T llt'K H D A Y , OCT. TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS 15. 11126 Community News UPPER W ILLA M E T T E — ■ 111 - ■ Ameriin*» Greatest Horse Show By Spsclal Corrssponifsnta TH U R 6T0N HOME SEWING The pupils of (he P leasant IIHI pub­ work a t th e Ilog th e a tre In Eugene, lic school nre doing the Janitor work sang at the C ham ber of Commerce th is month The money thus earned 1» In Eugene W ednesday evening. to go tow ard buying library book». Mr and Mrs Jam es C alvert from T hree new typew riters and con­ Junction City v sited relativ es here siderable apparatus ha» been added last Tuesday. T re n t public school opened last w' 14 m (h M )!'1* U ab i honi at lu» « ib - » lih h tracto r for John Ed- l'|. «Maili Hi|l »A iday. uclolx-i V The inltiu n. U|>(H*r i luaats lta*1‘ prvpariM, a s|4on- Irti Nie« cair.u d mali for Mr. San tilit p ii’»raiu u( »oug», raading» and käy snvnral 4a ya while h» »»» III puitiin rs u n dltfvrviit m ustcal Inairu with flu. m « n t« T h ln * « » f j | l n w c d l y r r f r c s l i Mr and Mr» Prunk Campbell mot- uinuta and gauiva, lii« n « i'ptluii ! »r< d to t'u b u rg Sunday and »pent tha 5 ^ I duy «lift relative«, brunk n« u|i m to 30 p. m. Mr and Mra W aller C h ill and MRS. R o o m P B IR C E OF H O LLY W O O D , , C A L IF O R N IA . O N E O F T H E C O U N T R Y ’S Dll Mnturday lil«n i ('Ivtober III »{ MOST N O T IO RIOfeRb. A N O H E R H U N T E R , “ J O H N P U B L ” « i x k I < Bnmlaton and Mr» Roga Show, Portland, O n . Slat to Nov. 7th. Im perial Hotel, »1,000, slxln-hand adora Thn mualcsl aum bara and tho 1 Bnuslimnn and runa troni Fugano via- »■tain take» tho front of the Huge In drlvltig. lblS with iho largest offering of Thy g reatest aerie» of horse »how» w hist Itag solo and tur- rnaStugs ar-P*'"* ft lallvaa boro lavi (im n riay. premium money In America. ' ever known la being held now In Call- r o m p im ie li « ID I il.» o r a . din» b ro u g h l. H arvey and Clifford tlan so n fro m |2g,iiuo for tho 85 classes to be « tornia a t Stockton, Sacram ento, Ven­ f o r i t i a i a b u p p la u « « . O lr a d a lo w a s In T huraton taa) Sun i shown of which »18.000 la In sta k e s— tu ra r. 4 Pomona, ull form er show» ' day. I »„von of »2. >00 and five of »looo — being nguiH’-iited by a flood of newly T h e h o m o o f M r and M r» , K e ls a y . Mr* H arry Cannibali from make thia h pheuotnlnal prise Hat. M r nml in n i .Mr» at l.n«t Crak above Hnxt»r. waa nn I (’uahtnan »pein **ev«ral days at tlio ! T h e a ta k e events a re . Olympic Hotel, purchased »how horses. According to l'.rrly dvatroy<4 by fife Huturday homo of John EdmlHlon T hey left Seattle. »2.000, for flve-galted horse»; G eneral M anager O. M. Plum m er of the Exposition and H orse Show Man­ night O ctnbrr II. Th» family aro W ednesday m orning for eaatnrn Oro i S eattle H of»- Hho«r Association, »2,- ager, A. I*. Fleming, a train load of looo. to he shown In tw o division» aa llvlng for (ho proootil In a u u ilio r t u ­ , gun over iho McKnnaln pa«». livestock, of which I t carloads are follows »1.000. five galled mare» an4 horse», will com»- from the esat to lio building un ih» ranch itoy. Louis M'ck and wife ap~nl »1,000, flve-galted atalllons ami geld­ P ortland thia fall, ua wlll all the Mr an i Mra K V Sw lfl d a u sh ler, Kunduy in Thurston H v Ml< k was ing»; N orthw estern National Hank, home» now showing In California. M argaret. and Mina tin i f'iirk» m ot­ , lorn i rly pualor of th e local church, 1 Cl.oOO, for ro ad sters; Portland Cham ­ T he result of theae additions wilt ber of C om nerce. |2.ooo. for heavy orini io R oseburg Sunday whero they Thu W allerv.iio D istrict Sunday h arn ess ponl -a; Sovereign Hotel, J2,- ' unquestionably enable tho Pacific In­ mot Mr and Mra. F F C ooper nf school confer«!