The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 08, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Community News
By Spsclsl
October 11-17
lira M arg a et fa r n y b ll. wb t In
t iy ng with
Ihortg Weaver s' Li-u-
i ‘T l
apt t i 'e week-end with h I-
uu, t - t n k , ao-i family.
Oeorgg Thi npaon, who la critically
11, waa m ow I to the Pacific Chrla-
i ’- lifitC i-t
I tl*l^ Urn«» ’ rrlan la of ’ w ill am Wont ■ tian ItoMiillal Inal Baturday
I't ir y Price «ml Jay Grant, who are
«n'lt'iirtilna of hl» marriage on Wed
uesday. Hi ph-mber 30 to Mr« Violetta attending O. A. tj. at Corvallis, »pent
Hyitmo of Beals. Wush.ugtun, gath the weekend with home folk»
and Howard
orni secretly Wodnoaduy night and
< hlvurlctl Iho newlyWntla Mr, Woolen from Eugene «pent Bunday in Thurs­
. i
bad autlclpalod Iho aftalr und waa ton,
Mr ami M r* W llfre t from Eugene
prnpared to pua» cigars, randy and
banana* to hia friend«. After making »'sited at Johu Prices Htnauay They
considerable noia* the crowd »ang for brought their aon, Teddy, who makoa
■omettine and dl«per«ed. Mr. WOot- hl» home with Mr, Price, ao he could
«II I» a rancher In the Knterprlae dl«, enter »«bool Monday; he waa III and
unable to atlind at the beginning of
Murh excitement reigned among the term
bee King fi n Newport |« »pend
the pupil* of the Plcasunl lllll public
school when a fawn peacefully pa«» tng Nome time looking after his farm
ed the acbool building
From (he.
Mra, E J Boot from Mohawk la
arbori ynrd It went Into Ew Miller'»
clover paleli where It was content­ »tailing re atlvee here.
John Kdmlaton and hla mother re-
edly browsing when Mr. M iller nap-
lured it
It I . now "at home" In Mr I
*“ » H'urday from the roa»
Mlllor s barn and faat making frlonda
r* ” •*> * ” ■» »•’’»•«'«al day. »lait
with Its new neighbor»
In order to htg friends.
The high school student» held the
g it tn the rrboul grounds the fawn
must have crossed the W illam ette1 »•»•«••»an recenti,,n at the Thur.ton
hghway whom car» are constantly J 1*.1.1 *““* Friday evening.
Kev. !(<)•■ fontti Eugene preached
Itrn w Wheeler and family re tu rn e d '*
'•»«•«••tag sermon h re last
from Hitlem Munday where Mr Wheel Mu®day.
The Bible »-bool ha» dect-Ied Io
<r had rharge of the poultry division
h»v« the r rally day thy first Munday
at lha state fair.
Trent public school opened Mon- la November.
day, . October 3 with Mr». Magaberd ' The young -gople are holding
principal, and Cora John teachar.
I Christian endeavor on Sunday even
Howard Merrtan finished harvest-1 lug after aevei ,1 weeks dlamlssal.
Ray Mitchel! from Hndleyvllle »’ •
Ing hla apple crop Inst week
K It
Tinker expects to compete hla b a r-’ lied hla mother, Mr«. Tay or Need­
ham laat week.
verting this week
Haymond O< urge 1« working at
Mr and Mra Thompson Morris and
grandson, Leland, are aiov'ng Into
Kit and I j iw - See Baxter have gout-
the Hahn house until Dr. and Mra.
eastern O k £O3 for a few day».
Hahn return from their trip to Tex­
Mr. and Mr
Harry Harblt from
Mr. Thompson ba« trail'd hla
ranch at l*lva»ant Hill tor Springfield 1 Coburg visited relat'ves hero Hast
Mr anti Mr« Roecne Hendricks and I Mr Lawrence Oorxler and Mr. sod
family are moving to Donna
| Mrs. W iliam Barnett motored to Mon
Mrs. John Durham and children, r<
Mr and Mra. Ray Baugh and fam
have been visiting parents. Mr, and
afternoon at at uoah-
Mre. Thompson Morrha
I lly rpr-nt Munday anernoon
The H aw aii.,. Kerenadrr« will p r .J • a’
Mrs. David
I f your birthday t l thia week, you are very fond of luxury, beauty,
and phy, leal comfort*. You love excitement ami are IrreidKtlblly at­
tracted toward the bu»ie«t throng. You are competent ami level-head­
ed, extremely conecientioue In the performance of your dutiea.
