THE SPRINGFIELD NEw3 A D V E R T IS IN G I« A BIG, b ig r t e i . o ~ » U T w it h NO SPACE FOR Q U IT ­ TERS. HPIUNOEIKLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, T \Y ENT Y-SEt '»»NI > Y KAU SPI IF 2N0 SI. GLDSEB. sixteen S ta ll* to be Erected on Pav»- People's Pap«r" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NU M B ER 41 TH l UHÜAY, OCT. 2»,'1925. PUbIC M ARKET GOING UP; COUNCIL GIVES $50 W H IT E AND UPTON W ILL I SPEAK A R M ISTIC E DAY I “T h * [S o cie ty ESTIMATED BUDGET FOB CUI 525,924 A d jutant-general George A. Whitt» c.ent; Committee of Five to Con­ of tin- K ittle of (»r-gon. S enator J duct M arket. :pi, n ut.d S en ato r Jack M aglsdry K ill K a rt E ntertained at Bridge may be »peakera at I h e »»inker given K ill Kare Kiub m em b er, w ere en- Committee Places Expenditures The building of a public m ark et on E n i l n e e r Inspect# Fourth , by dl'i iugribl Legion men o n th e e v ren te,„ at the ...n th end o f ! ‘« ru in e d with an afternoon of bridge for 1926 Less than 1925; ■ting of A rinetlce day for all ex-serv- Sixth »tree, baa been Started and I “ - ‘" ’7 r n a v e tht» S|>. in -field of wtahotut* Mr» ( ’. I planned « o r th - »troet, They will b<- noun w ere Mr«. 11. A. W asbburne of Mr. Clarke, secretary gt the m eeting w o u ld lik e ly favor the overhead on O. |»r< Idcnt of the N imm II o * I 1 on the puvem ent n ear the S pilugfield and her daughter, Mr». T he principal item s of the budget I'c u rth und tin- tin term- Hh c ro s sn it i raft club, responded for b« r club, and * curb so a.’ not to block the street. H elen M artin of S an Francisco. The j ;his y ear are »3415 for th " s tre e t 1m- of the highway on Mil! stre e t the e n ­ Mr» Paul lUMfoid. Mr Ralph i)ipp«*l The pavem ent and drulnage will at- next m o ling of the club will be a t the provem ent. »1830 for police. »1280 for gineer told the mayor. und Mm. Ilarry W hitney «av** r« ’port- , ‘ -r ‘. excellent san itatio n In the m ar- owe of Mrs. W. C. Kcohan. j recorder, tre a su re r and city a tto rn ey Slue» the resident» on Second no» for th*- K«?n»lu*ton club. thy com m ute« In-HeUrs. M em bers of the club a t the m eeting sa la rie s; $3200 for light and w ater; "A S’«*«’d h c ra ft club in ertin g '' wa» stre e t are against paving and Improv w. r,- Mr» Rebhan, Mrs. Paul Bacford. $325 for fire departm ent, $1080 for | l ’boto shows Mia« Helen Sween­ log II a« th e m ain en tran ce to Spring- the natnu of u abort »kit pr«*oniM Mrs. C arl Olson. Mrs. H arry W hitney, stre e t cleaning, $250 for th e b an d ; JUNCTION BEATS LOCAL ey, representing the Capitol io ♦»vi ral K< n«‘nKti n ladle» Clin * field th ere 1» o u te « n t in te n t lo c a lly I Mrs. Ralph Ulppel and Mrs S te w a rt j ji5g3< | g for in te re st and bond sink- beauty pageant, who denies »he is FOOTBALL TEAM 6 TO gam«» and conversation filled the 1 cintugccl to "Goo««’’ Goslin, lumi­ In cloalttg lit« U - • t lit f a i * -r o f t to- . of Springfield, and Mrs. C. E. F isher, i„ g fnnd and $700 for the m eregency nous baseball »tar. Rumor linked o th e r two. c ity ofrlclgl» will tak e t i t , 11 v< nlng A fter Intercepting a Springfield Mrs. C. Campbel and Mrs. Sm ith of ( fund A nticipated revenues in th e w&y their names when they were ¡teen, W a lte r up m ore in d etail with th e The church p arlo rs were decorate of fees, fines, licenses and road mon­ j pass on his own ten yard line a June- Eugene. ¿rcnjuetitly together at dances. railroad official» und public service '* dahlia», m