*"’ will b« held at ■ooo, hunter« und Jum pers;- P ortland ternational to break the »Ize and qual­ Arngo MI»» t'ark a re tu rn * ! to thè Hiniiiu next Sun-lay. - Hole). »8.000. heavy haruea» h o rses; ity record» now being made In tb s south. Aragli wllb tbo Coopera - The ladle»' aid mol for election of Multnomah Hotel. »J.oOo, three-galled T he growth of the horse show fea­ h o rs e s ; W. F. T urner, fl.oOO, Junior Mr and M ra John lai «ram i «dm officers at (ho church T hursday a f­ flve-galted h o rses; Henry Thiele, »1,- tu re of the Pacific International la bava broli llvlcg a t ZI un th è paat ternoon. ! ooo. KlietlnuJ pontes; Old», W ort man one of the most significant facta of aunimor. «sport in roturn in Wcaaunt Mr and Mra Felix Spark a n t Ml»» A King, »1.0 9. polo mount»; Benson the comeback of the horse. lid i for tbo w lnter Tini ehlldren wlll S ia rk a from 5! K m xle bridge »pent e n te r Iho l'leasunt Hill publle scbool. tin- week end » tII Mr. and Mra. Arch •'That'« no carpet." corrected the The Last Laugh. Mr snd Mrs (' F. Hyde of Eugene «though. elephant’» keeper. ‘‘T h a t's the man •'W hat a peculiar looking carpel visited at Pleasant Hill «Sunday Km George Fell w ill from W eiidllng And th at gave the elephant a chew of to- i r y b e l l i endcr who |y attending the Mrs. Kain t ’aru -iera spent Sunday th a t Is under Ibe elep h an t,” rem arked hacco.” a visitor to the circus Eftgetie high school has made the with Miss H eeism a. high school glee club. Loren Kdnilston, who plays reiSef to the equipm ent at the I'nlon high school No. I the past month. PAGE FIVE K JIt SALK—W ater-Pow er m achine, (15. bee H. It. G rays Cash and C arry. Dressing to Type-—The Right Hemline Parts, Aug 28 —- T his fall, as for the pa t few seasons, th ere will be s good deal of diversity In sk irt engths. The sk irt th a t reaches about five or six Inch*-» below th e knees seem s to be liked best by those who have straight, »lender figures and tr m legs and ankles. Parisian design* rs know that the mode cannot be m ade alone for this type. As one expresses It, ‘‘T here is a hem line for every figure. The wo­ man whose hips a re large m ust have fullness—else when she sits down « «,111 no longer be beautiful. F or her I use plaits or circu lar lines. If the legs and ankes a re not ch c—1 ook to th e length.” A dr*ss with an o v ersk irt often gives an illusion of shortness, as In the model sketch in thy Center. An uneven hem line is also sm art and is good for the woman who does not w ear abort d resses well. F or evening (rocks of transparaim t m aterial, with slip several Inches sh o rter than the d ress Itself, are much used. T his hem ­ line is also a happy com prom ise for one who does not feel well dressed in an extrem ely sh o rt costume. Help W anted. 'H elp! H elp!” yelled the fat man. struggling In the w ater. Call 63 and you will be satisfied with both price and quality. A baby girl was horn to Mr. and The total tim b er sold on the u a Mr«. Woodward at P leasant Hill bun , llonal forvsts of Oregon and W ashing i'ay m orning O ctober it. Ion for Ihe fiscal y ear ending Ju n e 30. 1925. am ounD d to ,704.386.000 hoard feet, valui-d at »1.4t9R»H<8 accord- leg to V. h. F orest service report. a W o rk in g Under D ifficu lties. “Come here, SI. and lift this stove All right, old m an,” shouted th e ad- over.” vertialng solicitor, Jumping up from “You know I c a n ’t lift much, Mir- th e park bench, ‘‘how about a few andy. for I a ‘n’t got no teeth to g rit.” M Order Your Meats by Phone washing Phillips, Une» in th e w ant colum n?” V INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. QUALITY and CLEALIKESS ft! ANDERSON PLANT Western States Amuse­ ment Co. Two buildings, one holding