Yen 'eanlly acquire knowledge, An I are a natural leailir of man-
ktod. Iiehll’y your power over your fellow men by »beer force of un­
assailable right. 1 our great love for humanity make» you very ap-
reachable— ami regardless of your poiitlon In life, you are never too
uey to hear and xympathixe with other people’s troubles.
Perrons born under there date
Incline,! to lie very neositive,
permitting trifling afTalm to enu
n-ep dirtren*. Very eaaily
hurt, they often Imagine that the.
t valued at their true worth.
I hey are nervous and excitable, a.
neo timer, blame all who may
be around them for their nervoua r t x t
Women born under there date at v iy demeetie. They are also
fine librarian«, teacher«, murlc Inrtrui toi - and aetrerre.-i. The men
Br* very shrewd— and are excellent b ,«ine«g mtn— -ruceearful in eny
undertaking. They alao make A o law yn«, Judge», interpreters, arid
Kntvrpris* nubile school opa«»i
Mo iday, 1 1 1 ib : 't A b with mi ut eu
«u tu .,.,; : . V.. oi *u d i I
Idilli, .X-uWibtnc*
Luid uu<l
Uvsviÿ, M'A L I* In Lewis lx l!i«« leach
. <
Nation-wide Poll Shows
U. S. Still Wet But Majority
Thinks Law Can Be Enforced
e .‘ Robert Fuller
Thru Autocaster Service
The big city newspapers Will this
week bi' filled with news stories and
editorials concerning the liquor con­
ditions. or prohibition enforcement
In the United States The basin for
their artlcb
ta tbe current Collier’s
National Weekly announcement of
the final voir In Its nation wide poll
which shows that Anier'ca Is still
wet, dexpiti- almost six years of at­
tempted Federal control.
Three questions were askid !n a
face to face Inquiry throughout the
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed In ’ the couaty
court of Lane County, Oregon, hia
final account as administrator of the
Estate of. H la M Dyson, deceased,
and that said court baa set the time
A r a hearing! and allowance of said
account nt 10:00 A. M. of November
6, 1925, at the rooms of said court. In
the court bouse, Eugene, Ore., at
«'hlch time all parties Interested
there n may appear and be heard.
S. D. ALEN, Attorney for Estate.
O 3-15-22 2» N 5
•‘It Is obvious from the results of
Butter wrapper* printed according
this inquiry,” conclude Collier’s,*"that to regulations with name,
and address, 51.25 a hundred at the
America la etlg wet;
• •
The Meat Market Is
forced In th e ir localities.
Throughout Country Answer
Questiot 3 in Face to Face
Canvas?. 68 Per Cent Dis*
satisfied According to Col*
ior's Extensive Poll.
Thia newspaper wishes to point out
—that, so long aa 60 9% of the pi
pie believe that the prohibition law
can be enforced that It can and will
80.9% eay YES— they consider the
law enforceable In their localities.
So while "Booze__I» the Vlctqr." ar
Collier's proclaims, there I« a major­
ity which believes that tbe prohibi­
tion law can be enforced.
Studying the table of vote« In the
big cities It would seem that we are
expi-cting too much; because Wash
Ington, wherefrom I« to come our re-
I'-ef, Is shown to be America's wet­
test city.
62.2% say. no— they are not eat is-
Make it a daily habit to
call 80 for your Meats.
We know you will be satis­
fied with the quality o f the
Meats we deliver, and the
excellence of our service
will please you.
f,05 Main S treet
Phone 80
Still Work for
the Plumber
R lV ert-
throughout the Willamette v.gey
Brown drove h l. truck
th l. eumwar and the public I . tnsured « » " •««»« Tue»d.y and got a hoi
eteln cow for A. W. Weaver.
an enjoyable evening.
Mrs. Homer Phetteplace underwent
A family dinner wa« hejd at the
a minor operation at tbe Pacific
home of Mr and Mr«. It J. English
Christian hopaltal Tuesday.
of Trent, who are moving to Lebanon
Mr. and Mra. J. T. DouoDvn and
In the near future Thoee present
were Mr, and Mrs W. It. Davis and Ira Nice from Springfield vlaltet*
daughter. Margaret, Mr. »ml Mr«. Charles Hastings last Sunday.
The remark has bean made that
Victor Htory and roti Donald, Lester
Thomas, Mr. and Mr». Thnma» Main«. Thurston is noted for her erbon
Mrs. Mildred Dean, Juanita Iximbnrtl, tetuhers. It 1« a remark tbe com-
A. J. Bnnar, Mutton and Lee Mainea. tn intty la proud. Following are some
of Thurston teachers and where they
are teurhlng this year; Miss Marjorie
Grant at Davis; Miss Veda Gruy ut
A Trial Blance.
T lu r ton. Miss Erdlne Caruthers n’
’’Isn't 11 dlflcull to keep a budget
ta m -ry ; >l »a Mantle Edinlston at
straight?” asked Mrs. Buford.
V u tt r\ illc; Miss llsrel Edtnlvton at
''My dear. It's terrible." coil fid'd
Norteña; M ’ta Margaret Russel. I ma­
Mrs. Wisner "this month I h a - to tu re; Mis» Hele: Travis* at Spencer
put In four mistakes to muko m ne Creek; M ee Domihy Tiavter, at Can
ary; Mr,:. Alberta Weaver a. Lea-
burg • ’
I? a I’lietteplnc, at t’rei-
w -'i; M ra, \e rn o Luther at Kqse-
Mna Mlldjad I rice, who ha.,
• U..»h the pan three years at Lea-
burg, I» art, ndlng U. of 0 . this year
• Canary— Flrgt Sunday and Third • ”.ra. Stanley. Gray at I.undax ujsu
• Maturdap. Farmers Union Hall.
• Mra, Fern Crowe are formerly Thurs­
• Cloverdale— Second and Fourth * ton girl«.
• Fridays. Cloverdale 8chool House. •
• Creswell— First and Third Tuna •
• days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. •
• Coast Fork—Second and Fourth •
French Debt Chief
• Thursdays, Farm Union Hall.
• Danebo— First Tuesday. Danebo •
• School Hpuse.
Dorena— Second and Fouth Tue«- •
• days, Dorena Churoh.
• Hndleyvllle — First and Third •
• Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School.
• lleceta— First Sunday of each •
• month, lleceta School House.
• Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- •
• nesdaya. W. <»- W. Hall. Jasper. •
• Lorane—Second
Fourth •
» WedncaJaya. I O. O F- H®11-
• McKnnxIo local, second and •
• fourth Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. •
• F. hall, Waltervllle.
Joseph Cnilluux, Minister of
• Mt. Vernon—First and Third •
French Finance, who heuded Com­
• Wednesday. Braafletd Store.
mission to Wu.dtington for settle­
• Milk Creek Meets First nnd Third •
ment of France'» debt to IT. S.
• Thitradug »t Cedar School House •
• Spencer Creek—Third
Friday, *
• Pine Grove School House.
Baptist Church.
• Trent— Second and Fourth Wed- •
Bible school 10 o'clock, studying
• nesdaya
H ill
High • Act», 18:1— 17.
• School Bldg. ,
Morning worship 11.
• Vliln -Second nnd Fourth Satur- •
Young people's services. 6 :SO.
• day» at Mlnnay Hall.
service, 7:30.
• Secretaries will please send In •
Prayer service nnd
Bible study
• time and place of meeting and •
• changes of date as »hey may^oc- • Thurrduy 7:30.
fled; 11.1% say. no the law Is not en­
forced; 68% u tf NO —the law cannot
b« uu/orced—In Waabtngtou.
Them- voter Are made more imprtra-
r , v . t b e . coni mired to Denver, Col.,
which »bow» up In thia poll a» being
the drym t city In America. Only 38%
out In Deaver are dtaratlafed with
present conditions, 31% »ay the law
1« cot enfoiced there; and only the
very email number 17.3% think that
the law la not enforceable.
The vote doe« »how. that the drier!
states are those which bad «tate-yida
prohibition many year» before Fed
eral prohibition went Into effect, Jan.
IS, 1920 There are 34 «uch »tale»
Kansas, Colorado and Maine now lead
a» the driest. In the case of Maine,
the vote is surprising because every
other Atlantic seaboard state is
among the wettest group as shown by
the vote.
