THURHDAY, OCT. 16. 1©26 TILE SPfUNOCTXD V O 'S OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST (BUYING P g T RESULTS? Redìmo of Happenfnge of the tfeek Collected for Our Reader». N O T IC K o r F IN A L H E A R IN G . Notice I« hereby given (hut th« undersigned b>» f il'd In the county court of Ijtu u County, Oregon, bis tinat account a« adm inistrator ot the Estate o t K ila M Dyson, deceased, and th a t aald court baa aet the tim e for a hearing and allowance of aald N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALE Pursuant to an ord»r of the Probate Court nt Lam- County. Oregon, the undersigned adtn ln lslrator o f the es- la te of Charle« W Darling, deceased, w ill on the 24th day of October. J926 at the hour of one o'clock. I*. M at ,b l' Southwest door of the County Money to loan on desirable city property. M onthly payments. 64 to 94 month«. E M K K Y IN S U R A N C E A O E N C Y Phone 447 67 9th Ave. W . Eugene, Ora. tf N O T IC E of Novem ber “ h '? ' ¿ S S * ! 9 - ... . . . Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for ». HUB. at the rooms of aald f <>urt. In ( cæ h lx>ta I to 10 indualve of Block I have purchased a home, and open the court house, Eugene. Ore., at No 10. being a il of Block No 10 of ed a salesroom, a t 309 Mouth 2nd. for which tim e all parile« Internateti ' *'hula Vieta Park, a suburban plat near I he Boni lo nat corner of Eugene, Rnwlelgb Products. W . A. Hem enw ay. (h e ra .n may appear and be beard. Unite County, Oregon, for the purpose C a ll 64 J for Jtawlelgh Product«. G E O R G E A. DYSO N, Adm'r. of paying the cent and eipenaea o f ad H I) A U E N . Attorney for E rta le N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . nrtnlatratlon e*d the Indebedneaa O 6 16 22 29 N 6 agntnat raid c ita te and for dletrlhu- N O T IC E |S IIE R E IIY O IV E N that the undersign'd hoe been appointed I lion. Dated thia 17th day of September A dm inistrât rig. w ith th<» W ill-Annexed B u tter wrapper« printed accordin g 1 ig¿¿' of the estate of O. It Kaaaey, whose Io reg ulation* artth name. wvdglit M SVARVERUD. full name Is O rv ille II. Kesaey, de- A d m in istrator of the estate of;cea«od. by the County Court of la n e and addrnaa, I t 26 a hundred at the Charles W . ItarPng, deceaw d County. Oregon. A ll persona having ______________ 8 24 O 1*16-22 Rl'ittna against the aald estate are re­ SUM M ONS quired to present the aatne. w ith the N o T I ' E I I! P l H I." « I IO N proper voncb'Ts. to the undera'gned, IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E D E P A IlT M E f T O P T H E IN T E R - at the Inw offices of Potter A Poster, S T A T E OP O R EG O N FO R LANE I t 'l l . H. ,8 L A "’ IJ O F F IC E at Rose-! at No. 941 W lllam<-tte Street In Eu- CO UNTY. , burg. Oregon . Septem ber 24. 1936 n»na. Oregon, w ithin six months from Zola Rieger, P la in tiff, N O T IC E 1« h reby given that C a r l' , b ... va. O. Toll, of Eugene. Oregon, who. on I BATED Eugene. Oregon, thia 17 K P. Illngcr, Defendant: A p ril 29. 1921. nuidii Homestead En­ ! day of Scpt^ nber. 1928 To K P It I KO K it. Defendant: MARY M KESSEY, try, No. 0136*2. for W H . B W K , Sec­ IN T H E N A M E OP T H E S T A T E Ad m inisi rstrlx-w lth -t he- W ill-A n ­ tion 3. Tow nship 19 8 . Range 4 W est OP ORKOONON: You are hereby nexed of 'h a Estate of O. B. Kes­ required to appear and answer com W illa m e tte M ei dian. baa filed n otice' si-y, Dei-easnd. 