TUURSDAV. OCTOBER H. 1925 T IÎE SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAGE POUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L - P U B L IC A T IO N L O O T WEEK TO BRING IN MEMBERS Program of Speakers Arranged Teams WiM Go Out to Se­ cure New Members and Re­ newals in Every Local in County. • • • _ • • • • • • • • • • • j • i Lbcal Reporters C O U N T Y U N IT n O , 1« LOYALTY WEEK •. C a n a ry ___________ J. L Northup • ) Central .................- Ray Bower • Cloverdale __ Mrs. L. J. Oetchell • Coast Fork Mrs. Oeo. Kebelbeck • Creswell _____ Mrs. M A. Horn • Doreua Mr«. Ada Jennings • H e c e la __________ Mrs B. Baker • HadleyvIUel __ Mrs. M. Gillespie • Jasper ..........._ Mrs, Grace Jones • L o r a n e _______ Mrs. C. M. Foster • MuKauate Harry C. Jackeon • Mt. Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • Silk C r e e k _______ Bulah Smith • T r e n t ____________ E. B Tinker • Vida __________ Mrs. W. E. Post • LANS Friday. October 23 to Friday. October 30. | ’ | Ptirpuses. To bring buck old members. To get new members. To pay all dues 1 year In advance. To raise the organisation fund. Program . 1. Lane County Convention Friday. October 23 at Spring- field Woodman Hall. Im portant business. Several good speakers. Basket dinner- Coast Fork Local In nliarge. I • ’ • O F F IC E R S O F L A N S C O U N T Y • F A R M E R ’S U N IO N • II I» • Ralph Laird. Cresw ell. Praaldent. • W ill W h ts ls f. Trent, Vtae-Preel- Sent, Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, asc.-Treio. N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove. Door Keeper H. C. Jackson, Waltorvlllo. Con­ ductor. O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. ---------- — 14379873 BE IN SPRINGFIELD Third M ttH ng for 1925 Will B o Hold in W. 0 . W. Hall; Loy­ alty Waek Committo« to P rt- sent Program. The third quarterly meeting tor 1926 of th< lume County Fnimere' union lie» boen railed (or Friday, Oc­ The Loyally W eek committee are publishing an outline at Loyalty tober in Hpringrietd m w O. w. | week'» program In todays Farmers' hall. FRO M S T A T S M A R K S T AO B N T Union News. Several speakers hare Th’a Is lo be a very Irorortant meet By C. S. Spence asked to talk on Farmers' union and J 2. Membership Campaign. Ing to the organisation and »(fleers During the week from October 23 to October 80 each Its achievements at the convention, * * * • • • W|j| ,ne fa,-i local m eetings CANARY LOCAL local Is to carry on a campaign for mem bers ami the o r­ but nothing definite enough to pub- , •i. i. th .i •« «hat "»«ry member pueelble may | When a farm ers son finds out that ganization fund; to hold at least one meeting and as many llsh has been accomplished along attend. I the taut nildillemau who sold a prod entertainm ents as desired. this line. The speakers will be - an-1 Mr Rester has completed an addl-j Thh Loyally week committee baa uet raised on the farm received six tion to his chicken house. It Is no *• , ' Bounced later. aranged for some of the union’s moat 3. Friday noon, October 30. r >,i and a half times as much as the grow The committee suggests that each i 14« feet long. The buildings on the j tn'rrestlng speakers to meet with us. Luncheon in Eugene. Place and exact date, to lie pub­ ; er received, after all the labor and local begin work at once choosing two Bester rauch are all of cedar and Mr. ' riak, that boy naturally cam ludes that Let's all go and make this the biggest lished later. captains who will choose theft own Iléater hand manufactured all the : ; and beat county m oiling ever held he would bettor be »middleman. saya trams. Every locality Is to le» thor­ lunit« r of which they are made ex- j In la»ne county Giving the obligations to all new members. Mate Market Agent Spence. oughly gone n ftr in quest of new cpt ilie flooring in their hou«* Mr The local aponsar’ng this meeting When a father finds out that hta Reports on results of Ix>yalty Week. members and bringing hack old ones. and Mrs. Bester have had excellent ' has voted, subject to President ’ share of the returns from a product Each local is to hold meeting parties success this summer with their large i - Laird's approval, to meet in Hptlng- I he raised was only 16 4 of the final ( ’ socials, etc., during Loya ty week flock of white leghorn hens. fteld as most central point, 1 price, he naturally advises the buy Les Austin has been making ex I • to raise the organization fun? MT. VERNON LOCAL H A D LEYVILLE