T IIU H S D A Y . OUT. JH. 1025. T H K Ö P IU N O F IE W NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News o f f ic ia l LOYALTY WEEK. UNDERW^V ' GOV. PIERCE TO SPEAK Canary Local J 1 N or hup ' V entral ....... Kay Bower ' Vlavenlale Mrs. I.. J. Get hell 1 t e :; t F o r i . Mis. llco Ki-beli . e k 1 Creswell .. Mrs M. A. Horn 1 Porcua Mrs. Ada J tavn ;- 1 Ileceta Mrs B. Baker, ' llad h y vhllel Mrs M G illespie ' Jasper Mr«. Grace Jones ' I rune ........... Mrs Q M. Foster 1 McKenzie Harry C Jackson ' Mt. Vernon Mrs. V A Reynolds Silk C r e e k ............. Bulah Smith ' T r e n t ...... ............. E B. Tinker 1 made to accomodate many mor All TO C O N D U C T C LA SSES Farmers nion members are Invited to Miss Lucy Case, nutrition apeetall»1 attend this luncheon. of O- A. C„ w ill conduct classes in Lane county next week. The first * class will be Tuesday. November S. at * the Four Oakes Grange hall under T IM E AND PLACE OF * the auspices of the home economics LOCAL M EETINGS Canary—First Sunday and Third * , comm ittees of .the grange. Saturday. Farmers Union Hall. * Wednesday. November ♦, a class Cloverdale—Second and Fourth * will be held at Coast Fork under the Fridays. Cloverdale School House. * auspices of the Coast Fork, local auxil- Creswell—First and Third Tues­ * iary of the Farmers’ union Thursday. days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. * November 5, a cla ss will be conduct- Coast Fork—Second and Fourth * ed at College Crest under the auspices Thursdays, Farm Union Hall. o f the Women's club. Dwr.ebo— First Tuesday, Donebo School House. Dorena— Second and Fowth Tues­ days. Dorena Church. Hadleyville — First and Third Thursdays. Hadl-y vf.le School. Heceta— First Sunday of each month. Heceta School House. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed­ nesdays. W. O. W. Hall. Jasper Lorane—Second and Fourth Wednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hatl. McKenzie local, second and fourth Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. F. hall. Waltervllle. Mt, Vernon—First and Third W ednesday. BrasfleM Store. Silk Creek Meets First and Third Thursday at Cedar School House Spencer Creek—Third Friday. Pine Grove School House. Trent—Second and Fourth Wed­ nesdays Pleasant Hill High School Bldg Vida—Second and Fourth Satur­ days at Minney Hall. Secretaries wfli please send In tim e and place qg meeting and changes of date as they may oc- • COAST FORK LOCAL lane c o u n t v u n it NO. 1« "Trulli iu V« . ; R e p o rte r s County Farr La Sa tu r week g, et under fu Octeb- i; 24 » h n «' at Spr nit metri» r met In field. The week Is filled with enter­ tainment and effort to ipst new iu> tu­ bers. The climax will be Friday noon when a luncheon will be given at the Eugene hotel at 12:80 noon. Governor Pierce will be the principal speaker. Mrs. Kappauf county secretary, will give a report and the rest of the aft­ ernoon turned over to musical num­ Vaia _........... Mrs. W. E. Post ' bers. In the afternoon the new mem­ bers will be obligated. Places for 100 have been reserved and preparations N U T R IT IO N S P E C IA L IS T p u b l ic a t io n u « • • * PYHOTOL DEMONSTRATION VO BE H C ID AT THURSTON » • Ralph l sird. C .-»well. President. • • W i ll • dent. W h e e le r. * T re n t, V ic e Pr«.ai * U u i <.n u i r WKUh.t'YC 1 U{1 l IH 114 • • of I'hursioi RftiJ 0(1)1 the sellon Nt vom hr r 13 ti H ity »im it. a id F K Ì.I »r. • Keeper • l ‘rie mi wtijrttivti of O. A V MT«' I|H 1«.|| • H. C. Jackeon. W altervllle, Con- • will conduct ih du iixuii (railon. Pur • dueler. • • le d in t i l t ’ nn»r* <»n«l of h» • 0. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. urg< d to I» the county 11 i^rt • B' tty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, • • eee.-Treaa, • • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, Door * present. A B E R O g C N -A N G U S S T C B R " Q U t t N M t M I 4 T W G rand Cb««npion P a c ific In te rn a tio n a l L lv s s to ik g w p e sitic a , IM S . a a h ib ite d by fcongdon and B a ttle« . V a k ln .a , W a a h , B red, fed and At the Pacific International Live-; from the packer to lb<- retailor F.irth- stock Expositlian to be held In Pori or down in the refrigerator, will be land this year. October Slat to Noveui shown the reaulur wholesale rule of her 7th, It Is proposed to give a demon- meat usually sold in the trpdo 1 be»«, atration which will carry out the idea too, will carry their proper pricing as Of “Truth In Meats.