The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 05, 1925, Image 1

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    W han
Stupa Butlnsa* M ight
aa wall run up Via
W h ite
Flag. '
« M M
y o d ^ ty
Ground* Will Be Open Over F ri­
day and Saturday; Visitor*
Will Vtew New Greenhouse,
Largect in Northwaat.
A rm istice <l»y and t i m b e r . lns*l-
tu te t»ec «dilata diruikHuI of Bprt.lK.
fiekl i l.-iu.-fltary and high school!
H a llo w te n Party.
edneaday, T hursday anil Friday of
A group of friends of Mr. and Mra.
B ryce I'nsey were < ut»rtatn<-d a t a next week, si-h-ur a tu im rltle . a n ­
di-llgtit hil llal.iiw ecn n frstr at the nounced I'»lay.
T he In a t'ttttr wlil be h id In Eu
I'oncy home a mil« north of town last
Kittnrdiiy eveRing. The hou«e an»» I gene, N ovember 12 ,und 13, the two
ap p ro p ilal» ly deco rated In Halloween day* following A rmlatlce .day
I lea, her* In th e county will at-« ml.
C ards and m usic furnished th e an*' P rincipal V. I> Ha!n of the Bpriugiield
terluhittu lit fur Ihn evening, H' freah high achoit hna bean named On the
iiienta of pumpkin pie. doughnuts, ap- com m ittee on resolutlcns, -and Mrs.
plea, nuts and eld er were served by e r a Heed Hemenway. principal of the
the hostess.
lira, tain school. Is on the O regon
T hose whu ciijoyeil Ihe evening ? ia le Tea. hors association commit-
w ere Mr. > u d Mrs. Hoy Porum , and fee.
tw o chttrfrwn. Mr. and Mrs Johnny I
Ortm ea. Mr. and Mr«- N athan Jack.
Mias Hhoda Jack . Mr ami Mr«. Kd
Itrynohig. Mr. and Mrd. Posey and ,
Maxine and Verlln Posey.
Uarili ns.
at Chur
Upon rm o
w' re the larg est single greenhouse
In the tiurthw os’ ’ has Just been c m
plcti il, will be held ncuorrow E tai
plans for the event, wli'ch m arks the
tblrty-slxth an niversary of Chase
G ardena, a re being coc.tpleled today,
and drowns of visitors are expected
Id respond to lb» In iltu lli'll of l ’’e
inntusgl'ini-nt to visit the grounds eijh
e r tiwnurro-» >v S aturday
The new areanhOHSe was construct-
ed by the A m erican (ftrsgnhoui* co® -;
T ,~ 7 u . .
.....Of , hl. ago T h e .true,U H lg '
* * * “ «• C' Ub M»’ \ 9' ,
« .
. | .
The Prlctllu «lub m«*t O ctober ¿J
<r.0 by 70 f w t
a a «ggUggnlf.
» .. - «.a* it»., at Ibv Ito lit w of Mri. 1«. A EuhttOK».'
r iv a l I ti - a I x ** why cr«»<*nb«»UAO o n in«»
. 1
. , | rr-Mttigee llri)
• !«’<
N<l’b'd to til* ,
p u rin e m aul. Th* •porUm» H *1*» fram e«
building was designed by ih e C b -c a g o -P 1^ * *«9
lh, an ^
r e m with the thought of giving » «•>««• < • "
th e benefit .of all m«d»rn develop- Mam by th e ho stess
In -leal work, ventilating ma-
Th,,»« p resen t w en, Mrs. T. B. H .n
X r » . and b estin g m e,h o d .
d -rso n . Mrs. Howard FreM avT M s
A colorful display of all v arieties Jo h n Sbavay.
J "
J S '
. " X
‘ " w i l l r l r e i the V isitor.
g ir t
Mrs. N. I. Howard. Mrs. 1 D 'E G IO N OFFERS PRIZES
T 0 H ,0 H
Cold, silver und b ro m e aw ards to
T hese flow ers »III 1»e worn by the afternoon w ere Mfs O
those ratin g highest In ath letic pro-
A m him y' a n T M r» 'V rim m . m o th er of H rien c, scholarship and conduct, have
Honwo-omlnn grid ba u
H arford, of W ashington
been offered lor com petition an n .n r
Ih e
(lower will he pr«-< T he next m eeting of the club will sprlngfh-ld h u b icbool hoys by th e
? , . d P. e '3 r ! v X r . AU day to he bald Friday. N ovem ber . , with M rs 19t>rtn<fleW
N„. 40. of lb4. An-erl-
Armiatice Day
U fi
"T he People's P aper"
< (.IV I
A night In th e re s t area behind
tke fighting l nes In F ran ce will be
i vividly ri. rud u ied aa tbe principal
f afore of tho A m erican Legion meet-
School Need* Greater This
,- g lo Is- held In the C ham ber of Com­
Year Committee Finds; Dis­
m erce room» by the Bprlngfleld post
on iiststlc e day ev; n ng.
Tbe com m ittee in charge of the j $118.000; Meeting Called No­
ev en t lx m aking e i cry effo rt to ar-
vember 27.
' rune- features In im itation of those
E stim ating th e Bpringflatd schools
...rrng. •' tur thé aMdlnrs during the
*w<r. “ Frencfc” we I'era will servo i-xpene»-« fo r 1926 aa H7.255.S9 or an
F rench d shea to the veterans.
Increase of «1500 over last y ear the
T ru b e rt H enderson la in charge of
b u lg e t board for d istric t No. 19 m et
tbe entertain m en t featur* a, and M. B.
H untly Is m aking the arrangem ent» la s t Monday. T h e total expense bud­
for the "eats." T he com m ittee Invites geted la s t y ear was «45,442.50. Accord­
ing to the budget the d istric t Is «117c
920.07 in debt. Of th is am ount «73.-
400 is in bonds and «43,920 in w a rra n t
Tbe budget shows an Increase in
teac h ers and Janitor hire of n early
«5,000. The estim ated receip ts for the
year is placed a t «15,200 m aking tb e
next am ount to be ra ised by tax atio n
«29.055. T his does n o t Include the
»12.500 voted by th e people for the
B rattain school.
Ni sinking fund for bonds is show n
in th e 1926 budget while »2000 w as
supposed to have been raised fo r th is
, fund la s t year.
all ex-soldlera. w hether m em bers of
T )je item ized budget Is show n in
th e Legion or not. to atten d the meet- o th er co]nm ns of this paper. A taxpay­
: ers m eeting to pass on the budget
A djutant G eneral G eorge A. W hite, - hag
c a ued for Friday, N ovem ber
L tate S enator Jay H. Upton, and i 27.
S la te S enator Jack Map, a dry w ill be
special guests of th e post, and will POWER DEAL MAY HAVE
give talks during the evening.
P o stlb ie m ethods i t raisin g th e
I iA-glon's quota of th e com m unity
R eported consolidation of the C a 1-
c h e st sbscrlptions will be a bstness fornia-O regon Pow er com pany and
featu re ¡of th e evening.
Patjlfic C oast o perative« controlled
ESTIMAR 347,255
row and S aturday thh *ao..-. »HI Howard Frcvlnnd, in Eugene.
| run
lb.,nclpal v „ ,ta ,u a n .
>•" ogmn.
» . wOJ h — - ?n
> u n .e d
by th e H. M Byllesby and Company
open, and
anil n ii . a n b —
r- h ^ d
to »bow visitor» over the ground Mi
Chicago, ow ners of the M ountain
T he hamjuet held by th e S p an ish ! The basis on which th e pro » » will j
SENT FLYING BY COOK S tates P o » ‘ r com pany, may resu lt
give Inform ation.
W ar V eteran s auxiliary at Hw arnw ry be »w ard«! has tmen determ ined by I
j in the resum ption of operation to full
Eugene Monday evening w as at the L ig lo o p u lres and achool uUthorit-
B ETH anTcJas « •*> *•
A goodly quantity of ex tract, a, capacity of th e Springfleld plant of
1 ‘ a aa fb to w e :
, ■
legedly Imblded by thw C hinese cook
la tte r concern. 4t w as said h ere
Football JS per cent.
HALLOWEEN MASK PARTY Mfi) ,.,inr|eB Kggtmana and Mr». «
of the S outhern Pacific bridge e rd w ' today.
