Page Three TUB RPfUNiiFLKI.l' NEWS THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1925 nary biscuit dough. This mixture ts with melted shortening, sprinkle with pooasful. Roll one-balf Inch thick, body ala» could do the dlat lpllnlng— j sugar and cinnamon and cover with eaver with Jam, or any cooked trait, easily adaptable to variety. that ba waa being abused. Imposed seeded or seed let« raisins. Grease a rod ap like a Jelly roll, plachlng dough It la qal'kly mixed and baked and upon, that bla wife didn't lova him— layer cake pan or muffin tins gener­ together where It Joins and at the has the advantage of being one of the (hat It waa har fob to taka care of ously with softened butter. Sprinkle ends to keep tn the fruit. Place oa most Inexpensive mixtures to make. Junior. Ilia duty waa to provide the brown sugar Ov«-r butter so that there well-greased plate sad steam one hour Many very palatable deaeerts can be wbere-wlthal to support tha family— prepared from this dough, besides sev­ Is a thin layer. Place ro-ts on sugar In a closely covered steamer over W h en H ubby K now * T oo not tn train tha oblldr«D—all of thia, and bake In a moderate oven (376 de­ boiling water. Water mnst he kept eral varieties of bread. By Mra. Bella DcOraf. M uch A b ou t C hildren and murk more, ha told mother, who grees F.) about twenty minutes. constantly boiling or pudding wlU bo When the berry season begins come Director. Home Service Bureau, baallly ralurnad upon racalpt of e ls vtelone of old-fashioned short-cake, When baked turn up-elde down; the heavy Serve with a pudding sauce or »perry Flour Co. Dear M ln Flo;— * m m tell me wire. bottom will have a butter scotch ic­ with sugar and cream. Just why so many housewives fall the kind made from biscuit dough, whal lo do with ray husband. Before Daddy baa no more Ideas aa lo how covered generoud y with crushed ing. • If you Interested In these M aster Junior * i i born we wer* very hap­ a child ahvuld ba ralaad. Ila thlnka to make a good biscuit see ma strange, etrawberrb e. Thee« old - fashioned Meat Pie Crust. recipes. Mrs. DeOraf will be glad IP for thia dough la on« of the easiest py. Now all I hear la eugg«*tloae aa Junior la perfect, aa la. Prepare one-half the Master recipe. send you her free booklet “20 Food mixture to m ale. Perhaps failure la shortcakes may be made of auy va­ bow beet to train him. Don't you due to Inaccurate measurements and riety of fruits, fresh or cooked, but Roll out one-half Inch thick and place Delights from » Master R ecip es" A think that a worn«» baa a right to C A N C E R C U R E S A D V IC E the strawberry ts queen of them all. on top of baking dish containing meat request to Mrs Belle DcOraf. Direc­ expect bar huaband to •till know ah« B Y S T A T E H E A L T H O F F IC E R too stow an oven. Thia type of dough However, you must bear In mind and brush over top with melted short­ tor. H om e Sdrvlce Bureau. Sperry requires a hot oven. Ton often the la ally«, and that a mother baa a right that blacnit mixtures, to be at tbelt ening Rake In hot oven (425 degrees Flour* Co., San Franciaco. Calif., wt 1 amount of Ingredients Is a mattes of 1« raise her children without her Aa far back aa l»02 a worker at best, should be served while fresh, F.) Will cover a medium sized p'le bring It to you. huaband butting In? Hallie. the Kockfeller Institute aueceded In guess work rather than of measure­ generally direct from the oven. And A richer crust can be made by ment, and unleea one ts a skilled cook, fludlng In many cases of canter, an please remember that a heavy blacnit doubling the amount of shortening. The only auaueatlon I can offer la extremely small germ; so small, In the results of guess work are usually le uaually due to Inaccurate measure­ FOR SALE—Carbon paper In largo Fruit Roly-Poly. that you go away and turn the fob Indifferent. | fart, that It could not ba seen dl sheets, 2«x3k Inches, suitable for Prepare one-balf the Master recipe. I over to daddy for a taw daya. Ha When sw eet milk la used always ments and too slow an oven. red ly under the strongest magnlfl- making tracings. The New* Office. Master Recipe. reducing the shortening to 2 teaa- will not regard hlmaelf aa auch an au remember that 2 level teuHpoonfuls of catlos of a microscope. Recently. In Note: all measurements are level thorlty on the aubfert wh«n he haa baking powder are used to each cup England, more work has been done of sifted flour. This never changes, and flour Is sifted once before meas­ wrestled with It for a abort time. ulong thia line, and the findings hava no matter how many cupe of flour you uring. On- half pint measuring cup Is The cure uaually worka. been confirmed. In other wards, a used. are using I know a woman who tried It out very smalt organism aeetua to oc­ 2 cups four. There should be no taste of baking and ahe la quite poaltlve that It waa cur fairly regularly In cases of can­ 1 teasp on salt. powder In the finished product. If the only thing that saved her mar cer. 4 teaspoons baking powder. there Is. then your measurements rtage from going on the rock«. Her Whether this germ Is the cauae of 2 tablespooqs shortening. have not been level or you are using huaband bad some very admirable cancer, It 1« at» I Impossible to ssy. u «wry poor quality of baking powder. 3-4 cup m tk or equal parts of milk theories on child training. »he had It might be; or It might have som e­ and water. no tew tangled Ideas, but some ex- When using sour or butter milk, thing to do with the real cause; or Mix and alft dry Ingredients; work c t lent tbeorlva of her own. which then aoda will be your leavening It might be something entirely sec­ In shortening with knife or finger tips. ahe proceeded lo put Into effect when agent. In that case, remember that V4 ondary, which appears only after the Gradually add the liquid, mixing It Junior arrlvad, and which met with teaspoon of aorta Is used to each cup cancer Is started. Much more work w-tth a knife to a soft dough. Toss on Immediate objection from daddy. Fa­ of sour milk. Or you^-an use H teas­ a floured board,' pat or roll lightly to will have to be done before theae ther wanted his child to be superior, poon of aoda to neutralise the acid­ one-half Inch In thickness, cut with questions can be at all definitely set­ and he waa quite aure that Junior ity of 1 cup of sour milk and 1 teas­ biscuit cutter, place In pan, brush o v -' would be It he were properly trained. tled. poon of baking powder to each cup j er the top with either melted shorten- , In the meanwhile, even tho this or­ The situation became really alarm­ of flour. i Ing or milk. Bake In a hot oven, (420 j ganism should be found to be the ing. The mother claimed that the old D o not dlsaoive soda In the sour d eg ress F I twelve to fifteen minutes. , cause, we would only be one step Idea that children held parents to farther In our knowledge of cancel. milk, as that process rd eases th««gas- Surprise Biscuits. gether waa all wrong—that their ba es too soon sail the dough will be We will have uo new light whatever Prepare the Master recipe. Roll out by was about to separate them. When Ices light. Always sift the soda with on the treatment of thia uHuient, Can | about 1-3 inch thick and cut Into 2 Junior reached that mischievous uud the flour for b'scult dough’. Sour I Inch squares. Place a frankfurter I cer. however, like tuberculosis, la a This Is "Better Floors Week" at W elh erb ee-P ow ers-a week set curious age of three, mother hit up­ milk ran be subatituted for sweet ‘ sausage near the edge of each square j widespread disease, and many peopb aside for the display and sale of the new in Armstrong's U n o le u m s - on a brilliant Idea. milk In auy recipe If these rules are i then fold over remaining dough and I are Interested In anything which color nominations and patterns that you have never seen before in If my husband thlnka be Is eucb followed. i preea firmly 'together. Place In a model patent let hr», prove II. If he look* » • “ »• » '»'ght .(ford a hope linoleunfs. Smart tiles and blocks for the kitchen—colorful, figured Perhaps you have never slopped to Ihlnk. h l. bleu, so much better than I’,,r « r * Therefore, with the publl consider the possibilities of the ordl- baking pan. brush over with m-fted designs for the b ed room -soft, rippling Jaspes for the living and j butter or substitute and bake about j mine let him train n Junior was finally N g, consul! a reputabe physician at I i-rsuuded to retiro for th«' night, once. Moro thnti that, have a regu­ daddy agalu reverted to hla theory, lar, thorn examination once a year. lie decided that Junior lacked ilia- If (be physician finds cancer, and ad­ i pih.e. lie waa Interrupted by Jun­ vises Its removal, do not delay! ior, /h o appeared In night clothes Above all, do not try “cancer cures" nml tcld daddy to hear his prayer*. —they are all useless, and merely In tl>i mist of them he aulnenly fl»k give the patient a false sense of se­ ed. "Dadtly. why doe* that old chick­ curity. while the cancer rapidly be­ If you wish we shall be en set on the eggs?" When daddy ans- comes hopeless. Once a better cure glad to . make suggestions thun surgery is discovered. It will Ini w /te j that one to th-' boat of bla regarding special decora­ ability Junior wanted to know how mediately b«- widely known and o:'l- I /' i ll at the “ R ed G r o w n ’ tions. .Vnfortuuately, the ben knew there were chickens versal'y employed. * pum p (r e d , w h ite and In the eggs, that they would come there are ninny who are willing to Don't disappoint the young b lue) — at Standard O il capitalise humanity's persistent hope­ out If she sat on them, how the folks. S e r v ic e Stations and at chickens knew when It was thny to fulness, and cause untold misery, by Make your selections ear­ come out. and who put them there, exploiting worthless «'cures" for the dealers. ly. and did they like It. and If they liked sake of money. It why did they try to come out Daddy finally told him If he would Vlsith Hughes Homs— Mrs. Arthur go to bed he would tell him a l about Sterling anil her son and daughter- It In the morning. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sterling, Honi«tlme during the next two days all of Tacoma, visited at the W. O. daddy found time to decide that some- Hughes home Tuesday evening. Confidence By F lo THE POSSIBILITIES Of BISCOtl DOUGH Armstrong’s Linoleums and Linoleum Rugs In a 6-Day Event at Wetherbee- Powers A Happy Hallowe’en Party October 31st Crepe Paper, Hallowe ’en Favors, Cards, Candy Boxes, • Etc. Magnavox Radio Marshall’s NEW WINTER iRED CROWN Because i t ’s Dependable —one important reason for your travel over Southern Pacific Lines '•Keep your feet dry” says every doctor In laying down health rules. This 1» hte season of the year when sudden changes In tho wvnther sub Jects one to unusual exposures. At tentlon to your shoes now Is a pre­ caution for health's sake. Lot me put on half sole« and rub­ ber heels. 1 ran make your old shoei look and wear like new. I guarantee my work nnd my price* are low. Your travel responsibility ceases when you board the train. Comfortable trains leave at con* venient hours. You arrive at your destination rested end refreshed— and on time. Economical,too—reduced round­ trip fares make travel surprisingly inexpensive. A sk A g e n t. Southern PacificLines CARL OLSON, Agent « ELBC7TRIC SHOE SHOP Main SL Between 3rd ft 4th WILD TO GO! S U tN D A A O OIL COMPANY IC A U W k N t A )