T ire SPRINGFIELD NEWS r—------- . . '. J a r News that Mr. Enright, New York's police com­ SCARLET FEVER DISCUSSED missioner intends to take a vacation Is interest­ BY BOARD OF HEALTH ing, in that, it »quarts* perfectly with the intention of (he incoming mayor. Why I» acarlot fever prevalent In PAGR TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by THE W IL L A M E T T E • • • PRESS Surely Barnum's shade must look ou the tnod- ern press agent in scorn when It thinks of the gn,,u < ^„.,„„1 ,* . provided by the T ut family, l«»ft unheralded and unsung. H. E MAXEY. Editor. atared a» second d a ta matter February 2«. l»03 at the ____________p*>«ftf:ce. Srr.ngft«»!d. creroa_____________ M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Cao Tear tu Advauco It 75 S ix Months ____ _________11.00 Three Months . Single Copy ----- Oregon? Largely bcau.ro mild ra»oo aro noi dlagnoe***! and properly laula Inti, TYilrly-»lx caito» «roro reported for the week ending October 24, 1925. Why 1» scarlet fever a dangerous | disease of childhood? 75c 5c Forbidding Greece and Bulgaria to fight seems Because iwo to four perron» out of a little like “trying it on the dog. (every one hundred Infected dlr from • • • (the disease Itself and Is conipllcatlens , and consequences are even more ser­ ious. Editorial Program Are ''ecftrlantina" amt "scarlet rash" COLONEL MITCHELL'S CRIME. i forms of scarlet fever? I. Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wee- * Yee. It Is through the mild cases Safely It uiay be prediclod that Colonel William M it ­ tern Oregon. • that the disease ts most often spread II . Develop a Strong Tradin g Point; Bund a City • chell will be punished by the court martial before whom What ages are most auspcctlbln to af Contented Home«. * he is now on trial. To employ a milder tern» he will ul- scarlet fever? II I . Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro- • I m ost certainly be dlscllpltned. and It 1» wtthtn the poatl- It may he contracted at any age mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and • htlities that the court will recommend h is dism issal from but more than #6 per cent of all cases the Growing of F ru it: W o rk fo r B etter M arkets * I the army. occur In persona less than 15 years IV . TeR the W orld About Oregon's Scenic W onder- • What “crime" did this daring and brilliant aviator land. • ' commit? His heat friend would be compelled to admit old. (Tilldrvn between five and ten years sre most susceptible e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that be was guilty of talking too mucb and too mtvniper- At what time of the year Is scarlet ately. There can be no question that he violated the code fpver 'prevalent? THE PUBLIC MARKET. of United States army etiquette. In this matter. It la only Epidemics are most prevalent In In a few days a public market will be opened in fair to say that be was guilty ot conduct uubeeoiulug S3 the fall and winter. Springfield. This market if properly managed officer and a gentleman. How Is It spread? will be a great assistance to farmers o t this com­ Colonel MltcbeU may or may not have a fair trial. Toe By contact with persons 111 with munity as well as an asset to Springfield. It fact that two members of the court—one of them its pres­ the disease or with articles that have should be a tie to bind the people of the town and iding officer—were clearly disqualified shows that the sec­ been contaminated with th e germ. country closer together with resultant benefits retary of war exercised no discrimination when he select­ If the germa get into the milk supply ed the court. A third member who was perem ptorly chal­ to both. a tn llk-borne epidemic will follow. Contrary to the first impression that a public lenged ts further evidence of bias against the defendant. How long after the Infection do sy.n- market where fruits, vegetables and meats are Counsel for the defense when he set up the pies for the toms develop? sold injure the trade of the merchant in these constitutional right of freo spreech failed utterly. With From one to seven days. products, wherever the public* market has been mo intent to a tan an argument on this question It may What are the first symptoms? tried it has resulted in increased business in these i he remarked that no rational person would set up a claim I Headache, fever.’ »pre throat, vom­ stores over a period Of months. that free speech, as guaranteed by the Constitution, confers iting. The rash appears In 34 to 48 Springfield has too . long “swapped” pennies i u ,e right upon a military officer openly and contempla- hours. _ . —.. • » between its own people. The only new money, ousiy to criticise a superior officer. Some natural rights v m e« Is scarlet fever comm n fen brought into the town comes through the saw Of civilians are dented to soldiers. bIe, '* ' " ' ° ’n iu n ' mills and flour and feed mill. The time has come At thia trial, sevedai million people are sitting as » .« u when this town must make a Strong bid for the court, entirely independent of the Official body. They w ’U Completion of the »m ltnc r ¿ rade J ha? 18 ’? * h tfU ,,y “**• the 8nd th” ’ WUI 0O‘ bOlher 'lr peeling does not mark the end of the Springfield s own. To do this the farmers Interest be bothered with technicalities. They demand to know lnfe<,,1(>B JtM, for _ ■Vfc i«n4 1 be « oAnS eaaaeael more wo ~ and a. el more Me, 2 in a the X. M town- ~ . a. _ _ « Inadequacy . ___ • In _ our - — _ _ air »_ J d , efen se.' . must centered — I whether the charges of prevalent in the secretions of the he must find here more of a market for his prod- made by Colonel Mitchell, are true or not true. If they are , broilt nose. ears, kidneys and bow- uce. The public market is a big step in the right true, th« citixens* great court will protest against extreme e)< direction. We all should profit thereby both in punlshment tor the defendant for telling the truth. What are the secondary effect»? dollars are in friendly relationship. The Judgment of the formal court wtlt not be a finality Inflammation of the kidneys is a • • • The president of the United States must approve It. A WITH A MILLION POLICEMEN severe reprimand or something more drastic wonl I prob- Representatives of Collier’s Weeklv have been ably be passed by unnoticed, but a verdict to dism iss Col- making a house to house poll on prohibition en- onel MltcbeU from the army would bring on a storm of forcement. It is asserted that 263,000 men and protest from every state In the Union, and this storm women have been queried. While a majority. 