The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 29, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    P IG E TWO
THURSDAY, (K T . 21», 1925
Alm a« before the shade of Sam uel Gompera
ItibHabad E««ry Thura-lay a t
as passed Into hi* greater sphere the spectre of
8;rtngfteM . baa« Cooaty. Or«*oa. by
renewed labor treubl? arise* to remind the world
of the wor:h of the man who ha* gone. It La tia»
proposed that The A uieriun Federation of I » 1“ -
H. E MAXEY. Editor
define a new policy, d ’maliding that wage* be in
Birred as weond claaa
February 24, 1HJ at the t reased, and that the working day tie shortened
posteR.ce. S;ringft»M. < regon
It Is proposed to cut the hour* of labor in pro;>ot
lion to the degree of development in labor saving
Cue Tear in Advance
»1.78 Three Month« ___78c machinery and w ater power. W here Is this kind
81» M o n th » --------------------
Single Copy _ ___ 8c of radical thought to e n d ’ No sooner doe* In-
d us try get back on a sane basis of prosperity for
labor than some one come* along to kick over the
milk pail.
The report of the National Industrial Confer­
Editorial Program
ence Board just made public show* that the aver­
age working hours today stand at A7.5 per week
Make S p H c g rie ld th « Ifw J u rtra l C e n te r of W e e
There is a well defined increase In employment,
tern Oregon.
and weekly earnings increased rath er than de­
D evelop a S trong T r a d in g P o in t; B u ild a City
• f C o n ten ted Hom e«.
creased as a result of our slow reconstruction.
IIL Im p re v e L iv in g C o n d itio n « on th e F a rm . P ro-
Total employment In ail Industrie* Is 10 percent
«.»cte th e R a a ng o f P u reb red L iv e s to c k and
higher in Septem ber this year than it was a yesr
BISIXKSS CONDITIONS IN THE TWELFTH FKHKHAL •alea hy 4 I per cent an i ID 0 I »r cent, respectively, dur
n g September, l»J& l*riH,urtl«>n, shipments, and «ales (or
By J«ha lArrrln. ( hairman nt ih» ILwrO
<t.r»i w r e ah ler«»i In volumi dur ng Kef leather. 1833,
ig Septemli ►r, I »24. a though »maller Iban du»
Mage dally protiictlon ol pet tole u ui
!*»<■ IB th» s»n»ral bualne«« »liat
I»25. was 1.3 per cent
Twelfth Federal R. err» district 'luring
l al
Indicated cob
I mb—r F a t ina! te-rea»»
ta! volume ot trade
U Ropieuiber 30,
»mailer ihan I« canal but, < I'Oipa leg September. t»4S.
» r»*e«rd figure,
Sa;tenil>»r 1»J4. a larger àAfc erm al annua* Inrrea
i n t i t ttUntce wm ’ lU'Wi, IntluairMl actlvttr costlnu Hl
I of 14 »poring milling
12124»,717 ban
- b _____
&h »««i»on«I to re It . » rtf volume c t empt»ym< nt «a» r-
1 » per ci ni larger in rol
peeled to be larger than to ike previous month or th- ume during September, i »25. I van durli ig Auguri, 1»JV,
muu month a year ago. The total value of agricultural compared with a flv»-y»uir avei agd Incr ■use of 117 per
------ * for ----
U24, expressed In terms of purchaatns p< wer. rent b e t w e e n th e s e two mouth IT »luctlnn during Mep
la estimated to be larger than to any of (be past five leather. 1>2&. wss larger by I I per «nt than during Keo
year« Increase la demand for credit, partly aeaeonal In teniber t»24 the fr» I such annual inrrres« reported glace
character, was reflected to an expansion of loans, bom July. l»2t Millers' alocba of flour Increased during Hen
at reporting member banka and at the re«er»e bank In tembor. but on October 1st were 21 2 |» r cant smaller
tsruat rales were unchanged.
