O BV O TtO TO IN T E R E »! OF SPRIN G FIELD ANO T H I FARM ER» OF THE W ILLAM ETTE VALLEY THE SPRINGFIELD KISS'S S P fU N O F lR L D , L A N K C O U N T Y . O R EG O N . THURSDAY. O C T. “Th« People’s Paperi* LIVE N EW SPA PER IN A LIVI TOWN N U M B E R 39 15, 192o T W E N T Y -S E C O N D Y E A H T E A C H E R S ' R E C E P T IO N IS COUNCIL ACCEPTS IE M S .P .L M IO W E L L A T T E N D E D A T H. S. F IR E B A D L Y D A M A G E S /o d e WEIGHT HOME TODX NEWS IN NEW BUILDING O P P O S IT E PO ST O F F IC E BRATTAIN SCHOOL 10 BE M m The Springfield New» moved F ri­ D ofsttivs W iring Believed C suss of day and S aturday Into the new build­ the Bias« W hich Riddled Top of ing erected eapscially for It oppoatte Kpringneld schools, ep»»nsored by Ihe Raeldence. the post office on F ourth street. The ParenVTvachera association and the Card P arty to be Held. room and office have ab undant light New Building to be Scene of W om ans' Civic club, w in largi-ly at- Fire, probably caused by defective T he A m erican lx»glon auxiliary ------ - ---- ---- Program in Which Member» tended T uesday eveutna a t th e blah will hold a h a llo w . e„ card p arty | wiring. seriously d .m a ie d Ihe home building will be redecorated and oc­ Old Railroad Property Taken artuxri. An entertainment of vocal am! cupied by th e P ” Cash »tore and of City Schools and Town»- W edausday. O ctober .he 21. the place of W W. We’ght a t in d and U atreeta Over for Industrial Purpose»; in stru m en tal se k ctlo n e, a trad in g , (b is morning. T he alarm w u turned llendert-r E lectric supply. people Will Participate. to be aunouuerd later. B everyone i s , ---- -- The Springfield News now has one and a »hurt talk. was followed by a Budget Committee for I9z6 cordially Invited to attend and all 1,1 at ».-«». The ou he-1 of tb e b est weekly new spaper plants M L th e VB)1,.y. Bc w pimi lo pi T h e frie n d .. Th,» Is tb e first card party I 'y all the. c. t h ^ ffutUNtrlr*« on th* old HoutMnrn C hc 1' c ( ‘hurt«*« N advornik, violin iti. Mr" .to- auxiliary b a ., .fm naored th is s r a , ,n * w(.r. ,,B. , royM . The down- » end. publishing and tlcm, of the clty wU1 tak e p art an4 to term initi ulto In H prin»fhI4, the ci tv Paul Hosford and Mr». Roland Mosh and I. «S -II b . th ere and make “ I w as Lived, but « r a t Printing Tbe publ.c 1» invited to In- , w h,<;h tfce ,nTlted t0 Bt. totiucll accept mt a on the ter, w ere anilina tho«e on th«- pro son a succftss of the thing» u p stairs were burned. "»•<* th e new building. j , en d baB b,.e n „ „ . . „ g e t g ii un I from Eugeni' ut It» m eeting , grant, Mr«. C ora H etnenw ay gave M on d ay ti ght. T ie Fügen - p ropinai ' "T he It.-lla" accom panied by Mr» Iv .b e e the blaze sta rte d w here * • I SUCCESSFUL ' ° * 8 ’r“ r t’ ’ ' h ’ 1" " ““ ° ' ,h ” N esdlecrsft E ntertained. fur a 4P year le a '« at (10 per y e a r , an Mule Principal Bain of the llg h | school board, will pr««sent th e build- • wit ng fastens to the bouse n ear th e (VAUGH IS SUCCuSorul- lm» lii-en exam ined by ihn city a llu n i ¡school gave an address. M A IL C A R R IE R C A N D ID A T E leg to the d istrict in b«.-balf of th e Flv m em ber* of th e N eedlecruft I roof • board. The building will be ch risten ------------------ - rlu h Will he In itia t'd till» evening a ll T(’e |,gbtg w ent out at the house j --------- (board. vy an<1 wns r«*f'»nifticml*4 lo th* rout» ting of the ladles of th e home |Bat nlgbti resid en ts say. and they J O rson Vaughn passed the exam!