v *n p T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R *. IM S T H E B P R IN O H T U ) N EW S f - 'T farmer. John Cosí l 'lo, U nalaw , form ar..t< Mr» J » S ~ . 1* rl »"»• ‘ o , - r*' mvrctmul l»,, n», ( verjoek «ur baaC krrchief «»• ” *• oto w it-a i w . ..o a .l r u .t ~ l in 1811 i *' L Y “ 1* * w|mlow, TrtcvS tan g o t* truub Se to house» th>* M u tu ila « Ìt a le » Bower I K,lw ar‘’ J W eber. Croswell, (arm er 25i The N tri lly H lu re.' _ ,¡.. ' I r t i . : * »h .» Iiro a ,1 re a r ’____ __T l ' " ‘ 11 • ’ Sixteen Inexpensive Deserts Mt. States Plant Power Center of Half Willamette Valley Made From One Recipe — ------------ I pla n or w ilh w fclppnl'tT w qi: By Mrs. Belle D» G raf, D irector. I *PP,a Sooere», • Thu Safest pl.u-c In the world a* Horae Service Bureau Sperry F lour Co! P rep are the n .aslar n cipe Pour In j regard.» hcrtdenU is the cabin of a P erhaps you » ill wonder just what to a well g n a s e .l shallow oblong or ( bid steamship on the ocean. - Next in safety conies a railroad the ll'iuih Kelly m ill T ’’l» w as Tint lh" a m ast r recipe m eans. Wall. It is to square pan. Peel, v o te a p 4 si »«•’ train, and before long tho dying flr«t M ountain S tates plant here, th e ' cookery w hat a m aster key is to a cooking apple Into very thin slices. j machine will be safer than either. ftr“* en e being Tntllt ln TM8. building—it opens no. a door, but th.* la y slices of apple In even r--«s. ov ■ The man in greatest danger Is The local i hint auppllea power t > ■ m eans of preparing a g reat v arlíty ¡ e rla p tln g a little over top of caka. . the fat man past riiddle age, eat­ j Sprinkle with cinnam on a'n,l sugar. J ing heartily and hurriedly when th? e n tire south rn end of th e WH ■ of appealing dishes. ho is tired. D o o t insure him. Lunette valley, » 'h the exception of I ,ew i Bake in a fairly hot oven (SIS liegr* ea | T his method of cooking a,i,is new «bout one half of Eugene's to ’al p w F.t for about 1$ m lnutea. Cut Into Good news for little automobile in te re st to the daily task of planning e r Corv.'ittt». Albany. C ottage G rove.! |sq u a re s and serve hot or cold. If to j owners. Gasoline prices are and preparing meals. The very simple, In ti'pen.lence, Brownsville, and m ost: •lashed all over the country. Yea- he served cold do not cut Into squares I iB ixpenaive m aster cake recipe given terday, In Eastern territory, tlm other t a n s of thia valley south Of j below cau be used, w: h some slight u:“ U cak® U c" !'1 cut wag three cents a gallon. In Salem r reiv e thia s e n lee From I v a ria tio n s fcr more th an a d oten dis C ottage Pudding- tho Middle West many buy gns tit me th > present plant was built, under 14 cents. It makes a big tincl ve desserts, it 1» ea.-v to m ix.. «Topare one half the m aster recipe u n til 1822, «11 town» ottlh of S alem ' dl'Terence to those that count the requires v .rv few «tecalis. and ear, ' »'our into a well gr. ased shallow pan Where m nn’n lipirl tenches «»nt for «««rvIcoM as far ns C ottage Grove were »up- ’ co d of living ami motoring. be baked in moat case* in fifteen min a »d b«k® about 15 m inutes In a fair It means nothing to the big men: plied, but the plant Is now n bi'oxter ’ that wo util rt iifler we utiind rendy to nervo they don't cure what gasoline fu te s, and never requires over half an ly hot oven ,375 d eg rees F ) . Serv plant ou the C allfronia Oregon Bower j • in servo with fidelity, with Ulgi-rtiiinn u t u l with a vasilia sauce. costs. And many o f them, owning hour. company linn, from which the Moun , e Vanilla Sauce. with tactfuUnena. oil stocks, feel rather sad. A three- tain S tates ecm pany now huya power, | Your need may be cake for the ¡ 1 cup boiling w ater. eent cut tr. gas may meat» a $30 Be» de« working in thia capacity, I drep in oil stocks. lunch box break fast coffee cake. In- 1-3 cup sugar. the Io- ;.» (h in t also