The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 08, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    IIV R 8D A Y , OCTOHÌ H S, 1»26
» \C F SIX
to arrange couf«r«noe w ith man
'JO KE ON COTTAGE GROVE; «’ >«'*’ • h» had beer, going In even
In the face of the sign
“C ottage
m enta 'a hop« of au «ally settlem ent
AT MORE FIR CAMPS of difference». Th» plani« «fleeted «re PEDDLER TAKES IN $3000
Drove haa « trad e at home cam paign
on" he said, "bill we took |200U out
uct m em bers of Ih» 4L. Logging i» be­
A peddler for «n eastern woolen
of thin city.“
ng more « d iv e and except for
mills cooirnnv I» In Springfield this
M r. S w a rta III— C. A. Sw hrta has
Thy trad e a l home women In
Down from Donna— Marvtn Sporn»
of the ranvps w est of the Cascades, | the A nderson 44 Middleton ram p nil
of [Kinna was in town MouJay.
logg'ng companle» In Gray» H arbor J w*1,’k try in g lo «»11 his wnrea. He B |'H tig.lil I are a fte r hl» scalp «ml
according to the 4L em ploym ent serv !
d istric t lire now operating, Indepen-t-1 might of -labosed of n pair of »ock» wc tie! he will hav« lo work faster
Fall Creek Man Her«—A K lntaley ) Improving from lllnea»—T heron Co- ’ ice le tte r Issued her« today, wli
ence Logging Co., » ia r t id ta lle r « and h e r ^ a n l there to unsusp r'ln g geo I th a n the telephone If he get» m an y
of Fall Creek was in town S atu rd ay • till la g reatly Improved a fte r a severe report>d increased iogging activity ;
hip kcra last week. No surplus of • x I I ’e but In several placea he w h s more «fnletg n Springfield
in several d ’strlcts. Sawmill operation
illness with pneumonia.
V ielt from Salem— Mr and Mr«. F
logger» here Tur: overs si »tow n the "T ry l|p r ngfl« hl Mer
rem ained unchanged front the previ­
I„ Scott of Salem were week end via- !
Dr. S lialph tMppel, Uinti««, Vilua
A l one place
V isit from Albany— Mr. and Mrs. ous w eek excep t 111 A b e rd een . W n ., csm i’s is lighter than it was one w eek, chants F irst" algn
where the »'gii was shown him he tie building. Springf • Id. Oregon.
( to n a t the W. H. Adrian home.
John L atubarty and family cf Albany w here 1300 saw m ill w orkers are on ago
T acom a—Legging became m ore ac­
Coe« Fiehlng—B. O. Sm ith spent I were g iu a ts at the N A. Howe home strik e, alt« cling five plants, the le t­
ih e
Tacoma E astern
Saturday fishing at T riangle lake and | Sunday.
te r said.
Lake creek
Signs cf decreasing employ:n-’i»t brunch lest week when the C ascade
Drive to Cottage Grove— M r and
T im ber Co. «tarted falling and buck
Down from Camp—H arry t a rte r Mrs. L aw rence May drove to Cotta*.’ 1 were raported form th e Inland Em­ Ing. The M .-ieral Lake cam ps also
of W endling caaw 34 was in tow n Sat Grove Sunday.
is he ng curtailed and o th er seasrn al ..ave 1.« n opened. No c h a rg e In saw
mill operation here. Few skill« d men
Viait here Sunday— Mr. and Mrs work I* tapering off R eports from
T akes Store Pos bon—John Howard Howard M errill of Eugeni» spent Sun th e various 41. offices were as fol­ seeking «m nl.iym ent but applicants
for i n’onicn m lo r Jobs are m ore mini
has taken a position as S atu rd ay clerk day a t the Leonard Lepley home.
c r us.
a t the F arm ers' I'nion store.
R eedsport, C re
Local supply of
S eattle— Labor dem and In nearly
Portland V isitor Here— E. Howard help equal* to present dem and.
All I
A ttends S u te Fair— Mr and Mrs
of P ortland was a Springfield visitor saw m ills here except one now opera , all Cnee continues good. Camp and
M M Peery attended the sta te fair
ting Most logging camps in thia dis saw m ill In te r tu rn o v er light« r thnn
F rid a y .
two w eeks ago
S everal calls for .
trlc t running
D illard Men Here— Ray Lauran e
m iners posted Mnu.v Jobs for farm '
W enolieg Man D-own--!’. O Stowell
C ottage G rove—The W oodard and i
Stylish Garm ents at Thia Lovf Price
and George Prourell,' both of Dillard,
uud dairy w orker« 'offered. Q uite a •
of Wendling visiteo Spring.’ Id S at­
Bohemia saw m ills have resum ed cut I
reg istered at the Spong Monday.
few call« for shingle belt cu tte rs on
ting a fte r being closed for several I
local boards More men In tow n than
If you have a limited
Visits O ver Week-end— H. C. Jack months. Anderson & M d dleton Co
at th is tim e last month
Go to Salem— Miss Faye Spaulding
amount of money to
son spent the week-end at Salem and has added an ex tra side a t Its lo<- j
and Mia» F rances Hedge, teac h ers In
Spoken*— Em ploym ent boards ta i
spend for your new W in­
gin* cam ps
Demand and supply of
the high school, spent th e week-end
this city show a m arked deer« as.- in I
ter Coat, you neverthe­
help In this district about balanced
St Salem
¿h ip s Grain— The Springfield Mill ;
dem and for men A few m iners a re be­
less want the most stylish
and G rain company shipped a carload ' P ortland—Oood dem and for loggers ing hired dally and there a re a num- i
Drive to Mapleton—Mr and Mrs.
Coat obtainable. That in
of flour and feed to Cushm an Friday, I and farm help. G reen M ountain la> g ber of Jobs for road men be n t of- )
Clayton B arber of this city and Mr.
ging Co.. K erry Line, will resum e th i s !
at thia Store I
fered. bnl th e volume It sm all Help
and Mrs. B ert McCurry o f Eugene
Im proving at e H s p it a l_ M r s A. M week Cobbs ,x Mitchell. Valaetx. have
la easy to g-1. Labor turnover In all 1
motored to Mapleton Sunday.
R ichardson Is at the Eugene hopsllal laid off night shift a t mill. Mnnefee lines la light, and tnosl of the m e- :
Buy Your
im proving from an illness.
m ’-ll at H ubbard closed No big de­ now seeking work a re trying to get «
Has Tonsils Removed—J
W ray
Coat N ow !
mand for sawmill w orkers but not
Chase. Jr., sm all sen of Mr. and Mrs.
Jobs fcr the wint »r.
R eturns to Oregon City— Mrs. Lot­
J. W ray Chase of route two. had his tie Craw ford of Oregon City returned many skilled men unemployed.
now I Our low
C oeur d'Alene, I d a —P lenty of men I
tonsils rem oved Saturday.
to her home Monday a f t t r v isiting- Aberdeen, Wn. — F o l l o w i n g dis­ h ere for all local work Some w inter '
prices prevail at the be­
ch arg e of two Ulen who circulated a
T he [
ginning of the season,
Has Tonsils Removed— Ray. Jr., here with h er sister. Mrs. W. H. Pol petition fur wage in crease a t Donovan ram ps preparing for togglrg
Blackwell Lum ber Co. has taken off t
small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chase
too, you know. See our
mill 1 here, a strik e startin g Septem Its eight planer crew , and the l ouer ,
of Springfield route two. had hia to n ­
splendid Winter Coats
G rading Completed — G rading of her 2$ has now affected five sawmill
d'A lene Mill Co. has closed Its third
sils removed Saturday
south 3rd stre e t h as been com pleted o p -ratio n s invol-ing more th an 1300
which we offer at thin low
price I
Bend, Ore.—T hird shift has been I
Has M ajor jp e - ..t.. n— H arry S h- ! and gravel ng will b e done soon. The , m m . The petitio n asked for a 50-
wind tof W endling underw ent a m sgir city stre e t w orkers a re pu ttin g on the cent wage increase for all employes. laid off at Brooks-Scanlon p h u t
operation at the Pacific C h ristian , gravel, which will be charged to prop- The low wage at these mills Is *3 2.1 Slight surplus of labor here.
! erty holders later.
Men elected by th e strik e rs are trying
hospital Monday
Portland, Octo. 8 — (Special )—Log­
I ging
Is m»w under » » ' at »8 per cent i
Note Our Coat Values'
Vialta from
Receives Copper W ire— A carload
of copper wire was received from |
Montana by the M cnntain S tates Pow­
e r cornu-ny Satnrda
Visiting In Portland— Mrs.
H arry !
M. S tew art is a guest ef Mg. and Mrs. i
Boutin and Mrs. S tew art m otored to)
P ortland Saturday a fte r ’h e Boutins
had spent several days there.
Cuts Thumb— R. A. D augherty of
th e F ischer Lum ber com pany cf Mar-i
cola cut h s left thum b seriously Mon
day when an axe with which he was ;
■working slipped frem his h ard .
Mrs. Sm ith has O psratio n —Mrs. B.
O. Sm ith of th is city is recovering
from a m ajor operation perform ed
a t the P acific C hristian h o s ji.a i Mon­
Nyal 2 for 1 Sale
Three Days Only
The Nyal “Two for One” Sale is just what its name im ­
plies. You get two products for the price of one.
Every piece of merchandise is fresh from th • factory and wo g-am -ite« it the game na wo
always do at regular prices.
Look over the list below. In it you will find standard hot'sehold ■ d.icta. co*rretlcs. sta­
tionery and rubber goods, all offered to you on the b i-la of TW O fo ' tho price of one.
da >.
U ndergoes O peration—Mrs. Phillip
T> shop of th is city is u • curing form
operation for acu'-s appendicitis
w l'c h w as perform ed a th ’- Pacific
v itristian hospital Tuesd i •
Returns from Dallas— H a rris M. Eb-
bie of the M oun'aln £' a t:» Power
com pany returned F rid ay from a
sh o rt visit a t Dallas.
Injured at M ill— Stillm an P ra tt of
Marcóla injured his side and hip S at­
urday when he fell betw een some logs
a t the Fischer lum ber mill.
V«r ts from Mulino— t’aul Schiewe,
brother of Mrs. Fred F rese of this
c ty, visited at th e F rese home Fri lay
and S aturday from his home In Mul­
Almost everyone ordering printed m atter feels
th at they want “som ething different.” They
sense th at to obtain such printing they m ust have
either one or two things— special cuts or type.
To outline or specify “Just what they w ant’’ is
a task beyond one inexeprienced in the crafts­
manship of printing.
Many Portlanders H e re __ W. G. Sal­
keld. J. W. Brown, George Glynn, F.
Becker, and K. Burke, all of Portland.
re g ‘cte rfd at the
hotel Friday.
O 'h er Friday guests th ere were Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Russel of N orth Bend
and O. Bullev of M arshfield.
When you let us do your printing you get all
of this service free of extra charge. We know
Just which type faces to use to carry your mes­
sage in the most effective way. In addition to
this we have a complete line of cuts to illustrate
your m essage—pictures which will a ttra c t read­
ers and make them read.
Out of Town Via to rs S aturday—
Among the Springfield visiters from
neighboring towns who w -re here S at­
urday were John C urry of L abut-
W alter Rauch, a n i Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. C arney of W alterville, M. L. W al­
lace of Jasper, and Mrs. E. M asterson
of Camp creek.
R eturn from Coast— Mr. and Mrs.
D. B. Murphy, accom panied by Dr and
and Mrs. H. J. Elsie of C arthage, Illi­
nois and Mr». I. E. M urphy of Eu­
gene, retu rn ed last T hursday evening
from two days sp en t a t the Newport.
Rent» House Her»— Mrs. I. E. H inkle
of Fall C reek has rented P at Conley'»
house on Mill stre e t She Intend» to
move th ere In about tw o weeks. Mr.
Conley will m ake his hom e with his
son. C linton Ccnlcy.
to 29.75
If your supply of ice cream runs
short. It very often does with
many d ealers on ordinary d a 's ,
it alw ays does when th e day *«
w arm er than usual. W aen peo­
ple who know w ant the m ost
delightful of refresh m en ts they
n a t u r t l y call f r E gglm ann-'
ice cream Why not be ready
to supply them ?
Goes to North Bend— W. C. McLag
an. superintending engineer for this
Mi unaain S ta te s Power company dis- I
trict. m ade a business trip to N brth
Bend Monday.
K lamath P astor R eturn«—Rev. T.
D. Yarn«-« Cf the K lam ath Fall» M eth­
odist church, and form erly of Spring
field, left here for N ew burg Monday
w here he will visit for a abort tim e
before re tu rn in g to h ‘s home. Rev.
Y arnes visited a t the Dr W H. Po -
lard hom e here while atten d in g th e
M ethodist conference In Eugene.
Tau Creek-----fies E r t i :
Scott of Fall Cr •• g »pent In
Spr.ngfl Id
No m atter w hat kind of printing you w ant
we can do It— d eliv e r the job prom ptly—
and at a price fa r below w hat you may
pay elnewhere. T ry ua.
Ny-Der,ta Tooth Paste, Regular Price 50c,
Sale Price, Two for 50c
Nylotie Face Powder Do Luxe. Regular
Price 75c, Sale Price Two for 75c
Ci-Mi Perfume, Regular Price ' j ounce $1.00
Sale Price, One ounce for $1.00
Nylotis Face Powder, Large, Regular Price
50c, Sale Price. Two for 50c
Nylot's Shaving Cream, Regular Price 35c,
Sale Price, Two for 35c
Nyal Hirsutone Large. Regular Price, $1.00.
Sale Price, Two for $1.00
Nylotis Shaving Lotion Large. Regular Price
50c, Sale Price, Two for 50c
Nylotis Powder Puff Larrve, Regular Price
25c, Sale Price, Two for 25c
Nval Mouth Wash, Regular Price, 50c, Sale
Price, Two for 50c
Nylotis Cold C ’"»'*m la rg e . Regular Price
65c, Sale Price Two for 65c
Nvlotis Rouge, Regular Price ’30c Sale Price
Two for 50c
Nyal Skin Soap. Regular Price 25c< Sale
Price, Two for 25c
Nylotis Almond Cream Large, Regular Price
50>c Sale Price Two for 50c
Nylotis Beauty Balm. Regular Prioe 60c
Sale Price, Two for 60c
Nylotis Liquid Shampoo Large Regular
Price 60c Sale Price, Two for 60c
Wedgewood Lawn Stationery, Regular Price
75c, Sale Price Two for 75c
Oxford Linen Envelopes, Regular Priqe 15c
Sale Price Two for 15c
Wedgewood Lawn Envelopes, Special Sale
Price, Two Cartons for 50c
Wedgewood Lawn W riting Paper, Regular
Price, 75c Sale Price Two for 75c
Embassy Lawn Stationery, Regular Price
50c Sale Price Two for 50c
Nyal Tooth B r"«h, Regular Price 50c Sale
Price Two for 50c
N yrl Water Bottl« Regular Price $'.'.50 Sale
Price Two for $?,30
Nyal Fountain Syrlnm . Regular Price $3.00
Sale Price, Two for $3 CO
Nyal Vaginal Douche. Ra<julnr Price $2.50
Sale Price, Two for $2.50
Nyal Corn Remover, Regular Price 25c Sale
Price Two for 25c
Nyal Hinkle Tah'ots Regular Price 35c Sale
Price, Two for 35c
Nyal Eas'em, Regular Price 2£c Sale Price
Two for 25c
Nyal Laxacold Tablets, Regular Price 25c,
Sale Price Two for 25c
Nyal Carbolic Salve, Regular Price 25c Sale
Price Two for 25c
Nyal F'gsen Medium, Regular Price 25c Sale
Price Two for 25c
Nyal Liniment Largo, Regular Price 50c
Sale Price Two for 50c
Nyal Milk of Magnesia Large, Regular Price
50c Sale Price Two for 50c
Nyal Eczema Lotion Large, Regular Price
$1.00, Sale Price Two for $1.00
Nyal Honey «4 Horehound, Large Regular
Price 50c, Sale Price Two for ’30c
Nyal Yellow Pills, Large Regular Price 25c
Sale Price Two for 25c
Nyal Rheumatic Treatment, Large Regular
Price $1.00 Sale Prioe Two for $1.00
Nyal Kidney Pills Largo, Regular Price 50c
Sale Price Two for 50c
Nyal Hot Springs (Brand) Medicine, Regu­
lar Price $1.00, Sale Price Two for $1.00
Nyal Aromatic Cascara, Regular Price 35c
Sale Price Two for 35c
Nyal Syrup of Hypophosphites, Regular
Price $1.00, Sale Price Two for $1.00
Nyal Digestive Tablets, Large, Regular Price
50c, Sale Price Two for 50c