t are Kehoe's In many more fo rtu n ate lo r d nod lakes of th, s ta te during the sec ____________ 0. on of 1925, according to a rep o rt Ju ,t Taylor. MUwaukle, i-xpected tu b«> miei,- af' r thè Are- Itlea displayed a keen Interest In ' A m iitlg rrn t form of bird chclcrs 1» .la tic e day football gatti«-, fo t whlch sending toys and books for the u s e : mad« hy E. W. Gott, ru p erlu ten d er r« sponsible for the ««pld -mlc which Is an attendane«- drive Is tu ing n-adt- b* of the children In Ihe diss.stsr ar,*a j of th e plant. , Th, Ju n io r R”«l Cross porgram has , The comm unity chest coniniittue re ­ d evastating ccoatle-ss flocks oi d u c k s - asp rant» for culli m enila ralilp. nourished nut alon.* In settled com- ; ported th a t th e to ta l budget set fur As­ In th e T ule lake Country., This v-as nuiulttoa. but has been extended to to ria's tlret com m unity ch est drive lied , tho opinion expres-.rd by George Ton- CALL AND SEK Dr N. W E m en Indian schools Slid to native Alaskan j been fixed at >22.353 Detailed plans pi«. U nited S t- te s gam e’tn for »chools where many Eskimo rhildr«-n , on P»’ • n” - 'e i- *” id work to cstlforn'-i. and Di. P.udolidi Snydsr, undertook Junior work. Tn addition ( fcr an org-nlxcd dilv Novmuher have been worked out. i inspector In .c h a rs« of th a United Ihe In lem allonal corr«spond-*nce be 11 ____ Mrs. W. W Oahrl 1. president of Hi.- S tates bureau of anim al Indus.ry for tween achuols Is proving more a n d , more popular. American schools are Irvington Pnnutt-T uacher association California, following a two-day inspec- now corresponding wtth thoee In th lr ‘ apd m usic ctm lrman of th e stftte Par- j ti n t of the Tu!e lake d istrict. The two ty four countries ent-Tencher organisation w as elected federal game officials estim ated (hat sta te president of the association at . th ere a re now at least 50.000 dead S trong M e m b e rs h ip A p p e a l Its convention In Portland. dusks In T ute lake, with thousands In R ed Cross D is a s te r R e lie f The Rogue Rlvor Valley Assocla i dying daHy of th e disease. (Ion of M inisters, which met at G ran ts Jam es W lllos and E llsw orth Kelley. Regulate the Temperatur« Ashing them selves "W hat If dlsas of Your Living and Work­ ter should visit onr city ’" the leading Puss last week, voted to co-operate In convicted In the circuit court at Salem citizens of many com m unities of the handling the proposed seven w eeks' for |Jie m urder of John Sweeney, ing Rooms Unit, d S lates heve adopted the Scout revival cam paign at Ashland n e x t ; guard, during a break a t the Oregon The tem perature of the uli n,otl(i to "Be P re p ared ;1 state pen iten tiary ot> August 12. were spring by Rev. llllly Sunday. Im pressed by the froquonay and the you breathe hue hr much F red T h atch er, 84. was killed by a - ntar.ced to be hanged In the cxecu- »Id,* rang of ponce time Cal(tnltt«s :i cham ber of the institution on tn do with your health as In Iholr country, they l-nve orgsnt-ed blast of giant powder In cam p 35 oi January 8. * S entence was r*r< m-unced the quality of fond you eat th e R o r'h Kelly L nnthcr company. 15 their com m unlttas with the thorough- no»» which norm al coad'ttons permit, mtlofl ftbovo W nndiing. He ' :.» pr'.m l - v - J t 't c 1 l.y. .'« a M hi:.!/. th.rd In order tn have perfect against the possibility of a time when ■; the blast holes In n stum p wh«-.i ,i!-p,bt-c of tho trio’! in the health and tuinitatlon you A great purchase and sale of ail that newest and best— r,-,-.. , i . •«•>'• Io-;sly was ccn v iited of those will ho no .uhatice fcr. thou M ho powder waa exploded accidentally jiiiiRt liave port« * t vcutil»- nr Jli.b Red Cress C h arters In many : r.:t oegree m urder and wa. aentonc- a t unbelievably low prices. Include with these beautiful .E a r l Elsher, stale tax corr.tnlsaion- ,.! to b a ju .ig e d mt D ecem ber 18. All lion. Get it localliloa are sim ilarly prepared. la nips arc wonderful silk pUlows of luxurious pure floss— >r Is o*i hie way to Now O r’enns. it h - r e of the o asis will be apoenlad to her« In* will atten d th«-* uallonnl con Electric Waffle Irons, Electric T oasters and Electric Irons sta te »... ..Ms court, atuordlng to v,-nt ion of th-.i sthie tex rorotulssion ’ by one of America's forem ost m akers— guaranteed for - b e d fense cotiusnl. jr s Tho eonvontlun will on-n N -vltg- 4 % r, Hoar ng on th** proposed form ation Quality, dependability and service. bor 9 and cpnlixtua u n til Novt mbur 17 tf tit« Untp-iun bUthWey Im provement Everyone c an afford these splendid conveniences at tha und keep tlte tem perature Cabh-wae n ear C ottage Grove have ittici WM hold at Elkton by officials iM af a point which your pl y- low prices we are offering them. not bhon Injured by the light fail th aiate highw ay ccm tn'sslo«.. All Hlchin naya I h n - c e s s a r y . irn sls and tin sc on tlio Taylor (him . étions of th e proposed d istrict were Quantities are limited. • for perfect health. TheK< on R o w ,riv er* «P -rnted by Q so rg o , ^ « a u n . t e l y «80 per- Jnm cs. are gfcw fhg to* mammoth pror sen» attL>ndlnc hi. Bro|H)S0d t r ,ct tlierninmetei'H register uc- Don’t wait too long. , attending. T The proposed di, district portions. One tipped tho scales at 27 i-i-i r« sent» the first effort In the slate oi,lately und will last for pounds. w years. Have one in youi 'o take advantage of the law enacted ! R efusal to believe tho testim ony of by th e la s t legislature providing tor living room and office and Ceorge Stillw ell and Joe Wilson, chief creation of Inclusive Im provem ent dis­ Insure the health and com­ w itnesses for tfio proscculjon, coupled tricts w ith state and federal aid. Tho r ' * > < - jz- fort of others as well at • I o with tho c o rtc n tF n thttf th e accused definite projects for which the dis­ w yourself. m an's habits wer» such ns (a prevent trict Is desired are the im provem ent > t i e Prices 25c to $2.50 X JL,' him from com m itting s coldblooded o( approxim ately eight m iles of the« h v * m urder, were tire principal reasons Roosevelt highway from the C o « lb A ; given by Governor Plorce for th s par county line to R eedsport and the 52-' donlng of A. J. W eston, th ree tim es inlla highw ay from Reedsport, on the Heilig Theatre Bldg., Eugene. convicted for the slay lrg of Hubert PadIQc highway, w estw ard through Krug in D eschutes county. S cottsburg and Elkton, to Drain. The Suprem e S a c riiie e JÜNÎ0RRE3'CROSS AIDS PEACE BY S!S GROWTH ; - J “¿ ^ . 2 ? First National Bank A Wonderful Shewing of New Lamps For Health’s Sake Lamps for every rctm in your home. Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps, 1 able Lamps and’Boudoir Lampe. Taylor House Thermometer 9 ! ■ ■ ■ ■ STANDARD I FURNITURE CO.