supplies a l| pow-j dividual cream cakes tor a company j 1 tablespoon flour. \ shert-hom bn’l was sold In vr and steam for the Booth Kelly m ill' luncheon. fruit cobbler for dinner, o r j 1 teaspoon b utter. PHONE the • r • Rei -iblie yesterday here Hix boilers, having a com blnid | cookies for the children. This m aster I 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring. for S -e r price for that capacity of 2300 boiler b oraepow er,! bw- " •'<■> r*eord Is recipe can be used for each one of ' M'x su g ar and flour until well and feci by bog fuel, a re Included In th ese djfhes, and for many o th er dee- bleBded; h eat w aler in a araai| t *«ce- 1. S P R .IN O FIE LD .O R E s ■ price paid in thia country by tha the equtpn ent, The « ntlto plant has i se rts also. Surely It is interestin g to p ^ . add gUKar w | Xtun. an d s tir un til j Carnation Farms Company lo t a a capacity of 4000 kilow atts, and i be able to m ake two decidedly differ- MU(^ tW ckenedt then add butter. Add i LUataia bull—$102,000 twelve men a re ron.sjanllv employe». , e n t d esserts for two days a t one time. (la to rin |t when ready to serve. T his I there. pri Suppose you decide to have cottage sauce can be m ade and kept hot in , done by breeding among animals. M ANY F A R M E R S ON JU R Y pudding for din n er tonight, and cream a double boiler until needed. You can get a perfectly good bull cakes for’ tomorrow, o r perhaps nut --------- for $40. But a little change in L IS T FOR FA LL T E R M cup cakes for the children's school If you are interested in th ese m a s-, the shape of the animal, pro­ ~~~~~ duced by a careful selection of lunch box. P repare the m aster recipe, ter recipes. Mrs. DeGraf. will be glac. Thirty-one nam es were draw n from j the mysterious chromosome», I se half of the cake b atter for the to send you her free booklet SO Food the Lane county jury let Monday for ■ makes a big difference. pudding (will serve s x perscnsl. If Delights fro ii 8 .Master Recipes." A the circuit court panel for th e fall : Students of eugenics think care­ nut cup cakes are wanted, add one req u est to Mrs. Belle DeGraf. Direc- i ful breeding will pro-luce equal term sta rtin g Monday, O ctober 18 ! improvement in human beings. half cupful of finely chopped n uts toe. Home Serv ce Bureau, Spear v The follow ng is the punel draw n * They are mistaken. and bake the cakes in shallow, well- Flour C.. San Francisco. Calif , will C. A. Ruat. Blachly. farm er. greased muffin pans in the oven with bring it to you. B E. Hoffman. Mapleton, farm ' r. Learned men. Including church­ th e cottage pudding If you want 1 Wm. Brynd, Florence, m erchant. ' O n one d ia l c a lib ra te d In wave men, cnee taught that there was cream cakes for tom orrow 's dinner. Knew, If. O. Buttle, Null, m erchant. a roof to this earth, solid, held up lengths as well as (he usual num- om it the nuts, baking the cakes in ’‘I've Just been looking a t your last j by its own strength and called W. M. F orester. Eugene M R A., / hers, all stations are permanently the sky. th e muffin pans. fall's suit. John." rem arked Mrs ' , farm er. logged. N o tedious ••fishing" with When Galleo denied it and said W hen baked rem ove from pans and ! S»®0 «®- "»» * *n ,!n® ®°n d |t lc>n t 00*1 George Neff. Springfield, It No. 3, the earth was a round ball whirl­ a number o f dials that need delicate set aside until th e following day. The ®na“ kh for a prince to wear, ing around the sun, he had to get j farmer. adjustment. down on his knees saying that he Geo. S tew art. S prlngfle'd. carp en ­ little cakes may be Iced if you wish. -Y en" said Mr s P °°f® w,s®| y- ‘‘aD,i “retracted, abjured and abhorred Find the wave length o f a station, ter. or used plain. Split half way through wlth th ® mon®’r IU sa,r® w®a r,n * his false teachings"—which hap- Jessie H arper, Junction Cdty, R the c en te r and fill opening with s w e e t I suppose you'll w ant to buy a new set the dial, sharpen the tone with pened to be perfectly true. No. 3. fa truer. the exclusive Sleeper Resonator. ened, flavored whipped cream , if outfit so th at 1 won't be asham ed ot That's all there is to tuning in the cakee a re not iced, sift powdered sag you when you go out with me." The idea of a solid sky above I G. W. Stafford, Springfield. R No t, farm er. us, with stars planted in it here a r over the top. Sleeper Monotrul. and there, faded out. But now the Mark M. Berry. Springfield. re tlre J The following, suggestions are only Any Sleeper dealer will demonstrate radio experts of the Navy say the L. E. Barks, Cresw ell, R. No. 1. a few of the attractiv e, easily made earth actually has a “r o o f’ of an­ • a Sleeper Monotrul your way. farmer. d esserts made from th is one m aster other kind, it exists, presumably, Ethel P latt. S prlrgfleld, R No. 2 recipe. Next week I will give you where our thfh atmosphere melts away into the ether, “ an ionixed housewife. others equally attractiv e. O ther m as­ region in the higher levels of the J. E R ichardson, L 'nalaw . farm er te r re e p e s will also follow. atmosphere," the scientists call It. Ira D. Hyland, Fall Creek, farm er C larence Pttney, Junction City R The "imponderable ether,” so M aster Cake Recipe. No. 3, farm er denre that solid steel in compari­ N ote: All m easurem ents are level Je s s M L oier, C resw ell R. No. 1. son is like a coaroe flah net, cer­ . Mi'fioirol an I flour Is sifted once before m eas­ mill man. tainly does enclose our earth and (.«• y • p a » „» O h m m m . its thin atmosphere. uring. One-half pint m easuring cup is Dayton C. Thom pson. Vida, fan n er. Radio waves such as we use may used. Em erson Rosa, Eugene M R A., B y Arthur Brisbane be able to travel outside that at­ term er. 2 eggs. mosphere. If so, science will find J M. Spurgeon. Eugene 3€S W. 7th, 1 cup sugar. some other wave that will tak»' AMERICA’S ENEM Y-FAT. millwright. 2 caps Sperry drifted snow flour. m essages to other planets. A SHORT-HORN BULL If light-prciucing waves can C. W. Hansen. Springfield, farm rr. 2 teaspoons baking powder. travel from the sun to the earn,, A ROOF TO THE EARTH. B. C. H am m ltt. Mohawk, form er H enp miik or w ater. men will find some wave thal will W. P. Lower, Cresw ell R No. 1, 1-3 cap m elted shortening. 10-P0UND DA3Y?— WRONG. carry Information from the earth W . 11. A D R IA N . P r o p ? farm er 1 teaspoon vanilla. lo the sun and beyond. 1 " .......... . ....................... .. 1 teaspoon lemon. What is more c'.ingemus than Learn, proud parents, that the ocean travel, riding on railroads, M earvre sifted flour and sift again much praised "ten-pound boy ba­ or flying in an airplane? w ith baking pow der; beat eggs until by” Isn't the thing at all. The av­ The answer, given by Mi. John­ very light, thee gradually add the sug­ erage normal boy baby weighs 7*h son, of the National Life Insur­ ar. beating it in with th e egg beater. pounds at birth. ance Company, is FAT. W hen cream y add flour altern ately One learned Italian has written a book to prove that women, by Fat kills Americans more rapidly w ith ll-trid, mixing until smooth. Add special diet, can and should keep flavoring and melted shortening, b eat­ than anything else. Fatty degen­ the unborn child from becoming to i eration of the heart kills many. ing until the b a tte r is smooth. This fat for Its own sake and for the Fat accumulates on mid< Je-aged am ount of b atter m akes 2 large lay­ business men, and that kills them mother’s sake. V.’e have a lot to learn about e rs or 1 medium-sized loaf cake. before their time. taking care of children before they Chocolate Layer Cake. fat Is dan- are bom, including the science of ln 0, n 1 star,'i exercise Is k i t riffht after birth. and hake In a fairly hot oven (about toat im^.it taxe the fat off TL* viceable an d easy to work In, 375 degrees F.) 15 m inutes. Cool be­ feetle will cannot control diet. Black satin latfh e front or plain one strap fore adding filling pumps, high, medium or low heel j W. F WALKER 228 4 6 2 - J FUNERAL SERVICE "A'N Is it easy to i operate ? This Week Sifeper M9NOTROL ? Its c o m p a c té Springfield Garage R EIER C O . C. J. Eugene, Oregon W o m e n ’s Shoes riu°f fat- P repare 'he n n s te r recipe and add H cupful of finely choped nuts after the b atter is mixed. Pour into well greased mtiirin pans and bake in a m txlerate oven (300 degrees F.) about 15 m inutes. Cool, then cu t half way through the center. Place a spoon­ ful of sw eetened, flavored whipped c ream In the opening Sprinkle pow­ d e re d sugar over the top or ice on top before you add th< cream A cooked F ren ch cream may replace whipped cream . These cages resem ble French pastries. Up Side-Down Cake. P re p a re only h alf of the m aster recipe. T ake e deep layer cake pan and add 3 tablespoons m elted b u tter or su b stitu te ; over tho b u tter spread a layer of brown su g ar; over sugar a rra n g e sliced pineapple and. If you wish, add % cupful of chopped wal­ n u ts or alm onds In betw een the pine­ apple slices. Pour the cake batteT over the fru it and bake in a m oderate oven (3(0 degrees F.) about 25 min. utes. W hen baked tu rn up side down a t o rc s Into a serving plate. Serve $4.95 $ 11.50 to $ 1 6 .5 0 Chocolate Icing and Filling. 2 squares unsw eetened chocolate. 1 teaspoon buter. cups powdered sugar 1-3 cup of hot w ater. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Melt chocolate and b u tter over hot wa*er. When melted add sugar, then hot w ater gradually, b eatin g until smooth. Then add flavoring. Let stand until thick enough to spread be­ tw een ' ayers and on top of cake. W alnut Cup Cakes, Leather Coats $3.9 5 $4.9 5 Tan Oxfords, low or medium heel. For dress and school wear, $ 3 .5 0 $3.95 WHY PUT IT OFF N ow is the tim e to put your roofing on. W e t w eath er w ill soon be here. $ 1 .5 0 T0 $ 3 .5 0 $ 2 .7 5 AND $ 3 .2 5 M IN E R A L SU R FA CE S H IN G L E S , .... $ 6 .5 0 SQ- F E L T PAPER, $ 2 .4 0 AND $ 3 .0 0 R0LL BLACK A S P H A L T S H E A T IN G 85CAND$ 1 .6 0 R0LL R O LL R O O F IN G ................................. W o m e n ’s Coats Fur trimm ed coats in latest style and colors, H are bottom and straight. A good varniety of women's silk o r wool dresses, latest style »and colors, lluy early while the assortm ent Is largest. —— S8.50 - •*"■■■ — — —■ 11 — —— — — — ——— — Men’s all-wool mackinaws, weight, $9.85 good heavy Men's cotton union suits, medium weight, long sleeves, ankle length, $ 1 .5 0 Men's all-wool Bradford union suits, good heavy grade. A real bargain, $4.9 8 Misses’ Coats M e n ’s Shoes Misses’ fur trimm ed coats, very neat anil stylish. Misses’ dresses In wool flannel flare bottom, newest colors, $4.9 5 $5.8 5 Chippewa logger shoes, calked or pegged sole. Will stand hard ewar and wet w eath­ er. Buy your shoes here and save. M IN E R A L SU R FA C E R O O FIN G , Blankets A good assortm ent of blankets In all d olors, cotton, wool mixed and^all wool. At lowest prices. M e n ’s Suits Wright & Son Men’s moleskin leather lined vests, good strong lenthvr eleeves) knit collar and Men’s and young m en’s suits, In light anti dark colors and blue serge, at a saving worth while, $19.5Q $ 2 7 .5 0 A good assortm ent of Men’s overcoats In medium, light and dark colors, $ 1 6 .5 0 $ 2 4 .5 0 $ 1 1 .5 0 $ 13.75 Men’s black or tun Oxfords, including E d­ munds footfltters, Copeland and Ryder and other good makes, $ 4 .9 5 to $8 50 Black and brown dress shoes, $ 3 .4 5 to $4.9 5 E. E. Taylor and Copeland and Ryder dress shoos, light tan, brown and black. One of the best shoes on the m arket, $ 7 .5 0 to $ 9 .5 0 Men’s arch support shoes, black ldd, fits snug and gives the w earer the most com­ fort, 5 6 .9 5