, 1 ~ . m be o n . Of the (1. W ilson, of K pringflcld M r. W ilson
r fiaaketball 25 per cent.
located here, early th is m o rn in g ! w ith both com panies controlled by
W h.1 was declared » *
f (h.(
pr<ulid«iU M t h . auxiliary
B aseball 25 per c tn t.
. tai ted dishes and bu llets flying in
Byllesby Interests, It w as pointed
Conduct and scholarship, 25 p er ,
m ost m foyahle aocla '
Following the banquet, which bou
the cook shack and eventually ’ended : out>
jg ¡kely th a t California-O regon
season was a lU ltow een ms*d
veteran s, the reg u lar m e e t-i.^ m .
th e cook in th e city laiL
t ro w er m ay be shifted to o th er dls-
party held by «he B ethany class of
nuMt,lary was held. BIx new '
o,v «u»a. of ih*. gtW atic 4jyl ,
Brldge crew employe* w ere awak- tricts. G eneration of pow er a t the lo-
the B aptist church a« 'h e home . „
w#r# | n |tia ied.
I along, «»cli 25 p e r.c e n t will b- ill" d
T ribute to A m erica's world-wur
, dneil thi» m orning by shouts from the cal pian t w as cut down a t the tim e
Mr and Mrs. QlnVanre Cha»» • « bapa*
,,d H< fo | | 0 wsr team work, 5 per cen t; (
Jardens. la s t Friday avwatng.
as P
train in
in g g and
ce n t:
ln Be!' 1, n > rc ’i.orl s w.ll
cookliou.-il. exceptionally im itativ e of of tjje u „ e connection m aking possi-
L adita AM
Aid H
P arty.
and U
llh ft'|p 6 m . 5 5 p p er
er ewet
T hirty seven SUMt< fo « • manv v l ; Rj-bUeen jn p ta b « * of th e L»dfo*' progress.* 6 per c e n t; value to tia n .. Arm istice Hay— N ovember 11 through- : the cackling of a China p h easan t roost i We th e purchase by the M ountain
rlellsa of cerium », »njoyed fhS nffoJr
,yf tb e C hristian' church. 5 ppr (-eu»: aportamiinaliip. 5 per cent. | 03l ib e land. Vpper-fiowetg th. per- er, they said. Going to the shack, they Syite s com pany of th e California-O re-
[n the appriiprlaiidy t J e r o r t v l ' - d - | , t "Tlattuwpen crtatiinii"». held j u
, oUfih division of th e p e n en- u c t tr u ,uto; cen ter, Sec'v of W ar. disccvered the ccxfk hurling dishes gon power, and it is pointed out th a t
- r r l v 'n g s t C hssd * „ al„ (W(l.n p. , ty last Frtdby n «'” - (ut<,
p er cent w il l».' allowed for
fll across the 1 ttle room. He obtained *a ,t wouia n aturally follow th a t full-cap-
lnaded rev o lv er’froni a shelf, and the aelty generation a t Springfield would
rtanlenk. tb o -,u .M ts foundI ’h»
s ,.r(.ral
w ere visited d u r tn c , . r bpUir»hlp and «4, per cent for clt-
resu ajed if th is Ca. Ifornia-Oregon
lour blooknd by » l»‘g».
Inli,V , hl.
dug, and un eapeclnl »>Wr t 1 UsnaWo.
- -
, , crew w ithdrew and called M arshall
¡pow er is tak en elsew here a fte r th e
kin Wi t ah'« I» hanging over th -
m»dw to vl»U old Pe,>P’e 11,1,11 a wholesom e ctftip etltlo n wUh good untdler a t A rlington. W Vs. rtsm ettry. G eorge Veller.
The o ff ic * found th e C hinam an on - conscudalion.
r. nr « ntrnne»'. nnd eftfalve s»i.»«« I" ‘ |)U,
1• • miM la
1« exteel«1
,'A prtV « « to
I . , re . s - u - lt - - drum
....... th
- e , bo w « * - Guard
xaus..« .. a t - flower-bunk
. • ------------ crypt
w h ile no announcem ent concerning
si . n d t d to th e hallcw cen sO por
' I o ffer by th e la-glonnalres, P rincipal of \j a r .i>r e i i j f.nt W ilson at sf- A 'baos the foor of the shack, dead drunk, he
said. The revA ver had been em ptied ’ change s In distribution has as yet
ptn-re. The lights w ire »haded bv I
GsneUsId Club Met.
' ilta lh said The p rtsee w ill be aw arded ^ h e d t a l . W ashington.
into the cookhouse floor. A ccording bt?en m ade, those interested in local
________ -
yellow pum pkins, nnd black cal» anil: Th(, fleiiofteld. d u b had » v e r y y ’ «t
___ tbe
_ «*n«l o( <h« p re s e n t school year.
to the officer, the ex tra c t In several in d u itrla l developm ents are w atching
s l h t d th u tn a i»<1onrwl
adonred tne
the w««n
m eeting lust T iu hursday
imd It
th iu
a t th
I ' p p leat»
n t t mtwtlu«
u «w u^ ... , . nnd
n I*
!g Hkel.v
HKeiy m
ine e offer
oi.v. will
w. be
larg e bottles which had Just arriv ed w jtb ¡nte r egt for possible m oves th a t
M lnatret song- and J ''<•» w ere g!v
bome of Mrs Elsie S tew art. Th^
agufn to stdi nte next year
SHEDD ARMISTICE DAY had b e in considerably decreased, and may effCTt the com pany’s operations
bv Mr and Mra ’J W M cKinnon
I|loH ,M wlU 1.« N ovem ber 11
------------ --- ------------ -
It is to this th a t th e cook's condition ' . here.
nn-l Mr and Mrs It W I ’utlM.n. cos wh, n M rl w c R. bhan will be boa - s. P- WILL
- ---------------------
I t is understood th a t th e California-
D eterm ined to h o i k the vtaitora w as attrib u ted . He w as unable to
turned «» negroes Gum*, and
to th e club m em bers.
UNLESS ROAD CLOSED ! in th eir attom pta te avenge a 13 to give his nam e a t th e Jail.
O regon com pany will be consolidated
stories w ere ol. er e n tertain m en t f«a-L
w ith a new company to be organized
- ■ —
... 0 defeat of last Friday the Springfleld
Hires of th» event.
To Hold e sz a a r
Southern 1 K 1 ■
■r l„np
w , h e ;
m hool football aquad will
and controlled by the Byllesby in te r­
Marvin C h sa., a h ” » o r - Ihe “ low a I Th(> WMBeB (>f th e F irst M ethodist h o The
- t build
.» o p . 1» Eugene unless th e
PO STA L K tG t.
ests. on th e basis of an exchange of
3« thy and o th er ap p u rten an ces of ,
h wll, conduct th eir annual bar
f , h p a rif,„ th» Shedd h .g h -sch o o l o u tfit a t t
stock of th e California-O regon com­
■Ikle.the J.w.-ookfl, ' ptln forth» X , the church baa.
j y « ; rIp“Zd for traffic A. A F ‘i,h
^ ’un” 9
a * 2j 3°
for secu rities in th e new com-
nlevereat coatum » B W. C a rlto n .' )n|>n, N ovem ber IS. Aprons and o t h e r ,
„tto rn ey for th e com pany. I p c l°ck A rm latlce da> The S pring
A 4 per cen t gain In O ctober postal pany
t r e e ^ t a . . negro preacher, carried . trU c l„ wlH be on a * » * t th .e i
c h am bera. chairm an off the, « • >
on V taU e/ g receip ts over th e
corresponding j pany.
------------ -
second honors
•inaaa M eeting Held.
Eugene C ham ber of t
rl ’ q
j territo ry a week ago. will go into the m onth of 1924 was reported today by ;
P o stm aster F. B H am lin. H e said HALLOWE'EN DRUNK
In te re st centered uround a p le e a t- '
I t. hearing In E u --« » - « *" «HUter condition th an a t any 1 th a t th e stead y gain over correspond
ing contest, which was won l,> a close ¡ The TTlclIl. CUb held a ep-Cal
. : me this year. Coach V. D. Bain said ing periods of a y ear ago indicates
mi r gln by Murimi i ’ ù »» c over his ,nW g m eetin g a t the home of M r,. gone Tuesday.
th a t 1925 receip ts w it show a sub­
F ines of »25 each, im posed by Re­
b, -11104, H urry Çhaav.
N. I,.' lto * a rd O ctober 27.
A proles, "k*1’*’ 1
A hard tussle Is expected by the
f - , lowing wMOMkliig -efre liment»
lr>K h*9
f.lrnlPrg llv. ¡coach, who is giving his squa.l heavy sta n tia l increase over the m ore than corder R. L. Sm ith on C lare Jen n ngS,
Circle M e r ts - T b e Mission C itri»
19 and W ill H ardesty. 21. a rre ste d
nt pumpkin pie, randy favors, an
»5040 to tal of 1924.
m eeting at the t e ts In w est
lrt .„ ,i p rnlrb w ork-out. in preparatiot, for th e game.
The re c e lfts for last m onth w ere h ere S aturday n ':? -' for drunkeness.
C hase T uea-U bg along th e B l m t v . ^ d «n« ^
t -, y owls moulded or- o f rfcrex». enjoyed * helpful
»691.64; for •» y ear ago. »569.43. Busl- m arked the only sei thus re su lt o
•«ctw served.^
'h o m e of Mrs. O larsfce
j( lb , r ,r t w
e » , J X
; ’ S rr,n g f,eld * ° ,n di*’ not 8how
I ness of fli* ofpee Is heavier in all H allow een in 8 y f "field.
Tho Bi O kiov class •• Il •' youn-' iu - t day.
-- ------------ ----- ' '
com f any prom '
, crowllng w as ' superiority over the Shedd squad in depurtm onts, the postm aster said.
Jennings and H ardesty, both of
ed people's cinsi of 'i n U ap liit
whom a re employed in E ugene, w ere
ich. t'tugli by O .c,.- G l.nluh.
h -----
ere by M arshall
Springfield Bread Osed
Bread. a a rre
rrc s s ’e,!
. e,1 at dance
........ ......
made by tho Springfield B akery from G e o rie V allter. H ard esty , according
.' proterOirs question th e sin cerlt. n t | day gpu»» ”
iwey for Bprlngfteld'.
the F eath erflak e flour of th e Spring- ; tQ the evidence, w as «‘fighting rdn
¡7 X iu if'« '1'1 th’ "e / * nyrXt
Moon who has been Au? dt the lì Id Mkl and G rain com pany, was a ftnd wa3 la iie,i only n fter a hard Strug-
gnmd litftslng i»U Infected foot,
'L 'h ig h ly edible p a r t ' o f th e E ugene gle T h e tw 0 w ere allowed to re tu rn
P lans u.«
ore being roiut/leled which
bonds Issued in the t9tO
------- ------------------------
, series ,00k N
S'-lpw orth New ReOent.
pr. hqbly be b.«cif At t u k je by W »
C ham ber of Comm erce luncheon held tQ jgugene, but th e ir c ar w as c
.nomine to uiuke the annual FiHhfir place on Nov niber 1. i i |v r' 11 11 ’
q F BUIpworth s’f tho Lan- u. -lay. ry>rt
^ 'if o e d -ipd K e n n e d today noon. N inety loaves of bread by thp a u lh o rltle8 h ere to insure th eir
and' Sym supper of t i e
M Thod-st W M.
/ ^
“ " h e f u n d a to ’ c m n ty circu it court has
Louch Will «11 be
w ere sen t from the local bakery to ap„ earBnce a t police court Monday.
church broth, rho-m to be held No- T re a su re r llslM « »
by O gvcrnor l'l*< c * 9
, back h, form by. th at t l ’UA During
R ecorder Sm ith nam ed both fines
vem hur 16. the best ln tho h istory of X, w . l o r k In thm 0
thP m tv e rs ity of O rcgop to f V th (he sq nd
supply the tables a t the cham ber
»50, and suspended h a lf In e n
the orpaulzatlon. .
w en t on th e t i l t «
Novcmber'l place of C. E. Woodae«. ie c e a se ,1.
b b w u w orking I 'r illr .t luucheon.