LOCAL HETTY M KAPPAUF. to find some other bus’ness than farm­ his dairy ' . , . . • • » • • » amounting to *1.00 for each member. tensive improvements on Co-Bee ing. fa.m this summer. He has one of the ; --------— A report of results Is to be made out Il F Yoakum, former head of the ter times for agriculture and trade In The Hadley v ile local me» last by each local and given to Mrs. \ ' p best, it not the best dairy farms in ; The Mt. Vernon Thimble club met | at the home of Mrs. Mary McPherson Y '"rsday f«r the soda* meeting Mts. i Rock Island system, has been dig general An official bulletin from the pauf at the luncheon. October 30. The this .alley. Our c-'mmunlty Sunday s.-ho->’. will Thursday. October 1. The w-ather .’ J. Hooke* and daugat i « sang aev- •gin« up some very Interesting fart. Department Of Agr'culiure states that luncheon is to be a strictly social af­ songs. Ml,a llat-* Powell gave ! rognding Hu kltiug of prices beiw iua for tho year mding June So. 1926. the fair. the price per plate and the place give a serial in the near future We was ideal and nearly every nv mber • where the luncheon will be held w i» will tell jou more about It next wu-k. was present. Special guests were: e n ailin g; there were other ati.nse i the farm and the kitchen He traced average net income from all farmers Fishermen on the SHtcoos lake are Mrs. Leona W ithers of Th Dalles, •1 Bta. Itefrrshmenta Were served 1 a ton of cabbage from the (arm patch was *649. or (64 per month." be announced later. - —— - , _ _ Every loci#' Is requested to send having w markable success now Their and Mrs. Armltage of Portland The Al. that were there en«oud the bru­ to the city home, with this result: The farmer r-celvel ,1« 14 fur ihe tor • • • • » • s s a • th»*r full number of delegates to the principal catch being trout of a large hostess assisted by her Laughters. it eg very much ronnty convention and every member variety. Cha«. Srharlhnla an I l»o.- Helms n.‘ and the rust mcr paid al the rate of • Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Davis served CLOVERDALE LOCAL • Mr. Devenport and family, who a delightful dinner at noon which • ttllund are vlaltlug Hi- tV. I Seals from *60 to *76 ft r It He traced a la urged to be present »o mage a have spent the summer on the Er- was enjoyed by all. At two-thir:y family. ion of to i atoe» from the grower u> good start for Loyalty week. Lane County committee on Loyalty hart homestead, have gone to Call- the business meeting was called, aril > Mrs. I. E. I-awrenre an I Mrs Floy-1 the rqtcr and he sav» th - farmer got Cloverdale local eannot boast of week, Mrs. E. B. Tinker, chairman; .ornia for the winter. They were it was decided to meet with Mrs. Mar- j I iw ience of Eugene alien ft d church *31.76 for It while the home paid *100 rousing m«etings during this season Mr C. E. Jordan. Mrs. Betty Kap- greatly pleased with our lake and garct Smith next month. He followed the trail of a shlpm nt of the year It la expected that when at Central View Sunday. pauf, Mrs. Clyde Wright. Frank Gent. ¿aid they were coming back next | Mrs. Leona Withers of The Dalles There wer* a large crowd at Ihe of watermelons (nun the raising the seeding Is finished and wood rord- '•ear. . , Is visiting relatives and frten ls near rally meeting at Lone Cedar Sunday. ; ground to th» last buyer Th* growor ed Into th« ohmls. lb* nwnilx-rs will ’ f t f e * --------------------- < The logging company at the lo w er, g f(t>M cents for be more Inclined lo atlend the mi>«t- Mr. and Mrs. I. E Lawrence and I received an average of Preparedness. nd of Sillcoos lake are falling til» When attendance is large Mrs. Armltage of Portland is visit­ sons, LeRoy and Floyed and Floyed'a i each melon an 1 the consumer paid lngs( them. enough to make the meetings Inter- “III take that touring car, and 1 her now. When fully started they ing at the home of her son. Alvah wife visited the M UHlesple family ' 60 c<-nt» to *1 26 for On the heels of Mr Yoakum comes eating the entertainment committee grant you to send up another one In will employ about So men. » Armltage In the Mt. Vernon 4 s'rlct Sunday. Mr. Oeder's father and brother about two weeks." Mr and Mra. J. J. Hocker were Eu Franklin D. Rnoaevell, who trailed a plan to take up som e of the subjec ts Mr and Mra. Fred R. Hlenecke of from Silverton are with them th's crate of celery from Norfolk. Va to for discussion sunk out by the agri "in two w eeks’" San Francisco are