Page Three THE SI’RINGFYSLD NEWS THURSDAY, OCT. ?2. lttiC d ep artm en t of the Booth-Kelly en« 4« Koon, consulting engineer». Ha* Tonsil« Removed— Mr*. C lara to help w ith the lum ber sale » b leb Portland, was nam ed by G overnor Kawver. nurse in the office of Ur sta rte d Monday and will la s t tw o Pierce to succeed Rabbi Jonah II. Wise on the sta te board of higher curricula. Eugene K ester, bad her tonsils re ­ weeks. moved last T hursday afternoon. Mrs. The poutufflce d epartm ent has an- Fined for Speeding—C. L. Cole and nouno-d appointm ent of John Sim­ Kawver won a bet from several ona as postm aster a t Realty, In K lam ­ friend* by not m issing a single day Melford Allen were fined 23 each by Ju stic e of the Peace II. W, S m ith ath county, and lla rla a L. A sher us at her work. postm aster a t Lehman, In U m atilla Jasp er R esident III— Mrs. J . L. H ar­ Monday for speeding. county. vey of Ja sp e r Is a t th e Pacific C hris­ V isit from R oseburg—Mr. and M rs, L arge tim ber ow ners In Lane coun­ tian hospital a fte r undergoing a m aj­ A 8. N ewm an and two daughters. Zoo ty who complained to the eounty board or operation Tuesday of equaJIzutlon about th eir 1925 tax L rene, •*»'“» t''ri<1*y wlt1» Mr * * KOI» SALE 1>4 H. I’ G asolin» en o 22. 2» t WANTED- W anted to rent, dairy nr aasessm ent und were denied a reduc­ Helping with Sale— Lyndall Gard- n er has been employ«5d a t the re ta il ° . }I- T “ rn*r- KOI» HALE New rug carpet, 6« ft ■ Ine. Pitone Springfield 23 K 11 ch 'ck ea ran ch , fully equipped, on tion. have filed an appeal In th e etr- long, n< ver b ien unrolled. Cor. Hill O 22. 29 »liar»« o r *111 trad e In cur ou equip­ cu lt court. und li St. O 22. ment. W rite New» Office, 123 Fisherm en who are glllnettlng on F ü ll S A l.lï— T w o loi» u«ur New Ilm i O 22 Coos bay have reported the presence lain school lu HprIuRf Idd. Two UuHi-r w rapper« printed according “ DON’T WAKE ME” wa»hia« In large num bers of shark* about the blocks iiorili of carlin», l ’hon» Spring to regulation« with natu«, w eight K l K HALE. W ater Pow er m achine, 215. See II. It. I’hllllp«. nets, causing much loss of tim e by und uddrea«, 2125 u hundred a t the field 23KIL breaking net*, and additional expen»e j T his w as the n ig h t a fte r his Gray* Carli and C arry, NOTICE OK FINAL Il LAMING for repairs. Money to loan on d esirab le city m other treated him to a plate N nl'i'» I» hereby given Hint the ' NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATOR'S For stealing a calf, on which charge j * HALE property. Monthly payment*. 30 to undersign««! ba« flltd lu Ih» county I they were found guilty. Vannle Itob-1 of our cream . B ring th e young­ P u rsu an t to nn o rd er of th e Probate *0 month*. court of 14ine County, Oregon. hH ertson was sentenced to serve seven Court Ot Lane County. Oregon, »ho EMERY INSURANCE AGENCY ste r h ere and m ake him happy. year* and Ralph W healey th ree year* ' final ucciMinl a» ad m in istrato r of th e uutdcrslgned adtnlnlutralor of ih e »»■ 37 9th Ave. W l’hon« 607 I In th« penitentiary by C ircuit Judge It's refreshing, h ealth fu l and ■ •la te of Ella M Dyson, d eceaw d , tat» of Charlo* W Dnrtlng. deceaaed, Eugene, Ore. tf Puffy at Bend. a n d 'th a t «aid cou rt Hu« »vt the tim e will on »he 24th day of O ctober, 1225. nourishing Many flavors to for a hearing and a llo w an c of ,mld »« ,,urt House |B Eugene. Lan» County, 1 have purchased a