- , Fd by Mrs. C harles Scott. rep resen tin g rii. A J Perkin* whu n*(ûtlat«d th* 8 O O S T E R C ZLU LU B T O S E L L Moore, county A T H IG H S C H O O L — f Mr«. C. <>• w tlso n on E m erald hui, n()t yH boen repaired this m om nation for mall c a rrie r w ith th e high th e pioneers. E J. Mo d ia l with the Eugen« Tiirtnlsnl com ­ T IC K E T S - - | jn )ng e |,roropt P rom p t w w org orn from iro m the u»- volunteer »»,,««" «• ,.«t --»i .c sc o o re r e made u a * w by >- j th o se tak —..... i superin l l be ten a d speak ______ 1 H eights Th.-s«- to be Initiated ure in g r,«w. the w | school en t wil m ittee, wu« present and explained Mr». J. W flr(, dep d,.pBrtm eo t t and and many many high high school school j te»r s t A August, ugust, acording ' .! fire artm en te. r la i,1Kt acording to to word word • • Pr Pr on on the the program program also. also. Il pi the council II« wuii given a vote Tim » in d en t Council of Hprtngfleld I Mr». Ceorgo Hobson. MrB l boys probably k ept the house fr o m ; received at tb e p o st office S atur- Following Is the program arran g ed : of thank» for hl» effort». , high school has form erly approve^ Shaw, Mrs, W alter G ossler. P rogram , The land o ned by Eugene co n sists • uf n new orgnnlzatlon w lihls tbe Floyd Thom pson and Mr». Floyd We« burning to the ground, although th e ,tBy. Mr Vaagh will tak e up hl* j ftr ,. was too far F lag Salute. ■ --- . ‘ jgjv; won i-rv s*> under — ------ way - when they | • eric O ctobe- 2fith, n d lev ln g E im er , of about 26o a rre a lying In o r n djs school to l>e kmiwu as the Booster** terflcld. S a n k e y , lt-mpe«ary ca rrie r. Song A m erica ------------------Audlenc* H usbands of the club m em bers a re • ttrr|ved to be controlled cent to ihe east elty limit*. It Is to , |ub ord«r to become a mumber Mrs. H ow ard F reeland passed the j p resen tatio n of th e Building. ----------------------- be lensed to Hpvlngfteld for m unlrl- • club each stu d en t m ust sell Invited In at 10:00 to p arta k e of a | Mr. Sw artx I highest exam ination in the c le rk ’s 1 pal and park purpeaea, the Idea Is. rlv„ d.diare worth ijf ticket* «luring H allow e'en luncheon. H IC H S C H O O L IS A G AIN AT M ir W T teet. and holds firs t place on th e j c h riste n in g th e B uilding with the sld of Eugene, to offer tht« ipy HrU.-t salo and to n m a ln a mem- B R O K E N IN T O A T N IG H T , wa)tjng ,,gt ,n case of a vacancy ¡„ ............ ......... Mr,. Cha*. S cott Kill Kar« in Eugen«, land a» Industrial site». It I» hoped bt r |„ good stan d in g he m ust »ell at 1 . In t h e h le h th® Po st office- T w enty people took in v o c a tio n ............................- Rev. Blow to locate » e n r a l fartnrliw on It. h a s t , | w<,rth of tick ets (luring each Kill K ure Klub m em ber* of S pring 1 f <-r g.i n ng -- F r l.i-,v th e exam inations, only ten of th e m ,g ong A m erica th e B eautiful. School Th council appointed a budget FUC teed Inc tick et tale. o o l. building •"«"* l , n e * r,d “7 , paaslng w lth a fco re over 70 p er T a lk : The School and C itizenship field and Eugene w ere e n tertain ed co inhiltir^ wi Mumlav nlytita m yéline Those m em bara who ure In good H ast T hursday afternoon at th e hem e j night thieves forced th eir > cent _______ 4 _________ w - ° - B urcham tn h»'!p makt* lb»» cndrunl« f'xpnnll- stan d in g a t th e «nd uf Uf year wilt i f Mrs. tb rt V incent In Utigene The p, office of the principal an< Into _____________________T alk: The E lem entary School and Its tur»'» for th«t rornln* yriir T h r e«tu receive r> cognition from th e stu d en t ....... .. »■ T ‘ nt 11 ' "*■ brl iiry’ * v,d*‘n,ly in ” ' '•,r' R E S T A U R A N T T O M O V E T O ¡Relation to H. 8................. V. D. B ain mMI’ o ch11 cted ** •— wewXlr fiin/1 ■ '• * T he d a„» hxvlng (he hlgh«*t num | nine th e consolation p r'se. for «» « a B book fund <11*- dls- 1 bn!