spending some gene visitors Monday. the bottle of the consumer In Ne-« ‘ cultural c-« lege, ."Tes, my wife has n » d e up her week. M-a. W. I. Seals and son. Oeue, time at the Quackenbush farm, guests Mr. Sylvester's mother and aunt York city. Hera's the atory; | New Club Formed. , mind that she Is going to learn to from Portland are with them for a of Mr. and Mr« Reynolds. Mr». Hien were Eugene visitors Monde'-* Tha celery grower received 40 cent». The ladle* of Clovi-rdale rortvnun drive." Mr. and Mrs. TNiunas Clark of ecke Is Mrs. Reynold's daughter. while. the crate__ not the price he asked Ry met the homo of Mra W El- Lorane spent Sturday evening ut al. for Mr. Herrington ha» purchased some for It but the price fixed on It by the llott on Ivfcrsduy afternoou. The lad- Its Purpose. Gillespie pure bred registered Poland China Enough If Plenty. organised under the name of (Tov- Mis. O co . Powell and rooth.-r Mra buyer—and thia middleman paused II "Aren't you going tq the mountains •‘Who Invented the hole In the hogs. on to the second commission man for erdale Community club. Mr*. Frank Nhncy Sutherland, are vlslt’ng in In the fall?" doughnut 7" 80 cent*. No. 2 resold It to another Tlvey waa elected president; Mrw. "No need, our elevator’s out of or­ Portland. •‘Oh. some fresh air fiend, I sup­ FOR SALE— Caroon paper In large sheets, 2«x39 loches, suitable for der and I've got the Itch.' Mias Haae| Powell moved to Crow middleman chain link for 76 cents. O- 3- Oetchell. vice-president; Mr*, pose." who took his profit and pushed It j " Eyiott. secretary and treasurer; making tracing« Th» News Office S4qn,'av to be closer to «choivl along to No. 3 for 90 cents As the and Mr». C. I) McPeek. assistant eec- crate aeared New York three more! r»tary. A lunrh of fruit salad and middle Interests held It up and took rake was served by Mrs Elliott The their profit toll. No 4 sold II for *1 05 • ‘1'«'» present were: Mr*. W. Elliott, when l( entered the Bronx, then No. MFa. Frank Tlvey, Mrs John Heller». 6 let the buyer of chain groceries have 'fr*- I'-*! Hull, Mr». Frank I)lng«-s, It for (1.26, who took his ten rent»' Mrs. P W. Morgan. Mr». L, J. Uet- rake-off and let the grocer have It ; riiall, Mr« L, E Parks, Mr». Oliver *1.36 Then It went to the ultimate ! Garrett, Mra. Earl Rinehart, and Mrs Eph Roberts Visiting ladies were: consumer at ,2 60 “How much longer wll the producer, Mrs Jack Williams, and Mis. E inar who Is robbed at his end. and the WllllMia of Eugem The club will consumer, who Is the goat ut Ihe oth nie«.t on October 16 at the home of or. stand for this middle-profit levy, .Mrs John Hi llers. Calf la Winner. when by simple organizing und co-op Judson Geii hel>, memb'-r c f the • rating they can tlltr n s te at least half of Ihe toll between th- in?" asks Lane County Calf club entered hta Holstein hull calf 'n the club con- the market agent. •'If conrunleiit were organized h ili’ teal at Hie Lane county fair where he Ills calf and club aa solidly for ibis purpone as th y are won first prize io the trade organization» to width work won fifth plate in Ihe showman- many o’ them belong, anil the farmers »hip contest. As first prize winner were half as orongly organi'-.l us Judson was given an opportunity to those who s e l prices for them, there take hts calf to the State fair with At the State fair wouldn’t lie eight profits tain •: from all expenses paid a predact on Its ride from the farm h's calf won sixth place Judson's calf to the home," says Mr Spence. "These caire from the Holstein herd of Ben organization» would reach out from ter and Son of Greswell. both sides, cut out many of the un­ Buy Tractors— Alva McPherson and necessary m (Idle handling» anti low er price« to consumer«. When these George Larson purchased Fordson middle profits can be greatly reduced tractors this week. or eliminated the result will he far W e have an exceptional lin e of greater consumption, better prices lo Wc are R[»e( ‘ally prepared to growers, lower price« to enter», bet- fancy work baskets, and wicker nnd wire bird cages. The Novelty Store. tu rn out farm and aivAl >n sale ........................... .... bills. An exclusive cut service of boiHcs, cattle, sheep and o th­ er live stock enables im to Illus­ tra te and turn out an attractive pcsf.r. Gome h i . distinctive poster. Discount to ai.d get a , Farm Union Members. SPRINGFIELD NEWS Phone 2 Opposite the Post Office W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon