A O V C R T IS IN O I« A BIQ, BIG F U L O — O U T W IT H NO 9PACC F O R . QUIT nr T IR I. -X- HE SPRINGFIELD KPRINCEIELI», LANE COUNTY, OREGON, TWRNTY-HBX ’< »ND Y EAR GITYBÜYSPROPERTY I_____ y ò c ie i/ PAYS BACK TAXES Civic Club Drives For New Members "T h e Pfcopl»’» Paper" I . LIV ^ N EW SPA PER IN A LIVE TOWN THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1925. “ B uddie’s” H ead— O ld and N ew Home Products D inner to be Held October 28 in Chamber association o f Commerce Rooms. NUMÌ3RR 40 NEW THEATRE PLANS PArent-Teachers Elect. The P arent-T eacher* Five Blocks in Sunnyside Addi­ ■ e t nt the B ratlaln school Friday, tio n and Lot nt C orner of O ctober I«, Mr«. Ucraine Vuo Val- •'Every m em ber bring a new in* m F ourth nnd B Bought nt udì wae elected di legate to th e «tato b er” 1« to be th e slogan from now un­ S h e riff’s Sale to Protect C ity convention of the p. T A to be held til O ctober 27 wh. n the Civic Club I In I' irtlaml next week. Mr», P ra tt meet» in the C ham ber of Cotnerce Liens. —■ — T itle to (Ivo block« In Sunnyside add lion norl I Em erald Height* atei to laot l. block I. ut lit« corner of F ourth und It struct.- was tak en by the oily thia week when piirehn«e wu> qiiute at a rl'e rlff's »ale. T he city bought the property for the »tale and county lax.«, in ord er to protect It «elf on about ttvoo of stre e t Improve* tin nt delinquent paym ents. A ll o f the John Kcesley holding« » u h were In control of lb« F1r»t N ational bank, Eugene, were ts k iu over. They consist of m ost til the property in block« S, 7. 9. 12. uttd 13. llnlveraon handed In ber res'g n atlo n rooms. A home products program will a N»cr< lery -treaau rer and Mr«. V un^be glvi n and on the follow ing day a Vulaah was elected C om m ittee) elect-j home p ro d ix ts cafeteria d in n er will for the year an- a« follow«: Mum.-her be served. The m eeting and tan n er j «hip, Mr«, It C M arker; reception, Is part of the Civic Club cam paign on Mr«. Wm G ants; program . Mr«, O ta •'Try Springfield M erchants F irst.” Read H ewenw ay, Mrs, T yson; pre«» The d in n er on W ednesday, O ctober p o rrrip o n d en t. Mrs. Paul llru ttaln 2k. will also b« In th e C ham ber of W i . j - b and no an« co m attt» for Octo-- 1 Commerce *' • rh o *,' n »'-diabetically. M rs . C llfi Th< din n er 1« being arranged by the A t-.ilium s, Mr.’, Aoama, and Me« C ’ "ay» nnd m eans comm tt« o of the R .'A rt baa, R e.t room s for each i Civic club consisting of Mr«. Paul u e iio u l Io be f it t e d |,y Church a ld -s ; llrn ttaln . chairm an. Mrs. George Cat- A lrah am s. Van Va.'xah, and M c K le j.h 'n g a „d Mr». W illiam Donaldson. ' ¡T he (Honor will be at 6:30 In th e eve- The m em bership drive la now « fo r in ln g . A street parade will be held In new m em bers. Dl«cu«»lon a s to I n - ; conjunction with the home products Progress Made on New Garage and F irs t N ational Bank B u ilding W ill be T urned Over by November 10 According to the C ontractors. I Taxes amounted to about »1000’with **•«•*»«« b r“" “' ” - hoo! ,ro u " ‘U 'M” «“ »»•*. S trong feeling of com radeship w as shown betw een C om m ander D rain (le ft) the retirin g head, and “ Go G et ’E m " John R. McQuigg, newly elected C om m ander of th e A m erican Legion. Com m ander McQuigg’s oversea s record m ade him the unanim ous choice. NEW 3 R A T T A IN SCHOOL JAM ES M cH EN R Y. AGE 68, F lans a re being draw n and blue p rin ts m ade for the new th e a tre build­ ing to be erected by Jesse Seavey and L, K. Page on Main stre e t betw een th e C om m ercial S tate bank and th e RIv- e tt biuldlng. As soon as the epecifica- tions a re com pleted co n tracto rs w 'll be asked to bid on the stru ctu re, ac­ cording to Mr. Seavey. The H eillg ; th e a tre com pany of P ortland and oth- J i t co ast tow ns will have charg e of i th e m anagem ent of the new house, ac­ cording to p re se n t plans. Vne new th e a tre when erected will i be one of the b est In the valley. The . H eillg com pany expects to in stall a fine pipe organ and have beautiful DEDICATED ON FRIDAY D IE S W E D N E S D A Y M O R N IN G d<. Th« p r o g ra m for th e m eeting ou it is reported. old rcNids neo nt th* co rn er »»f F ourth E s th e r . Mr» W. I’. Tyson to confer ' Tuesday. O ctober 27. when each m«m New Garage Progresses. The formal dedication of the Brat- Jam es A. M cHenry, 68, died a t the and It S treets am ounted to »200 nnd " ” ** <’r«'*nU », l<>ni for th eir co her Is supposed to bring a new mem Rapid progrese Is being m ade on operetit it tain school was m arked with a pro- home of his daughter, Mrs. R. R. H ar- ber. will be on the trade at home the«« Is « t r e t aasrain sn ts of »000 campaign A paper on th e Springfield “ riun 1,1 lh<* school Friday afternoon. her» W ednesday m orning a fte r an ill- tbe new Ford 6a ra 6e building being du«. Th» city »X pec. la to be abb* to Hostessr* to Kensington. Mill and Grain com pany will be read 1,19 w as presented to the dis ties» of eight m onths. F uneral serv- bui,t by G eorge P erkins and Jam es sell the property to protect at l»u«t trlc l by F. B. Hamlin, taking the lees will be from the W alker chapel j L axton a t the co rn er of F ifth and A Mr«. Anna Knox and Mrs, W. F by Mr«. Maude Bryan In part the am ount of liens ag ain st j place of C, A. Swart«, chairmankof the F riday a t 2:30, with in term en t a t th s tre e ts . A lready co n crete is being W alker wer» host«ases to the Ken —■ ------- It poured on th e m am outb stru c tu re school board. In a short address. Mrs. old I. O. O. F. cem etery In Eugene. The d l y council met In sp ec's! aes- "ln ,,o n ‘,|u b at a one o'clock luncheon : W a . ces s M an dies .. ¡C harles S to tt, a Springfield pioneer, Mr. McHenry Is survived by fo u r , w b,cb is 120 by 132 feet in dim ensions slon T uesday evening and accepted wt lb e A nchorage In E ugene Friday, I AT HIS HOME SUNDAY , br h(.(1 the school. sisters. Mrs . E lizabeth Nelson of Reside» the garage two store room s som e of the sidew alk laid by Briggs '* ,h e “ W Ung plan» w ere made to e n - 1 and Doty. O rdinance a««e«»lng Ihp ■•’H ain N eedlercrutt clqb m em bers at w . A. G rossm an, ¿»prlngfield at- ! E J - Moor‘‘- county superintendent Louisville, K entucky, Mrs. J. K ' wil1 be built next to the alley on cost «gainst the property were pass l,'* 1,1 n,!r 8o° n* t*“ * <*•»» *“ be sn n o u n -; torney. died at his hom e h ere S u n -' of »chools. congratulated Springfield's Robson of F resno, -Mrs. Wm. Brooks i F iitb stre e t. The Springfield B akery negotiating for one sto re and a ed. 11 l#u,r day evening a fte r an Illness extending 8cho° l progress In bis address. Rev. a i d Mrs. George W atson of P ortland,!*8 , . , ------------------------------ I M embers of the K ensington club OVe r many m onths. Mr O ressraan was » 'b a rk s Blom of th e B aptist church , an(’ tw ° b ro th er’ " Dr. W illiam McHen new business may go into thp other. | prr luin lii-op were e Michigan law kave the Invocation. ! r> of P ortland; his stepm other. Mr« Bank to be Ready Soon. B R O W N S V IL L E B E A T S H. S. P ,” ' ut ul nt »' the tuneneog were Mrs. .Mrs. a „ xruduate graduate of of th the Michigan lav bank be F n n T H A i I T T A M < - r n n J#fl1 l | , , ‘ ,'r ,r " -'*r" W right, Mrs. school, and had been in business here — k. - = to I May . . . . McHenry ,, „ of P „ ortland, ■ and his i 1 „ m T he , F irst N ational , , . . . will .. A picture of Lincoln, _ a present F O O T B A L L T E A M 6 TO 0 ............ MlH ,• B , Bhnrl ....... h|a 11|nM(l I , h# g(hnol the s lngfteld m,.n H ‘ .h ll,lr n- -! r i «- » Mrs. able to occupy th e ir new bulld-ng by Edna Sw arta. M r.. H srry W hitney,! y,ln(.rBl h(.,d Tu.-day I,.-r. of .he L a d le .' of the G. A R , ? arleS S nG -trom of N ctl, Paul Me- N ovem ber 10. according to L. J. Leg- Springfield * high achool grid team 5; J. Mi M urray, Mrs. Alfred afternoon at 2:3o from th e B ran stetter j was presented by Mrs. C. F. E ggl- 1 H enry of Eugene and C lair M cH enry j ley, one of the co n tracto rs. D rs W. C. lost the- first gam« of the season fckat- Morgan. Mrs. J. T. Moore. Mrs. L. E. chapel In Eugene, with Interm ent a t , m ann and accepted by M r. O ra Read W endling; and th re e grandchildren. Rebhan> and P.aiph Dippel will have ••• g* n • •«< » »»• *g « g . i’ l'AJI X t -vi | n . W ayne and D arrel. H arb ert and Rich- th e ir offices upstairs, «111.. i,v 11 ,O ,l !rOT nH R“ 8,or,L Mf*. L. May, M r.. W th» Ioiurel Hill cem etery. R elativ e. ‘ Hemcnway. th e »chool principal e l.v ,n by . .cure of «0. The Rebhan. Mr. „ „ ,^ rlll)nil, ar< h|a wtfe, ---------------------------- ard M cHenry. T he plate gla=s for th e front win­ g.'iiiie was funi mul dow s h as arrived, and m ost of it is c .a n , a n d I lii- ie Kureau, Mr« W alker and Mrs Ka»x. Mrs. lie s . O re s.m .n , s son. E ugene; OFFIC IALS ACT ON VIAD U C T w ere no Injuries. Springfield loat one TH U R STO N FARM ER DIES already In. A supply of baseboards and his fath e r H enry G rossm an and a chance to make . touchdown In the 1 A usltlary t . Q lv. P arty, P E T IT IO N BY C IVIC CLUB H O SPITAL IN EUGENE moul<*,nBS from th e planing m ill is siste r Mrs. T hom as M cKinnis, all of firs t q u a rte r when llaatlnga fumbluu _____ I now slow ing the work, but m ost of the Springfield t h . Iu.il uear the B row n.vlll» goal f ” m° " ” r " ’r ,h ° ” ' “ ’r ,n L. L. G raham , d istrict superintend George Thom pson. 33. a farm er o f , o th er f la s h in g is com pleted. and again In the last q u a rte r a fl„ r P U ‘ W*’r,‘' ,hv • « , " “ rF of. 'h 9 ent of th e Southern Pacific, confer­ irei! with Mayor O. G. Bushman Tues- T hurston, died a t th e Pacific Chris- H astings had caught a successful \merlcan Legion w.H «ponsor a card N E B R A S K A M A N BU Y S A LL PACKAGE G R O C E R Y ]« - c n , , . , ,1. n,.’ . ," 7 1 .7 . X ' A N N U A L LU M 8E R SALE N° W luirty a t the Woodman hull O ctober ¡ pasa. a penalty for urfsldo pluy lu»t 28. Hallow e'en decorations will be ¡ (be n llro o d com pany to a have a via­ ON A T B O O T H -K E LLŸ M IL L the local* an o th er opportunity I noon a t the Mount V ernon cem etery, Thi. i ne n«i« only score ... in 1*. th e _ gam e ' cam e used, . and app 7 ro p riate refre«hm enta ! ¡ ri. B. Millet, lately of B ridgeport, ’ dur! built from the end of 4th stre e t | Rev. F L Moore delivered the ser- A ffording an opportunity to people ! N ebraska, has purchased the All over the track s to C stre e t on W illam­ In the first quurter when Brownsville will be served m ade a touchdown a fte r m aking tw o 1 1 eoiulttei- In charge of the a t |»Brk Hg e grocery from C. L. Tesche- e tte H eights. Mr B ushm an stated i mon. The W alker chapel is in charge 1 to buy lum ber below cost the annual fair la: Mr». C. A. Hwurta, chairm an ner. Mr M lllett anounces th at he does th at he would place the petition be-j ” a r l n ' nt • I Booth-Kelly L um ber com pany gale is aucct'Hsful paNses. They failed to con­ Mr. Thom pson is survived by h i s ; now on a t the S pringf.;eld m il, Peo. Mr«. Jack lairsnn. Mrs. M L. Rewey, not Intend to m ake any changes In (ore P ortland officials of th e com- v ert th e ir goal wife, Mrs. Minnie Thom pson, and one j ple from a „ partg of Lanp county ar her hus an „ i scbooi pegins t bi8 w eek, w ith five and II. Cowart, halfbacks; McPher-1 «he E vangeline «diapter in IJugeno tled betw een the ow ners. a dinner and discussion a t th e church. liam L arso n , .wo *‘*r a , f 1 stu d en ts already signed up. A sched­ son. q u arterb ack ; C. Thom pson, right | » ere present. ey of T hurston and Jo h n L arson