Page Three THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, OCT. 2tt. 1925. Waffles and Grid P. a Cakes . Cross aweaieia.* Tusae arl.ciea are among the few not furnished by the Government. | For the men still on active duty tn tbe Army, Navy and Marine*, the Red ; Croa* during the year maintained Field Director* at all Important at»-' ttona. camp*, and hospital* of the«« armed force* of the country. A monthly average ef M M l service Heavier Daman 's for War Ser­ ) and ex service men were aided by the vice Laid to Now Legislation Red C ro n during the year. The man In »errico. and the man Granting Wide Benefits. I who ha* served hl* country are among ■the primary reapon-lblllt'.ts for which ACTIVE FORCES AiCED ALSO ! the American Red Cross I* chart, -,-*d ; by Congress. Nevertheless It has many other obligation» and tt 1» on Duty to Ex-Scrvice and Service this haul* that an appeal will he made for a larger enrollment than ever dur­ Men First Responsibility ing the Annual Roll Call. Armistice fa-.y, November 11, to November 28. RED CROSS AID TO VETS MMNTIÎ18 [ “Diamond" Dick Alive !~~] W«ffl«s and Griddle Caltee. lo p o r n w a . Y«l Hila lit>ll-Graf, Director. llitmt. -I>ap»»l broad I» road»* f'Oin the gr.d ill cuke Mauler roclpe wHh very Hervirá Bureau, Flour Co chai-i tp of flour, 1 cup nt'Ik'. to* oui ‘Ihr hull h Pi n s fio» and t»l* 1 nt in »um« Po' tutor Pul f'.OU' and of p;e'er a um-1- h m Mniiy |n ■at until tm uotb.1 cake Hlk It b< » »iitiiwuit »nt >i turii’al i l l . i ud beat miituri) e un .it. allhough lh" v e r y Hill» line» are con idd 1 i. * egg and b a t alttiirril lh*' beat by opu ur*» The grid t«•••*» the M t World w o rm War w a r Veterans’ v g w n n a Act i little more than one cup In ord»r to coming noticeable In the f-w er Job* ai d s»-ilan and roup- $70, which mark * and In many ether ways. I being offered and the Isererslng ouni th s-cond price cut wltb’n the past I An unusual amount of legislation get the batter th'n enough you should select the es­ _ . . „ ______ __u c* When egg» are scarce or high In her of Idle men on akldrouda of the two month«. Is tbe announcement passed by Congress and State bodies sential novelties from our price 1 egg only can I«- used for two larger employment center», according made by. W. H. Adrian, local Stur and has necessitated the lssne of much new material In the past year. Leg stock. We have t ttpful* of milk, flour, etc . In that to the 4L employment letter l»aued Durant dealer, and records one of Islatlon was paesed during the here today Much the same condition the m at Important price announce.. j ycar e w -e rase t* cupful more m Ik should be year „oeranzina liberalizing cow»».-»» conditions w applying Used to make the batter nf the right hold« true tn the Inland Erap re dis­ ■meats In the low coat car fields, sin ce' to hospitalisation, compensation and lrli pr-vloai prices w ire considered at other benefits under the Veterans consistency Co-k-d rice or Otter left trict» Fir logging and l imbering gcl'vltlc- ,Kltl()ni for thpse , „ o Bureau; this in turn haa entailed re- over cereals may be ad lod Io thl. however, .how but alight s lk '• k„ , «Penin« o» »an y | J baiter to give variety. In that case , i,i with allowed, filing of many new onee. ana j The 8lar , tan(tar(i »edan and coupe r,any applications for hospitalisation, use H cupful of Ihe cooked cereal, slackening, the letter sb . ii »no and 3x cupful of flour. Instead of the the settlem ent of Ihe Aberdeen str 1 . ;(r(. ^ u(,,p,,j with four wheel brpkes t ;1 c Claims Bervlce at National Head- b.illoon I res, fh**e two factors quarter» this year handled 17.506 la full cup of flour given In the founda­ of sawm'll work rs late Iasi raIr huy. * comparison with 1X.010 cases the pre- i so pvr c»'Dt of slngh1 shift aewmlH L |HnP n) th#| (h< (< w tion formula Tip* . . ' eric».