Page Thro* T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N T W T T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R K. 1926 Honeydew Hams and Bacon Have Wide Dtsfribuion «oth »»ppl«m«ntlBg the (or traffic, which must with certainty and at a conU, the u»e of wire» 1» Telephone Pre»». other »Ince be handled minimum of neceeeary.— seated by Or. G. Louis Tuft» of Port­ land, field secretary for W illam ette L'olverslty. s i the high school assem ­ bly Tuesday morning. LAST CHANCE FOR BARGAIN Talks to Studsnta. Honeydew ham» and bacon, packed little beef 1» prepared for wholesale. The Eugene Guard'» offer of onw The advantugi a of a college educa­ The pr'-ient company wa» »tarted by the Hwarta and Waabhurue Meat year's subscription by mall for >2 38 tion, and the particular advantages company, are wholesale throughout about eleven years ago. when' for one ¡of W illamette Unlveralty were pre d o te s Saturday, October 10.—Adv. Oregon and lu adjoining «tato». They year only pucklng work on a «mall ••Why »he would be th«< laid pi-rmin rlbborv of pale gold, the moonbeam» are prepared at the packing plant at »cala wa« dqne. After a year the on Mitto Id Irli eroi) If I had knu»a kept tryst w.tli th» caprl lou» wave» 3rd and A streets, and mode from the meat «bop wa« added Io the business ¡-cd seven year» ago the present plant the eamp »tory ut thi' tltu«,’* he d 1 and they flung tin Ir golden hair uh -ul best of (he pork received there. them and danced madly wh.lo Floi'du chit mi. A ten ton Ice machine supplies re­ was built. The two last mentioned •'You mean to tell ma that your stars looked down. frigeration for five storage and puck storage rooms were addtd only two W» stood motionless, beg ilh~l bv I"« room», which have a totul ot 3S,- years ag ' . brother hadn't told ycu thi'ti?" A two or three horsepower motor •'No, an I not «yen later except by the delicate lovullne»» it the sight 000 cubic feet of refrigeration »pace. Is making more progress than any other science of the age. I'-rr oni- moment, there m »11« nte The 'ce machine la In a large room which will operate a lard agitator and hl« louk of antonlkhment and u few quenllon» ba a»kcd,when It« nuw Anno b iw n n u» A brvethl*>.•) es-<«ctancy which I» also used for receiving the a »mall »aw for making packing box­ u ii p u re known only ' > hivorr who meat and preparing It for parking er will he In-tailed at the plant soon. and I told him »he w ji the g rl to whom I'd been eiigaaeil. It'« true he ■land »Iona on majestic height« while The chill room, capable of holding Is restoring health to the sick when all other methods net me to thinking. (I know him »<> lie wind» of the world ruin by. fifty boga, I» kept at a temperture W H A T IF R A D IO H A D have failed. ' Curtiss " well) and In n fla-h It all came back of ,'ioin 30 to 3k degrees. All pork la P R E C E D E D T H E W IR E S ? Your condition is no worse than others that have been " V s , darling." to me. Then I, loo, rem lled Die ugly »torml here for about twenty-four cured. Why not give it a trial? “I wa» Just wondering about some­ tab ai ram |." h o t: a before It la cut. A »mall »ap­ If the course of sclentlfle develop­ With one of the best equipped electrical and Chiropractic • Sha »aid you thought her far« was thing '* ply room 1» u»e ry that wires could be used to guide even remember that?” Then » pur«led 1 "I don't know. I've an Idva though A large room, thlrty-alx feet square, the ether waves would probably have e»prr»»lon »wept over hi» far» a« If that you’d d »approve.” I» used entirely for pickling bam» and been considered an even greater mar- I "Please. Hallie." he were trying, piece by piece, to fig­ bacon. The honeydew product« are ! vel of science than 1» the radio to- “Well, I wag Just wondering. Cur- ure thin»« out. OVER PENNEY’S STORE parked In airtight boxea (rom eigh­ i day. Uss. If------“ Then he «bonk hl» head. EUGENE teen to twvnty-flve day», and aré By uae of the w irts the ether waves, 1 “If what, sweetheart?" "What's the matter?" cured |n their own brine. Other haras which are otherwise uncontrolled, are "Well If you'd mind very much If “Nothing," he replied »lowly, •‘¡S'a and bacon» are cured In a »weet brine j made to follow predetermined path- Ju«i that I'm sorry »he thought my I »howed you the lady In the moon." for sixty days. ( ways, thereby flashing hundred» of "You adorable little min»!" he cried brother or I would ever »ay anythin» | The rendering room conta'ns a ten- thou »and« of message» track and forth about hi r that was the leant hit un­ and gathered me close In hie arm»." horsepower bolhr which supplies j under city streets and without the (THE E N D ) kind.“ steam for a stvnra Jacket rendering slightest Interference. The wire« From whal he had »aid and the I kettle, and also supplies the steam serve as pathways for guiding or dl- File for Divorce, varying emotion» that played on Ilia i and hot water with which all the | renting the electric waves in the ethe? face, I began Io Understand tb s alt-I John ArniHlrnng he* filed suit In equipment Is thoroughly cleansed aft- i between any two desired point«, uatlon that, up to thia lime, had been circuit court against Marte Armstrong er It 1» u»ed each lime a » an agent for communication ov auch a compl'cnled affair, It was for a decree of divorce on ground» 6f Two »tore room», one very email, er w ide stretches of water, with mov- plain to ma now that Anne, »e< i denertloR. They were married June In which surplua lard la kept In bar. Ing conveyances generally, for num- t'urll»» with hl« brother and having lk. 11121. rels and buckets, and a large room- eroua maritime and military purpose», a guilty ounHclenca, figured that be- wticrn poik '• stored, are kept at a for the broadcasting of Information Ing hl» broth- r, he would tell Curtiss Want Jams and Jallay. very low temperature. The larxe room land for other situations where wires about her «Ungraceful behavior at the ; To attend enmp and so »he Imagined that If she , a call for too glas»«'« of Jams SSd ' 1» further Insured toward good refrlg-1 are not available, radio telephdny 1» eratlon by four Inches of cork with capable of rendering services of the to ll the »lory f rat, the sheer nerve jelly for veteran hospitals hu» been 1 of II would keep anyone from believ­ 1 l»»ued by the Lane Courty Chapter. I which the floor, walls and celling are greatest Importance, but radio meg- ing any bit of scandal that might have American lied Cro»» These are need. covered. A layer of cement covers sages carried by the ether travel along a universal party line which j the cork on the walls and floor. known that two »uch men would ha I „«j r„f the Arlxona hospital, according All the rooms are connected di­ must be use-1 In common by ail the abh hlpd h«r name io Ml»» Grace Norton, secretary. A; at rectly with the sew ei, and may be world. Accordingly, the natural char­ " then t'urll»«, you didn't fall on | number of »wester» mutt be knit and I acteristics for radio and wire trans­ scrubbed und flashed out easily. your knees when «be gave you back ,,.nt ihe hospital». The Red Cross The bu«y packing season begins in mission are fundamentally different. your ring nnd cry?" I teased. He furnt«he» the yarn« and pattern» for the late autumn and lasts from six laughed outright. , the swentera All donations must be to eight months. During this thne "I never beard such rot." lu by November II. about five men are constantly en»- "She »aid )uu Util and you see I | ployed at the plant. From two to wasn't very thrilled over b ein g__ The simplicity of this Rad­ second choice," I said pouting, but | CALL AND SEE Dr N. W. Emery three thousand hogs are parked by io will appeal to you as it on tir* w on nini, and oth»r work •• the plant during a year, although very When I saw be was about to re*»- And Th?y Lived— CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC GEO. A. SIMON W ANTED We want YOU to be ONE of 400 RALLY DAY Christian Church Magnavox Radio sure me by lak ng ma to Ills arms, I stoip ed my protending and flashed bln» a smile In-toad, "l»-O< stop talk ing about It, I foe| so rr* (o r her," I deelarisl. "You would, you wonderful, wonder- fU l g i r l ' > Again he tried to take me In his arms but I Jumped up. nnd r im I down the beach. He followed ul»