Q«t» Oaar at Elkton— W illiam Me- Mr. McLagan Im proving— 1 M* cullo. It of I'o.tland. and llv ”f Mrs. K«aa«y a t Salida—Mra. Mary Vice-president Ihtwes has renewed his attack Keaaoy, and her sou Dwight are now I.agno, d istric t engineer for the Moon Kp, I,.«field »»«-ed through lo ie Mon- on talking senators anti announces he will take a t Salida. Colorado. according to word lain S tatea Pow er com pany i» I“1 » U, a d. » h ieb bo killed near his fight to the people, lie proinwes to campaign received by Mr». H arry W hitney. Mra, proving a fte r a m ajor operation laM Klktoll. to that end, as the Irishm an who said we wool 11 v sll>* ,Ua, 'here la ano* there, week have peace even If we had to light for It was no’ the wm tui»,. altitu d e belug being very high. high, but that th e bi ght »untight m akea the w eath­ alone In his idea. PAGE FOCK THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1-ubllihe.l E very T hursday a t Springfield, Ia n « County, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor. e r agreeable. Thc hard worklng fanner requires about «000 food calories per day. the "light labor m an about 3000, while the chap who s ltg a t u desk needs on- more useful you are the more it ...rod » . . e . , ’11.1 .las» m atter F ebruary St. i»03 a t th« post.n'icw, ScringfieM , Oregon -■— ------------ -“ m a il s u b s c r ip tio n RATE O ne Y ear In Six M onths .. Advance » 1 .« ....$1.00 T hree M onths — Single Copy ^ B t o yOU , « U W . S S a fu n n y W O r« - Editorial Program a a J * t h e s c h o o lb o o k o u t r a g e com plained at paying eleven dollars ... in T to rtln te ll We» w ith school books. International coiffeurs, meeting m Btrlin ten se),ins th1 . . »jiyo» H o u s e I ;\ T U te rd ia rte t» (I ' a t g < * • « » • • ttn,° am ount th at would have been paid in weekly paym ents, Isn’t it strange th a t golf is a Scotch game ami so expensive? If vour M2 W lllsm .lt« St., E u g .n s, Oregon Men s N cckw csr. o u r advice to the budget comm ittees is to hold cannot pay an account In full It IS his duty not to WSU. o u r a u u ie tu me . *- Knt what but t(¥ to „„„ pay w hat hp he can. can ; gurh such p paym ents get bock into ’er down this year. business, help th e m erchant who ha.« given him cngtU. for n revival of th e nlav "Too Much Johnson." p r ic e s ! at lo w e r ! "T otr.utrM tN T siviUA I n rv -s Gltigh.tm. 3Ï In She had to buy one book th a t she bought last y ear for Spending his sum m er in Paris is the privilege j fi a n j p co st her exactly i t 12. so »he »aid. allowed his ld y e a ro ld son by General Pershing T hlnk o{ „ fam iiy of working people who have to bay Envy of other hoys may be reduced somewhat bookJ for six or eight children, and th ere are many »uch when they learn he is working as a laborer in an cagvg of large families. autom obile factory. In P ortland s a d many o th e r cities In the »tale eoll • • • • tions a re taken up to buy aud supply children of poor (am -1 . DEPARTMENT - ! I STORE I ORGANIZATION ____________ October 31st ,o 1 h e l ia b l e | q u a l it y • GOODS I alw ays ! W O R L D 'S LARG EST C H A IN • Make SpHngfield th« Industrial C enter of W e» E d ito r ia l C om m ent tern Oregon. II. Develop a Strong T rading P oint; Build a City W e think G overnor Pierce 1» rig h t In his conclusion» a f Contented Home«. III. Improve Living Condition« on the Farm . Pro­ about the difficulties existing betw een the S outhern I’u c l-. mote th e Ra tin g of Purebred Livestock and lie and Oregon T runk lines, when he sta te s th at the de­ the Growing of F ru it; Work for B ettor M arket» velopm ent of the sta te Is of much more Im portance than IV. Tell th e W orld About O regon’» Scenic W onder. • I th e row betw een th e tw o railroads. It Is not good bust-, ness to give uny railroad a monopoly in any p articu lar land. i section of Oregon if th is sta te Is to grow and prosper — 1 2 . . . h u r t X . w m R fiV lftW I Several business houses have been painting u p ) O ostburg New» R eview , during the last few weeks. There‘ m any more that; needI I t A littie iffo rtta lc ng U s line together with the new- buildings w ,11 change the entire appearance of Main street. are Operated Under the Name of Jasp er Men H srs— M orris llllls of Ja sp e r was In tow n S aturday Ralph I Ijslrd. also of Ja s p e r spent Sunday London lias m anufactured a one seated aero plane for thin women. It costs 11500. Henpecked 1 here. husbands will rejoice in the announcem ent of the m anufacturers that It is built for women only. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1922. All J. C. Penney Stores In from T hurston— Mrs. t harles H ustings of T hurston was In town Monday, P e tto , rv e. _ Dick Berwster had a deal on to sell Ids h , m A b « y £ had sought hi... out but there w-as n 1,1 h n l l a n_ of final aettlem ent. In« k was a smu i* “ thfl e x n e r ie n c e d In sui It traiiwutloiiH. He «»ought o u r ’ t a bit of profit to close the deal. , t . . . r m . our ..Her ........ c » « » » ’ ™ “A u T . " possible Hick dropped in to ask our Judgment of tion. . i . trim r/.r nm " said Hick U* m inutes later , „ b ri.'.n "".'.r'b a'k had ,„ud- « v - „ .l.nple .» « « r.tlo . of \NOT1IER WMV IO flnante I uh sale. bank here. Wo Pay 3 Per Cent Interest Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon Rhone 355.1 Geo. A. Simon . NEW WINTER. Over Penney Store, Eugene '7 * ..,^ -' r u A Tir» . .. reporting .C l 4 A w A«»ocv'.fT 3eie^!9 ■ >O ( -re F v tt LrOdJAl A ( - t o / - .' Official Goodyear Tire R epair Service Station, Expert Balloon Tire Repairing \\r Eugene Vulcanizing Works »57 Oak St. The new w inter “ Red Crow n” is the achieve­ m ent of all our 47-years ol itasnlinc-niakimt expe­ llee!-split-second start- .. , -smooth acceleration —‘ i.iendous power-cn- ,y—»nifcugcl < >n sale at Standard Oil Service Sta­ tions and “ Red Crow n” dealers. STA N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y (California) 1020 .Dtat.