*« »»*»» capacity 1» ln operation <»r obtains these features which are vlous year. To Bake Griddle Cake*. Increased service to men In hospi­ A soapstone griddle g'ves the best strike waa settled when by a vote of found only as standard equipment in tals was noted, as well In the nnmher If you wish we shall be 4 to 1 the strikers agreed with com- the higher priced cars. These two of hospitals In which service was results, tt should never be grea»»*d glad to make suggestions When new It may be a little difficult panic« to a $3 76 minimum wage In Star model» have also all of the other maintained by the organisation. Due regarding special decora­ —------ but never grease It or you — will al place of the former m nlmum of $3.2t» well known mechanical features Iden­ to new legislation an Increase of over tions. 6,000 patienta were admitted for hos­ May* have Io. An aluminum grkldl* original «lenrnnd» of th«* •tr»K* r* wen tified only to the Star car*, such as Is the same also, A Utile patience jor „ hor'.xontal Increase of fifty cent« the ‘‘million dollar motor" and today pitalisation. a new p«ak approximating Don’t disappoint the young that of March 1922 Since a large when these griddles are new will p„r ¿„y for all workmen gives Ihe Star car buyer value« al a number of this group Includes pw folks. fi„a rly all — larg»* logging la n q s - " 1 new price mark that !e bound to be tlents not eligible for compensation, - ----- b< amply rewarded In the absence - of - i isewrw . a .. »__ a— . . «»Wirgllni the 4Ie I Make your selections ear- ...... ...... imoKc and much better cakes. An ljle, f|r district* are operating, the 4 - onJ> oj tj,e outstanding announcements the solation of their poreonal and fam­ ron griddle must be greased but very („((gr said, and the shortage o ex In the automobile ft» Id for some time. ily problems has Involved careful «tody by the National Organisation. Ighlly. perlenced loggers which was f«H ‘>“r - - There are 28.00« disabled ex-eervlc« Hare Ihe griddle over the heat ,ng tt,e pa«t month has disappear«- SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. men la Government hospitals every bile you are mixing the batter. (jen<*ral construction work Is In This «*• N. W. Emery, dentist. Button Bldg day of the year, and thetr need wuii«y ... ............ It liiTl'-iai - should be very hot If fat Is used rub Tolunie than It was test mouth«. — — — — — ; gtmeUy led to e revival of the hest- It on with paper or use a piece of I year*a highway work, except In a e FOR SALE—Oartwdi pepcr tn targa knwwn and perbap» ronet popolar ee- salt pork on the end of a fork. Either »<>CM$|tie». haa been complete . «h.«*la, 26x39 Inchea, sulteble for i fcrtty thè Red Cme» meklng traring.. The N ew . Office | — of these methods will eliminate ex 1 fruU I* over. The taper ng o 'esa fat which will gradually burn and ! (hoge alld other «mailer Industries ---------------------- - are steadily d e c r e e in g the grtternl cbu * c much amok*. Make »mall grid die rake« for they are eaaler to turn volume of employment In the and lo bake Hake until top I* puffed northw est.______ _________ WHEN A CAN OF up and full of bubbles nnd the edge« OUR ICE CREAM rooked. Turn and cook on other aide. monkey business causes Never turn griddle cakes but once or INCREASED ENROLLMENT; Is opened II will be found firm they will be heavy and lough. ahd solid as when first made. Master Relcpe. Vnlveralty M Oregon. Oct. $ » • - 1 Those who wish an Ideal des­ 2 Cups flour. sert or a universally upprecla (8p clal l - T h e evolution controver­ 4 teaspoon* baking powder, till refreshment for some ao- sy has caused a big Increase In the Vfc teaspoon salt* cial ___function, can I'lve their 1 • study ot geology at the unlveralty ne- order for any quuntly with full 1 egg. cording to Dr. Warren D. Smith, head conf'dence that the cream will I t , cup* milk. of the department. 