bom«, and o pen­ the Scappoose council to P arker, fi. 1225. at the room« of »uld court, In Oregon, »ell to th e highest b idder for Eugene. Or»., at >*»h lx>t» I to 10 Inclusive of IUoch ed a aalesrooae nt 301» South 2nd. for Hchram Co. of P ortland, who made Ih» court houa I No 10, being nil of Block No. 10 ofjR g w Ietg h Product«. W. A. Heuwnway the lowest bid and received the con­ whlch limo all parliM lutoreatud (’hula V ista Park, a suburban p iati Cull 54 J. for Itaw lelgh Product*. tra c t for 233,994.40. therein amy appeor and he heard. n ear the S outheast co rn er of Kugelte, I Laie County, O regon, for the purpose! GBOKGK A DYWIN, Adm r. A ssessed valuation of property in NOTR E OK GUAIIDIAN’8 HALE of paying the coat and • «pense« of ad ; NOTICE 1» hereby given th at by P ortland Increased 213.078,530 within H 1). ALEN, A lloruoy for E state. and th e Indebe-lmw« ! virtue of a llcen»« add o rd er of the the last year. Not Including the prop­ () 8-15 22 2# N 5 nvInlHtrntlon ______ ngalnst «uld e sta te und for d is'rlb u , „ u„ iy Court of the s ta te of Oregon erty of public service corporations, the Hon i |n and for Lane County, authorizing assessed valuation of all property for N o T U 'E <»K SALE. Dated th is L7th day of S e p te m b e r ^ ., H(( g u ar,]|Bn n, th e e sta te of Joht) 1925 Is 2288,170.020. 25. , , p Wilcox. Insaae, to sell a t prlvnte NOT1CE IH IIEREIIY tlIVKN th at 1925 M HVAItVERI'I). > ^ 1 , „11 Of th, In terest of my said Harold Steele, 25. shot and killed tiy virtù» of un ord er nf «ale mali« A d m inistrator of th» e sta te «" w arj , being an undivided on«’ third, hl* sw eetheart. Miss C reesa Crane, 21, and eiiteved by th è County Jtldg» for C harles W. Itarl'n g . d< <« ■- d. I ,n‘ ,„<1 to the L ets or T ract« Number-1 and then killed him self in an automo- Lune to u n ty , Oregon, ott tlie tth day 8 24 O ’l 5 1 j-1 12 J3 B|i(J H ,n W a d lh u m e 's Ad- t>U<- four m iles from The Oallea. The nf Heptembcr, 1926. I »111, oli and nft dlllon to Springfield, lam e County, shooting followed a quarrel over the NOTICE KHK PUBLICATION c r thè toth dny of O ctober, 1*26, off«» O regon; 1 will, on and a fte r S a tu rla y . for «ale, and «eli al p rivate »ale, thè DEPARTM ENT OK T H E INTER tlk . . . . 24Ot day of O cto h .r. 1925. upon g ir ls refusal to m arry Steele. dow er Interest o f ll» rrict Nye, la |G R. U. 8. LAND OKK1CK " at i ? * e i »hid premia«*, o ffer for «ale a td nell j Thu general volume of employment com peient, in and lo tot* ooe, Ihree, burg. O regon.. g e p tm b e i-r r 24. 19' r palAJ I lo (n (h(, pa r ,y paylna ..... th e ....... m«’*» . ........ . ' off,.r<,d In Oregon continues on a large Enroll Today I t ’s A Good School tour an d flve. block elght. amendgd NOTICE 1« hereby given that Carl fore .-„ah. all of «he « "d'vhU d on«-« w((|| ca!1# ,or experlencwl log. piai of K alrm onl, laute County, O re­ (I Tull of E ugene. O regon, who. on third ln t-re z i of th e -«Id Jo h n WH , .. . A. E. Roberts, President gon. »uld sale to he al thè o f f r e of v,.r,l "9 1921 made HonwotoBd En In and to the above «¡e-or bedI gers leading th e d em and, a cc o rd in g to Donald Young. »00 W llloutelte St . try' No ‘«113861. for W%. 8W M . He. n .B| eatate. subject to Ute »peroval the report of the United State» do- 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon Ettgette. Oregon. tlon it T ow nship I* B.. Rang» 4 West of ku LI co u n ty C ourt. partm ent of labor for Septem ber. M HVAItVEKVD. W lllatm dte M eridian, ha» filed notloel SAKAI. (. Men “ n<* women who file suit* for G uardian of lla rrle t Nye. tncompe- of intention to m ak« th r e e . year Proof.| 1-H6-I“ dlvorce in Oregon wlll bave to con­ t, ut 8 10 17 24 CM5 Io o stald 'sh «laite to Ihe land above - tinue to pay thè e x tra 25 tee flxed by tie erthed. before K <• Iw tnel. U. S. T H E CIRCIUT COURT OF T H E ............ > . , .s n s i t r . r o n «ni e ANO sstiv l-’t i . v i h 1*«'1 of the last s ta te legislature, ac („m iti »»loner, at . u Lus« i « o,‘ .S T ........... A T E ... OK ORWION. i IN l l t , ....... ............... ____________________ BUY FU RN ITURE HERE cording to a decision handed down in Ihe lo th day of November. 1925. LANE COUNTY. C laim ant nam es a» w itnesses: Rockers, Beds, M«ttr»*«es, Stoves, Harold J Well". P laintiff, vs. WII Multnomah county circuit court by H erb ert M acbelh. George Toll, Guy d r o t l|,.r Bn,| y>red H. C ollier, de- Presiding Judge Tucker. Tub«., Stove Boards. C lothes V Knox, all of Eugene. O regon; i fetidsnts. Com plaints th a t ducks are being Basket*. est GeUln-l nf Veneta, Oregon. SUMMONS. shot on the Columbia riv er sloughs ROBERT E t RAW KORU. , To W ilfred C o llier.' I>efen«V»ut: Wm. DONALDSO* NEW AND A cting Regtater. IN T H E NAME OK T H E STA TE betw een Tongue point and Woody Is SECOND HAND STORE non-coal ® 1-8-16-JJ-J9, OK OREGON. You a re hereby re- s land by h unters who use power boats EUGENE, OREGON i qulred to ap p ear and an sw er th e com- ’ and operate by m oonlight have been ' plaint filed ag ain st you in th e above i fpceiyed from residents of th a t dis- —Thompson radio neutrodyne— anybody can tune. W onderful volume j entitled action w ltlt’n six w eeks | tr ,ct —first cost is last cost. We te s t tubes free. from th - d ate of the first p u b llc a tl^ m onth (n of this sum m ons, and If you fall to —Thom pson neutrodyne 5-tuhe set, "A ” storage b attery , “ B" dry bat­ so answ er, for w ent th ereo f th e Plain conditions in norm al schools in the tery, 5 ju b e, aerial loud speaker, com plete for >174.tM> cash 2165.30 tiff wlll tak e Judgm ent ag ain st you as central states. S tate S uperintendent C o n t r a c t in g a n d B u ild in g T elephonea: Office 013 Res. 2075 prayed for th»*C«>inplnlnt, to-wlt: for ( Churchill has returned to Salem. Su- Save 28.70. We recarge radio b atteries 50c GEO. W. PERKINS th e »um of 280.88 to g eth er w ith th e pPrintc ndent Churchill will soon leave —21-50 can of Davis new-life m akes an old car look like new. Get a C o r n e r 5 t h a n d D S t r e e ts co sts and d isb u rsem en ts of th s ac ^(g to accept an appointm ent as can —if you a re not satisfied, re tu rn 75 per cen t or m ore of can a n l S p r in g lt e ld , O re g o n Osteopathy Btands for the ___ head of the norm al school to be Plan» «nd Furnished 21.50 wlll be refunded. Also m akes old fu rn itu re look like new. T his Summ ons is served upon y o u , truth wherever tt 1« scienti­ by order of the Hon. O K Sklpw orth. established at Ashland Free. Will Help You Finance S0c Brooms ..................... fically proven. Judge of eulil C ourt, which o rd er I- A reduction of approxim ately 21,- We trad e Linoleum Your B u i l d i n g . O steopathic Pbyalclan and Sur­ dated th e 8th «lay of Septem ber, 1925. i UOO.OOO In cost of governm ent for the for H eaters, or ........................... 