THURHDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1«26 PAGE SEVEN Muncy to loan on desirable c ty lR 'T K 'E property. Monthly payment«. 3« to I have imrchussJ a honte, and open 96 mini t ha. cd a »«tearoom, ut JO# South 2nd, for KM CRY INSUR ANC E AORNCY itawieigh Product i. W. A. Hetnenway 17 *lh Ave W. I ’hotio 687 Cell 54 J fo Itawlelah Product*. Eugene. Ore. tf W A. Hstn.uway, The ituwletgh Man. (The Wt owl South 2nd. LAST CHANCE FOR BARGAIN OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST I A bearing on the application of C. ' D. Barnum to dismantle the Medford , "oaat railroad, which extend» from Medford to Jackbonvllle, has been net I for October 18 at Medford by the pub- j lie service commission. Brief Resume of Hapoenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Members of the Grand Army of tha ' Republic at Salem protested to the Rate fair board against the showing 1 m the fair grounds of a body purport­ 'd to be that of J. Wilke» Booth, aa- tassln of President Lincoln. September export» from Portland The first teachers' Institute to be represented a combined value of 86,- held In Lane county since the legls 569,184. lature more than two years ago abol- The newly constructed union high lahed the law providing for such meet- school at Nehalem was dedicated Fri- Inga In each county will be held In Jay evening. Eugene November 12 and 13. Dr. C. M. Dodaon, 83, for 43 year* a W. P. Erhart. operator of a shingle and prominent cltlxen of Baker, died at mill at Canary, In the western end pulnt hie home la that city. of Lane county, has just purchased The Douglas A Taylor furniture from the government through the for- (tore at Corvallis waa damaged to the e,t service 1,800,000 feet of dead cedar »stent of 88000 by fire. timber at 81.50 a thousand feet. The Anderson A Middleton Lumber I Construction of new buildings in OOOD USED CARS 1922 Cbavrolvt Touring, good condi­ tion. good tlraa and new paint. A • nap at |I7 6 . Terms. 1923 Chevrol.t Touring In fine con­ dition, new paint. 1921 Ovatiand Touring. motor rear end Juat overhauled, new Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel. Danttat, Vitus The Eugene Guard'a offer of ona A bargain nt 818500. Term«. building, B irln y '-’eld, Oregon. year'« «ubri rlptlou by uinll for 82 98 1922 Ford Coupe, 8220. term». m n u l o r bale ' closes Haturdsy, October 10—Auv. i G A N N E TT MOTOR CO. NOTICE lb HER EBY O IV l i T T i a t He« our Una of vlillln g card*, by virtue of an order of asle made Chevrolet Dealer«, company of Cottage Grove has doubled paneled, or plain, at the New« offlee. and < t tired by the County Judge for Cor. 9th hi Olive St«. It* woods crew at Rujada. Lune County, 4 r gon. on the 4th (lay Eugene, Oregon. of Heittm her. 4 .5, I will, on and aft ~Ai> average of 300 cssesof salmon •r the 10th day of October. 1*28. offer ¡ ------ -------------------------------- SCMMONH dally are being packed at the Allen I for «ule. an 1 m il at nrl"«to «ale, the Young Wifo Afriad IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT o r T H E dower lntere»t r f Harriet Ny*. l o t |0 Anything A H' ndrtckson cannery at Rainier. 8T A T K O F OREGON FoU LANE eon.petenl, In rnd to Iota une, th ree,1 1 Portland bank clearings for Septem­ t O l'N T Y . four and rive, block eight, atnuided *T afriad to eat becauae I al- ber were the greatest for any month Zoin Itlegar, Plaintiff, plat of Falrnmnl, Lune County, Ore­ way« bad stomach trouble after- this year, aggregating 8177,130.874.98. va. gon, »aid «ale lo Le at the eff ce »arda. Since taking Adleilka I can Kl<«er. Defendant: Mr«. Mary Morrison, <5. committed Donald Young KGO W illam ettt SI., eat and feel flop " (signed) Mra. A suicide by hanging herself to a rafter To E f RIEGER. Defendant: Eug'-ne. Origini IN T H E NAM E C F T H E S TA TE Howard. C NE apoonful Adlertkn M H V A ItV E Itt'D In the attic of the P. B. Allen home OF ORBOONON: You are hereby Guardian of Harriet Nye. Incompe- ri moves GAS and often bring« sur- at Nehalem. requ’red to appear and an»wer com­ >• 111 S II) ¡7 M ‘ Il prla ng relief to the stomach. Stop* plaint filed aaalnat you herein ‘on or A thousand cases of Lane county NO TICE F II P C B L ÍC A T Í o ??” that full, bl-uted feeling. Removes before «IX week* from dale of flrat ennned pears have just been shipped publication hereof, or for want there­ old wnnto tra ile r from Inteatinea and DEPARTM EN " OF T H E INTER- to London. England, by the Eugene of th« plaintiff will take judgm ent), II. U. 8 ' i ! i make* you f-e! happy and hungry. Fruit Growers’ association. again«! you and apply to the court burg. Oregon. B»M»mber 2«. 