of «-nil; K Geiger, left end; Jo« T h o m p - ule for debate co n tests will be a r ­ Moving from W endling. D exter; and tw i daughters, Mrs. M. H A LL STORE MOVING Junior Class P arty, s.m, It ft tackle; Moon, rig h t tackle ranged soon. TO I. O. O. F. BU ILD IN G E, W ebb of W eston and Mrs. C lara W. ti< Igpr, rig h t guard ; Frank Lem-j Games provided th e principal en- Mrs. George McVeigh of W endling The state-w ide question to be stud­ W ard of Springfield. bard, left guard; and I’ollard. center. | tertaln m en t of th e Junior class of the j has ren ted the house belonging to S. ied th is y e a r is: Resolved th a t the H all's clothing store and Hender- S u tistitu tes: Springfield, W illiam s high schbol a t a party held a t th e : >r, Hammond of Portland, which is lo- system of federal subsidiaries to the Buys Home Grocery, for W, Geiger, W. Geiger for W illiams. high school gym nasium Friday even- cttt»d on J and 9th streets. She Is e r's E lectric shop are m oving Into states, accom panied by federal su p er­ the Oddfellows building on the corner Cox for llnslIngs, H astings for K. lug. Potato salad, olvles, crack ers nnd , moving h ere this week J. S. McKay h as purchased the vision, should be abandoned. Those of 4th ami Main streets, form erly oc­ (leigcr. chocolate w ere served la te r in iho H om e Grocery on F stre e t, betw een tu rn in g out for practices a re O rville cupied by the Springfield News, The M ill W o r k e r H u r t . e v e n in g . 7th and 8th, from A' Pierce. Mr, Me- j Eaton, E sth e r Lynch, Evelyn W alker, walls of the shop a re being finished NEW RRIDGE M A T E R IA L IS K ay will have im m ediate possession j Thelm a L ayson and H azel P arm enter. W hen he was caught betw een two in F rench gray, nnd the room will Seniors to Have Hallow e'en Party UNLOADED IN SPR IN G FIELD logs Monday, Claude P ra tt, an em ­ be lighted by an indirect lightlnf Attend W illia m » Funeral— F. B. | Junior High eBaten. A m asquerade Mnllowe'en party will ployee of the Fischer Lamber com­ eystem i T ho |show> w indows have Six carloads of steel hrldga m uter be given by the sen io r cla ss of the pany of M arcóla received a badly been rem odeled and m ade six feet H am lin, M. B. H untley and Ben Dor- ; C ottage G rove's Junior high school lal, for Ihe Springfield bridge when high school at Iho home of MI sb S tel­ ris attended the funeral of J. M. Wil- ’ football team defeated the Springfield bruised rig h t leg. H e w as taken to the cl rep. ever It Is constructed, has arrived In la B arker F rid ay evening. liam s In Eugene W ednesday. Junior high eleven by a score of 14-6 Pacific C hristian hospital, from vritlch Springfield and la being unloaded on On th e sam e evening the sopho­ ------------------------ ln a gam e played ju s t before the high he was dism issed Tuesday. The J . H. E bbert Memorial «porlul docks conajructad for It. The m ores will en tertain them selves n t a Albany Mayor Visit»—M ayor P. E. scbooi gam e S aturday. W hile th e M ethodist Church, building of the bridge here h as been kid p arty a t Ihe gym nasium , nnd on Young of Albany, and Joe R alston and : p a y in g w as ra th e r ragged, the game Rib Fractured. poHtponed and the piling hauled away. Satrday th e freshm en will have a Church school,, Mrs. Ida Gantx, aup- C, E. Sox, also of th a t city, w ere wag not bad considering the lack of I t Is not likely anything will be done party. F ran k Rharmnn Is suffering from a ertntendant, m eets a t 9:45. C lasses Springfield visitors W ednesday. ¡practice, and the youth of th e con- until the riv er Is low again next year, broken rib received T uesday when h for all ages, w ith plans for recreatio n ­ ----------------- — “ testan te. T aylor of Springfield refer- R eturns from C alifornia— Mrs. Jo b n ;ped th(> gam e, H alstead w as um pire, Neighbor Club Meets. say railroad