THURSDAY. OCT. IB. 1926 TU S STEUKUFUXD NEWS PACK s a Here for Medical Treatment—Fred Leather Shipment Rseelved—A ship Chemawa Man IVsite— T. K. C. Ves­ School Discontinued— Because the Itussel of Thursinn was In town Tues men! of oak tanned leather from the per ot Chemawa visited with Mr. and . enrollment for the Radio night school tannery at Beuecla. California was day for medtqpl treatment tor au In­ waa not large enough to justify the Mrs. J. II. Will Saturday. received by the J H. Will shoe shop ns'ted finger. expense of maintaining the classes, Hae Operetta»—Mrs. Ada Bench Wednesday. . the school has been discontinued Go-Oettee Out Wednesday— The was taken to the Paclflo Christian »m Dealer -Mr». T. O. M«tS- . Down from Marcola— Mrs. John •s a n ie Men IVsIt—C H Wolters first Issue of the GoOeter. newspaper ltvxtrr w a In town Friday. Smith of-Marcola spent Monday vis­ Recovering from Operetta»—W. C hospital Wednesday, where she un­ and William Benson of Seattle were published by (be Springfield high iting friends tn Springfield. McLagan. district engineer tor the derwent a major operation today. In from Fall Creek—R. W. Calllsoo guests ot Mr. and Mrs M M Male school students once every two weeks, Mountain Mutes Power company, Is Visit In Portland—Mrs. Emma Ol Birth Rate High— Fifteen births, Sunday. of Fall Creak waa In town Monday. appeared for the first ilm e thia week son and Oswald Olaon spent Sunday at the Parflo Christian hospital re­ contrasted with nine deaths, were re­ Wednesday. Down from Donna—J C. NtchoUon In Portland with Odin Olson. covering ftom a major operation per­ ported for Springfield and the vtetc Here from Bend—Mr nnd Mrs waa tn town from Donna Sunday. formed Saturday morning. tty for the month of September. This Glenn Howard of Bend spent Monday Dr. H Ralph lSpt>e(. Dentist. Vitas Ill With Pneumonia—W. A. McBee Is an unusually high number ot each j In Springfield. Down from Mabel— Sherman Ad building. BprlngF-rtd, Oregon. Returns from Oregon City— Mrs. Is ill at hit home at Tth and B with atna of Mabel waa in town Saturday w ee W H. Pollard returned to her home pneumonia. Visits from Oregon City— Mrs. W here Saturday after spending several Brown of Oregon City spent the In from Jaaper— Harry Junes of Goshen Baby Bom— A baby girl days visiting relatives In Orwgou week-end here with Mrs. M. L. J a was tn town Monday. was born to Mr. and Mrs. George W. City, and attending the Columbia France. Mrs. France returned with SAVE W IT H SAFETY A T Returns from Callfronla—Glen Ben­ Woodward at Goshen Sunday. River Missionary society conference Mrs. Brown as tar a t Belem Sun­ nett returned to Springfield Frldaj day Receives Feed Shipment — The In Salem. after apen tin» a month at Oakland. Springfield Mill and Grain company Portland Man Here— H. S Perkin« received a carload of poultry food and Melville Q. Evans of Portland and a car of barley Monday. were Springfield visitor« Friday. Returns to Bend—Mrs. H. L. Bar­ Go to Bend- -Mr. and Mrs. Frank ber returned to her home In Bend $1.00 "M ” Hair Tonic, for dandruff and falling hair. Spe­ Sharttan drove to Bend and back Saturday after a visit of two weeka cial at 79c with Mr and Mr«. Clayton Barber Saturday. TOWN AND VICINITY Note These Specials flUMANITyS For This Month N eed . Dinner Guests Hare— Mr. and Mrs Haa Tonolla Removed— K. \V. How­ ells of WaltervlUe had his tonsils re­ Bert McCurry of Eugene were Sun­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs moved Friday. Clayton Barber. Goes to Callfronla— Misa Maurine Lombard left Sunday tor San Fran- Brotherhood Will Meet—The first ciaco. where she will make her home. meeting of the Methodist brother­ HUMANITY’S GREAT NEED. Is for perfect service where scientific attention is mad »'possible by improved equipment ami an earnest desire ft> be of the utmost service. A Recovering from lllnee»—Mrs. C- E hood since the summer vacation will Potter of WaltervlUe is recovering be at the Methodist church Monday evening. from a recent illness. k PH O N E W.F. W ALK ER Lumber Company Ships — Three Tonsils Removed— Mrs. A. B. Gar­ rison