1926 Exiu-llet t for obstinate constipation. for the relief pray.d for In the com NOTICE It h- r.-h y given thut Curl In a raid upon lodging houses and plaint and for a decree of abuolu'e C Toll, of Eug », Oregon, who. on Flanrey's Drug Store. places of business at Oakridge, five divorce from yon. and a« mown by nprlt 29. 1921. nude Hom »lead En­ men and three women were arrested said complaint. t r y , No 013862. r i- W ',i K W ',. Suc­ GUARDL’ N '8 SALE CF REAL an charges of selling liquor. Th » »union» 1« published once each tion 3. Tow aihlr 1# S . Rango 4 West R O I’E RTY. Latest reports Issued by E. B. Le- week for a lt consecutive week« In the W iliam *'!» Me " -n , ha« filed not'ce N O TIC E IS HER EBY O IV E N that Springfield, (Oregon! New», by o rd ir of intention to p>»ke thri-i year Proof.1 bv vlr'ue ant order of the County mo», registrar, give a total of 8153 of the Hon C P. llaniard. Judge of to entalil ah d a m to the bind above l Court of L en - County. Oregon, duly students registered for the fall term at the County Court of lx»ne County. » e r t e d . he for- E <) Inimel. U. S made ami entered on the 14th day the Oregon Agricultural college. Oregon, made In the abaenca of the Commissioner, ct Eugene. Oregon, on , of S •pt«:i.tx t . 1925, the undersigned,, Judge of the above Circuit Court on the 10theday o' November, 1926 ¡guardian of the person and e«tates| Dr J. M. Kavanaugh of Pendleton September 2nd. 1926 I > » te d and flrat Claimant nant'-a a« witnesses: " f Vi rntta Luther and Juanita Luther, has been appointed coroner of Uma- publish* I Reptembwr 3rd. 1*26 Herbt-rt Mach 'h George Toll. Guy minora, will on and after the 19th m ia county by the county court. He W H ITTE N ' SWAFFORD. V Knox all of “■'Irene. Oregon; Em day of October. 1925. offer for »ale , MCCeej , the late Dr. H. S. Garfield, Attorney for Plaintiff Rerldance est Getchel of Veneta. Oregon i and sell at pnvate sale to the highest and pout office addresa, Eugene. bidder for cash the following dee- Í Eugene bank clearings made another RU B ER . E. CRAWFORD, Oregon crlbi-d real prorerty. to-w.t: ( record In September. The total for the Acting Register. 8 3 10 24 O.-1-8-15 All of Lots One ( i ) . Two (2). Three month waa 82.778.222.02, and 820.122,- . O 1 8-15 22-29 non-coal (3) and Four (4) a n l the Bant one- 397 for the flrat nine months of the half of Ix>t Fire (5). In Block 110. In ycar Wavhburne'a Subdlvls'on of thej Springfield Invea’ ment nnd Power. Directors of the Bend Commercial company's Addition to Springfield, club have approved plans for an in- Lane count'. . Oregon. , dustrlal survey of Bend and the trade Bald sale will take place at the law terrllory ln Orcgon trlb u u r, Telephones: Office 613 Rea. 2076 iff lie« of Potter A Foster, at 961 to Bend. W illamette Street. Eugene. Oregon. ersonal estate and personal property Let's W ait and Seel »ill be demanded by Governor Pierce. Dodging autos will settle this evolu­ tccording to a letter Issued from his >fflce.