men. fell from a bux, upon which he was al and social life. The Koyul N eighbor club m et at standing w hile prep arin g to p aint his M orning w orship a t 11 o'clock, N eher. accom panied by her sm all son, and Qordon of C ottage Grove w as M arriage Licenses for W eek the home of Mrs. Ina Scrlvnor, Octo­ garage. C hurch a Com- Leland, retu rn ed T uesday from a visit head linesm an. them e, "W h at M akes a to C allfronia. Mrs. N eher spent four ber 14. A nother m eeting will be No­ D uring th e la s t week m arriag e li­ m unlty A sset?' w eeks visiting re lativ es in Los Ange­ vem ber 18 a t th e home of Mrs. M ar­ An im m ense yellow pum pkin th a t At 6:30 the Epw orth league m eets cen ses have been Issui d by th e county Has M alor O peration— M rs, Ivan lon lln rp o le. T hose p resen t s t the would m ake any Jack-o’-lantern lover In th eir own room, w ith a live pro­ les and o th er C allfronia cities, clerk Io the following persons: Sm il­ M iller of M arcola underw ent a m ajor last m eeting w ere Mrs. J. H. More- Jealous Is adorning the N. W. Rowe ey Paul Morrla and Mildred May gram . operation a t the Pacific C hristian hos- B aptist Church, lock. Mrs. Oeorgle N e tth to n , Mrs. llo l rertl esta te office. The pum pkin cam e At 7:30. th e th ird m essage on the H urley, both of C ottage G rove; Tlnmi- Bijile school, 10:00, m orning wor- Piial W ednesday. verson, M rs, George Ditto, Mrs. W. from th e farm of C harles Campbell, parables or likes of Jesu s will be ns K eenan nnd M yrtle F arrington, ship, 11:00, Young people's service, [ ________ N. S te a m ie r and Mrs. Newman. who lives on east Main street. given, them e, "F arm ing with Dyna- both of E ugene; Floyd Earl Mix, Notl, 6:30, evening service, 7:30. Here — H a rr y V is itin g Brother» , mite." Special m usic has been provld- nnd Erls M acfarlnne, McGlynn; Frank The su b ject fo r the evening service sh a rm a n of Bellefield, N orth D akota Club Will Meet—The P rlcllla club V isitor» from Nebraska. .1 e,i for both service«, all a t the church W ills and Mary linker, both of Eu­ will m ett with Mrs. Leland Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. A. A rm strong of Has p b M()ore> m ln- will be, "T he D ispensations." T his Is arrlved bpre S aturday to visit with gene; rinrl T H unter nnd Tlolen H, one of -the series of studies on dispen- ^ lg brotherg, F ra n k and Dick Shar- sett, N ebraska, a re visiting in Spring- ' tom orrow afternoon. T em pleton, both of E ugene; nnd to tfter. satlonal tru th th a t is being presented. man H e may m ake bi3 bOme here. field. Mr. A rm strong Is n b ro th er of Clyde V. Lnffoon nnd H ester Head, Mid -week service, T hursday a t 7:30. ! Genefield Club M eets Today—Mem­ Mrs. P erry A. W ooley, He notes a both of C ottage Grove. Cogill In H ospital—T heron Cog'll, Special m usic will be a featu re of | - ‘ bers of the .Genefield bridge club will g reat Change In the roads In Oregon j R eturn from Viait—Mr. and Mr«. be en tertain ed by Mrs. H arry Stew since he visited h ere many y ears ago. toho has been seriously Hl w ith pneu­ the Sunday services. monia several weeks, was taken to the —--------------------- - ' Je ssie Seavey re tu rn e d T uesday eve- Le'glon to Meet—F u rth e r plana for a rt th is afternoon. Baby Soy Born— A son w as born to ning from a visit of several days w ith V isit from Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. Mercy hospital Saturday, w here ha observance of A rm istice day will be In from Ja sp sr—Jessie W nllace of E arl Poolell of R oseburg sp en t T ues­ underw ent an operation on his lungs Mr. and Mrs. A. D. W lltse of M arcola relativ es a t Blachly and Triangle m ade a t a m eeting of the Springfield Jasp er was In town W ednesday. lake. A m erican Legion this evening. day evening a t the W. A, Taylor home. Sunday. He is reported to be improved Monday.