___ ago and IS 1 per c«ni below lha fire year aver-
than a . year
Tbis bank'« Index of bank debits, a measure of general »ge (or the tame date.
business activity, declined from 144 il» l» monthly av er I Trad» at »tali. av reported by 32 department slorea in
age— im i la Auguu. vs»8. to 143 in September. t»»s, due •even principal cities of the district, was OS per cent
to altowance being mad« tor normal »eaaonal variation. ■ smaller in value during September, I »26, litan during
th e G ro w in g o f F r u it ; W o rk fo r B e tto r M a rk e ts
A g°
| Actual figures reported by the bank«
banka «bowed
showed an Increase
increaae August, IS2S There la normally a «caaonal decrease of ap
IV. Tell th< World About Oregon's Scon to Wonder-
No workm an today can complain of a poor of 3.2 per cent from August. I»2S. to September. t»26
l!m rtr|, 4 per
p. r cent
cra t tn
In value
>.lu. of »ale»
lie during Meplomb«
Sepiemb. r
g even
V « «« ««a
*»V face W
^* W «eV *» V >
in V
of » g present
costs nor. In September. I»24. the index, adjusted tor seasonal’varln »» compared with August, and Ibl» banka Index, which la
kn he complain o of t unemployment. In the coun­
couti- lions, stood at 122.
adjusted tar seasonal vartatlona, advanced trow 14» <i»ig|
try It is next to impossible to get work done at any
Building activity continued at high level» during Sep monthly average IOO> in August. l»2S. 10 163 to Sept at t
.. .,
price, ana
and ror
for tne
the most part
pari m
the e results Dear
bear even
every lember The value of building permits l»»u»d In 20 priori- ber i»j& In September, 1»24. It Stood at 143 Value ot
i » a .
6 reti time n
history of Ore- evidence of either inconiptence or carelessness pal cities of the district was lean by 10 3 per cent than in 'sa te s oj is»« w hoi < sale firm» in eleven tinea ot bualne»»
ed th .
th P t<2d'11!n tte ^ IUet
• ctua,1Jr ,ower- Let the farm er need a new ceiling in his home August, which compare» with an estimated normal aea wa, 4» per cent greater to September. t»26. than hi
n ^ ^ n ? i«e?»d,ltUre8
t m “ ntoipahty and he will find himself compelled to pay 112 n .oaat
r » .M from
u n -t to to Septrmt
tonal d d .c »crease
from A Aurual
September of 13 0 per j September. 1834 |n each month since June. |»28. valu»
w h e n t h . Tnwrw A : 5 a L « <iSU^W, M°nday ' , night
1»: were » p e r (1f
_ . day
, - for someone
- — —- who will make a beautiful botch « « . ~ D strict
u figures
. b for e September.
r ,
* t w h ■:< • v ie h a » t>« . ' l a r g e r t h a n to t h e m r r n
aaopte.l ° of f th<?
the job U"
the * fa™
farm ^ er r hlnlSelf
himself UkC’
tak s * a d day
in ’a,u'
value ,iW
for September. «>’♦
182« »>.•»
,o or g rr„ „
a budget about 250
i “ th
a' cent *”
*H,r ,n
B th™.. ,or
budget com m ittees attem pt to sperd all rh . six OrT k O
to. 1x388
increases at moat of the reporting cities being th, „ , hr ,.„ .lna!,.,j
, rt| annual increae« to trade at
per cent Umitation allows with"The resu t th a’ ' st ».
* ° ' coun* Ht” e .°r nO ^ a i r e J with th" m or. than off«-, by dec.tne.
ix»n, .teach. I - A n p i w ,
, nc„ . . ln
M)1J fc„ .
city’s finance* have been well h a n d lll during
,w a«e E ' ^ n e w ants to see the American Paredes*, and San Francisco. Callfronto,
(M.„ , „ ......................... .
by n , ur„
t h e l e w er-v«v-u
nanaiea au n n g t««e working
self-respecting and well rewarded
Lumber production of r»p<rting min* m four trade aa ( dollar value of »»J« », h<)«»-v#rt «» ^rU
«t wholesale h«
ud everv vmf u-ifhnni «nri Tra^
. man
.. it oomes
.... day.