8 17-24 O 1-8-15 p lain t filed against you herein on or of intention to maka throe-year Proof, before six weeks from date of first to ealabl'.ah ell ''« to the land above publication hereof, or for want there­ described, before E O. Unmet, U. S G U A R D I? N'S RACE OP R E A L of lb « p la in tiff w ill lake Judgment Commissioner, at E u gcte. Oregon, on PROPERTY against you and apply to the court the 10th day o f Novem ber, 1926. N O T IC E 18 H E R E B Y O IV E N th a t fo r the re lie f prayed for In the com Claim ant names as witnesses: _ by virtu e and order of the County p laint and for a decree of absolute H e rb ' r l M acbeth. Oeorgp T o ll, Ouy Court of Laue County. Oregon, duly divorce from you. and as anown by V Knox, all of Eugene. Oregon; Ern made and entered on the 14th day aald com plaint. eat Oetchel of Veneta. Oregon. of Bcptemb»'-. 1925. the undersigned, ROBERT E CRAW FORD, T his auumns la published once each guardian of 'h e person and estates A c tin g Register. week for six consecutive weeks In the of V e rn lla L uther end Juanita L uther, 0 1-8 1622 29 minora, w ill, o n . and a fte r th e l» th Mprlngfl«Md, (O rego nI New«, by order non coal of the lio n C P. Barnard, Judge id day of October. 1926. o ffe r fo r sale the County Court of l a « r County, T he 22 n a ila ru l forests of Oregon and sell at private sale to the highest Oregon, made In the absence of the and W nshlngion contain a gross area bidder for cosh the follow ing des­ Judge o f the above C ircu it Court on cribed real property, to-w it: Septem ber 2nd. 1926. Dated and first i t 37.01 l).akl acres. O f thia 3 949.942 A ll of I-ots One (1 ). T w o (2 ). T h ree ncrus la alienated land. 23,040.433 published Septem ber 3rd. 1926 (3) and Pour (4 l and the East one- W IH T T K N S W A P P o ltD . actea being the net area of national h alf of Ix it F iv e (5 ). In Block 110. In A tto rn ey for l*talntlff. Residence forest land. These 22 forest consti­ W ashburne'a Subdivision . o f the and post office address, Eugene, Power tute d istrict six of the U. S forest Springfield Investm ent and Oregon rewnpany-« Addition to Springfield, rv lte . 8 3-10-24 0 1 - 8 15 l-ane County, Oregon. 8atd sale will take place at the law offices of P otter A Poster, at 941 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene. Oregon. F IA IR B N C B L U T H E R . Guardian of the person and eatate of V e rn lta L uther and Juenlta bother, M inors Contracting and Building Téléphonés: O ffice 413 Ree. M 76 8 17-24 O 1-8-18 GEO. W. PERKINS account a t to tw A. M . R o p r e s s o t s t iv e s from IS Rod Cro»s chapters In eastern and central O r» gen met In Baud Monday and Turn, day for a regional conference. The rnm m nalty cheat plan for ra t» Ing funds for benevolent and chartt able purposes was adopted by the Rok'-burg chamber of commerce. Six garages and tw o automobiles wwr» burned In a fire which swept through the building« owned by the Algoma lum ber company at Algoma. T h e Associated Stores, of Salem, LABOR TURNOVER waa Incorporated with a capital stock of IHW.OOO. T h e enterprise now owns SHOWS DECLINE 12 stores, located In Salem. Dallas Portland. Oct. 16 — (Special) — Newport. Toledo, flllverton, Monmouth and Hebo, and has options th a t prob­ N e a rly all em ploym ent centers on the ably w ill Increase th e ir stores to 40. west coaat last week reported a no­ ticeable decreaae In the volume ot A fte r running through the entire fire season safely, with no fire * ex labor turnover, according to the 4L tending over more than o nefou rth of ».•nnloyrn'-nt 1 eitcy Issued here to­ an acre, ligh tn in g ant a fire which day. F ir logging and lum bering con­ spread to an area of bet w e u two and tinue very active, the le tte r said, but one-half and five acres on Blowout there has been a slight let-up In creek, above D etro it, Superrlsor C. C build ng and construction In lu s trle a H a ll of the Bantl«m national forest, which w ill be fu rth e r reduced w ith report«. the firs t heavy rains. T his w ork has T he final chapter In action bvough* held up rem arkably w ell this year. T h e lessening o f ind ustrial a c tiv ity by Jefferson county against H. C. Top ping, defaulting sheriff, under Am er In the Inland E m p ire d istricts where lean Surety company of New York h w ie IH and planer crews are being re­ his bondsmen, wee closed when the duced, 1» dally becoming more m a rk ­ surety company paid to the county et', the le tte r stated. Reports fro m clerk the eum of 12483.19. T he count; the various 4L office« w ere a t f< court authorised the d a rk to satisfy Iowa: the Judgment In full. Portland— —A fa llin g off In the vol­ V erne C. Oorwt. of N o rth Bend ume of ordera for loggers was noted pioneer In motor and aerial traaspor last week. Labor turno ver in a ll lines tattoo rtrclea. w ill receive the contract of industry Is tigh ter than it has been The Associated Oeneral Contractors for carrying a ir m all over the b ra n d for many weeks past and Jobs a re executive board voted at Dallas, Tex. line from Loe Angeles to 8 e a ttle with easier to flit. T h ere haa been no le t­ to bold Its annual meeting In Port­ a slop at Portland If he can satisfy up In building a c tiv ity w ith in the land The session wtU be held In Janu the postofftce departm ent he hat City. A few farm Jobs are s till being means available to establish and oper ary, 1924. offered. T here are more men than ate such a line successfully. Jobs in Portland. A 10 per oent Increase In postal r » As a result of Intersst payments, celpts at the Eugene office during Sep­ Aberdeen. W n .— T h irte e n hundred tem ber thia year over the same month expenses and various Items, the state's men are gt lj on strike a t four A b er­ last year was reported by Darw in E. general fund a fte r January 1 w ill deen saw m ills which h are been clos­ probably be the smallest In 10 years Yornn, postmaster ed for over tw o weeks. Shafer Bros, T hia la aeserted by State T reasurer Apple picking In the vicin ity of El K ay In oommantlng upon the with m ill 4 which was only p artia lly at- gin 1« now in* full awing. T here are draw «! In Septem ber of more than fectei» by the s trik e is again oper­ approxim ately 100 persons employed 83,000,000 of the general fund on de ating w ith full night and day crews. In the various orchards and In the It la reported that this company met. posit In various banks In Oregon. three p arking plants In Elgin. In p art at least, the requests of its Thousands of ducks and geeee lie R. N. «'lark of Portland, district dead In T ale lake aa a rosolt of a employes for an Increased wage. Log- manager of the Mlaaourl Paint end strange malady, believed Induced g ng In Grays H a rb o r d is tric t is close Varatah company, waa killed When eith er by alk ali w ater or by rank, stag to 100 per cent of norm al capacity. h it automobile turned tu rtle on the riant ponds. To cope w ith the sttua Camp labor turnover Is light. T h e re P artite highway about 10 miles south tlon the United Stales biological sur are practlc 1 ly no experienced loggens of Salem. vey has hewn BoHfled. and w ill con seeking work. Through the efforts of 8. H . Board duct an examtnatton to determ ine Tacom a— T h e re have been more man and Carl Dorlng, Boardman Is tc what is the eaoee of tbs wholesale men applying for Jobs during the past have a golf course which w ill soon be tleirths. week than has been the case for sev­ In iwedlneaa. T he coarse is being Plana for the new Bt. Helens palp eral months. Construction work has laid out opposite the railroad station and paper m ill to be built at St. decreased. Most saw m ills and logging at Measoee. Helene by a company In which the catnps in this d is tric t are operating. A total of 1149 China pheasants and H aw le y Pulp A Paper company ot Seattle — Em ploym ent boards In 414 Hungarian partridges have been f>regon C ity holds the m a jo rity of the this c ity last w eek presented a fa ir liberated from the three state game stock, w ill be draw n at once, tea. Ground TOj ume of j ot)g w ltll callg {or i o g ie ra fare-« to far thta year, according te then w ill be broken and It Is expect . . . . . __.. . T , the Reptetnbwv report of ft. P. A v e rill ed th a t the Drst unit of the plant, cost-: still leading the demand fo r help. A num ber ot ordeis fc r experienced gam« warden Ing 81.600,000, w t» be ready for oper shingle weavers also w ere posted. A fte r crossing the continent In 11 atlon tn Novem ber. 1984. The C h ln r T im b e r Co, Maple Faba, day« trevellBg tim e by automobile Robert N RtanffeM . United States Repreeentatlva Blnnott bf T he Dalles senator, oonfewwd w ith farm ers along has been taken over by Irv in g & Ko- is In Washington. D. C . to begin work the Rtver road north of Eugene Sat- h e t's , it is i t r i ’ ted. and the camps tn praporatton frw the meeting of con urdey ragwrdtwg moons of curbing the w il; be opentd Cct. 12. Saw m ill turn­ gswea hi December. overflow of the WTHaraet s riv e r dur­ over continues light. E v e re tt— No shortage of labor In A Joint revnmleeton. Including mem ing freehrt ««aeons Daring the past b e n of the lederwl farm Iowa booed few years the w ater has been wweh this d istrict. Shingle m ills are cur­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E and m om ban of the houee and senate Ing ewsy rxmelderehl« land sod It was tailin g output and operating on a Comer 5th and D Streets S T A T E O F O R BO O N. IN A N D F O R beektag currency committees, will hopped that some tneams m ight be short w e tk . N ig h t shift a t M ill C, 9pKngfte4d, Oregon LANE COUNTY Osteopathy «tanda for the R e n e end fe ttm a ts e FurrUebed vtett Pnctleud October 28, daring an provided to a breakw ater to ; W eyerhauser T im b e r Co., has been H a m h l J W elle. P la in tiff, va. WU- ■_____ truth wherever It 1» Bcicntl- Free. W ill Help You R n as c e fred C o llier and Fred H C o llier, do in ,p * * < k" trtp ,hro «e,' h ln'''an M ilton. 889; M twrls A. G. Christenson.; w e k when logging was resumed a t C E M E N T C O NTRACTO RS wherever it la scientifically entitled action w ithin six weeks '«neous. Buveoe. t i l ; (tela H. Zim m erm an, the W lrc k la Bros camp. Operotions Springfield. Ore. proven. d<“ * ° f ths flrs * Publlcj>u ‘«1, R. K- W enlgcr. sheriff of Shoshone Siraasel 812; Ptbrey Wood. Junction at the St. Paul t Tacom a camps are Sidew alks Basement W alla ?o « . " w r t B w X n . ' i b " • " * Ch" ' « J- B‘< « » City. 818; Charter L. S is p b e n . Banks, ¡being enlarged. A ll saw m ills and •40 a n iw iT , ror wnnt thereof the 11*1 n ! 4 . «__- •Iff w ill take Judgment »gains« vou r . 1"p o t , • h~ m - ,n tc 812, Henry M. Marsh, Mvdford. 624; fru it canneries are bU3y. About 299 persons w ill be given employm ent Oct rayed for the Com plaint, to w it: for ,* k * rh a * » * E n ie e t Aelllo. 