THURSDAY, OUT- K». > ^ r> T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT i»O. 14 LOYALR WEEK 1» BE FULL Dr PEP. Local Reporters * Canary ... ............... J U Northup • Central ......... .. ... Ray Boner • C lo v erd a le__ Mrs. L. J. lletchell • Coaat Fork Mrs. Geo. Rebel beck * Creswell - .... .....Mr» M. A. Horn • Oorena _ Mrs. Ada J mnlngs • Heceta ___ v _____ M rs B. Baker* • H a d ley v lllel__ Mrs. M. Gillespie • Jasper ....... Mr«. Grace Jonr* • Lorane Mr». C. M. Foster • M< Kenxle ___ Hurry C, Jackson • Mt Vernon. Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • Silk Creek _______ Bulah Smith • T r e n t ....... ............... .. E. B. Tinker • Vela ... . . . Mrs. W. E. Post • • O F FiC tR S OF LANK COUNTY »1 • FARMLRS UNION a| Dairy Cow Testing and Feeding’ Demonstration : IB BP BBIBBER 24 • • • • Ralph Laird, Cr«»w«li, Prealdset Will W tu iler, fron t, Vic« Pre»l d sn t Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove. • The date of Ih«- thltd quarterly • aae.-Troaa. . ia o lln g of lite lume l'ouuiy Fermar»' • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, Door « i u tili li ha» b- • ri rhabged frolli Frldav • Keeper • H. C. Jackson. W alurvlll», Con- • ; lo Salurday, Ct lolii-r 24. on «9'oilllt • ! of llv ntcet'ng piami brina laken on • due ter. • h it ilsv The in* < tlng wlll be hi Id II» • O. L. Clement, Chaplain. • ihe W (). W hall ThIS la n ver) linpo'lani meellng linei» often get beyond the heat con- of thè counly untoti and off "*rs wlll dltlon for marketing warns the veg atre»» lite fari that a filli attenda«'«» elahle gardesing ■»•cllon at <• A C. ahould he «m band accordine lo li' f They muât be watched carefully for ty M Kappauf. counly eecretarjf The < *« *» < » ' " “ >»« d . - i n . i . i - tin.. latyalfy w«»ek gommiti« ha» arrena««! ' B e l l - r r u ( III« h - a d s w b ’ n they .it , a program _____ «d apeaker». -------- The blg»o«t k» • The dale of the county convention ! • h as been chanfed from Friday. Oc­ • tober 23 to Saturday. October 24 and • « ill be held at Srringftvld at the • Woodman hall at 1:00 a. m. Thts • will cut Loyalty week short one day • but If all the pep ts centered on the • remaining six day« good results • should be reported Friday. October • 30. Luncheon October.30. !-----2-----* ■■ *---- ------* I The luncheon which all! be the doe 10 W A Y S T O K IL L a e o .s F . t T g R T j g P R o a n g c T —.I2 IM 4 Ing feature of the week will be given A COOPERATIVE BODY W orW's Reiord Cow lor M ilk Prodv«»hn—1 7 .lt!.4 Pound. In On« Y ta r- Born A p r il at the Eugene hotel. It will be held ,0. 1.13, O t.d March 10. 1W». * « » . . ^ O r e e j a p a d By C . m . t t . n M ilk r . m t c r ,h .,n |() , h„ f()U n , y at 12:30. October 30. The dining room , Don’t go to the meetings. . . I norite what whi n they may b«' Is being planned for, Many new mem- management has promised us a very . If you do attend a meeting, find One of the feature, of the Dairy on top of their milk and r r r . n i check. b(jj # (|U |l,rl, ,.„nt , i b» r» arr etp frird good luncheon with the use of the ‘ fault with the work of the officers Section at the I’ai-lftc International some added money from their off- Llv»«t«>ck Exposition. Portland, Orto-1 »pringa. dining hall the rest of the afteru. and other members. » Trent Auxiliary to Moot ber Slat to Nov 7th. will be s demon ,»ro, ,, M of Oregon Agrl- and the use of the piano and orche Never accept an office, as it Is eas­ •■ration of testing fo. bu tlerisi and Th Tfent ►•»rniiTH* union nui1lln*y ' CALL AND Dr V W Kin*»rr been tra platform. The price per plate wil ier to criticlxe than to do things. coat accounting of feed of two grotti'* «t 1 1.-«sant Hill will meet »I the «n pH « on ela«- snd «tbn.- work be She This is to be paid at the door a> ~ da*» — h.....- o f Mr. Andy DU«» Wed.........ay N evertheless, get sore If you are ¡ U T c o w T r n o n ^ r o u p " ^ - - - as one enter» the dining room. N o , tickets are to be sold in advance but »<* appointed on a committee but if will give about 4000 pounds of milk f»‘ by accredited te .te r . of th« October .1 at 2 p. m as .t is necessary for the dining room F®# « * d° at,end per year, which Is about Oregon’s "<••« «> '»» « * r «•« • Paptlst Church standard and the .tandard of th . Uni >“>•“"«P »••“ «« rrelly m eana management to know approximately meetings. ted States too A chart * ’r each an,n,al win ahow luncheon! If aaked by ,h e chalrnian to give Bible school. 