arigolds und zinnia» ey was placed a t $2500. | tlon City player carried th e ball 60 j Junior League Entertained. com m ission Inter on according io the the way for Junction T he budget th is y ear show s th at i;,. A c t >n coute on tit«- viaduct us HALL NOW LOCATED IN 25 CARS OF STEEL NEEDED touchdow n, which made of, made the th e score score of M em bers of th e Ju n io r E pw orth ' »15,000 has been cu t off th e city ’s a r - huh of u petition of the »'.vie club ODD FELLOW S BUILDING FOR BRIDGE H ERE, REPORT ' S aturday I gam e Bland 6-0. The g a m e ! jeagUe w ere en tertain ed at a party bonded indebtedngss during th e last In circulating u pet.(Ion asking the was played a t Junction City. j a t the M ethodist parsonage last eve- y ear in the general im provem ent s tre e t ba opened. H all’« f a s h »tore, with H cnderar'w Tw enty-five carload« of it e c i vili T he xcore wu* made In th e .th ir d ning. H allow e'en decorations and re- bonds, first issue. N early $1000 less I El< ctrlc Supply »(or", moved y e s te r - ! t,„ r, , eivcii here for (he bridge across | q u a rte r, although at th re e o th er tim es freahm euts w ere much in evidence. 1 in te re st is required th is year th a n last day to a new location in (he I. t>. O. F. ,|ju w "llan ted c riv er according (o ‘ SCHOOL CENSUS BEING On Friday, Mrs. D avidson's class of ! to take care of this issue; ~ d u ring the game Junction took the build ng 'a t the corner of 4th arid ' wof(1 r ..» .h ln g ralirwud official» Six • anringfleld’» five >ard line, girls will have a H allow e’en p arty a t ; T he item ized statem en t of th e bud- J ..!» L I ewadet I I- I Vou>e fo r lilo S l V a. I -4 eazxaa* g»M «1 ra g -L «1 ’ H l I »*> k » ** TAKEN IN SPRINGFIELD K .Main The Springfield N ew . form erty a re ,H-liig unloaded now on d o ck . on dowug g p ring. Ihe church basem ent, and on the sam e ¡8 published in o th er colum ns of | .-on»tructed west of th e depot. One " • w eakened when evening the Epw orth league will frul- tlxis paper. P resent Indications from the occupied tihlH »pace., R ea rra n g e m e n t of the store .lo c k , (H>t »pan and one 200 foot »pan ’ ’ a t halfback, «p/ained •citimi census, which 1« being taken lc c t the parsonage. i ------------------------ ha(J (o ,eavp t „ p gam e. this week by It. W, Sm ith, clerk ' of I« continuing Balay. T he wall« of the will co n stitu te th e big bridge accord- wh th« school dUtrlof, indicata that t h a r a | hav* 1» not u g reat Increase of children green, and the fix tu res «re In F rench of «< hqol age in Springfield over last gray. T h - show window« have been year. .Mr. Smith Intends to finish tak ­ remodvled and m ade deeper. ing lit« cen«Ut th is week, anil th e ' Has O peration— Hay M< Murry u n ­ figures will be compiled soon after. derw enl a m inor operation u t tile Following the com pletion of the ' Pacific C hristian hospital W ednes- census, (Tie head« of the school» will day. m ake a tally to see what children of »cliool age are not atten d in g school. H onu to Notl— Mr« C harles Snel- T he censu» Is also used by the bud­ strm o relu m ed the first of th e week get com m ittee In plutinlug expendi­ to her home In Noll a fter caring for ture». her fath er, th e late J. A. McHenry, dutittg hl« lllne««. Exchange Propertias. la'w ls Pollock 1» the nw ow ner ot a house and ten acre plot of land lo­ cal'-d north of town on the Mi Kens'-e river, which was form erly owned by Mr». Steven». T he placo 1« b etter known a» the old John Sm ith prop- < Mrs. S te v n» took In exchunge an a c re of land on iho county highway n i. th of town. McKennon At Convention. D. W. McKinnon, secretary of the local Loyal Legion of Loggers and L um berm en, and Roy C arlton, a dele­ gate from the Springfield group, re ­ turned front a d istrict convention at W estport. The resolution presented by th e lo­ cal asking th a t nil em ployees who have worked for n firm for one year be given one wet k voentton with |>ny w as taken up by a contm lttoe. mid will be presented nt Ute m eeting of th " d istrict board In Eugene next May. ^ C on crete Being Floured on Garage Form s for th« walls of th e new garage being built by George Perkins nt Iho corner of 6th and A stre e ts are now finished, and the cem ent Is be­ ing poured. T his work will be finish­ ed this w ick, Mr. P erkins states. • Six Fords Sold. Six new Fords were sold by the A nderson Motor company litis week. A. L. Go»» und Claude Neely of Eu­ gene bought coupes, D. A. Elkina and Mrs. Ed Day. also of Eugene, bought n T udor sedan anil a ro ad ster re­ spectively. C asper Group of Irving purchased a coupe and W. T. D rury of J a s p e r u touring ear. Visit at Corvallis— Mr. anil Mrs. M. M. Male, Mr. and Mr«. Ivnn Male and Miss G race Male motored to Corvallis Sunday w here Ivan Malo is a student, til. (). A. C. Miss Malo w ent to Port land, " h e r o she 1» an Isstru c to r In th e c-ty schools, and the re s t of the p arly rctiiied to Springfield Sunday «vonlng. * the “nll* d'. . _ * ,ho'* „ - r e A .te a m cran e I. be ng used , , „ e , teel frflm the ci. ' _ am -tJM 'ie ld ’ " ________ Will f a c e ____ t h e Shedd Ralur(lay in a ^ m e rpcel), , y ¿een gcbeduled ' Several changes In the lineup a re ex- JUNIOR HIGH W IN S GAME ’)ectP(1 by coach V. D. Bain since bcv - HELD AT COTTAGE GROVE ,,ral n)pmbers of the team are being Club En tertain s Another. POLICE MATRON APPROVED BY COUNCIL A T M EETIN G N eedlew ork en tertain ed th e mem­ bers of th e C hrysanthem um club a t T he appointm ent of Mrs. Paul Brat- th e hom e of Mrs. S. C. W right Tues- , tain by the m ayor as police m atron day afternoon A light luncheon was wag ratified by the council a t Its served by the hostess. Mrs. R. D. Wil­ m eeting Monday evening follow ing son, Mrs. L. May and Mis. J. T. Moore th e budget com m ittee m eeting. T he ...................... .. _ w ere visitors of the club, and mem councilm en expressed them selves as a tte n d ,ng wpre „ „ M j Mc. d e sirin g to back «up the police m atro n Mfg w Emgfy Mrg j j in th e enforcem ent of all th e ordl- Browning. Mrs. L. Moore. Mrs. Ella nancea of th e clty. - -- - - E. - S w arts - and - Mrs. ' Lombard. Mrs. C. The council also give perm ission to W right. ere c t the public m ark et building on th e south end of Sixth s tre e t and Sophomores Dress as Children. ! donated $50 tow ard th e expense of Disguised*as a group of sm all young the building, sters. the sophuntore class of th e high ! A petition signed by cltixens pro- of th , o e , Legion ! school " . , « . invaded » ■ « ., th e high C school O " « » . gym H . te o p s tin . , g .1 the ' „ continuance « » ,0 , .ho , . r of i bothered with «actuations. H astings. In « retu rn game with the C ottage I (} lger an(, R Gplger wll, prob- Grove junior high school team S at ) bp u na,)Ip t£) p,ay . and ,t not urday, Springfield s Jun.ors won by y#t gure w hether C ow art will be able a .c o te Of 13 0. The gam e was played |(> pnter , he gam e. at C ottage Grov*. , S pringfield's