the planing and moulding m achinery, and the o th e r ' a cabinet shop, com prise the Anderson M anufacturing plant. flesldes general planing tn'll work, cabinets, built In featu res Ironing hoards, window fram es, sashes, and door» a re m anufactured regularly a t the plant, and other work 1» done by order. Five principal m achine» fill the l.iK< »hop The latest type of Yates liialdr moulder greatly usalsta Iti do­ ing heavy and com plicated work, many Eugene shopa sending th eir heavier work to he finishod by this nturhlne. The present mill ha« Iwen a t Its present location on 3rd stre e t and G for tw o years. Reasonable W hitt* F ront G rocery does not ttlalni to sell the Cheapest Food S tu ffs there are on the m arket. O ur m otto is "Q u a l­ ity F irst. Price N ext.” It is o u r belief th a t m any th in g s soid cheap arc the highest priced in the long run. F or Q uality and Price give us a tria l. We carry a fu ll line o f 5and 14^ Springfield Parboiled Mothers are out o f style In these days o f modern baking. No longer need she spenr week ends over a red hot stove so th a t the le st of the fa m ily m ig h t feast. Bread— ju st as w o n d e rfu l; Pies— ju s t as lu rio u s ; Cakes — s till lig h t as a feather are served daily in Springfield. They are fro m o u r big clean sanitary oven— and to be had cheaper than they can be baked a t home. Springfield B?kery Fred Frese, Prop. FINE FOOD PRODUCTS Phone 51 Coming 100 YARDS OF CR AVEL IS DAILY OUTPUT OF PLANT Gravel from the bar In the river Is brought In by m eans of n drug line, nnd the oversize rocks nre crushed to various grades at the Springfield Hntid and Gravel com pany, located Just off of Main s tre e t on Mill. The plant, ownml by II. Chase, h as been there a year. Three, and some- H ue« four, men lire employed there. (> ii , hundred yards of gravel a day Is the average dally output. The plant provides delivery service anv- | w here In the city, and also ships a g reat deal of gravel to oth er Uiwns of the State. H esp'te the high water In the w inter, the pliant Is seldom held up In the w inter, Mr. Chase suys. Camping and other form s of forest rpi-i* »lion ’ ihvs a direct beneficial In- f!ii, r d -in ih*> il* volopnient o( sturdy ch a ra c te r mid good cltlzensh p, say for* at officers. They point out. how- • ver, -h.it n clean enm p mid n dead f ro are necessary to m nlntnln a t­ tractiv e and healthful recreation nri oa. O f C o u rs e . Oct. 19 to 24 Incl. 6 Days nnd Nights Big 3 Abreast Carrousal Big Eli Ferris Wheel —— D iscrim in a tin g buyers insist upon S and W eoifee and other foods because they are assured oi the best w ith a m axim um ol satistaotiou. 1 M e r it 5 Big Shows 5 15 Concessions "I su p p o se ,", supposed Tet. "th at ' I when your rich aunt comes to New York you’ll sue that sh e's properly e n tertain ed .” Good Clean Amueoment for Old "You het,“ answ ered Hot. ‘‘She'll and Young. get the best e n tertain m en t her money can buy." Bring the Kiddies and Have a Dr. 9. Ralph rMppel, D entist, VltuB building, 8prlngf!«ld, Oregon. R e p u ta tio n T h r o u g h Good Time J', o t l. .. • M îcàr P e as J The housewife who has served S & W Telephone Peas. Baby Kernel Corn o r lla w a iln pine­ apple ta n appreciate the e xtra ­ o rd in a ry goodness of a ll S & W » Fine Food P ro d u cts-fru lts, ber­ ries, hom iny, celery, fish, con­ dim ents, to ffe e , jams, Jellies, marmalade, etc. — p ra ijtlc a lly every variety o f fine foods, each upholding the fam ous S & W reputation fo r excellence. I f you are needing a new range do not fa il to come In and see o ur display o f C olonial Ranges. Priced from $58.50 to $114.00 Term s i f desired. O ur stock o f C olonial Heaters is also very complete. PHONE PHONE W E FRBNT Wright & Son