“ , regards the various grades A ssisting in this work will be the Finally, in a counter »111 be See® Department of Agriculture, colb'ges of all the retail cuts from these various Oregon and the Pacific slope, packing- packinghouse iota; they In turn show- house people, stock-yard officials and Ing exactly what a choice cut from thn commission men, and retailers as well, choicest animal should sell for. l»sr- Six Ri eight live animals, nicely bed ing In mind all the lime that the over- ded down and properly cared for. will head in the retail store la just as be graded front prime to common, and much, pound for pout'd, on a common over the head of each will be posted animal us II la on a choice one the price on foot at which Its kind la The purpose of thia entire demon selling In the stock yards that week, strwtlon will not be to prove that the Directly back of them. In a refrigera-1 retailers are getting too little or too tor, will be shown carcasses from ant-¡much for their meat, but rather to mala of a similar lot. These car-1 show the relstive value of prime as casses will also show the selling price, compared with common meat. 1 ■■1 | The ladies' auxiliary of the Farm­ COUNTY M EETIN G HERE IS ers' union met October SI. 1925 at the W E LL A T T E N D BY FARMERS , home of Anna Jepson to work and plan for the coming bazaar. The meeting opened with twelve members present The resignation of Mrs. John Keb clbeck. as purchasing agent accepted and Miss Jepson chosen to fill the | vacancy. , Mrs. L. Taylor was obliged to resign the office of Home Product agent on account of sickness tn the home. The time was spent In making ap­ The county meeting of the Farmers union held tn Spr'ngfleld last Batu day was well attended and served to star! Loyalty week off with enthusi­ asm. The meeting was sponsored by the Coast Fork local. The next conven tlon will be held In Springfield tn three month« under the dir- t.ou ti the H aileyville li-cwl. Nearly all the 15 locals In the c i ty were represented Saturlay w l’h Mi a full attendance of deloga» Jones, state secretary, of Monmouth meet was present. FARM R EM IN D ER S Los se» In gem in ation and sta n i of »beat caused by dipping the awed In formaldehyde or bluest m e solution Io by Mrs Wl em T . a talk by bopi era. nd cicadas are de-lec» .-d *.* a. Lalrn e t the Federated Farm by bn • 8 th pruu'ng- from the or 'iVi'Bi r , and t .titr e c by E K Mor- chard, brush and brat'.ble fruits risen l.uni h ws i « v«r at noon to Gathering up und destroying crop ovi-r one hundred people re i nsnts. Utter, rubbish, and weeds Ralph l.alrd, p r o dent of the loine in the home garden destroy the hiber p-ounty Farmers- untop, presided at Valins p leeis of tveh Insects ns the Ib g bds neas meeting Isirane nn«l cucumb-r beetle and asparagus beetle ' iladleyvills will sponsor the next I county tnert'ng which will be held It» Hlruwborry crown borers In Ore Springfield In three months. , gon are con* rolled by burn ng the In tested p la n s In tho fall, advises the exp rltn< ut station O il, planting« serve BS breeding grounds for the troths unless plowed up. exposing the plants to the winter cold. New plant­ ings are best located ns far away us possible from old plantings MT. VERNON LOCAL The Mt. Vsrnon Meat met Wednes j day ow ning, October 21 for a social i time A large crowd of memto-rs and j friends was present and after a short ' business session. Assessor li, F Ki cney from Eugene gave us. u very Ixxik nt the Having proposition InterHIng talk as a continual Hticriflce. Mr. Lalril also gave us a few point ers on Loyalty week, which In Lane I«aTgc BuvlngH accounti, nr«« tho county In the present week. sum of little economies, no on«’ Ibdi gates were appointed at tills of wliicli ever worked a real n cetln g 'c. attend the county meet Ing in SpilngAeld on Saturday the 24. hardship. It was decided l>y our local to hold a d ' ix aerial at the W, (). W. hall In Ev«:ry little Belfdenlal for the snv Springfield Weilnesilav. November IS ing fund has its comp«-iiHfttlon 1 1 e public Is Invited, ladles bring in the HUliSf act ion which cometi ¡box !nni h for two, the men plea*« from “ money in the bank” , and the joy of achievem ent when the bring cash to purchase the boxes. A jvrogrum will b« provided and cuh I i reserve aiiBwer» the chal­ «very «ne Is expert«»! to have a good lenge <>f opportunity. time. Alt« r a visit at the-Reynold» home. The Ftrrtt National savings de­ Mr and Mrs. Fred Helneckr relumed partm ent invites your account. tc ?an Francisco hist week, making | the trip In two days, by auto. The county meeting of the Farmers' ' U t Ion WHS held In Hprlngf'eld. Sat- ' urnay, October 24. nt the W. (). W. Some People We are specially prepared to turn out farm and auction sale hall and sponsored by the Coast Fork , local. ! The meeting whr well attended by members front »11 over the rounty FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon. bills. An exclusive cut service of horses, cattle, sheep and oth­ er live stock enables ns to illus­ tra te and turn out an attractive poster. Come here and get a J distinctive i>oster. Discount to Farm Members. SPRINGFIELD NEWS Phone 2 Opposite the Post O ffice W anted Union Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 6G2 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon