T itV R S D A Y . OCT. 22. 1W2R. » A O * TW O Lane County Farmers Union News kB V« ■ ■ V 14 - ---------- — ------ - __ M O R R ISO N W IL L SPEAK ON M IDDLE W EST TR IP E lm er M orrison. m an ag er of the r u n n e r » ' Union w arehouse, has Just recen tly retu rn ed f r o « “ trip to tt< m iddle w est w here he visited the dif­ fe re n t farm ers’ union cooperative as eoctat ons li e Is to give a talk at the L an e County convention at Spring field. O ctober 24 in reg ard to his visit e a s t to tell the m em bers w hat Farm ere' union is doing in o th er states very auccessfully »nd w hat possibil ties th e re a re for F arm ers’ union in Or-- Local R e p o rte d C anary .................... ■>- »♦ N orthup .C entral ........ * * lk ’* er Cloveniale ~ . Mm. L A « t> hell C oast Fork Mra. tleo K ebelbeck Mrs. M. A. Horn C ro w e ll Mrs. Ada J nnings D o rm a .. ..... ....... Mrs. B. B aker H eretä Mrs M Gillespie Hadleyvillel Jasp er ----- Mrs. G race Jon- s 1 Lorane ----- --- Mrs. C. M F oster H arry C Jackson ■ Mt$C<»Mln Mrs. V. A. Reynolds Mt. Vernon , Bulah Smith • S i l k C r-ek K. B T inker • T ren t ------- • V d a -------- ___ Mrs. W. E Dost "^ O F F IC IA L PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY U N .T »O . ___ ■ • • • • • • • O FFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • FARMBR’8 UNION O Y ALT Y WEEK October 24 to October 30 Program • Lane County Q tnrterly Convention nt Woodman Oct. 24. Hall. Springfield Oregon, at 10:30 A. M. Addresses by C. K. Jordan, E. E. Morrison. M rs. Ralph 1-alrtl >4 to Oct 30 A campaign for membership ami October ' the erganlratlon fund will be carried on by each R a'ph Laird, C rv.w .U , President. • Will W heeler, Trent, V icePreei- | • dent, B etty K appauf, C ottage Grove, aec.-Treaa. N. A Morn. C ottage Grove, Door K eeper H. C. Jackson, W altervllle. Con­ ductor. O. L. C lem ent. Chaplain. i CROPS __ « Li r\ I AND LIVESTOCK S T A T IS T IC S REQUESTED O r.p cn Coop« .tiv * C-imcM A .k . O. A. C. fc*t ovivn «-«vice to G ather g .rm Inform ation. Corvallla. Ore t i n 22 Annual .ta- italics Of farm crops and llveslock in Oregon are .ought by th - O regon Cooperative council through th - »tui* Cdl -ge exieli.lon service. A re.oiu- lion lo th at elf.-el w a. Inirvduced by K Favllle. editor W e.le rn F arm er sad chairm an agrlcuU ural com m llio* M cKEN ZIE LOCAL l oiliand cham ber of comm-Tce. al a I Bin tia c or t i n coun.-d » 1,1 ......... ... local. fo n . l.n s le n Confer, nee a t th. coll-«-’ H Oct. 30 at 12:30- Luncheon at Eugene Hotel. . . . . . . T . • • T he McKenale lllv er local m et at • • • » ” waa unanim ou.ly ndoiaed. Its hall last W ednesday night. The Address by Gov. Pierce • COAST FORK LOCAL » C R ESW ELL LOCAL usual crow d of the old loyal menib- rs The iwutwst Wilt be granted pro­ Report by Mrs. Kuppani Obligations to new nt-unbers vided th ere 1» sufflci-nt .- .» .p e r a llo ii w ere present. . C resw ell local No. 183 m et Tuesday H. C Jackaoh reported that th atuong the grower». ««id Paul At the M usk m e last i«»« m eeting of e( th t e < Coast « - evening. O ctober 20 In reg u lar ses- sla te executive board has recently Marts, director. -T h e tendency among F o rk local it was voted to hold our p ,a |„ Loyalty w . ek were H E A T OF GRAIN MADE enployed brother T II. C ndar as or grow er, h a . h-en to under produce or Bight school on the first an 1 ‘ : rom ple, e(j sid e s were chosen w !..t| INSTRUCTIONS TO DELEGATES T uesd ay s of each m onth, th o se nigtvs , . „ lt ston and Mr. C V Holbrook | 1 Come to the m e-tii K a t Spring TH R O U G H FU M IG ATIO N guntaer lie has sta rte d work In I-«» over produce w ithout finding 11 out -- county. b eing open. The topic is to be “ Feed- an(| , he one g ettin g th - fi< Id prom ptly at 10 ». nl- till too lain."' G rain Infested with In sect, may | P lans for Loyal we. k were d scu The council also ask«d th e eolb-g-s 2 Bring »» many tuemb. rs with you beat due to th etr p re e n c e . u n t , » U _ m ost nv w m em bers and back m em b er. .....I d eleg a te, a p p o .n u d to th to conduci .h o rt courses for directo rs A new refresh m en t com m ittee w as en tertain ed by th e losing as possible. cf eooperatlvo u.aoclhtlon». <*'»d appointed, they a re : M rs. Em m a b e 3 Be p r e p a i d to give Mrs K ap tvconies favorable 1» th - hr- edlnv ‘ >nd | , . n Ml„ nl„ w,.r, Pledged Ihem selve. to carry the »du­ ly, Mrs E. W. P»welL and Mrs. John th e monPy for th e or pauf an approxim ate num ber trout •'"‘1 1' ' 1' n i , r \ : > f V rg^ ' ' ; ‘^ e < ' v a v.-ii. f tC . V ,d: he .. » M l ....... « ra tio n al work out in lb “ ■oun M urry ' gunlxatlon work by givtng a pie «» your local » h o will a tten d the lunch .1, tru etlv e y e v t l s a p„ , ri.,„(„n for the I’PP-t M c K n .le tie . T he purpose I* acquaint d ra t eon at th e Eugene hotel. T his Is io A vacancy on th e executiv a h l , h .,wd8h t us a very neat sui BI Wiu u •' -- rlous spuctea. If tl»< te m p <»■«* ................. r e s u r f a c in g the m an ag er, and d ire c to r, of • * . » — «uewmnrsan The dei. ««te» »O '»>« COUB*’r CO“” “n . .. a four co u rt* lun ah eo n a t • -he «rain co n tin u e, io rl.e , 1« r e ., h e . an.l «h■■■ ur d w as filled by appoin tm en t. A com .liv e s , then the n u m b e r, and la .tlg m ittee w as also appo nted to w ork on tia n » e re e b u n n and M e r* " " e "“ J,” ! p late, a point Where spoilage occurs hv th e « 4 r . j m e general public, with th - a im . and u rd be . a « « as we th in k this county w ork as requested a t the past t sects have been kndwn to raise the Stacy » U » * lld (< J m ethod, of cooperative m arketing m eeting will be very in terestin g tem p eratu re of gram to 88 d e g re -e . la done as this pi countv co n v e n to n . M m b e r. cf the council ».Id th a t H A D L E Y V IL L E LOCAL F and 95 d e g re e . F when the out- bud shape. H arry MeDole had th e m isfortune th r re 1» much m i.u u d -r.ta n ling or a • • • ................................................. » de or room tem perature w as below to b reak his w rist on Friday lasL T he next m eeting will be h*,d on The H adleyvtlle local m et Tliursday 50 degrees F ll is highly necessary, W -dn sday nlghf. O ctoher 2» This the fl-ld and conduct of Ih— a.»Q- C LO VER D ALE LOCAL. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs _ a ■ • • 'e v e n in g for th eir re g u lar bnstne«. therefore. In w arehouses w here large m.-ellng will come during t-oyaltV elation», ev-n among th e ’r <>«» m -m , Jo h n Dugan on O ctober 16. a t cam p h e r. and o fficer. The proposed ” -i„ h ’ m eeting. q u antities of grain are stored to keep w eek. All • m ................ em bers a re urged to at - ........................................... r ' T he Cloverdale Communi y ¡ M r and Mrs George Powell, Mr. and the tem p eratu re of the grain low ami E lvis Kelly is a t home from a Salem met with Mrs. John Seiler*. T h u rsd ay .! - . . . tend, also Mrs N orm an Hemonwny and J J -a rtic u 's rly to destroy any insects b o ip .ta l » ‘-«re he was taken, some­ O ctober 15. T h ere w ere fo urteen lad m em bers. would be Im portant and peceasary H ooker were appointed delegates to which may b - present. gppper will I - served l-adlea ar w hat bruised and cut, following a co - Extension, cxp-rlm ent station and wiuii w»«*•“»-'* —— . Th»* ih w in ^ n it^ rs join* atten d tn e county convention. _,L..t nlui-t andw l.b A study of ttw effect cf fum igation a-),,..! to bring cake, pie or ■ llsion on th e highw ay n ear th a t w er#: M„ E lm er D itto ’. _________ __________ d by th e in sfru rt'o n a l staff m om b-r < ' 1 Mrs. W. I Seales »pen: the week I» Coffee will be furnished b g by m e th e t e ’ ,0 a c - p t th eir p a r t. In Ih » new "In- Friday. mnvinK Mr». F.rneti M orningstar. Mrs. E - > ' O r„ v(. „¡.itin g her a i. upon boating gruln ha> been made by the Bureau of Entomology of the I n't- |,,,s l E art Ewing of Glenbrook la m oving Mr & H c>ul9on. Mrs end a , « g Let o . m ake this ra tio n al and s t a ll.tb a l work and aa- i d S tates D epartm ent of A griculture, m i V i.nor* are tnvlled thin vicinity th is week. Evr daiB ty u ^ , ter. M .................. L r e d the council th at th-T *’»r- H adleyvllle local will give » The fa ts has dem onstrated th a t when ry on to th e b -a t of Ibelr a b d lr th e home of P t social November « T he pubHc 1.1 heating Is a result of lnse«t in festa­ ' m „ s . of ih - county .8 n« •"<« InvltM to come and b rin s pie*. tion th '1 insects can lie killed and 111 w o rk er, were present attending th e Mr. and Mra. M. G illespie and daugh tem p eratu re of the «rain reduced In t - r sp en t Sunday afternoon with Mr. norm al by fum igation with hydrncy over th e week-end talc-ac’d gas or carbon disulphide Lincoln T aylor, who Is a past . . . . ~ . • • * * iven grain and beans heating to 103 : . W w e • : egr-e« F have been reduced to Bor­ nai t - i.perattir s by fum igation. Such E J E daw rds of G ran ts l a s s , wh ch am p 'o n Hen. form er’iv m a le h is home h ere, is a hpn has Ju, t com- A ccording to L. P Rockwoo or h leductlon In tem p eratu re prevents th< week-end visitor a t the G ilcrlst hom e. ’ _ p on the o . A. C. pool- M „ aI Bur,.au of Entom olgy Fta-lon ontlnued destruction of grain In cold > veather. when ow ners not under- , M arg aret L ajorle of W alker sp en t ^ h(ch gWeg h e r the dlsttr.c at F or,.,t Grove, ih - H essian landing the ability of nsecls to raise S ID le ie for l o r th- e sev eral days at th e home of h r . l i t e r . . of th e flrBt d au g h ter of a not „..p p o o n n aib - rj- non ui vi- ..... — Counts m ade In W ashington ;raln t e i n t1 ratu res believe tli-.v are I season. Mrs. L. D Huff- I ----------- »— »« reach th e 300 ,500- egg h^n to reach the 1». *-*• — ----- I oUV n erseu on an exp erim en t a c tio n ’ .