<«*t com m ittee ma<*t«n< ha* i> vn b. r of m em bers on th«' chib NMt' r Special g u e s t, to r th e aftern oon j appeared from an an o o th tn er er room room. | A cceptance of " b ’ ble” F U g. P le to ra •ared from r»lir«j for O rtob ar JH. will rt-co’vo a certain num ber Pf w.-re Mr*. W*lt«-r O srrolt and Mrs. ¡ The moulding on t e oor cas n <« ‘ moved O oto-I” ’'* ►■•"'i'” «’ M«« n r , R ead H em en- A Rtrrot light W it ordered InwtAll point» for Intercl»»» activity. n o c in i « w k e b . <d thr«“- lo 's on th«- ’ Mr» Maude llryan. I spr ng type. It wus nn easy m a tte r to h. overhead expense of the business LE G IO N T O H A V E S T A G cornvr of 13 uud 10th stre e t from P A R T Y ON A R M IS T IC E ¡force the bolls back, and open the will be g reatly ow ered. m aking It H IG H S C H O O L T O PI AY A. F. F lo w irs Wodnes- Mr. and Mr* New Club Meets. „ , . . ¡ door. The c u lp r'ts have not been possible for b ettersscrv lce to be m ain­ B R O W N S V IL L E O C T. 17T H day. Justaim -re ciuo club m«o m et w O ctober An exclusive stag party will be tained. , The Ju stu in ere w "™" I ¡ . an«ht — — « ( T ht red house form erly located on staged on the evening of A rm istice 14 at the Imme uf Mr«. H urry A nthony Tho re s ta u ra n t h a s been In Its The Llgh school football team I s , A sipeet betw een 4th and 6th streets, p r'-ren t locotion about a year. U ntil day a t th e C ham ber of Comm erce p ra rtl ng’ hard every night In pre , wblch 1« being moved to m ake room T hose preasmt w ere: Mrs. M orris P r o g r e ss M a te on G arage. hit" X V M r ’s. T he"Z ” i T . « room s by m em bers o f,th e Springfield yam* with Browns-1 (,,r w I'crktns ntid la x to n gafag«* paratim i for A m erican Legion. A general social vtlle to played tn-xt S aturday a t 3:30 'w ill b<* m oved to one n t the ''K w b a n k " and th e h o s te s s . T h e next from th e G eo rg e P e r k i n . ^ n* ------------------------ ¡ tim e Is planned, and e a ts a re prom- Fifth streut yrouHil». I w here It will be rem o d eled ,-rep ain t ni thi Mill W orker Injured. i ised In abundance. o fth * chtb wll, he with tk * T actlcs u««'(l by the f n lv e rs ltf o f,,,,] Bt!«| m ade m odern in every r e N eis P eterson, an employee of the The Legion will m arch in a body Ori-yon team ure bcltig tauxlit th " pecL ' “ m L .¿1°»™ o'iay Lyon« and daugh « » r a r e h a . been started . T he new F ischer L um ber com pany af M areóla I to the O akland-Springfield high .chool t< «m under thè directio n of V. D i* r iloîpn of E uren* w ere d in n e r.- tructur*» which will be 120 by received a large gash in his scalp j football game, w hich will be played L ea v in g on E x ten d ed T r ip South Ita n. ue«,» Sunday a t .h e L e,an 1 E w hank feet w l. g reatly Improve the appear- S aturday when a block of wood fell thnt afternoon on the local gridiron, S e v r a i m«n a re stili on th è In- C. M Dorlty, an old tim e le s ltlc n ii anco of » h a t co rn er as well as afford on his head from a conveyor. The Springfield band will accom pany ju red list. Th- prohoble llne-up a» o f Springfield anil hls niece. M rs | home. i a fine garage building. The Anderson Grey L anders, also of Ihe F ischer ! ’hem. and tb e Legion and nationa nnaounced Tue ■day la: <'nds. C harles France» E tctibeck, who h as b e n llv- a » * * P arty > - ^ y . I W hig Motor com pany expect to oc- mill, had h is left thum b fractured i colors will be displayed, ae nationa 'I honypaou and K. '(le tger. ó r A lbert Ige hero for the pa»« y«-««r. j r f t tO'l iy j . , cupv th«- building when finished. on the sam e day when a leg rolled on anthem will be played by th e band for San H i-so lo spend th " w in ter! The junior class of th e high hchool ____________ ____ H arp er; guard- . two of th thro im m edialely preceding th a kickoff. W ill,am». Jo s Thompson. then- and p erh ap s rem ain ilo-re. M rs , will s ta rt th e school festiv ities P rl-. his hand. lowln U niform s for Gymnasium. e m it e Lom bard or Lombard or Pol­ Eve beck ha« targe property In te re st lay evening, when th ey m eet for a Gyturuisium uniform s consisting of Judge Sm ith O fficiates. F in ed fo r R u n n in g E n g in e lard ; i|uart>rtiio-k, M cPherson; hulf«** t h r o an J cam e-to Springfield (or th " | etas* p arty at th e high school gynt. j w hile m iddies trim m ed in blue, black F or the friat tim e sinca he took the A fine of $2 w as collected In Jus- H C- wart and llo aflu g sj uud full­ change In oi m ale. Mr. Dorlty was Games and refresh m en t* will tuk« “ P ( bloom ers, black st.K kings, black bow office of Ju stice of th " P ta c e in ilie .» ivum k on- uf the a.J u * h o U d l' d I’l»' Ihe back, Lewi». ties and black tennis shoes, have ice court from E. W. Robbins for S p rin g fe ld la st M arch, R. W , S r. ( it tin; following F riday, O ctober; The rooting will bo directed by S P. «hop locations when they first • I been approved by the high school, and H eaving hls c ar w ith th e engine run- being cnhre(1, | n«ng. R obbins paid the fine last Mon perform ed a m arriage service Tues­ Georg» Moon and hl» v«sl«lnnt. Orvul entered this t'rrlto ry and intended lo- 23, th - seniors will have a p arty a t day evening at 5:30, Miss M yrtle th e home of Miss Stella B arker, and , {l bv glrls jaBt y e a r - a y m orning. Eaton. Tbe n«-w yell staff w-u* elected : i atlug offices lu-re. F arrln g to s and T hom as K eenan, both ----------------------- - Ion the «am* evening th e sophom ore«. S e v .ra l suit, te n ». g _________________ at a me. t ng of the s tu d 'n t body held C irels M .sta Tuesday. | « III Jtave . atao L « r i ' h o 'o i r i s ' k a g u r o f the high j v fk it from B a ls m -M r . and Mrs ! giving th eir residence a s Lane coun­ Inst Friday evening. ty, b rin g th e principals in the cere­ M fcatou o lr e le o f th" B n , .list . hurgh gym . T h . .. . -..n o n . . | , , , h proceed 9 from th eir hale u W. Scott and son, V erne of Salem , mony. with Mr«. A. Pen«ra. Tuesday’ he at th,« gymnasium, on . w / t « . ™ treasu ry . ‘ (w e re g u e s t, a t th e W. H. A drian Go to Junction hom e over the week-end. M iss Inez T ailor Shop Moves. Mr» B A. W ashburn« and Mrs. T yler, a stu d e n t a t the U niversity of W ashburn« drove to P o rt­ Clami T he N advornik T ailor shop which O regon, w as also a guest th ere Sun- land Snniisv to ni«o, Mr« H elen W, has been in the Odd Fellow s building M arlin, a d a u g h ter of the form er, who > for the la s t several m onths ha* h a s Ju»t retu rn ed from a to u r of Eu W ' ( . moved Into a new room in the Stev­ W ashington People Here— Mr. and rope Th«-y will re tu rn h«rn In a day C. Mrs. C harles Rund of S e a ttle and ens-P erkins building. W hen th e Stev­ w Ÿ ’> * '4 o r I wo. nnd Mr». M artin will m otor IC jj—F TIME UJHEW JlM M VS M a ORDERED UiM ens-P erkins building was rem odeled Mrs. Allie S heridan of Long Beach, to her home In San F rancisco. K0Í OUT OF THE CAME JU ST AT THE MOST CRITICAL W ashington reg istered a t the Spong th e tailo r shop was moved across the MOMENT WHEN HE U/AS ABOUT TO MAKE THE stre e t. T he shop now m oves back but h otel Monday. Frosh Have Team . 