lineup ag ain st June- l,n e t S aturday C ottage G rove's Uon C| , y w aa; pollard, c e n te r; Lorn- team d efeated the locals h ere 14-6, bard, left guard; W. G eiger, right m aking S atu rd ay 's victory well earn- RUard ; Moon, rig h t tack le; J. Thomp- ed. A g reat Im provem ent in th e play- gOn. left tack le; C harles Thom pson, H ere from South D»kota— J W. Ing of th e team was noted th is week rig h t end; H astings, left end; Me- Mnnning. recently of South D akota, The local voungster« a re attem p tin g l’herson, q u a rte r; Lewis, full back; has rented the house of R. W. Sm ith , v. » « . halfbacks W ' W illiam illiam - I , , h > s s « on west D street, and will move his tp im s of Eu ‘7 " lth ° f th * A TRAINING COURSE FOR ASPIRING DU CK HUNTERS By A. B. CHAPIN Mr. and Mrs. Roy C arlton and Mr Springfield post. and Mrs. Cowart. M arriage License» Issued. D uring th e p ast week m arriag e li­ Seniors Have P arty. censes have been issued to th e follow­ Costum es, m asques, confetti, bal­ ing couples by th e county clerk ; C arl loons. toy horns and an abundance of O scar Johnsrud and V erna W ahner, refresh m en ts m ade th e senior class both of M apleton; Melvin E dw ard party, held F riday evening a t the Paul and Mary F rances H aight, both hom e of Miss S tella B ark er a t Mill of Saginaw ; W illiam P erm en ter, Dex­ and F stre e ts, a decided sueess. H al­ ter, and M innie Echoltz. S iv er; Aus­ low e'en decorations filled the room s, tin Fields and Gladys Joslyn, both of and th e stu d en ts played gam es and E ugene; F ran k Lee F ountain and danced. Luella Sm ith, both of W alton; George A ppropriate H allow e'en food, pum p­ P erry M uilholen and Cora M ortim er, kin pie, chocolate, sandw iches and both of E ugene; R ay L. Cook and salad wur served. B ertha Cannon, both of E ugene; C h ester Bowers, and Mary E llen N eat. Auxiliary P arty Postponed. W h of E ugpne; an(, to A lbert E , B ecause arran g em en ts for the hall Marlow, and M yrtle T racey, both of could not be m ade, the card party ! p o rfjand, sponsored by the A m erican Legion --------------------- -------- auxiliary which was to b« this eve­ R eturns from E astern T rip. ning has been postponed one week Ja c k L arson, operator of th e Bell th e com m ittee in charge h as announc- th e a te r, retu rn ed S aturday evening ed. It. will be a t the W oodman hall. I fj.Ojn a five w eek's visit in Caldwell, H allow e’en decorations will he New Jersey . Mr. L arson w ent e a st by used and proceeds of the p arty will th e southern route, visiting S an Fran- he used to r the v eteran s hospitals. c)ac0 Los A negeles and th e U niver­ sal studios, and El Paso. B efore re ­ Frosh Have H ard T im e Party. tu rn in g he visited a t Ithica, New A hard-tim es p arty w as celebrated York. Syracuse and Chicago. S aturday a t the high school gymna slum by the freshm an class. P um p R etu rn s from C anada. A. J. P erkins, who sp en t th e last kin pie, cider, doughnuts, sandw iches and enndy w ere served during the ten d ay s in A lberta, C anada, re tu rn ­ evening. P a tro n and patronesses were ed to Springfield M onday evening Mr. F red W h ittak er. Mrs. Riley Snod W ith Mrs. P erkins, he le ft Tuesday afternoon for M arshfield. g rass and Mrs. W. H. S tearm er. n i. n - l - a - t ♦«««? , Power Crew A rrives— \ crew of T hornes mheina« fet«rned to W ho rn » ’e ig h t m n working on the new Moun «si-nd-" from th e P ac'fin C hristian tain S tates pow er line betw een here hospital. an