PAO® F IV » T I IK RPIUNC»FIKLI) NKMT3 TÜ VKHPAY. PCT- 11125 TOWN AND VICINITY Naw Sorda Arriva— A n w shipm ent of the la te st model ForJ«' arrived for it,., Anderson M tor rotupa y Friday. . (lush* n Man In—<1 <1. 1 tiu slx n wan In town Kundsy H ra M ajor Oi>a- Hion— Mrs 1ho - ns j T hom as uml rv/ent a m ajor opetat,»tiu M arshfield M. n H ara—C larence I« .n » i t Ma ii>. 'd >'P* n t T uesday In Hb ml.'.I it. irniiii. V isiting f r o m P o rttm d 1 B chaetf r of F< »«and artved Friday to visit with M< If'rd All«», ,nd—W. II. Adrian for a abort business finug to hla bom - bunaay u In from T hursto n — Mr. and P arral M .Q u'nn of T h u rsto n »bi In Springfield W ednesday V isits London Springs Mr and R to v Ilow b» »pent Sunday at don I prlug» Coes to P ortlan d — Mrs John seth went to Portland Friday she Is the gu.-st of her d au g h ter Y Used Car Bargains atyour A rt and Needle Shop The eight men a re : W alter W. Hut- |.T , C rosw ell; H arold F. H unnicutt. E u g en e; Paul 8. Maxwell. Jun ction 1 Ity; f u r l D. Josephson, A sto ria; C laire Hoitlrodge, T re n t; John A. Sm ith, F rederick L. R ice and Edw ard D. Sm ith, all of P ortland. We ca rry a fu ll line o f need­ le w ork, baby ware. We do hem stitching, make buttons, button holders, ideat­ ing and em broidery. Just back of the F irst N ational Bank 45 West N in th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Two Naw T eachers, U niversity o f O regon, Oct. 22.— Ha>a from D akota—Mrs. A. U Elf (t p ic la l.t- Two new In structors have airoin of K ll.ler. N orth D akota I» here Just been added to the un v ersify . all. it by Iba »lckiio»a of h« r fath er staff. Ml»» Cornelia Pipes an Oregon alum na. w ill*teach F ren ch ; u n i Miss Vera H ensen, a recen t g rad u ate of the U niversity of t'a llfrcn fa, southern E LEC TR IC LOCOM OTIVE branch, will tak e charge of several BEATS STEAM POWER a rt and arch itet tu re classes. o u t of th e K.'*«» hours In the y ear I FOR BALE—-C arbon paper In large th.i i . i t r l c .n g m «an g l v «(too « h e t s , 2fxi!S Inches, suitable for hour« of service w produce:, rev ­ m aking tractngs. The News Office enue, and the " “ tu locom otive 1< than 3000. E xperts believe th a t “th e rlectrb I. m «mol ves com », not to su p p lan t., hut to supplem ent steam us a motive The s im p licity o f this Rad­ power." io w ill appeal to you as It The electric locomotive today S?ld has to us. Anyone can op­ 1 for ninny y ears to come will have no erate it Just • one dial. 1 more right to operate on lines of very Pome in and arrange fo r i light traffic thuti has th e steam loco­ dém onstrations. m otive to operate on lines w here the I duty required or density h as grown ' beyond Its phi »leal a ttrib u te s to Marshall’s- 6 2 - j 56 9th Ave. W. Eugene S tanley Bldg. O 'lv s i.fc M .I •«»»»• t "» " ” 1 C E W heaton and Mrs W *1.. Ilous- visited the W heaton ranch above ' Easy term s and very low prices, fo r these are all good used car values. Gannett Motor Co. Chevrolet Dealers, Eugene, Oregon 'BurtètêVT ASPIRIN TABLETS W hen P uretest A spirin Tablets are taken fo r the re lie f o f pain, you can depend on th e ir quick a ctio n ; they are usually dis­ solved w ith in 30 seconds. These tablets are made fro m the h ig h ­ est q p a lity o f pure, true aspirin. We recommend the purchase o f the b o ttle o f 100 tablets because Puretest A spirin Tablets have so m any uses th a t it is wise to have a supply handy. professional, yet hum an. Scien­ tific , yet dignified in its sim p li­ city. Quiet, (¿tanning, com pleti and o f sure sincerity. shomc W .F DRUGSTORE $100.00 1923'Chevrolet Light Delivery. 1923 C hevrolet Roadster. A SERVICE TO HUMANITY llapnavox Radio C hlldrsn Have To Two children of Mrs W endling had th e ir Moiiduy. are held at Eugene In May. (B peclal) Although debating season Dr. 8. Ralph Dipped, D entlet, V itus Salem. G rants Paa» and Ash building, S prtngfrleld. Oregon. does not begin until Jan u ary , a nuni >t y ear’a w inner, a re strong her of Oregon high schools , have sta rte d work In com petition for the In t'o u tu p offered to th e w inner In the O regon II gh School Debating league, according to Dr. Dan E. Clark, secretary of the league. 1923 C hevrolet touring. Tryout* are being held a t a sum - 1922'C hevrolet touring. ,.f schools, the reaaou being. 1921 D dg • to uring, >350.00 ra tld ly from H»20 when more tn m 1923 Ford to u rin g , $250.00 ‘ 400 i.’cnlvad «Id T h e yetnratis get | l r. 1918 Ptudebaker to u rin g , $85. u jr o n th with a to tal not to < xc«et V, .m »Ing *■'*• ,u **’*■ iiesilay to r c u l l ng a corner. M ,.ndiv H as Hand C ruahed—Il F D unbar Oo H unting—ll-rt H arper, a t o m of W alton had hl» right h an I crushed pan ed bv bln son T sd , left »uu d sy for WedniMiday when a tie fell upon It it,..,. Iona for a bunting trip lie r< reived niudical treatm en t h ere, chittM i*i” In» n»’nr H .iir ild. th a t Pendleton haa won tw ice and naeda only on* itory to fa in perm anent poa P repare tor H. Debate». U niversity of Oregon. Oct, T 7 - 100 TABLETS 75c WALKER F uneral service S P R.I N G FIELD .O R E^ 228 MAIN ST. Flanery’s -«br» The Sunday. NOTICE IS HEREBY DIVE Delve to C ottsgs Orove—Mr> Jack th e uiul.-rstgiied Ba» been d L arson siel Mrs. T ru b ert H enderson point.• Prop T’ ron Fred Freso. Phone 51 F o u rth a n t Lumber Company S pringfield Phone 55 Eugene Phone 452