1 tablespoon «ugsr. he In perfect condition when It An Increase of approximately 50 per 1 tablespoon ptelted shorten ng. Is lim e to serve It. cent la shown this year. Smith said Waffles. V se the Master recipe, making There are 220 students taking gener these changes: n»Bt eggs separately. al geology. “So much haa been said Add the milk to the beaten yolk», com about the harm that comes from t h ’ bine with sifted flour and baking pow sttidv cf »rolu'.on. that stud* ’1« «•’ » I Tbe waste of the nation is in good leather thrown away an­ nually. More good shoes are dis­ carded needing only a little re­ pairing—than are ever worn. Rebuilding shoes is an art which has reached a high point of development with modern machinery. I^et us make your old shoes look like new. Send them in by the children. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP, John II. Will, Prop. Main St. Between 3rd & 4feh A Happy Hallowe’en Party Special R o u n d 'tr ip Fare to tho Pacific Livestock Expos! ¿soil October 31st I Crepe Paper, Hallowe’en Favors, Cards, Candy Boxes, Etc. R o u n d -tr ip t i c k e t to P o r tla n d a t r e d u c e d f a r e w ill b e o n s a le O ct. 2 9th to N o v . 7th , final r e tu r n l i m i t t o N o v em b er 9 t h , 1925. D o n ’t fail to attend th e F iftee n th Annual E x p o s it i o n a n d G o b y T r a in en jo y th e com forts o f train tra v el — R o om y, w arm b u t w e ll v e n d - la ted coach es a n d an efficien t an d cou rteou s train crew t o r e lie v e y o u o f tra v el Southern P acific Lines CARL OLgON, Agent Universal Demonstration and Sale EGGIMANN’S der; beat with egg until smooth, then ndd 1 tablespoon of melted but­ ter neat thia Into tbe hatter, then remove egg beater and carefully fold In the stiffly beaten egg whites. A thin waffle bailer will make a very, erlap waffle. If r»u " il,h thBt type j use 2 cupfuls of milk. | The w afflf Iron should be well healed, then brushed on both aide* with melted shortrnlng, unless you are using arf •!•<*'«> w“ffle ,ro" which needs no greasing. This amount will make about R waffles. Popovara. It Is a far cry from griddle cakes ■ > •-- - f t r ■ ■ THURSDAY FRIDAY Art and Needle Shop We carry a full line of need­ le work, baby ware. We do hemstitching, make buttons, button holders, pleat­ ing and embroidery. Just back of the First National Bank 4R West Ninth Ave. Eugene, Ore. < SATURDAY Special Terms and a set of Py- rex Ware with every Universal Far Better Bread! Range sold during these three days. *: he Kind You've Been Hankering For! Come in and see this wonder HSRE IT IS Perfection Bread is a FULL, PLUMP loaf, with the same BODY to it that MOTHER used to make! Range and how it can serve you. P j ’’* «VJ ^vZiohlßON "öcrM-Nov. With .» tr i., coming In hi»» o v.f ch. .ntlr. cmmttv. >h» l« J P»clli - Int.m.rtoo.1 L iv m c k I i B»i»»iti.»<. l a c . will re«.»*» >i;» •*“ " “ .‘’f J!” trotIl‘1 ,v *’ i “"1'' und.r oqe toof In Aiiwfl. ». S m ihou.;init.of B»»< •*'31 'if Sheep, Qo»t. .m l In .d-h.lon th* Poult™ .n d P.lrv Show», L.nd .od lndu.irt.l Prod'll*. Eshiblw »nd th» world f»mnui Ho™» Show. REDUCED FARES O N ALL RAILROADS 0 e Better BELIEVE it does! Greatest domestic bread in the world—and your grocer lias it, or should have. $90,000 In Premiums SEE T H E B E S T I N T H E L A N D S Does it go down EASY! Send for Some TODAY Springfield Bakery c Fred Frese, Prop. Phone 51 Fourth and Main St. - ^TETHERBEE