of Wendling had her tonsils re­ carloads of finished lumber were moved Monday. shipped by the Springfield Lumber | company Monday. Two cars of lum Has Major Operation— Mrs. F E. , her were received the same day. Smith underwent a major operation I at the Pacific Christian hospital Commissioners Inspect Street — Monday morning. Counclltnen Laurence May and M. J. 25c Milk <*f M lignes la Tooth l*nst -neutraillSS a d d condi­ tion in the mouth. Special at 19c A 50c Tube of Itondlla Reautlfler Free with the purchase of a 75c Jar of lloiicilla Cold or Vanishing cream 228 6? - j funeral S ervice S p r in g f ie l d . o r e . M A IN ST. I I want to work for YOU: I can double the am ount of work YOU now produce! Go on Hunting Trip—Steve Bowles. And thereby Increase YOUR Raleigh Morris and Mel Bartlett left income. Sunday on a hunting trip up the Mo­ I can cut in half YOUR hawk. daily worries! Convalescing at Hospital— Henry And double or treble \ OL R Hart of Cedar Flats is reported to be e n j o y m e n t of LIFE! improving at the Pacific Christian 1 can, in Short, m ake LIF E hospital after a paralytic attack. I itself a pleasure! And I come where the door V isits from Eugeni— Mrs. H. Cas- js open! person of Eugene spent Friday visit- j j wjU cost you less than 1 lug with Mr. and Mrs. N. Nelson earn! and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Netsdh For I am a FRIEND. I AM HEALTH! Creosote Shipment Here—A car of creosote o l for Wood Preserving here Monday. the Carbolineurn company . arrived Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure. Science of Restoring Health through the Nerves. License No. 300 ! i I I ‘Jm.-rpomsed EUGENE. OREGON MADE FROM Our Immense buying power for 678 stores enables you to always save here counting on quality and service we render. We Lead-’Ochers Follow Men’s Suits $18,50 In newest KKEZÜ1P ■ I — 2? TïîTîiL'’ Over Penney Store, Eugene 12- Lessons— 12 BEGINNERS OR ADVANCED DEMONSTRATION FREE Learn to Rag and Jazz Popular Songs with a n d Accent. Learn Double Bass. Endings etc Enroll Now WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL Winnie Irene Russel, Mgr. £44 E 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Phone 1967.1 RESOURCES lfnnm>ii,- -r- —r- - r - I limili llll V !Y Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any 3173, 318 23 Overdrafts secured and unsecured ...... ..... ........ 19.91 ' V. S government securities owned, Including those shown in items 30 and 35. if any ................. ................... 13,850.00 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern; ent, -date, municipal, corporation, etc., including tucse shown in items 30 and 35, If any J...................................... 35 »«».»I Banking house, $14,900; furniture and fixtures, 33.400.00 ....... 18, 300.00 Real estate owned other than banking house ................ None lab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agent of this bank ........................................................................ 72 995.07 10. Exchanges for clearing house and Items on other banks In the same city or »own as reporting bank ............. .................. 003.19 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and Totai cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11, .......... .... .................................. ......... .......................... »73.998.2« T o ’al ........ .. EGGIMANN’S Men’s Overcoats styles at $14.75 to $34.75 PIANO JAZZ Commercial State Bank of Springfield and pure Ingn-dlnnt« through uiu, our Ice , rt-nm hi,« met with wide approval fr m i the partic­ ular iM-bt'lo of this 1 immunity Not ab-ne for purity but for body unit flavor Is It a|>pr<-< ln ted by "Iho»'- who know." An other thing- It I* alwa. « frosen firm; not mushy and messy from careles’n ss In fr-oilng $34.75 . Geo. A. Simon Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PULE CREAM In new fall patterns in C«u(hmeres and our Paid» at a low price, to Phone 355.11 At Springfield, in the State of Oregon at the close of business on September 28, 1925. Charter No. 88 ---- '---- *Roxa£t O rvg J t o f 676 DEPARTMENT STORES Chiropractic Visits from Corvallle—Mrs. E. V. Lilley of Corvallis spent Sunday vis­ iting her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Flan- fry. Buys House and Acre— Mrs. Anne Wagner has purchased a six room house and an acre plot in the Stewart a-’- tion on from C. M. Withers. The tran-action waa closed Saturday. 77»» Wanted—A Job House—C. E. Bell of Califor­ rented the T. E. Pritchard Mill and. K streets. He mov­ Saturday. 50c Milk of Magnesia. A effccient A ntidd and Laxative. Special at 39c Flanery’s Drug Store ' McKlin Inspected south 3rd street, Rally Day Successful— An excep­ between 1) and E. and which has on­ tionally large attendance of 32? was ly recently been graded. Sunday. recorded at bible school for the Christian church rally day Sunday. Renta nia has house at ed there »1.00 Emulalon of Cod U ver Oil with H ypophosphites- for the treatm ent of general debility and Iona of flesh. Rich tn vitamines. Special at 70c 25c WWdroot Cocoanut OH Shampoo. The shampoo pur excellent. Special, 2 for 26c »1.00 Reef, Wine and Iron -F o r use In canes where the blood la in need of Iron. Special at 79c —r-.- M 72 M." SERVE and You Will Grow Tiiis bank has found th at it has grown because it has always made a sincere effort to serve best the comm unity in which it operates. »316,451.71 LIABILITIES W hatever service this bank can render its cus­ tom ers or community is always done gladly. Tills bank is an institution for progress. It is active and alert for the interests of the entire section. It is owned by the people—and its g reatest de­ sire is to serve the people. Capital Stock Paid In 30,000.00 Surplus lund __ ____________ _______________ ______________ 6,000.00 (a) Undivided profits ...................................................... 313.639.30 fbl Less current expenses, Interest and taxes paid .....7.955 26 6,584.04 DEMAND DEPO8IT8, other than banks, subject to reserve: 23. Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits duo the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ........ 242,010.50 Demand certificates of deposit o u tsta n d in g ................................... 5.850.72 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve items 23, 24, 25, 26 ................................. 3247,861.22 TIME AND SAVING» DEPO8IT8, subject to reserve and pay­ able on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ..................................... 26,006.45 Total of tim e and savings deposit» <>ayable on demand or subject to notice, Items 27 and 28 ............................. 328,006.45 WHY NOT MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK? First National Bank Total ......... ..................- ..................................................................... 3315,461.71 BUte of Onegon, County of I^ane, se. I. Herbert F. Clarke cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear tkat the above su tem en t la t n » to the beet of my knowledge and b eltet HERBERT F. CLARKE, Cashier. Springfield, Oregon . — - «g . -5 • m . w b i ha • w » Correct Attest: A1 Montgomery, A. J. Perkins, M. M. Peery. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before m e tbls 12th day of October, 1926. A. F. FLOWERS, Notary Public. (B E A D My Corn-mission Expires Nov. 20., 1928. Bi • t e > IO T t Almost everyone ordering printed m atter feels th at they want “som ething different." They sense th a t to obtain such printing they m ust have either one or two things special cuts or type. To outline o r specify "Just what they w ant" Is a task beyond 0116 Inexeprienced In the crafts­ m anship of printing. When you let us do your printing you get all of this service free of extra charge. We know Just which type faces to use to carry your mes­ sage in the most effective way. In addition to this we have a complete line of cuts to illustrate your m essage—pictures which will a ttra c t read- ers and m ake them read. No we and pay matter what kind of printing you want can do It-—deliver the Job promptly— at a price far below what you may elsewhere. Try ue. The Willamette Press I > -J