la s e t » M i- craufs
a n d u UP
e' er?
w*lhout end. T a t Rut when
to shortening the work
•oc Ut ioni of th# district rxc#rd«<l their »hi pm ent» «nt risen over the year period
cl»v'« nr,
1 w**s an ’p ^ h g e n t analysis of the when it comes to hading over to Industrial work-
c o m m itte o th ia
b*‘ore ^he budget ers t he gross result of genius in developing pro
m an o f th e f io a u o'”
Cox. chair- duction. it is getting time to call a halt. !«abor
Used Car Values
unanim ous adnntiv c<' tnnn' te*- The result was
a tour
,h ° f
“ era ’ ,hlch ln tO‘al
. lounted to less than last year. It is now up
to the school board budget comm ittee to hold
down expenditures umfl some of the heavy bend-
ed and w arranted Indebtedness j, tak e n un We
all like to see progress but it has gotten to the
point where civic progress wdll be retarded in-
stead of inhanced
by increasing
increasing the
taxes We
------- by
__ ______
____ school
».__. and we . have not
I. U L..I a new
h h.-w®
a re P-sr
‘’;st b'dlded
of ly half its cost to pay for on this year’s
tex icw but in'regsed cost of m aintaining it.
I.- f. s re t this $12.500 part of the school debt naid.
at ¡east, before attem pting any new ventures.
would like to bum the candle at both ends and
»*ave the farm er sizxling in the middle.
. - •
1923 Ford Touring.
VF, ,
1923 Foni Fordor Sedan.
1923 Chevrolet Roadster.
Thf8'’ oil ’ita,i,,n
« * « Eugene that flew th - 1923 Chevrolet Touring,
“Y018 f% l,he Term inal’' Ivanner are now run- 1922 Ford Coupe.
ning Up ^ e s s signals because the h eh way Is
po,ng to ** ch a’’Pwl ,o the othcr idrle ° r the rai’-
road tracks to avoid a death tran
trap at Blair
B liir s stre
tre e v
Chevrolet Dealers,
crossing. Eugene grabbed a hot coal out of the
S. P .’fire when she stole the shops from Spring-
Eugene. Oregon
field. Everytim e she touches it now someone get«
burned. Thev made ’em vote for it but they can ?
make ’em like it.
• • •
The hlmplii
of thia Rad­
The editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel finds
An e,e-~trio locomotive in a tug of w ar dragged
io will appeal to you as It
in searching the tax roils that in every instance tw o hug" steam locomotives up a two ner cent
has to us. Anyone can op­
b- yfaefs » rd e-jrerprises in comparison are p ay -’P ™ ^ near Snoqualmie pass on the Milwaukee
erate It—just one dial.
lug more taxes than Eugene. Som ething is w ron-’ railroad the other dav. Th steady pull of the
Come in and arrange for
with the system opjnies the editor. Never mind electric m achine yanked the steam rigs back
dem onstrations.
wait until next year with the rarshops and great- between breaths of the cylindrs, railroad men
ly increased property values Eugene will pay all said-
♦ he ta x e s a n ' th e sm a lle r c o m m u n iti s will go
• • •
” I
56 9th Ave. \V.
r ». .»
. j
A half dozen Cleveland prohibition eiw
Stanley Bldg.
P m -o »bo, .'b •.
we would remind C o ttag e , forcement officer* have become blind by samp-
fieW ¡B m r .0 Y i n<K 1,a-v ,np aP the taxes. Spring- ling moonshine. Some are so blind they never
P rl vi
B7 t edx ? e 1 ! T 1,er city than Cottape « ' “ W find any to sample.
G r-te vet she had a higher assessed valuation
• » •
last year and paid a greater total millage. And
, . ,
w e haven’t any sawmills inside o u r citv lim its
A buBine8s « ian tells us he Is comm itted to life,
I want to work for YOU:
, liberty and the pursuit of a golf ball.
I can double the am ount of
------------------ — 2— ---------------------- ---------- -1'
work YOU now produce!
Consider the
And thereby Increase YOUR
Kobiai Khan and A’ltomotofle ma»»,
u/aeturers who five* you for »
I I can cut In half YOUR
few dollars a Utt’e mxeklr.e th at
will carry sever, F«epie forty miles
.daily worrit*«!
en hour, carryi-’g more than it*
And double or treble YOUR
own weight in fre ig h t
enjoyment of LIFE!
If our progress in THINKING
Thing» You Should Kouw
I can. In short, m ake LIFE
hah equalled our progresa in
itself a pleasure!
transportation, we should be bet­
ter off than we are.
And I come where the door
1 Is open!
Biding over the desert land»,
I will cost you less than I
destined to be the world's moat
_ Hy /» rth a r B risb a n e
beautiful garden, from Colorado
For I am a FRIEND.
to Arizona you could not reaist
„ /'u n
________ X d - v j
buying land, hoping to live there
some flay, at the end of your migh­
A'dt.ucA’S garden spot .
by John Jotaph Gain««, M. D /
ty dollar hunt in the East.
Nothing grow* until you irri­
'tuberculosis Germs Not Inherited.
And when you irrig ate
Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure,
Most anybody nowadays can
write or speak intelligently of tu-
Science of Restoring Health
bercuiosis. My little neighbor, 1
C :r crops are worth billion*
Do you put fertilizer or linra on
lad of ten, not yet in “Junior High’’ through the Nerves.
«v.ry year. Tnai.’» encouraging.
Mojave Desert alfalfa? Not a.i
refer« graveiy to “T-B” when con-
IJcense No. 300
Phone 355.1
1c ocr min»»«, and oil weiis are
ounce of either. A lfalfa root* so
1 .. . ,,
Gannett Motor Co.
Magnavcx Radio
Wanted—A Job
About Z/our
H ea lth
humored» of billion* stored away,
• n that’* cnce- jging.
‘ e umue i «'«tier power of thia
naLon is worth ten* of billion*,
an other ten* of billion' for irri-
g a ‘ on eftorw aiu. That’s eneour-
agio-^, an-’ al,.») tne fact th a t in
the atmo.-pi,ere above . .ore are
endless billions v. ¿rti, of »dtrogen,
whien can ’
b . o t . « o v . i by
electrical nov er.
But there is a g re a > r w ulth,
and it* figures more im perranl
One s.h’gie city, Nrv/ Yo..:, has
for the first time In it bjr.tory
i i i J ’ON
T hat is the PEAL wealth of ’ to-
day, and the real p o.ier oi L.e
Take away th» e chiMren s
this country, with all it. mi
w ater power and fertile toil, v/<
amount to a * little a* it did
■t few Ir . ,: i - ins po' -essed H
; ent their ti ne murdeiirsg ¿.ch
At the G
f onant-Govcr ior ,
o- th 'y ¡a
O- ¡1,-» n'
Y„ fair I CU-
- a n .'.rc a iif
■- c ta ck cl
n laugh* J,
of human
v.Gf/J i.oundi; at
’I / .
A 10 Of fi-P'und
elephant will
* • .;>• tn . I’».'', one mnhout, to
iru’de t! '? bf -
and in the
,v/dah on If* back an Engiiiih
• t'?r,..n eager to kill a tiger
:t '.¡'.in'' thrit i,iv ,r u chxnce
kili I1.-1.
down eighteen feet through soil
washed down from mountaJna
nia<:e up of lime, minerals and
centuries of growing and decay­
ing bunch grass, grease wood and
sagebrush. You cut your alfa'f*
seven time* a year for fifteen or
tw enty years; then plant it again,
i .-ate it, and N ature doe« tha
l„ »
The so.l al o produce-' den»o>
ra- . Any man with a hundred
mihion dollars who think* h« n
b -iter than some other Amencan
Hho:ld go there. He would gather
valuable information.