10:00 a. m. how many will attend the in another group will be five pure- " « c tly the am..unt of ‘hey pro- Munii g worship 11 00 a m. the Loyalty week committee is re­ your opinion regarding some Import bred cows, featuring each of the five d«e® a‘ each milking and the exact Subject. "The Dynamic'* questing the delegates from each lo ant matter, tell him you have nothin» well-known breeds whoue production amount of bufterfat In their milk for Pres« iiltig service at the DeXt-r cal to report to Mrs. Kappauf at the to say After the meeting tell every­ will be from 8,000 to 13.000 pounds of ,ha‘ day- The amount of feed given milk I*r year Purebred cattle have «» e«‘ h of these animal» In the various church at 3 p m county convention the approximate one how things ought to be done „ Y v s 30 p. m number from his local who will b e , Do nothing more than is absolutely production, of more than this amount «roups will also be tabulated, which present at the luncheon. The commit necessary; but when other members but It Is thought to Impress the pub w111 dearly show that, although an Evm 'ng service. 7:30 lie of the desirability of owning a • » “»•> «‘»‘M * «<>«1 flow of milk A study of the lllble In preparallon tee has chosen the noon luncheon on roll up their sleeves and willingly, string of well bred cow» which shall ‘akaa »*•<« ,ha" a • CTub an,raal- Friday instead of an evening ba- unselfishly use their ability to help give at least twice as much as th- that the differences In this amount of tor a »er1«« of »ludi»« In Dl.penea quet so that ao member of Farmers' matters along, howl that the associa­ average Oregon cow the coat of these feed do not correspond to the illffer tlonal truth. Prayer service. Thursday, 7:30. union will have to rema'n at home to tion is run by a clique. aws being not greatly In excess of "n’’e ,n production. If you receive better prices because good grade cows and with a poasibtl A » Icon»»' await» you to all of th" "do their chores.” This exhibit wlll be housed promln of the stabilising influence of the as­ ity. during tim es when calves are in ently In the dairy burn and Is expect- servile» October Important Month. sociation w:thout Joining, don’t Think demand, of making for their owners, ed to attract a great d«-al of attention. The month of October. 1925 is des­ of Joining. T h » J. H . E b b c rt M e m o ria l M e th o d is t tined to be a one of considerable im Keep yonr eye open for something C h u rc h , S p rin g fie ld . portance to the Oregon Farmers’ un­ • lures the poul'.ryman would have to wrong and when you find It. resign. Monnin« wor«h'p at 11 o'clock ion. All over the state the union Is • buy the materials In 'ots too large (hrrni. -T he Basis «»f a Trlutnphanl At every opportunity threaten to F A R M R E M IN D E R S carrying on a campaign for mem­ • lo provide th ni In a fresh state. Al- - Evening worship at 7 30, resign and then get your friends to bers. and one week called Loyalty Garden land now through p rod k though the bought mash cost m<>f ' theme. "The Far Country— Have the resign. week has been set aside to be given Agree to everything said at the Ing this season is best plowed o r , » n ak«‘ “ b e,tir ,ewl Young People a Monopoly on HT' np to this work. Lane county has M, R, „ HurUn w„ | p|,y meeting and disagree w'th It outside. disked «o the weeds cannot get a I Raspberry canes »fcould not be top- chosen the week from October 24 to foothold this fab. Parts of the gar 1 1,a<:k ,h l" ” me of “ >« Tloltn at the evening hour. Hpe October 30. During that week, re­ i 1 the O. A. C. station t#uch heading e| , | n,ug|c both »ervlces. F L. den that produced such crop. ceptions. d n n ers. socials, parties, and HADLEYVELLE LOCAL • sw re, corn. 8nsp be. M dry ó n lo íd ^ a c k may result In a strong, succu Moore, minister. m eetings will be held by Farmers, un- 1 # NOW AT and other vegetables about fin shed lent lateral growth that would very Ion locals all over Lane county. Def­ . aslly winter k|ll. thus affecting the POPULAR *■ t l v should also be worked. Too m its} in ite programs for the coming winter The Hadleyville local wlll h o ld ' gardens remain through the winter older part» of the cane The cane T IM E A N D P L A C E O F P R IC E S m onths new committees, social en­ their regular business Thursday eve­ ’ust as they were In late summer au i had best be allowed to keep their « L O C A L M E E T IN G S tertainments for the future will be MATINEE— 35« ning. October 15. Would like to see fait.” says an O A. C. station repo*. growth till spring, and then head«-1 ¡ • Canary— First Sunday and Third • planned and all over Lane county EVENING—60c all the members there. t "Others become a weed patch l>y back. • IXaturda]». Farmer» Union Hall old members who have been allowed I CHILDREN— tOc Cleat.' t n e s . of bouses and f.»'.l 1» ’ Cloverdale -Becond and Fourth • Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mason and son. spring, lo say nothing of the stjp to drift by the wayside will again fall AT THE HOME essential to continued good health of • Fridays, i loverdate School House • in line and many new members will George, and their daughter, M rs.' packed by the gardener durlrg the OF THE BEST the laying flock, says the O. A. C * C rosw ell-FIr»t ami Third Tue.- • Sherman all of Springfield spent Sun season, and by the winter rains.” Join the ranks. station I):rty house» further spread , * ««J*. Cron well. M W of A Hall. • day at M. Gillespies. | The purchase of a good gTade lay­ But this can not be done by magic, F o rk -S eco n d and Fourth • Pastor R. B. Mason preached a very ing mash for a small flock of 35 cul­ of disease, and musty or moldy feed , * Although the luncheon will be held interesting sermon at the Lone Cedar knock» production aa well as causes • Thursdays. Farm Union Hall. lets rather than buying and m lxlnr on Hallowe’en day, there will be no school house Sunday afternoon. • IMnebo— First Tu«»day, Danebo the materials, ts recommended by the slcknes and death In the flock. w itches working to bring back old • Schoo) House. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambkin. experiment station. In order to save Cauliflower grow» so rapidly in members or hunt out new ones. This Doronu—Second and Fouth Tue»- • Mrs. Johnson and children spent anything by making his own mix these mild moist «lays of fall that the • iay«. Itorena Uhuroh. m ast be done by the members of the * i anion and each member is called up­ Sunday at M. Simouseres. • Hadleyville — Ft re I and Thltd ’ Mr. and Mrs. George Powell visited on to give of his Urne, strength and • Thiiroday». Hadleyville School. • thoughts to make loyalty week not relatives near Cottage Grove over • Heceta— Flr»t Sunday of each • the Wfck-end on ly a succes for this year but tc • month, Heceta School House. • Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland spent w rite it on the books as an annual • Jasper—Second an^l Fourth Wed • the week-end with the J. J. Hooker affair. • ne«d»yg. W, O. W. Hall. Jasper. family and attend«^ the church of • Lorano—Second and Fourth • Every d e le g h e m ust attend Ithe Christ at Cerrteral. M ake it a d a ily h a b it to • Wedn«'«Jaya. 1. O. O. F. Hall. • convention at Springfield and no call SO fo r yo u r Meats. It. C. Ross Is visiting his son. A. • McKenzie local, »econd mid • delegate Is to come with an empty R. Ross. We know you w ill be satis­ • fourth Wednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. • seat in his car. It is hoped that each fied w ith the q u a lity o f the • F. hall, W altervllle. * car that parks in Springfield Octo­ Meats we deliver, and the • Mt. Vernon - Flrat and Third • ber 24 will represent five or more e x1 «dience o f o u r service M T. VERNON LOCAL • Wednesday. Bra»fl«-I«l Store. • members of Farmers' union. w ill please you. 4 Shows Daily • Silk Creek M eta First and Third • • Thursday at. Cedar School House • At 1:30— 345 The ML Vernon local met Wednes­ • 8p»‘nc«'r Creek—Third Friday, • • CLO VER D ALE LOCAL • day evening. October 7 at the hall for 7:0C and 9:45 • Pine Grove School House. • HOLVERSON BROS. Pllor.e 80 Ô05 Main Street regular business session. The attend­ • • • • • • • • • • • Trent— IH-cond anti Fourth Wed- • « a ig u 'fW ííl ance was small but the meeting was • neadays. Pleasant H ill High • Cloverdale local met in regular ses­ an interesting one. • School Bldg. ' * • sion October 9. A delegation of the It was decided to have an enter­ • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur • Creswell business ra