TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y N O Itb ti**r Hare from Independence— M V. Morgan of Ind'g^udctit-i- wax a Hprl»«- f'ulil vlaiinr W»-dtic»d»y UPPER W ILLA M E TTE H eure Painted J. II. Will hlw houaa a* 03 t SII» stre e t I t 1 Va «by OrulUvr V. I. h »a inn t'otih-y freut .'prlng W. I. Lowell—V u In from .ow- II Irani acted busliu»» <■14 W nli.i wlay. • Will Build H eute—H O. Houk ' The J. A. E b b srt Memorial Methodiet plans to build a house n ear the home Church. of bi» fa th e r, E C. Hunk, on the Me- "M n-enforcol Building C onatructlon“ Renxle river north of town. • Will he the parable applied to life, I from the t'-achings of Jesu s, next R eturns from Iow a—Miss N ora I Sunday evening a t 7:80. This t III b e ' Predrlckiwjn returned to Sprlngf fd »pen Ing tw o 11.|< c*edei| by th e ehow eg of «lidee, W ednesday n iter m onths In Northwood, 1 rwa. visiting '.«owing the a rtis ts Interpretation of h r m other. Mrs. N. W. F red'cks; a. '«11 ih*. parables. Try, Try Again By «(Melai Corraapandanta Community Ncv s IH U h b lO N PAUK F IV » T H F H PRrM T " NKWM TH U R SD A Y. OCT. 2», 1928. nltlt of BpriuK T he Ju n io r choir will hav arg. 1 Will Havs Food Salt M ethodist of the music fur the evening. M orning them e a t 11 o'ciocij. “The j will hold a ci ok "4 food I-on g and Crot » plum bing top. Joy of Service." Mr. B eardsley w ill1 ber 31. .ng. Th » will be m em bership day. > Th* church school, Mrs. Ida Oantx. W ant d eale r o r agent to handle ■U( erlnteftdant, ccnv- n< s a t 9:45 with I good Lnc of radio. New m rthandis- Ing plan,- e x tra large discount. An­ the classes lor all ag<«. O 29 Interm ediate league, with the Mias-1 sw er Springfield News. es G ertude and V iolet Mustoe. super j Inredants, m eets a ' 5 P. M.. Epworth | Goes P h easan t H unting — F red League at 1:30 P. M. All a t the church F rese, accom panied fcy "D inty" of "T he W arm H eart," F. L. Moore, Moore of E ugene, went pheasant h u n t­ m inister. ing W ednesday. IliiU lu«i w* « k 'I i. Leaburg V isitor H ers — A lberta painful and » «rlotre wound. Ile haa IIV '• •»■•cr of Leuburg vlaltcd hero Wed Harvey H ati'iiii and H arold 1I« en under tti- caro of a physician. *n»gdn<. atrun« frem (liauada ipent »lie Mr. uud M,-> ». A no Hr.«tow of Buo- 1 1 — < nil In T hurston h- tnl. h. Wui tngton, arrived at the ’ Ccwn from W endling—John Purcell John liaya, »tin ha» vlaliml hl» htuna of their p.i • Is laxl w -ek Io lie of W< udlliig -Fielt« I rulatiges In slater, Mr«. A W W eaver Ui-re n t «Ilf a t th e beilaP e of .Mr. Bristow. 1 Springfield W ednesday. ferelit tlm ei i>u»«n<1 away at I bn Mi r­ 'I lie pu| 11« o | Cio Pl<-u»anl 11 II pul) I ■ ■ — — ny hospital In Eugene la-it T hursday. lie r-i-hool » 'I «. a Hallow- eii pro Baby III with Pneum onia— Th*- IU i film ml wrua held ai Miller'» chap g iam H atuiJuy iilalil at th. school muitll baby of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. id In Jiiin i oil City tin inlay afternoon bouse. Cl*-»,, candy and elder will I Ca nton I* »erlotlaly 111 with paeumon- Ml»« llas*-l Film ¡»tun. who 1« leach be »old a fier the program The money ' la. Inn at Norton», »pent the week end m ade thia way will go tow ard paying I —- “ wlih home laren i« V isits O rand-diughten— Mr«. Mary for th »et of book» |nirr w H p ona r d. city physician. A service marked with detorum and tran­ evening b2 n r l n»v t • lai _ In th p house (hey occupied last w'n- Springfield quility, with ceremony yet with understand­ Mr. and Mr» Ito*» C alvert and hi» ter. R oberta. Hold n s and Je»»a have H at M ajor O peration— Fred Gib­ ing of the situation. W ith modern equipment, fath er. Jam es Calvert, from Junction entered th e C leasant Hill public son underw ent a m ajor operation a t V isits from M»r«bfteld— Mrs. Joe with fairness always apparent. City were In T hurston last Friday, school. Lemon of Marshfield arriv ed h ere the Pacific C hristian hospital W ednes­ Mr. and Mr« Clifford H errin g to n !», O. I.lnton ha» purchased a new day. Dan Baugh was also operated on and »on from P ortland drove down Ford truck for handling hl» wood and .Monday, visiting with her parents. Mr Teusday m orning .an d Mrs. John M unwarlng nlll T ues­ and »pent the week-end with his mo­ grain. Floyd John baa a Chevrolet day, when «be w ent to Portland. PHONE- 228 R eturn to P ortland— Mrs. Mary Mc­ th e r here Mr. and Mr» Tlvey, Mr«. Floyd Mrs. W illiam W eaver from P o rt­ L ord. Mr« George Lord and Mr«. Cal- ! H enry and Mra. W illiam P. Brooks of " 1 land. ol»o Mra H arrin g to n from Cres- ll»on met at the home of Mr. and Mra. Dr. g. Ralph Dlppel, D entist, Vltu« Portland, stepm other and siste r of w ill spent th e w eekend w ith th eir ■ B. T in k er to practice F arm ers, building. Sprlngfrlehl, Oregon, the Into J. A. McHenry of this city, slater. Mr« A W W eaver. 11 M union »onga for th " luncheon to be retu rn ed to th e ir hom es Tuesday. P rice Torn Mod ha« been visiting hl» < lrrn In th*- E ugene hotel Friday »on. John and family, for several FSB noon. days, He bectetne quite III w hile here hut was b e tte r and retu rn ed home AN APPLE A DAY T u-sdny. KEEPS DOCTOR AWAY T here la to be aran d y pulling at the church Hallowe en even ng for The N ational Apple Shipper«' s<- the neighborhood In general given »nclntlon ha« renew ed It« appeal for by 'h e ladle»* did. Mr», Fdm lalon and »on. Italph. al- n ttio n a l ro-o-peratlon In spreading tin- gortiel t*f the o.ppln during “ Ns- »o Ba n»«t McKinnlo from * Eugene «pet • rtun«ay evening at John Edmls- tlonnl Apple W eek." O ctober 31 No- vi-mhcr 7 W ith a d en ire' to respond ton Mt and Mr« l.'.w ard Haya and la the most affect'»» way possible rh lld rtn from lo f t a.-tl »pent Bundsy , th e I'n l. n P a* 'fir o ffe r, to broaden nlKhi at A W W eaver'» i »"d m ake more «omplet» tk r tlac of Ml»» K«th»r M cPherson from j It. now famous ' «60 R erlpea for Ap S prlngf'eld «pent Sunday night with pie Dlshe«." T his valuable publics — which really originated In the tlon. h er cousin, H asel Edtnlslon off ce of th a t aystrnn, Portland Mr. R o m b en e rt' H errington, who h ss i*er*n*a*“ ". ............ — ---- K lnm ntk Falla for several I bounded an suddenly Into publie fa»- been at „ — m onths, relurniql home Sunday <-»* o r th a t the m anagem ent at head n '-g lie underw ent a m inor operation q uarter« decided Io reproduce It In u an - tities to m eet the ennrmon* de- In Springfield Monday m orning , q ---- Mr and Mrs. John Edm laton and mnnd, and It will be good new s to an fam 'r «'so Mr and Mr». Ray Bough who are In terested In th e apple to This meant to hundred« of people the biggest event of the year, because it means a big saving of Money. .nA fse,:-, d.ove to Junction City ; learn th at It h a . now passed the Sunday and .n .ty e .l th e fam ily r c (eig h th ed lt'o n exoeedlng 1.1R0.000 We have a large stock of Specials and have licted a part o f them for your oareful consideration. Look at this list and unlcn at Mr and M r. J a m a . C alvert 1 book«. It has not only reached every note the bargain pricee: In honor of th eir fiftieth «olden wed portion of the t'n tte d Htatea, but has leaped Inin E u ro re and was In fact - SS-TW ’ W-- ------ dlnf anniversary. 15000 f t 2x4 4 4 6 f t S1S1E.................................$ 8.00 per M. 15000 f t 9-16x6 Common Rustio $ 5 00 per M. G -orge and Robert WIMIams n * th e cause of the big apple movement 10000 f t 1x4 Ceiling ........................... $16.00 per M 25000 f t 1x6 Shiplap $11.00 per M. celved a telegram Monday m orning now a vi eplng over England anil some 3000 ft. 2x6 Clear T& G ........ ................ $20 00 per M. 10000 ft. 1x8 Cedar Shiplap ............................ $16.00 per M. «tatltix th e 'r brother. Charle». hail l of h er c* lonle» 4000 ft. 2x6 Common ijiwpiap .*................ $14.00 per M. ........ kl„ p,i They received none of Expert« In culinary d ep artm en ts In 10000 ft. 1x6 Cedar S h ip lap ....................................$15.50 per M. 5000 ft. 1x4 Car Siding , . / 7 . $20.00 per M the particular* R obert left Imnted ' hundreds of Instltnt on« throughout 25000 f t 1x12 Shiplap ................................ $11.00 per M. $15.00 per M. 12000 ft. 2x6 Common TAG lately for M ontana w here th e bro th er th e land testify th at the re- tpe« are 10000 ft.. 1x12 S1S. ............................. ....... $11.00 per M. $ 7.50 per M. 15000 f t 1r6 S1S. ; without exception the best collection "*Mr D O. Baugh underw ent « «er known, and not one In the honk that $20 CO per M. 6000 f t 2x6 Clear Shiplap 10000 f t 1x4 Flooring $11.00 per M. W.F.WALKER Ä62-J FUNERAL SERVICE M *'N S pr . in g field . ore . Going Fast! ANNUAL SALE BOOTH - KELLY LUMBER lotiH operation at the I'acld c C hristian ; „III not stand th e most exacting test io s p l.a l T uesday m orning. of dom estic science The book I. n"w Mr and Mrs. William H enson vie- available without expense to any oni Red relatives In Eugene last Sunday. : concerned anil will he mailed In »In Mrs A lberta W eaver, who la teach-1 gle copies or q u n rtlt'e a to any ad Ing at U -ahurg. had lo get . su b .tl- dr* .a on request to Wm tu te for II few days as she la having I general passen g er agent of th t - I nion trouble with her e y e . She w ent to | Pacific ayatem al P ortland. Oregon. F u sen e T uesday Io have them treat ed. AMERICAN LEGION W ILL HAVE M ID N IG H T M ATINEE BELL F our acts of vaudeville, two M b motion p icture comedlaa. an organ burlesque, two tons of confetti, sev­ eral carloads of serp en tin e stream ers. sll shnpes and Sixes of H allowe'en hats, m asks and 57 varieties of h ern s and w klatlas are to he a few of the many featu res of the big A tn erl-m Legion m idnight m nt'nee. which will be held at the McDonald th eatre, Sat urdny irtght, » tartln g a t 11 o lo lc k . an noiinced George Love and W illiam C. Page, tn ch arg e of the at»nw. The main reason of the show, s ta t­ ed Mr. Love, Is to raise monev for th e Legion b en efit fund. The McDon­ ald m anagem ent Is providing two featu re comedlaa anil it special nr gan feature, now being prepared by- F rank D. C. Alexander, organist, and bi addition Is halplnx 'h e loglon atflge th e »how. F our h eadline vaudeville nets, including a "C harlt ston" Jaaa hand, singers, dancer» and special slag s effects are alao featured on the iV m idnight m atin ee program . T ickets will be sold by every mem­ ber of the legion, sta te the 'member» AT POPULAR PRICES of the com m ittee, and a »m J in ’t' (or -111 be « »»«-•- - held n t the the- LAST CHANCE TO SEE late com ers ---- THIS SUPER PRODUC- a tre box ortica S aturday nlgHt. ™ 5 T IO N .jeglon drum and bugle co rp » >111 par- THEATRE TONIGHT FRIDAY and SATURDAY u '« d a the atre e ts bofore the show. i 28000 i t 3000 ft. 10000 ft. 3000 ft. 2000 f t 40000 f t 25000 ft. 15000 f t 10000 f t 90000 f t 25000 f t $10.C0 per 1x4 S1S $ 7.50 per 1x6 Flooring $14.CO per 1x6 Flooring $12.00 per 1x6 Flooring ----------- 1x6 Corn Cribbing .................. $11 00 per 1x6 Shiplap ................................. $ 7.50 per 1x6 S1S.............. ............................ $11.00 per 1x12 S1S............................................ S 8.50 per 4x4 S4S............................................ $15.00 per 2x4 S1S1E. ............................. $16.50 per 2x4 S1S1E........................................... $13.50 per M. M. M. M. M M. M. M. M. M. M 5000 13000 11000 6000 . 8000 ft ft. it. ft. ft 1x2 S2S............................................ $14.00 per M. 5-8x4 Ceiling ......................................$16.00 per M. 1x4 Drop Siding ............ $16.00 per M. 1x6 Drop Siding $20.00 per M. 5-8x6 Rustic. No. 115 $18.00 per M. 6000 f t 10000 f t 6-8x6 Rustic, No. 117 ..................$18.00 per M. 2x3 S1S1E.............................................$15.50 per M. 10000 Lin. f t OC Bats. 6 to 9 f t .......................... 35c 240 pcs 1’/ ax10x10-14 S1S1E. ....................... $14.00 per M. It will pay you to buy now to buy whether or not you have immediate use of lumber for these bargains will go fast at the low prices we are asking. Thia stock is suitable for a barn, garage, chicken house, machinery shed, in fact any kind of frame building. THE BIG SALE STARTS MONDAY October 19 and ends November 1 Prices Are for Cash at Our Springfield Mill Don't miss this opportunity to buy while we are asking prices lower than they have been for years. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company Eugene Phone 452 Springfield Phone 55