- Copies of the letter have been tion squabble. I f our greatgrand chil­ lent to all county assessors In the dren are born with bumpers on, It's itate. true The office of state superintendent Ed Purdy'« Philos. if banks must be maintained In Salem, tccording to a decision of Judge G. F. Men are getting smarter and smart­ Jklpworth of the Lane county circuit er. Scientista dig up a bone in Siber­ :ourt In mandamus proceedings filed ia and tell how old it la. I ’ll bet the jy George Putman. Salem newspaper time will come when they can tell »ubllsher, against Frank Bramwell. j mperintendent of the state banking milCh P° rk W“S 4 r<’un<1' a hun‘ — - . — a 1 OTCQ year» before, by Juat glancing at lepartment. i an old spare rib. Indians on the Klamath reserva- Jon are 8249,600 richer, as the result Ripe Old Age. >f the first government payment from ____ _______________ ______ A ______ A Dinosaur egg found !n Mongolia lmber sales made thia , year. check >Or 1200 was mailed to each of the ,s estimated to be a million yeara old. , 1246 Indiana on the reservation by -eroy D. Arnold, superintendent of the ■estrvatlon. • The money la derived , Yoig the sale of reservation timber to umbermen. — r _ Lajm en of the Oregon conference )f Methodist Episcopal church will levote their energies this year toward jrojnoting religious education of chil- lren within the church. The laymen's tssociation in annual session at Eu .... n a movement to get parents and chil- ^ren to attend morning church serv ' ce8 together^ | A vein of potter's clay 1200 feet in I ■ . > . . *'!dt-h and traced out for a length of 500 feet has been discovered by Henry Strader, a resident of Roseburg, and tas been staked out by himself and ions as a mining claim. The discov­ ery at present prices of the clay is nuch more valuable than a gold mine, t is said, is believed to be the snly discovery of its kind in the state. W ith the annual open season for leer not yet half gone the death rate uuong hunters has been unprecedent- >d and so many accidental killings pany at Cottage Grove will put into sporetlon at once the mill which was closed down several months ago when ^av® keen reported to the state game ¡ varden 9 »Hice tha. E. F. Averill, war- DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 'ts new mill wns put Into operation. ! Jen. . - len. has decided to send out special D E N T IS T The l:»rg !.t class ever enrolle,i enrolled 10 in instruction ,n9tructlo'n to t0 deputies depuliea in ,n t the {1(jld Qr. 11 c!uss ,he Or««0“ Norlni1 acho01 « Mun‘ 1 dering the arrest of every person in- Phone 43 mouth fo r a term u . fth , strumental ln lhe accidental aCclcenta deaths of I , a regular , . school „ ----------------------------- Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. ycar was reg-stered lu .t wee!: for the otj,ers In.niel I s t.ommlasloner, a' p ” - ;ji; term, the total enro.i.aeui. reach- '«"ne. Oregon, on tile 19th day of Oc- : Organization of the Klamath-Modoc- I tober, 1P"5 : ln8 ss('- Matn-Line-to-East association was ef- Cbilmarrt nn.mws as w'tnesaes; j Thirty-two per cent of the s'udents j fected at Klamath Fails by a group of ; i-llsworth W. Dial. Jasper W. Dint who enter Portland hl^h schools com- WM. G. HUGHES ’ .l on the 24th day of < q^ober, 1925. i st the hour of one o'clock. P. M. at tbe Southwest door of the County ' Court House in Kugere. Lane County, - ............ .. ............... t'regon. sell tc the . highest bidder for cash Lots 1 to 10 'Delusive of Block No. 10, being all of Block No. 10 of Chula Vista Park, a suburban plat near the Southeast corner of Eugene,. Lane County. Oregon, for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses of, ad­ ministration and the indehedness against said estate' and for distribu­ tion. Dated this 17th day 0 / September 1925. M SVARVERUD. ' Administrator of the estate of' Charles W. Darling, deceased. S 24 O 1-8-15-221 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE NO TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of a license and order of the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Lane County, authorizing me as guardian of the estate of John F Wilcox, insane, to sell a.t private sale all of the interest of my said ward, being an undivided one-third, in and to the Lots or Tracts Number­ ed 12. 13 and 14 in Washhurne's Ad­ dition to Springfield. Lane County. Oregon; I will, on and after Saturday, the 24th day of October. 1925, upon snld premises, offer for sale and sell to the party paying the most there­ fore in cash, all of the undivided one- third interest of the said John F W il­ cox in and to th« above described real estate, subject to the approval of said County Court. SARAH C. McBee. Guardian. S. 24 O 1-8-15-22