Going through, tha» e»»u i-t.-y
e-cry brown gohlen hill à» ('.■•
tunce more beautiful than »1 >
jia'ace or castle, under * •t
nificent blue sky a.s big r. r c*
co-'rtry, you care nothing foi -
t nt come, out of hum:ui *>»r»ns
in the E- <t.
Your only hope is th a t .he Gov-
e — cut will kne— enough 10 pre-
v b t h e flying mnciiirer ,cce.i-
V, toko ; 'ople ta th".t land
and to protect it.
John P dh-rt, official execu­
tion r at . g :"ng prison, uuitn
ni* job af' r k;i .'ng 14C in the
ch-ctric chai”,
For thf* he has
paid $21,000- ?150 fori each
Will the retiring executioner
r ■ r meet, on the other >h.ore, the
I ‘0 th a t he nt on ahead? If *0,
v i:>, ,-5il they *ay to each other?
Thank him, very likely.
It i* difficult to find another
executioner, because he must be a
trained electrician, willing to kill
for a living. It should be not
difficult but IMPOSSIBLE to find
tuch a man in a civilized state.
vereing with his play-frjlow»; tie
learned scientists srd U,e ¿tatisti-
C uji bewilder as with technical
facts. W hat to do with the dia-
eaue however—to combat it sae-
vessfully—remains a dark and un­
fathom able secret. We have found
ou' to a certainty that it* cause is
o definite baceillau, a living, virile
otganb m, shaped like a rod, multi­
plying by dividing i'.wdf bj»o
er sections woen e^rn lru i.,o al
reaches maturity. ?<»lories a so,n-
bied produce pt^a'.iur tisauo growth
—tubcrculr-H, —nature trying to
war I off the intruder. When the
Mijcilli develop i.c/rructivo pewer
».•it .'.n the tubervl., it-, wall?; break
d'.'vn, and ganetul tubcrcuioeis re-
Geo. A. Simon
Over Penney Store, Eugene
o f Wisdom
in „ TI.iR,f,Wr J ’. 1” eaay ,o prove that
»|H’iu on trifl«
in youth would keep many a man from want in r.1,1 ,7gc.
.... J >pen,’£ ? ?aV‘? K account ln » f’Wld’s name has many
i " , 8 r‘‘8U ,ed 1,1 thrift-forming habits whic h have been
the foundation stones for a successful life
Out-of-town neighbors might do well to make the
‘n p »»to town more than a spending excuralon from the
child s stand|m int. Make it an event for adding a little
to a saving account.
We Pay 3 Per Cent Inborost
Com m ercial S tate Bank
Springfield, Oregon
Tins . .
repw ing
ca ’L».
'.' .i I'.’ .ta r f.'ng fact to b- re-
membered ir. tubcrcoi.„is 1-, it is
commur-ier-hle. i»..plo do not ,•
o e rr
—-they are ovgeired. A
child r.ay be Infected, and harbor
the bacteria for yvc.-s w ithoj.
symptoms. IxA him get influenza,
>r pneu aonia or even a severe
''told” and the tubercle beccilli
n'.-a’: p to do serious mire f. Thia
bringi up a poniti.4 conclusion:
/ill tubercular patients should be
subjected to rvlea of quarantine.
They should be taught to save and
burn all expectorated matter, and
rhould «'cep a,fine, u.iirg Individ»-
al bed-linen. Their towel* should
be kept separate and nterilized by-
boil i ng.
The germ* when dry, blow every­
A dozen school children
racing along in their glee innal-
ing million* of these deadly germsl
If there i* an ordinance in YOL’B
town against spitting on the *lde-
walk, make it include the entire
street at your next meeting I
Nent Week.
More about Tuberculosis
O fficial
G oodyear
Tire Repair Service
Station, Expert Balloon
Tire Repairing
957 Oak St.
Prepare lor
action with the
new winter Red
C ro w n gaso­
lin e— hair-trig-
ger s ta r tin g -
w o rld s of
p o w e r—m ile ­
age I A t Stand­
ard Oil Service
S ta tio n s and
“ Red C row n”