95c t. -qulrlng this Summ ons to be publish- sta te of Oregon during the fiscal year geon Radio for Pianos, ..........................6185 «d once a week for six successive WRg gf,own ¡0 financial statistics O ffice 404 M. * . W. IMdX., or new F urniture CLOVER'S MARCELLING .................... $9.03 wev-ka in the Springfield News, I»««'«’ , ,BSUed a, W ashington. It. C.. by th e de- Eugene, Oregon for old— • of first publication of this Sum m on?.' SHOP O ateopathy stan d a for the tru th ......................... $7.75- partm ent of comm erce. The com para­ Suit ................... W hat Have You T hursday, O ctober 1st. 1925. Work Guaranteed w herevdf It Is scientifically tive figures were 220.523,191 for 1923 W B LLg * W ELLS. ....................... $2.25 B lankets ..... ............ Phone 33 proven. and 219.517.707 for 1924. A ttorneys for Plaintiff, Upstair»—336 Main Street Address, Eugene, O r e g o n . ,_____ i P. O. Phone 75W O 1-8-15-22-29 N 6-1* Five fem ale d eer were killed in one; - , locality in the upper D eschutes country ! recently, according to rep o rts brought i to Bend by hunters. Four of the d o e s, Call LADIES! Try that expert had been placed In one pile. T h e , hair cutter at Anderson** SUTTON TRANSFER slayers had not touched the m eat oi i Barber shop. 12—Lessons— 12 ________ th e deer. • BEGINNERS OR ADVANCED Phone 57 A. A. ANDERSON . I R obert Holzgnng. 47. w as killed- in-1 DEMONSTRATION FREE Brief Resume of Happenings 0* stan tly on the Buckley ranch n e a t' BARBER SHOP Applegate by a vroodsaw, his head be-' Learn to Rag and Jazz Popular Songs with Swing the Week Collected for ing cut entirely open when th e saw I and Accent. Learn Double Bass. Endings etc struck just above the left eye, after Our Readers. GEO,. N. M cL E A N Enroll Now dr . n . w . em ery It had broken loose from fastenings Automobile, F ire and Life WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL . „ t _ on th e saw rig. IN S U R A N C E d e n t is t Winnie Irene Russel, Mgr. The S tale hank of Coburg at Co- Surety B°nds,^ Phone 6J7 i ... gone into K raer brothers, who are operating 244 E 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Phone 1967J burg. Lane county, « has into vnl- vot- Button Bldo- phon* My buelne.e 'iF ^to p ro tect yo«r a mining claim on South slough, near untary liquidation. . " " > R esldsnca P hons 153 M buelneee M arshfield, had a cleanup for the first The annual te a c h e rs’ In stitu te for (imc g1nco (hey t(X)k QVer {he Ch(ck. 880 W illa m e tte 3t. Eugene Oregon Springfield. O re*"" Douglas county is to be held Thurs- am ,n Mining com pany la d i n g s on ilny and Friday a t Roseburg. ; contract, and had a re tu rn of 2200 i VASBY BROS. Robert II. Lytle of Vale w as elected They ran 11 hours for the am ount. Have your II grand chancellor of K nights of P ythias ) The gheep population of Wallowa Painting & Decorating 1 of Oregon a t th e grand lodge session enmity is now less than one-fourth ! in all its branches 1 a t Eugune. Your Home Whon In w hat it was during,the duys when that) Mr». Tom Sm ith of M arshfield kill- county « a s a t its peak production of j 312 Main Street Springfield ; od a b ear which disputed h er right to wool and m utton. A census of sheep i i a clu ster of huckleberries on South now owned and being run In the to u n ­ of the Vacation Times Enlarged and Framed ty showed the num ber to bo a maxi , J Coos river. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL muni of U1.500. W. W. H oover of Fossil waa named At H u n ters m ust not shoot ducks w ith -' DENTIST ! successor of County Judge C. O. But d r e s s m a k in g an d I 1er of W heeler county, who died at in a q u a rte r mile ot the C olum bia. a l t e r in g Phone 43 river, according to a law passed hy j ■ The Dalles O ctober 14. the legislature a t its Inst session.’ For | Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore, Tho Jackson County M erch n tts' ns- 240 Main St. soveral years It has been u n law fu l; | sociatlon, composed of M edford busl- to hunt geese from this strip, but t h i s ! , Hess men favor the com m unity chest Is the first year th a t duck hunting has I plan to handle all city ch aritab le work. been prohibited. Everything Photographic A freak potato vine a t th e home ot WM. G. HUGHES B usiness ot W est C oast Lum ber | Mrs. Susan McMunn nt Qulnaby has JEWELER FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE m en's association mills in the week i a ttracted much inten tio n ns It m eas­ ending O ctober 10 again was below J NOTARY PUBLIC Repairing a Specialty ures nine feet and four Inches and is Springfield, Oregon , Office a t tho sum m er's average, and sales were , still growing. only 95.427.955 feet. M anufactures to FIRST NATIONAL BANK Moonshine w hisky caused th e death tnled 99,081,990 feet and shipm ents I Springfield, Oregon of Orin Lucourso, 29, S outhern Pacific 101,027,925 feet. Now business was 4 R. W. SMITH railroad clerk. L ncourse dlod aboard per cent below production and sh ip a Southern Pacific freig h t train ca­ tnents w ere 6 per cent nlmve produc­ Justice of the peace and boose nt Paunlna. tion. notary public, Insurance Appetizing—Wholesome and Satisfying fresh meats arc Dr. Adlx of G resham will offer a A nnouncem ent of the appointm ent All kinds of gravel for con­ always to be had here, A modern plant kept in a highly stiver cup to tho Junior who Is select­ ot a new board authorized by Secre­ crete or road work. We City Hull Springfield, Oregon ed by th e faculty nt th e end of tho sanitary condition insures you the best product obtainable. tary of Interior W ork to Inquire Into make a specialty of crushed year as being the m ost valuable stu ­ the qualifications of se ttle rs ou the rock and rock sand/ Bunk­ dent to th e school. Irrigation projects of K lam ath F a lls ' ers at foot of Main on Mill FRANK A. DE PUE An effort to purchase th e state has been made. The m em bers are W. street. a t t o r n e y AT LAW dem onstration farm e a st of Roseburg 0. Dalton, banker; C. A. H enderson, HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. HOLVERSON BROS. and to convert It Into county fair county agent, and H erbert D. Newell, | NOTARY PUBLIC 505 Main St. Phone 80 grounds wlll he made by th e Douglas K lam ath project m anager ot th e Irri­ Springfield 8utton county Pom ona grange. ’ gation d istrict. Seh o ur line of vlstttu« «ardi, Oregoit Buldllng EGGIMANN’S Secretarial, Stenographic or, Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College ÎT Ü S 1 N E S S D IR E C T O R Y O r.Jo h n Simons OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST “ T he Loop PIANO JAZZ Favorite Negatives The Model Cleaner Carl R. Baker’s Kodak Shop 7 West 7th D. W . R o o f FRESH MEATS SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CD, SANITARY MARKET _________ -__ >1 John C. Stevsns of the firm of Stev-