20. whe Johanna C. Parry, Salem. 830. ■he sum o f JSO 88 together w ith the j arrested In a railw ay construction LADIES! Try that expert Call A heavy enow storm early In the 20 at the U tah-Idaho Sugar Co’s plant •osts and disbursements c f th ‘s ac-i camp above Oakridge on a charge ol week, which la m e d Into a hard m in. j here. hair cutter at Anderson'» Ion. SUTTON TRANSFER murder. Barber shop. following several ocher such storm - Spokane— M ore men than Jobs has This Summons Is served upon you Tw o hundred seventy-one mors pu at C rate r lake national park recent- held tru e in this c ity for the past hy order of the Hon. Q. F Sklpw orth. A. A. ANDERSON Phono 57 ; .“ “ r ’j 11 n 2 I ‘n « W^ k fOr U e ,WO we4,ks S a w T V s are lay ng o ff 1'idge of said Court, which order Is pile had enrolled In the Eugene dated the Slh day of Seulerober. 1926. schools during Septem ber this year w in te r to be called oft. The ra n o u . men almogt da„ T he Diam BARBER SHOP • qulring this Summons to he publish than in the month last year, accord camp tents were struck and equip- , „ , . . m ent stored u ntil the paving work. “ a‘ Ch m ‘ U a t C“ S‘ck haS C,Osed for "d once a week for six successive Ing to a report Issued by D avid J wet ks in (he Springfield *Nt wA Date which w ill probably last nearly all I ' he, “ ‘" T “ iS re P °rte d * and GEO,. N, M cL E A N Y Prat publication of thia Summons. Joass. city superintendent. The total next summer, can 1« resumed next , Pral * “ * " m “ ls and p laner" " * pre- OR. N. W. EMERY registration Is now 3497. Automobile, F ire and L if t 4 nursday, October 1st. I9?f. sprlng or early summer, w eather p e r-' PariI' g for an ea rly * b "tdnw n. Woods D E N T IS T IN S U R A N C E W ELLS A W B LL8. I C. Russell, 20. of North Albany : operations are n orm ally active fo r m lttlng. Surety Bonds.. Phone 4 )7 Attorney» for P la in tiff, Button Bldg. Phone » - J a lineman for the M ountain State; this tim e of year. T h e D alkena Lum- P. O. Add rest. Eugene. Oregon My bun! nene I s'ito protect ywvc The Oregon-California Hydro-elec 1. _ Residence Phon« IBS M Power company, dropped lifeless lntc buelneta _____________ ____O 1 R 16-22 29 N M 2 trie company of Portland has been C° W‘U 800n ° pen a!lother c» m P the arm s of his brother, who wa; 840 W illa m e tte St, Eugene^Qregon f Springfield, Oregen granted a p relim in ary perm it for two at ,ts P rlest R ’Ter operation. T h e re N O T IC E FO R a r i'i\- working Just b»low him on a pole at in R E nAR-™ ,ENJ O F t h e I n te r ­ years for a power project 00 Zig Zag. are plenty ot ex Perlenced woodsmen Shedd. The man had touched a high ior . IL a. j , A X r) O F F IC E at Rose- tlU 1 orders- Tiding« w ire and waa killed Instantly Salmon and Sandy rivers In Clacka- ° r pg<’n, Septem ber 10, 1923. VASBY BROS. N O T IC E is hereby given t in t Nel- II By an overw helm ing m a jo rity th ; mas county, the federal power a m i on Bush, of M iircola. Oregon, who N O T IC E O F S A L E . Pulnting & Decorating people of M edford at a special elec mission has announced. The project vn January 7. 1921. made Homestead consists of djvereion dams, a storage N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t tlon voted for a new 1976,909 city Ketre. No. 013402. for Lots 3 nnd « In all Its branche« Your Home When In Section 87, Tow nship 14 S . Range L w ater system w ith s source a t Bis d“ m' CODdn* s and a Power bouse. The b7 v irtu e of an order of sale made Springfield more than 39 » » . , eBt° 8 ltlon tbat b® eeuld net authorize a N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t by t n R. V . a. L A N D O F F IC E nt Rose- Springfield, Oregon > Office at of the euto. The dead nre J R .! sP®0,aJ election a fte r Governor P ie r c e : virtu e of a license an-d order o f the burg. Oregon. Septem ber 19, 1925. j County Court of the State of Oregon N O T IC E Is h e r'b y given th a t A l­ G rathw ohl, S8, farm er; A lta Grath- had vetoed the bill. FIRST NATIONAL BANK in and for Lane County, authorising Springfield. Oregon bert Bu-sh, of Mnrcola. Oregon, who. wohl, 19. his wife, and B etty Grath H y d ro telertrte power, statoow ned ( ffip ag guardian of the „ tate of John E n trynNoh O W lih ’fo r" W 'i S W u ' s e t th8'r and operated, became a possible prob p W ilcox, Insane, to sell at private R. W. SMITH Cream ery robbers, believed to b; lom tor Oregon voters w ith the filin g ' sale a ll of the in te re s t of m y said 7; nnd on A p ril 4, 1921, made Add Justice of tho pence and ward, being an undivided one-third, H. E. 913813. fo r Igits I nnd 6, Sec. 7 tjie same who have looted numerous of a proposed constitutional amend- n and to the Lots or T racts Num ber­ notary public, Insurance Township IB ».. Range 1 W est. W il­ coearaertes a ll over the W illam ette m ent with the secretary of stato nt lam ette M eridian, ha» filed notice of valley and at vartoue places In th ; Salem. The measure was presented ed 12, 13 and 14 in W ashburne’s Ad­ All kinds of gravel for con­ dition to Springfield, Lane County, 'n ten 'lo n to m ake th r e e -y u r Proof. City Hall Springfield, Oregon crete or road worje. We state of Wnsfchngton. took 799 pound; by the Housewives’ Council, Inc., ol Oregon: I w ill, on and a fte r Saturday, 'o oitiRhlieh cla'sn to the land above Portland, through Josephine M. Othus make a specialty of crushed the 241,h day of p eto ber. 1926, upon of b litter from the cream ery at Jef described, before E O. Inrmel. tl. s president; C lara M. Simonton, dl’reo said premises, o ffe r for sale and sell rock nnd rock sand/ Bunk­ Commissioner, a t Eugene. Oregon, on fers.m, plied It aa tha cream ery plat form and le ft tt «hero, evidently h a r , to r’ and M arT A - L>ean. chairm an ol to the p arty paying the most there­ ♦ he 19th dny of October. 1925 ers nt foot of Main on Mill FRANK A. p e p u e fore In cash, all of the undivided one- C ln lT s n t rsm es ss witnesses: street. Ing been ecwvetl away before they i the le8,e,a tlv ® com m ittee. T he pro A T TO R N E Y A T LAW Ellsw orth W Dial. Jasper W . D ial could complete the Jnh. Thousands ol P°slt,on presents a plan for prnmot third Interest of the said John F W il­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. both of M srcols, Oregon: H e rb e rt pounds of hsite.r haws bean taken from i lng hydro-eloctric power development, cox tn and to the above described N O T A R Y P U B L IC real estate, subjee’ to the approval Down'ng. of W endllng. Oregon; A b ra ­ the »arteflp Owwon r w a m o t e daring f‘r’ntTOl and distribution, financed and of said County Court. ham L. K ellv of Donna. Oregon. Sutton Springfield S A R A H C. McBee. protected by the slate. H A M IId u A C A N A D A Y . th e pee» Be Sna our lina of v ls lt'n g nards BulSIteg Oraggte. Guardian Register. pan al ad. or plain, al S. 24 O 1-B-16-M 8 17-84 O 1-8 18 B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y )! O r.Jotin Simms “T h e L o o p [ The Model Cleaner Da W a ROOf SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. 4 A wwr on diphtheria la bnlng waged ta Coot county sad the county health aervtra 1« watching every avwuue fot symptoms PAOB SEVEN