T KIV It H 1>AV, OCT. pacf ir>, F » -'« rr Price C utting To u r Throughout This Department Store Nothing Has Been PRICES P R E V A IL IN G NOW! PRICES P R E V A IL IN G NOW! ALL DEPARTM ENTS The greatest values in the m o s fd ^ b le 'h ig h ^ r a d e merchandise that Springfield has ever experienced. Prices that cannot be beaten even by mail order houses. Quality that is 1CO% guaranteed by us to give perfect satisfaction. We buy only the best. — —— W e W ant to Serve You These Prices Speak to Clothing and Gents and Boys’ Furnishing «-75 OC— $30.00 Man’s all wool suits, serges in- eluded, cut to — ....... - ........................... $40.00 Men’s all-Wool suits, serges included $ 1 9 .8 l > $24 85 $22.50 youth’s long pants suits ..... .................. $13.55 $7.50 Boys’ Knicker suits £4.98 $13.50 Knicker Suits, all wool, 2 pairs parts S>9.*Ju $5.50__$€.00 All wool dress pants —.................. — S3.58 * $3 00— $10.00 All wool lig h t flannel young man pants 20-inch bottom ..............................- ...................... $5.93 $5.00—$7.00 All wool lig h t flannel, young men s pants 20-inch bottom ................................... $4.58 $3.50 Heavy Moleskin P a n ts ..................... $2.59 $1.00 Ur.cle Sam work shirts — ........................... 75C Heavy Blue Dermin O v e ra ll.............. S I .29 Children Coveralls ..................................................... 98C |H H Ail Wool Serge Army Shirts ....... .... .......... ............. $2.98 «1.50— $2 00 Dress Shirts ............................... $2 r 3 $4.00— $4.50 Mens’ Dress Hats ..................... $3 98 $5 CO— $*.00 Mens’ Dress Hats 25c Heavy Cotton C’oves ................................ l.v3 $1100 Men’s 16-inch Hi-top shoes, special lot $6,98 $10.00 Buck Hecht, 12-inch boot for men $6.48 12-inch Farmers Logger ........... $4,98 12-inch D ayton Logger $7.4 8 16-inch men's guaranteed Moccasin high top boot $7.98 $7.50 Boys high top shoes $4.98 $8 OC— $0 00 Ladies high tops 54.98 $5.93 $5.50 Girls and Boys heavy school shoes $2 48 t0 53,48 Remember all our shoes are guaranteed for satisfactory service. Big Reduction on Blankets $2.48 Heavy German Army blankets, double $2.98 $4.00 Heavy quilts . f.5.98 $10.00 Mens guaranteed Raincoat $4,79 $8.50 Ladies Raincoat ........................... s $3.98 $6.00 Boys Raincoat $5.69 $7.50 Ball Brand Hi-top boots ........... $4.29 $5.50 Ball Brand knee boots ............... $3 48 12-inch Rubber Shoes ......................... 79c Ladies Best Rubbers ............................. 48c 75c Rubber Aprons ................................ $1.29 $2.00 Mens and ladies umbrellas ......... $3-98 $5.50 Mens and ladies silk umbrellas $1.25 Ladies Silk gloves .............................................. 69C $2.00— $3.00 Ladies Perrin gloves ........................ $1.48 $3.50— $7.00 Corsets, small sizes, 18— 25 only 98c $1.00 Bloomers, crepe or sateen .................................. 5 9 C 75c__$1.00 Ladies union suits (lig h t weight) 59C Ladies $1.50 nightgowns ............................................... 98C $1.25 Silk hose in all shades ................................... 69C You! Dry Goods, Dress Materials • and Notions 49c $2 43 $1.00 Silk plntod Ladies Hose in all shades Ladies heavy union suit, 98c to $1.00 g'ade. worsted school dress material, per yd. 19c 19c 59c 59c 69c 84c 29c 69c 59c 23c 3Gc Jap Cotton Crepe in all shades 32-lnch Gingham $1.C0 Bathrobe material 90c Blossom silk fn all shades ....... 12 Mommies genuine Jap pongee Extra Heavy genuine Jap pongoo All 40c Cietone in latest floral creation $1.00 grade striped Broadcloth 50c g'nde pla n B rjadH oth 75o Ratinne in all shades $3 CO All wool serge .. princess cloth in all shades 75c striped satin fin k h Lingerie cloth 50c— coc Irish Black Satoen 7 .c. Imported French Tissue gingham 35-lnch O utting flannels '9-4 Piqyiot Bioached sheeting ..................... ... Same unbleached sheeting 9 4 Woarwell bleached shading Extra largo turkish towels 75c grade Foather proof tickin g Hope Muslin ............................. Ready sheets for large beds $3.00 Bedspreads ..................... ............................. .................. $5.00 Bedspreads .......................... .................... Dorcas Novelty Bedspreads ................... ........ $1.00 Dress Flannels $5.00 Silk S hirtw aist ......................................... $2.00 Wash waist Bargains in ladies’ coats $16.98 Hoioe Dresses ..................................................... $ J 29 49 c 39c 39c 19c 57c 55c 48c 39c 39c 16c $1.29 $1.98 $3.29 $3.48 48c $2.98 $1.29 $29.85 98c Heavy wool materials for ladies coats and suit» at greatly reduced prices, « Big reduction In Silks of all kinds. ____________ _ GUARANTEE FAERY ITEM IS GUARANTEED TO RE FIR ST QUALITY -A V E ASSUME T H E RESPONSIBILITY AND REPLACE ANY M ERCHANDISE THAT FAILS FDR ANY REASON TO SATISFY T H E CUSTOMER. J. FULOP, lb-op. THE FARMERS EXCHANGE “ T H E S T O R E O F S P R IN G F IE L D ”