«•renlngw •ot«*rtalnm«nt Hat-
unlay. October 10 In th* aynmutlum
‘ r “ n<i M r" lMy Mor<an and ton
of Union high school No. I at l i e s . < f™ * *«««>'««« •« *» * « '“ »'«»y nigh,
ant HUI nder the au.ptce. of tbe high * ' ,h, " r • nd M r" Charlee Taylor
school Tbe program which la lo be . » “ "‘»“ y ' “«O' »•<’•«»*1 <» I» d l.n creak
gin at 7 : « p. m will be m o.t hum | ' ° '*» “ M r T * Jf‘“ r '* m n,hrr
ornua and l o t about two hour. T hl, |
»» k " 1»« *
• cur.
A qombinafion of high quality and low price which
cannot be excelled.
It’s a made-in-Springfield product and it’s good.
country with 263,583 men l t d women
In American homes. They w ire:
No. 1. Are you satlefied with (Pro­
hibition) conditions at they a re 7
No. 2. It the law enforced in your
No. 3. If net, do ycu consider the
law enfe:ccable?
Of Ihe £63,683 asked tfceue ques-
Core by
repr".i-ntat.vex operat­
ing all vlg'ca.
62.0', aey NO— hey «re not satis­
61.2'', auy NO— the law I* net en-
Springfield Bakery
Two teaspoonfuls of Puretest
Epsom Salt dissolved in a glass
of water, and taken before J Fred Frese, Prop.
breakfast, m eans alm ost Imme­
diate relief.
Safe because it’s the best.
You save because it's only halfj
Charter No 8941
a cent a dose.
Phone 51
Reserve O.strict No. 12
Drug Store
fied with conditions ao they are
First National Bank
At Springfield, in the State of Oragna, at the close of business on
September 28, 1925.
' L op ns and discounts, 'nduding rediscounts, acceptances of other
banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with in-
dorsement of this bank ..................................- ............................... |92,2'^5.67
Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, 519141 ............. .............. ........ -
U. S. Government securities owned:
i I <»1.0*1 ted to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par value) 56.250.00
All other Unit d States Government securities (Including
premiums, if any) ---------------------------------- ---------------- 516.176.09
Total •---- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.426.09
l Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.; ............
........................ ...... 71.442.61
Banking house 58,000; Furniture and fixtures 53.0S0.51....J--------------- 11,080.51
Real estate owned other than banking house-------------------------------- 24,893 90
l awful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .................................... — - 15,562.75
* M ,n s
t ash in vault and amount due from national hanks
Amount due from State bank*, bankera.^and trust companies in
the United States .......................... - ...................................... - .... .....
Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank
Total ast three items ......... ....................................... „..549,469.92
Miscellaneous cash Items .......................................................... ...............
Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasure and due from U. S. Treasurer ______
Total ................................................... .................................................. T.'8S.5:t9.61
Capital stock paid in...........................—............................. - .................. — * 25.000 00
5,000 OO
Groceries of Quality
We carry only the very highest grade, finest quality
groceries. Our volume of steady custom ers enables us to
sell many articles for less than you pay elsewhere. Our
stock is always fresh.
Phone in, or leave your list when you come in and we
wjll have it all ready for you when you call.
Bring your b utter and eggs direct to us and receive
the highest prices.
SWEET POTATOES, 4 Pounds 25c
Less current expenses paid ........... - .... .................. - .............„.. 51,350.53
Circulating notes outstanding ......... .......................... - .........- ..... —.... -
Cashier's checks outstanding
------------ -----—J-.—'-..........
Total of above Item ,_..r ........ —..... !•...........................
Demand deposit* (other than bank deposits) subject
to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days);
Indlvi.lual depos'ta subject to check .
Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (ether than for
money borrowed
...................... 20,631.61
State, county, or other municipal d posit* secured by pledge of
assets of this bank or surety bond ......................................... .... 28.174.68
Total of d'm and deposits (other than bank d- posits) subject
to reserve ............ ...................... .....................................5198,051.51
Tim e deposits subject to Reserve (Payable after 30
days, or subjeot to 30 days or more notice, and
postal savings):
Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ............... 14.580.12
Other time deposits .................................................................................... 32,976.88
Total of time deposits subject to reserve ......... ....... 547,556.00
Mission clrc’g meets Tuesday after­
noon with Mra. Arthur Pengra.
Perfection Bread
State of Oregon, County of Lane, ss.:
I, Lloyd C. M artin, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the b?st of my knowledge and belief.
LLO YD C M A R TIN . Cashier
Correct— Attest: L. K. Page, Wm. G. Hughes. E. F. McBee. Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Oct., 1925.
Frank A. DePue, Notary Public for Oregon.
(S E A L )
My commission expires January 8, 1928.
' 1