'WINNING TOUCH DOWN FO R H lS TEAM Into a different room built for it oa F reshm en of th e Springfield high V isits P ortland— E. G. Sutton v isit­ F ourth stre e t. school organized a football team ed re lativ es In P o rtlan d S unday, and T uesday evening, nnd nre practicing Leaves for C anada, Monday. a fte r school. They plan to schedule A. J. P erk in s left today for C algary, a game w ith the Junior high team , T onsils Removed—T he sm all son Canada, w here he has a ranch and nnd possibly w ith some Junior team s Of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. M athew s of Dex o th e r business In terests to look after. o f Eugene. te r had his tonsils rem oved Tuesday. H e expects to he gone to r tw o or th re e weeks. Philom ath V isitor H ers— Mrs. J. F H ere from Goehen— Mrs. C. A. Coop G ran t of Philom ath visited Spring e r of G oshen visited Springfield Tues- Vialta from C alifornia—Miss Luclle field W ednesday. W tlson of P alo Alto, C alifornia, a r­ rived h e re F riday to be the house M arcóla People H ere— Mr. nnd V lsit a t L eaburg— Mrs. C. F ' EgRl- guest of Mrs. C. O. W ilson. m ann and Mias M ary R oberts a re vis­ Mrs. O. A. R oberts and sm all son. JIarold, sp en t W ednesday In town. iting Mrs. Al M ontgom ery a t Lea- R eturns from C alifornia—<*. O. burg today. W ilson retu rn ed to Springfield Sun­ Fall C reek Man In—Sherm an Gib day a fte r spending la s t w eek a t San W lnberry Man In—W . B. S cott of aon of Full Creek wns In tow n Tues F rancisco. , W lnberry w as in tow n W ednesday. d ay . A reception for teacher» ot • Move to W oodburn—Mr. and Mrs. R andall S co tt nnd baby aon left T u es­ day for W oodburn, w here Mr. Scott will have th e M ethodist p asto rate. Goes to California— Mrs. L. J. flln- tiar luft T uesday for a visit nt En­ c in ita s , California. R eturn from E a stern T rip —Mr. and Mrs. D. W. C rites retu rn ed to Spring field T uesday evening a fte r an ex te n e d e a ste rn trip. Canada and the N ew E ngland sta te s w ere visited by Mr. nnd Mrs. C rltef, w|io retu rn ed by th o southern ro»te. T hey have been g one th ree m onths. "E s™ A ttend Bank M eeting—B. A. Waeh- Down from W alterville— Mr. and burne atten d ed th e bank m eeting a t Mrs. T. W , C arney of W alterville Junction City T uesday m orning. sp e n t W ednesday in Springfield on business. Go to P o rtlan d —C I. A nderson and Goes to P ortland—John Winzen- V isit R elative H ere— Miss L lnnle reid sp en t S unday In P ortland. C raft and Miss F annie S tephens of L eaburg visited re lativ es In Spring- Vielt from Ro»eburg— Mrs. F ran k field Sunday. Root and Mr*. F red Jo s t of R oseburg w ere house g uests of Mr. and Mr*. From W alterville— Mr, and Mrs. W, a . T aylor Monday and Tuesday. Sim on P utnam of W alterville w ere huslnee* visitor* h e re W ednesday. Gos* to »«nd—Fred CUngan weg* to Bend Tuesday lo t a business trig. »rsaka Arm—Mr*. C. H. Honey of He »lane to retara ta shout four dgyn. «o*hen broke her arm tbta moral»»