E' llloek 72 on siti and II st N E cor TV« term» are such th a t the tarm ar lì . . . '. . , «.liti,«, t lv .ill It st. M l I I. 1 cuttuet p-’»»IMy hu-el th em : and th ” f t on tith. shoe pinches most when .«> Iti „X 'lay n at ami 'IS ft on «ih la it 10 block 4 on 2nd st from Mailt HI.I, k 72 S W. is’rm r fronting on «•om.s. (or the n ie r,sag,• renew al s! N. t.i alley. m eans ,»-.«re bonusea, «vitally a lilt K si. front 7th st m a t to alley. I.ols 14. 13 on tl »I. block 104 in ¡M erest charge», and o th er con li l.ol 17. m 1 of 4. Ilio, k 100 on ll latís I. 2. block 3. Kelley« A ll on o ra th at compel the farm er to seek lil’ V YUI'U I ll ll lS i M IS t ’AIIDtl b, 4tlt and 5th II 91. s t ttliu and on »’U filli Oth «I »I »»«»n south » • all»; . w i x e r s now have a surplus* of fsJO.OOrt- aid from hta friends and neighbor»- L ets 5. 5 block 88 on ft and along E n tire front of block M ou Mill T here ,,„w a largo a d va- Eight Years cf Joint Stock Land «*« not J‘"T’ * Thia Situation Expected the west side of lot & on 3rd at. ' Mv l Hu*- to ’« t êt wblJn clone • . , ««»ar* axo. >’» !»< wonJi-r» » l u is Lot 4. block 2. Kolley Add along Banks Provides Ray Of Hope ! iieldiMi hla afcare. The farm er while To B r,n0 G '^d n taa— l.ol is. block 111 on Bth s t from G «•’ E hrl-im >» -m « of ili” finest . »rds si north io alley ; a re gone rail v deplolad 8 -e the C h ris t But F arrrer Finds Himself ; in many way» may b quite im ptaell- y , p , the farm er figure t h - went side «Si 3rd st. U ’t 6. block It. K elleys Add along l.ol» 4. 5 on F »,.. bleck 87 bel. Sili «"»» «’» « l. al lite New» office «■ul in eth e rs is eatren. ly hard head- j-,.ara that must ■ lapse lie le he ran W aiting for His Much w est «l ie on 3rd st. jed . and it Is difficult to in sp ire him h()pr by industry to earn a little farm " ' „ MI, st N orth f fl «t »II » « Ik . ' H L A N ;’ »” ' * N Km*r » Vaunted P rc p erity |,ot 5. block 1 Ext Sur on 3rd at. to dance en the waxed floor of s ta lls r,.:U-be» the age of decrep itu d e b« r „m ining on the .« s t ride of 5,h ft|> •* * » ” « • ’« et a q u a rte r .......... of hl» front A st north to alley Ileal p ropsperlty while he slips on {or,, ,u . can By Edward Percy Howard the sk u llin g figures in hts bank book .M, m e# ts. T hat he can hope to meet Lot I. block ;>l b and ■ 1 > " S treet of board or carili coaafrur Through Au: ;.ster Service N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O N S — • > . . . But ,t a ll.f , t «>( all rwa»«»'i. • J * . lion to bo replaced with concrete, D espite the undeniable benefits to NOTICJC 18 IIKUKBY tllVKN. II,al connecting up with the la«l piece of Has Been Too Spotty. „ |g ,n r,,l(,.Ttn< thl» Impossible sit th è utldernlgned. Mmery M Richard, be gained by dealing w th th e Joint son ami KHI» J Iti. Imiiison. hav» town The actual fact Is th at lh'at th(, Jo Jtllnt i,a n d banks Stock Lend Banks, a vast num ber of u eig h t y ears uatlon th at the in t band banks , - « b| side ... .............. # of hl>pn ft »1 notili lo L s t . all wood»n or .a rili Oregon (or thè f'ounly of Lane, duly in the grips of unscrupulous financial Joint Stock Land bucks h as relieved walk» to he replace.l wllh concrete »1 p o lli,..I executora of ,h ” WUI mii .I .... . . . — - r --------- farm ers in uomo spots, b u t th e expan- lierc,,nt fn r t ,|, |„ r,n. Mus on > percent Interests. Eight years of operation .. ,, . ... * u n .e s ta te of Mary F. R ichardson, de. from C at north. I.o ,s 1.1, 14. I. u n t i » .. ! reased, and r i a l all persona havlng under th J inks un sten of the sy stem 's operations I ar for th e re d u c i Lot 10. block 93 on 2nd a t 120 ft. Lofa 10. 11. 12 oli O st.. block ilo , |a im» aguiiist -ald r»i»ie are here questionably has had a beneficial re been too gradual to m ake a m aterial W .rty rty.th ree yen .h re» y e a r. I r , _ | w. IJXÄ1, * X» |hM| timi tll , th l.o, 9, 10 and 12 of X block 83 on E ny nollfl.-d ,o présent ,h« sanie to ,lu> sult. N evertheless t rem ains a fact hange in th e coloring of th e ag r cui- jh * m0rI|{aK,. u paU1 off. and the Lot 9. block 94 on 1st st. from F said executors at the office of Frank st farm er can then begin to accum ulate st south to niley. th at these institu tio n s have been able tu rai picture up to «late. W ee, side of lo, 10. block X3 on 7th A. Ib'lhie. A ttorney for the estât« nl Conditions existing prior to th e ere- etlough money on which to re tire to develop not more th an tw o per­ Hprltigflel.L Oregon, properly veri- Lot 10 block 94 on 1st s t from K X,ols S, 9. 10. ig eXpectiH| _ ........... .............. . . . block -------- , 87 — on - E «t f , | W|||||a six month» from the dale cent of the possible business in th eir a,io n of th e Join, Slock Imnd banks , st. north to alley Along -«Id» of Io, 10, bl.M-k X7 on Xih , r lids „ -lie D m -.I. O .'.-h. r 27th, were as impossible a s they a re Increrl , tad n ew Into the h e a rts o f, On ROllth 9„,| from R I t Right field. I 192B. Üdf. w h w „rl(| m ust d. o( W ay , ou(h , o D at. H untly prop at. Despite th is seem ingly discouraging ble. They have been so expla ned by FRANK A Del*, R no less a person th an t uy H uston n fly yeaM Along eqat side of lot 1 block 110 on show ing however, ecoront sts are A ttorney for the E state president of the Aaaoclatlon of Jo in t enoukh b)w k # EMERY M RICHARDSON. springing up all over th e land, each Olh st. Stock luind banks. Mr. Hpeton show s * , ht. #| #ou(h ,„ (K.k , ELLIS J. Rll HARDS,IN. predicting th e em ancipation of the Along the west side of lot 11 block Executor» a picture of th e typical country bank wnicn to in » I Lol 4 2nd st.. south, block 9. 120 7X on 9th st. farm er, each pointing to statistics to with a capital of 850.0« and $300.000 e rs h 'p of > farm.__________ (> 29 N. f. 12 19 26 prove h is future to be bright and In front of lots 11. 12, 13 14. block in deposits, w hich m eans th a t the Lot 4 3rd at.. Mock 8X from north 7S on C st. Ton, U l.on property REWARD O rdinane« No. 490. ro8> ¡b a n k e r is unable, under th e law. to C st. south to niley Dr D ad d Friday, widely k own . . prom , <;ng youna farm ,.r F iir Inform a,l"„ Icadlix to dl.eov- S ID E W A L K . In front of lots IB. 10. 17. IX. 19. Lo, X Mock 29 on 4th s t from C si an ’econom ist, r- •eent.v t »«.: SB audt- m ore than $3000—ten p« rcen t of - • his • block 71 on C si Van Yalaah proper,v cry of person 'o r person» who »tola n a n c . pror , a tllg for the con enee of farm ers Ik Coferudo Snrlngs capital, and then no, for th e pu rch ase stru rl(o ,,‘ of a ,-ement sidew alk abut north to alley . two sets of photo« f,"lll the (tell In (roll, of B ra,tain school on 10,h E Lot 1. block 3 K elleys Add • th a t prosperity is surely at hand. He of farm lands. Ye, this b an k er is the T h eatre T p »day o w n in g <> 29 .a . „I,.... »1. »cho«d dlst. No, 19 ling th e property described In Section south to alley. explained th at th» acres under c.tlti- .. ' 1 a.-«» is m anu nlan on whom t 1 block 1 on B «t. from 4th st , , ,,j,. ,,f ,,loi k 7,1. Io, 10 and In «t. a r wm ua n »1** 101*0 w’9. T --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- teed S’ .OOO.OOO city folks. This, Dr dollar» he can buy hta firs, farm • p The Comonn Council ojf Friday belives, will m ean good tric e s F - W ^ l 1 T M l 2 II lll— ll I'M 1 M l M l ML ¿ y j i . HE S S K 7 equipm ent. Then he m ust prevail u p th ^. , pwn of Springfield does hereby »cd a resum ption in »be vaht«’ of farm on some land ow ner to ren t him a p |U lntl.nt!(m and does hereby lands. Those of a mor p»s»lx!.:«e piece of land. If th e farm be a real t.spvl„ en , th a t a turn of m ‘nd point cu: h ’wever c economic unit, i, will req u ire nt m ent sidew alk be c nstru cted on D *L the city growth in pouleC n Is the h a s t $5.000 to $6.000 to finance th e S.. 2nd st. 8. Mi» »f- N- ls t »*■ N- ! result or d im in i'h n t p o itllatlon of operation thro n ch the first crop , sea , st. N.. 3rd st. N.. 4th st. N.. 5th st. X... . the country, a n ! -o i, dee» n 't m a’ -' on. so th a t th e young farm er Is al _|h st s , h g, N 9th at w hat point of the com pass the moat whipped before he begins, un • jO l h N A st jq.. B st. N . ponth opens— t h as ,0 he f d- Other« !e«s he can n egotiate additional loans p x Q gt K it'-.l fail to beli’ v th .- fc.-r- P’’’' '" through his friends. , r t . a |)U,tin g »al l proposed II a r based on the law o ' s n p 'ly and „ will tak e the best taJ * * gl(1,.w alu. aBil , able for said Improve- J ,t mand. or. ,f prices a te K> based, werld five to a x years to pay ba ) |k (, pg<.r(lH, , aa followa. ,<> | h a, the ecoaom 'c rule does net seem - „ r r r t loans, and own bta . ,o« k BJ