PAGE POUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 COUNTY FARM CENSUS M cKEN ZIF LOCAL Loca R eport»'» J L No’f lhup C anary .. Ray Uuw> r C entral Mr» L. J »! tehell I The oli Kenst« r ve< ■ local met In W t a i s j t eg ala st stro n g «k-THetl Cloverdale P relim in ary ^teneui*' m ent. County. Or « .n . R a lp h L a ir d , C r e s w e ll. P resident, In. » (la y n l g l 'l lio n a xcxta.'te of first cles* whit* ( c a s t Fork Mrs U«o. Kebvibeek I regular >i.r»«tnn last V Will W heeler, Trent. Vice-Presi­ \Yiv hlngton. I». C. Oct r 29, 1925.- The following sta te m e n t g!**» n it« n teu th t'4 Mr». M A. Horn >r-»»i. w ith ' dent. and Mrs. I‘re s­ Mrs. Ada J linings w ere pre-opt. »Iso Mr ert N Ison. SpttogtteM poaltryam n. Dorena 'be f.guica are prelim inary and subject to c o x p a rs tiv e d ata for 1820. S etty Kappauf, C ottage Grove, Mrs It Baker heron uf Ml V irano ilie n t nm t H«r.«4e . . took high honor» a t the poultry ’ Ito* c o m c tlo n . •ec.-Treas. I ltudlay vlllol . Mrs M. Glib Ph' 1 W J I Ini at Vtda local, at th e Pacific Intern atio n al Stock N utnber of Farm». N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove. Door Mr». G race Jones • laiyal we«" LOCAL M EETINGS F arm Values on free rang» will enjoy a » p .c ttl good koclal tin v »«« enjoyed by all. Scott. N ettle L aird, and V irgie Rey­ • C anary—F irst Sunday and T hird »32 823.121 »3H.737.888 lain J and buildings ...... ....... .. nolds. Next m eeting »III be W d u e a d a y . N o ► Saturday. F arm ers Union Hall. 25.748.411 25.738.323 feed Of kale I j in t alone • ........................ y«mber 11 M 'luber« are urgod to «'.73,880 5.004.384 ' Cloverdale— Second and F ourth All enjoyed th e day but hope to B uildings W irti pnll.'ts are above Ci» «0 p ' attend have m ore m em bers out next tim e. ' F ridays. Cloverdale School House. L I' -, »lock on F arm s 8.883 cent msFk In egg prudurtluu a ’ th > ? i ................ ’ Cresw ell—F irst and T hird Tues- Work mt thn new H endricks brtdg*' The F arm ers' union lo y alty week ' H orse» 2’ « 2*1 1 f year It I» a »oral plan io >n I» progr« »sing rapidly All concrete Mules .»------------ -------- 1 days. Creswell. M. W of A. Hall. program «nded Friday afternoon at , C attle, tola! 27 974 tim e 29.137 _. -. ' Coast F ork—Second and Fourth 4.2(18 creai «« the am ount .of grain fed in lb« w alks have h«.» u finish«* I and si r i for 4 58« the H otel Eugene Mt. Vernon m em ­ B eet cow .'’ L 8.22.« morning T his Skill cut down on ill« th e »puns Is arriving every day, 4 917 1 T hursdays. F arm Union Hall. Ckhsr b .c f e s t'le bers who atten d ed w ere Mr. and M r 11.137 »m ount of egg mA*.'! -or sinned amt 12 963 Dairy row»* . .... 1 D anebo—F irst Tuesday, Danebo Jailte. Katl'AU and wlf > hav» ino» I P. N Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lair»! « .•« » O ther d airy cattle ..... .... by hntdng tb 11» nt «0 per re n t pro- tu ih r n: ek f«r r In (*• •at flat. 1 Schoo! House. Mr and Mrs. Alex Lewis. Mr. an 1 18.703 »1,573 Swltw, total D orena—Second and Fouth Tues- I' .28 ductb*n iher»* '« le « i. inger uf m »I* , F ra u d i« H family hnr<» l.f»6 Mrs. Stanley Baugh. Mr. and Mr»- 4 B reeding so»»** log th an w here they produce at a' moved to (ho old Patini 1924 1919 ' d a y s . D orena Church. R. M cPherson. Mrs. G arvin. I l a Gor- 1 aboi i* Prlnc-pal Crops 2» 11« higher rate. 21 774 1 H adleyville — F irst and T hird :«t«. A '-ci \V«!tervfl(e rie. Jen n ie T ryon and E tta Do dev 293 478 4 27 B arb els — ' T hursdays. H adleyville School. J. W She a»rt(t a n i 1*tf<‘ art’ mar« 31.815 A large crowd atten d ed lb " awx.l W heat, A cres 18.572 Tri-ai'm I n' ’ Ile c t ui—F irst Sunday of each 565.718 or !'’• wltiiter, 238 «50 înjr to to iary d an ce given at T h u rsto n l a d B ushels ----- ------ lay!' 8 h' 1 MT Ung them lnl> 2.398 ' m onth. H cceta School H ouse. hn* bu n t dill«:r. S atrd ay night. T h ere will be an o th er B arley. A res A < x p e r la 87,341 (luorid>\ v h 1' h «»n ' t I sam e music. Ten» ....................... L orane—Second and F ourth Apple»: r«. d 30 ÎÎ2 any d ru - 'a 10J12 ' W ednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. Yeung tre e s ............. yen' »»I •U* d I .2.0*9 179.701 feathers I hat '• ‘ McKenzie local, second and T r .e s of bearing a t e T R E N T LOCAL COAST FORK LOCAL 302.403 tin 1er ’ho wing has 3SK.143 a fc 4P I t o bo B u sh el« ........... — ........ ......— • fourth W edn -day. 8 p. m. I. O. O. and •Cows and h rlfer- 2 yea-» o il successful. ' F. hall. W alterville. 1 over. nnthfl eld • ••S ow s a n 2 g Its for 1 re-’dlee urne Mt. V ernon—F irst and Third T rent !* m i of U*i«m rr i.ntnn met —« — L adies auxiliary of th e Coast Fo k S trong Ewe Be*' Buy W ednesday. B rasfield Store. Th- »»• '<« litiv tx tb s »tvonq. h*’a W Inc day, C ctober 2“ lien Ke ney local m et at th e h e m of Mr«. Mosetn- rlcet »111 llke- hv m »ke d ec' the m arket. T M A R K E T TO BE TU R N ED Silk Creek M eets F irst and T hird thv«- nn i|l< resting tail: It w in d> c h ettl of Divide. W ednesday, O ctober ly o :e n som e t'm e next VI e l, tine d it e thy ewe w ith n strajg h : broad bggl T hursday a t C edar School H ouse OVER TO C ITY MONDAY ,ng Cl ¡e l to make so o th er effort Io g* t openlcg da»en«l inn pi n the m c k t-t a rd tuHird u -'te r. sound t»«t 28. SpeDcer C reek—T hird Friday. Oerft • athii«!astlc m eetings In ihk fu a h« nvy fleece of reasonable ft s I < t m m .ttce. , Due to sickness In many of th e Pine Grove School House. I'cverkl member« |a !d up th eir Tl-.e new 8pr1ngf,e|d Public Mark-1 Under the plan of thi Lions club If he h i C tc • ouellti ihe br'*rd hom es th e atten d an ce was sm all, T re n t—Second and F o u rth Wed- U. * Hyde a n t 1» G Linton (h ere being only fifteen m tubers •e t will b turn ’d over to thw c ty u f |t h Farin r* union will bo u.»k«'l to will not m atter Rm h n e w when ' aesday s. P leasan t H ill High were appoih,,’*l s s a lo m n iltiee to th m arket JS rrtn g field Monday by ihe Lions club elect two n o m b er of bred to a good Shropshire riw may present. 1 School Bldg. Everyone seem ed anxious fo boost coas-TiIttee which has had ciisrg ‘ <>> I c.>mn. ite«» of fi»« for the council's be dept qried on Io pro d tn e a goo I work up a p ro g rw t f r the i» . tings Vida—Second and F ourth S atu r­ lamb Ewes four to six yenra old pro and Io ed v ertli* the same The uext the work for th e bazaar and much the co n stru ctio n It 1» e x |e i *ed that ■ ratification. days a t M inney Hall. ■¡peeling will be November 11. an o rdinance will be p a ss e l gov-rs- dtlce th* beet IsT h s and are easier was accom plished. S ecretaries will please send In ing th e o peration of th e nvirk’ t and At Stock Shovd—W alter MlUIxan to handle, but a re not worth as much tim e and place o» m eeting and Oregon Seed Potato S tats. B“by Boy Born—A son was horn a m ark et comm f e e selected at m at, W • u rvllle stock m an, I» In Portland money as y earlings because they a re changes of d ate as th ey m ay oc­ 1 'n le r r tbo employ the m ark t m aster and con Stock show. Monday. 'fo n t as a seed potato 4*|i ■ and many P ointer» from E xperim ent Station Th«Te a re several w nv| of figuring farm ers In different ai-ctb-n* a re lam bing percentage», but »he mo«t raising inspected stock to b» c«r- common Is to figure the num ber .«f th ird to by the O A U T he cogo'y | iam bs at m arking tim e as com pared "gent a t fllllaboro reports th e follow ! with the numb r of ew es nro.'"-'«'« r Ing farm ers of W ashington county lam bs T his lam bing percentage» does whn.i fluids of fee I s l o c k bavi- pa**- not take Into consideration th«- ew«-« »• I firs' and second field Inspections * th a t die before lam bing or the lamb» It W M‘ • 'hire, la iu rrl; G urge Ktt'<- th a t die het»>-en m arking tim e an d lui'rlck. Glenn K irk p a tric k . n i'rk e lin g Hme. If ,„ r h im, ,.w , I Tare new K I r V ija i r I ' k, Sher- bring HH) salable lam bs to the next wood; ’( 'to ll'oSC. I hn S trickle-. II '. l i t e r . > ||„ ( » U l, | T - b< r B rin b«nahl Pdy. V , E ly, have fo be about 110 per rent. She[w ood, Rowell mid fjroner, 1I1H4- l i r<>; F e g d lllf ln d It rh. W F I'rop, Lhmb« from go. d. black f a c t E rnest M srr. B urks; L. T F l n l g i " '. ram s, »nil mil of large, heavy m il1, George Allison, Rov J a q u l t h , F . ( ’ . j Ing ew es and run on good irrigated M iler, Laurel John F l-her. W. i£. pasture«, should weigh so pounds and Peters, Walt r I’e t/is , S h irw o d; K. be In g um I condition al an age of 1 S K rentx. I’ n v rion; W< rr» BrosM io 6 m onths. If from ew es of poorer Sherw ood; John laifila. Hunks; II. J. breeding, or bred along wool-predue- V alentine. B eaverton and L. S. I«ogan. Ing lln .s. the la-mbs will be sm aller Hillsboro and not fat. LOCAL CH IC KEN S T AKE PRIZES A T STOCK SHOW O FFICERS OP LANK COUNTY FARMER'S UNION • • • • • •« » •• We a re spe^iaHy prepared to tu rn out farm a. d aurti< n safi The big possibility for extra profit 1» by breeding up a flock of ewes that wdl produce nidre and lielter lam bs than the average. Lowerng the death losses by »xceptlonal care, production I of larger anti more salable iam bs by .good feed and ft higher lam bing p' • ' eentagn by extra care of breeding n n l lam bing (Imp. are all posslblltltles ->’ ’ xtrn (profit. ■i ,■■■■■............ B aptist Church. Bible school m eets at 10 o'clock. Morning service a t 11 o'clock, sub­ ject. ’'T he A ssurance of Salvnlion." Men's m eeting and 11 Y. I* II. se r­ vices nt 8:30 o'cloidc. E vening serv­ ice nt 7:30 »Object, “UonsIderlnR God's PiirpQMO In th« Age " Prajrbr service T hur-day a t 7:89 o'idbek. bills. An exchidive cu t service ol horses, em tio, ; b •p a n d o l.h - e r live stó?k tm x i and e ;r> b !r f t ; " . i r '.’ t i post' r. Co'f é Tfi t o i l' ' a tt; ' I v e h “ ' ■ i fit! distin ctive post» r* D iscount to la in i Membcrft. SPRINGFIELD NEWS Phone 2 Opposite th e P o st Office unu>n Wanted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak S treet ’ Eugene, Oregon