i case, due to the youth of tho often •
B. veil, onti rtalpuient featu res arc th e ¡««nance of th e
.„„„in tein cu t w as'm ad e T uesday nn
1 ( > m a t VPnter. a
Funeral for Infant— F uneral serv­
being arranged for by Dr. W. H. I’o i-1 1. T he' total Issue * was $50,000. voted give
com bination th a t has "..w n « '-van- ices for elltty , the in fan t d aughter ot i e r s . ____________
w hich w 'u Pcuv# et <t<v<' M Mr and Mrs. Irw in C lark Of Oak-
la rd, head of Iho enl< rtn ltim o n t-u n d
Albany Men H ere^-E lcctrlc Super­
su pper conim litoo. The rfupper vxlll for Im provem ent purposes,
appointed following th e 'u ’n
, M
,8 unkWe to get back by W,
■rtOpe, were h o d a t th e W alker chap- in t e n d e n t O. McCiellnn D irtrth n to r
s ta rt at ,1 o'clock In Ihe church bnse-
— ----
. . . T -iC h e rb s Fisher, editor
j b, (lay.
‘ el AVmday. The burial w as a t Mar- W rite r Sm ith, rn d E ngineer W 11»
liicnt.' l ’resW eiit L. May of Jh o broth-
Inspect T im ber Shipm ent—
F riday’s game w as wen by
L ; !he M o,-ntan S ta te s Pow er com-
ispedtor for
NeviKia Judge
i re8,dcn t of Lane county
cola cem etery.
6i hood will preside.
! W endt. InapwFor
Springfield In the Inst two quarters,
’ Consnlldwted C opper com pany, wits lias been
C ow art carrying the bhll over for
E»*ct a tie l
nesday. .
both touchdow ns. The way for
, „„.„„„d by
rte e l to w •« to replace tkn
«“ P-l
•Hold Picnic on R,rt.-s
• S •
the ' Booth-K.llyj
score was r
’’ 11 ' 1
thg hoe y
” n ' '•t
Visit at D
H -rne—V- Finke
1«, r.n " t tld .! fu n b ls
Picnic suppet wns
was e uni’»?
n jo v ’ u '*
■■ r i i 0Vt r . d th
*' o’ tx’n S ta te s Dower c n m p e n .J and wife of 81»et» w ere visitors th s
Two carloads of steel bridge to**,<tnlU.
,J I g i iu p of Bnr-nnfA'd
om i ’" *’ :1 >a the S rrln -
tw o yc:«! Una. Tho local plant was s ta rted y e ste rday.
week a t the F ra n ” \ . OePue hom e
terin l. for use In th e construction
here. Mrs. F lnko L - n e k e e of Mrs.
by the county of th e H endrick»
M n io n a r le s
H ara — K enneth A.
Tobias and D. D. R and«'.. American DePue.
1’hl D ella 1 lu;l 1 fra,
Mr. .11,"1 ,
III. County
l o u n ry em
e m ployes
p lo y e s
i im
i i m
i cdintelv
i i k
-1 > of
<>• the ....................
Dr. Oliver to 9 p « » k .
Bunday School Union m issionaries,
Those In th» group w e e
d arted unlondlnq lh ' steel, and haul- the U n iv ersi,y of O rego» are,
Z. T. K lntxlsy—Z- T. K lntzley was
Dr. G. O. Oliver, vlco-preaidant of w ere In Springfield l»Rt Sunday. Mr.
Mrs W.
5» e v n m tertain
m en t featu
M' W lla n u tte U niversity, will speak Tobths coaductwl the services a t th e confined to k ls home by illness this
ed I to
to the
th e bridge
b r id g e below
b e lo w W
w n Altervlllr.
n e r v u i c . »>
— -, res - of
t Rebhan.
Mt »»'> y
uion* lunehoqn
lu ncnnjn to
iu be
UT held
».-• . » tom
This Is Ihe final aljIpmiWl, o ’ steel Lions
It Di»’-,b .rth erorulng and even ng at the B aptist church Sunday evening.
. • Woodmen -.r
tv s e . M
.rv t
( week.
noon a . t the
o t » tb
K< rray and Dr. and
Mobkodlst church service* Sunday.
Jor th e W nltervlllo »pan, which
p ractically finished.