„unty sbow , h at lb- H essian fly «.» -ljoylng protection due to Insect In- T he C h ristian E ndeavor p ro g ra m .! hersel{ record nlore „„m num erous erou« last than rtlv tly resu ltin g from tem pératures f 50 deg rees F. or lower. day ► ✓ mUb T h e very attra c tiv e b ask ets Tfae Btw chlim plon. C778. told h er ye„ tor whnaL a word lts w .l| and th e p ro ceed , helped ;{06th O ctober 13. com pleting th e ,r)butP, , h . i * ^ oi . O n one d ia l c a lib ra te d in wave The w ndoww at the Novelty store aold very m s te ri-t r in fulfilling the pledge H er m other laid 305 eggs in her w n t0 poor p r-p a ra -n length, as well as the usual nun- re alw ays (hanging W atch them f >r m a L by ibis ctg arix atio n . l j lrat y ear. H er sire j bed. w eath er conditions, and posslb.y her,, all stations arc permanently made bv tbU cig arix atio n . fira t y ear. H er sire w a. .. u-o. w -.»-. displays of new good*. logged. N o tedious “ fishing" with Sunday n ex t is P ally day a t H ebron. [ ( hen wh| Ie four generation.« back , th e , eed ulcd A special program ts being prepared two 303^ g g hens ap p ear In the pedl- ........ — « numbe r o f dials that need delicate pyrt-itu p --n ----- lo the e ? F .iuJay in ¡ay scbocl to r th school hour. 10 o'clock- o’clock. yrt.e adjustment. RPV Toogorel W 1! give the ad d ress Find the wave length o f a Manor, T he b est type of fa*- iam b weighs both m orning and afternoon. A bas­ set the dial, sharpen the tone w ith iner w ;u - -- -------------- about 88 pounds and th o se , much k e t d in n er will be served at the noon the exclusive Sleeper Resonator. „v u . The E ndeavors will try for an heaTler wi!l not bring so good a price htnr. That’s all there is to tuning in the rnemb- r p resen t In th e evening. „ , th he e m m ark et. T T h he e c cut -vening. „ f)n a rket. u t in price P '- - U - Sleeper M onotrol. . . GHcrDL — ... .-.« « ■ u!4UaIly t t tty y _ heavy . on lam bs th at a t «-so Anabel leader. uauaUy p p ^ re run up to 90 to 100 Founds, regard Any Sleeper dealer w ill demonstrate C hurch Imm dlately following En .................. ........... I___u 7. le ,B of quality. By feed ng th e fat a Sleeper M onotrol your way. deavor. . , Mr and Mrs Clyde Langdon and toning lam bs one po n rd of grain a lam dy. who have v isit' d r- la t ves for day and all th e alfalfa they will eat. v it ' tw o weeks, have retu rn ed to th eir »hey should gain one pound every th re e to four days. borne In California. • > T h t Charles W hites have guests e r The cutw orm o utbreak of la st se a ­ tr im M.nnesota. son did Im m easurable dam age to T he C onst FO-K auxiliary. Mon .»i r«,l tn n k and field crops ail o*< r Ore- w as o r « ,: .'. ' O ctober ( *«o. W- •- off whhtntt ««• gon The d ep artm en t of entom ology J CF«M»rt«« I* each W In-.May afternoon to sew. _ T h bjs w. . „ n-.’ w..- h 'io »« advI- .-n th a t grow ers n ay av< id u 1 is week th e m eet ng was held at Ul‘. hon ■ ■ • I- " sim ilar - U tbr-ak next - .-on h' Inle 1 ty m em bers have signed up and much . fa „ or e a r!y spring plowing and by -work is b ;ng a- co-npHsned under tb - scatterin g the po son halt, over the d irectio efT ld sn t set of c< I ! fl,,Ma before crops a re planted In the Giraci 1U n H of W* » d ------ rnittees nil Lie»'» and »«■* the -x ccu tlv es board Mpring. «The work under way Is— weaving rugs . . .'....K - W. . . II. ADRIAN, Prop. lun« neon and auu break fast . Although It is a comm on practice q u ilt p-.eclng. piecing, luiuhoon s e ts and the m aking of aprons. All -n sorne of the rainy w inter d istric ts gets r o a s t Fork wom-n are eligible to m