61.2 would break directly os ths White House —Portland T el* per cent, express dissatisfaction with the enforce- gram. THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1925. E d ito r ia l wm wm a C om m ent m • • "After taking Adlerlka I can eat anything and sleep like a log. I »„.i gas on the stomach and couldn't keep food down nor sleep." (signed) It, ('. I Miller. ONE spoonful Adlerlka re­ How long should sea • -I ( w a r hr. moves GAS and often brings surprls- ( In« relief Io lbs ”ii iii.li h. biops tiiat quarnntln d*. llf le U bring* N o teta 'h u i 31 t t y s .— Oregon full, bloated fiel.llg ¡out old wa»lc mailer you never S ta le I 1*1 r,| of Health, thought was In your system Excel- lent for chronic consllpat'oti Hub- SPRINGIELD PLAYER ON cry's Drug store. OREGON FRESHMAN TEAM Wanted—A Job University of Oregon. Eugene. Nov (.— (Special.)—-Wilbert A llrattalu of I want to work for YOU: Springfield. who played three years I can double the uiuount of on the Springfield high school foot­ work YOU now produce! ball I ram under Wilcox. Is a member And thereby increase YOUR of the University of Oregon fresh­ income. man team, llrattaln played hhlf and I can cut In half YOUR qoarterbark at Springfield. Ha tips dally worries! the beam at 135 pounds And double or treble YOUR Spike Leslie, Oregon cna-h, has a enjoyment of LIFE! •airly fast (earn, but It Is lighter than I can. In abort, make LIFE the elevens of the last few yeara. itself a pleasure! About 70 are trying to make the team. And 1 come where the door The squad at present Is made up Is open! of Kllppel, Cadwell. 8andvall and 1 wit) cost you less than I Carlson, renters; Flegel. Meal. Coch­ earn! ran. Cougbell. Winter. Thompson. For I am a FRIEND. Mashberger and M akso, guards; Mar­ I AM HEALTH! tin. DeMott. Fraser. Wade, Nosier. Mr Cglloch. H«an and Bonnell. tackles; Pope, flroer Jamison, Burnell. Dais, Slaussen, Hall and Jost. ends; Wood- Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure, 1». Wll«on and Manerude. quarters; Science of Restoring Health Oetrotn. Hagan, Eddy. Coleg. Green through the Nerves. and Llewellyn, halves; and Oouhl. Phone 356J Oooden, and Gaulke, fullbacks Fleg licen se No. 300 el. Kllppel. Pope. Hagan. Wade. Llewellyn and Sand vail are ex-Port­ Chiropractic Geo. A. Simon Over Penney Store, Eugen« The seventh ot a series of advertisements published each »unday in The Statesm an for the purpose of ro- The waste of the nation Is in which has reached a high point electricity on the battleship Tennessee. Nothing Su 18 a true sI°Kan~ of development with modern And in fact a strict adherence to it by every one hero, left for the gobs to do but eat and fight. K. P. - - - - - together with a full measure of understanding of and lor- machinery. Let us make your Is a pipe. ally to all our advantages and Interests, would make Sal­ old shoos look like new. Send Human naturfe never changes, but it often em over; would make over the surrounding country and them in by the children. , the other cities and towns of this district— short changes. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP, For we have It in our splendid resoraces and our own John H. Will, Prop. Girls usually second the motion after seeing powers to makes this the most prosperous and progressive Main St. Between Srd ft 4kh a new dance step. City and country in all the world— OnDorttinitv often finds the doorbell broken, Man Slaapa Like Log. Eate Anything • It shows that the man or woman who falls to patronise good leather thrown away an The Kentucky banker who fled with $45,000 i h;* borne people Is neither lOO per cent loyal to hl. home n u a )ly M o fe HhoeH s r e o f the bank's money and two women, took w ith' lown nor 100 cent feUlcl‘’nt ln looking out for h l. cr carded—needing only a little re­ him liabilities as well as assets. < her e own interests. pairing—than are ever worn. • • • “The way to build up Salem Is to patronise Salem pe> Rebuilding shoes is an art Potatoes are peeled and butter Is sliced by »*•" u # slo<“n carrle<1 by Tim Statesman tor m a n y y n n • land high ssdtool stuileuls on th« first squad. “CONSIDER THE RETAIL store of SALEM" The appearance of Main street would be en- hanoed greatly if the artificial forest of light and mlnc,n* 1116 J*0»1* of the mauy o! other poles were removed to the alleys. With the 11'ng the;r homo town published this morn- opening of the McKenlze highway we have an op- portunity here to make Main street a show whi­ And it is well worth reading. The appeal is plain and straightforward and truthful. tlow for our town. • common ohe Complications of the car ars numerous, svariai fever be ug vue of the most common cause» of deaf neas li s t a i dren ts thero any prole«:.in «gains scarlet (sv>r? Yes Throe Is a BUM "RlbUlty lest know n n, the H ick lesi T h e r e Is u’so an »ml o lin for Im munia ng tt routs tra in i to the Southland. H uy Roundtrip T ir k fts I tCfACl.v and save money. Popular I rains from Portland every day f ea,turM T 8‘ ? ° **"" fr"» — C-lubcsr.wltilbarber,valet,«hower-bath, on The Sha.ta, O bw rvarlon ears on 8ha«ta, Southern California Exprew (furniuhlnu direct serv- Ice to Los Angeles), and Oregonian. Get further particulars about this attrac­ tive travel service. Ask Agent. Southem Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent