Next Issue Will Be Published in The Springfield News New Home Built Especially for This Newspaper Opposite P. O. O l V O T f O T O IN T E R E S ! OF E F R IN O F IE L D A N O T H E F A R M E R * OR T H E W IL L A M E T T E V A L L IT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “Tha People's Papar** LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN of U. U biarp -• NUMBER 38 SPRINGKIBLD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1ÎJ25 TWENTY-SECOND YEAH NEW THEATRE MAY BE RÖ1LT III CITY aaes; | BUDGET COMMITTEE IS | SELECTED BY BOARD Clash for Baseball's Premier Honors I Dallas Murphy, J. C. McMur ;>y ant l A. P. Flowers to Halp Make School Budget E ttlm e te fo r 18307783 INSPECTED BY STATE Vear. Plane Revived by F«^r. i»«n voy J • ■ McMurray. A. F F lo w re t n l • nd P -ge for Large Sturcture ’ " us Murphy wurr apiulnted to on Main Stroet Between " pom a budget rouuiltte» to Oik-t i the school board and arrungt- Bank and Sneed Store; King- , exe; ■ mlltur“» for ih<- coining ea on Leas* >o B , Signed, j v*« ' at a meeting of the board at Structure Looked Over to See If It Is Safe; Highway Com­ mission to Survey McKenzie Road to Thurston for Next Year's Work, , lit« city hall Tuesday avealcs. Sihra Plant tor a »<• r tliuairo building in budget iniial be’ noon, Bpringfl'ld I: ivt a II ah definite data la get. rial Htate ba nil unit the Hneeil De­ A IxiSr I atdewalk to lead tr.i .i the partment »lore, nn Main atreet Nn- Itrnttaln school to the »tract # t i or- EOtiatlona are untDr way with a Pert- I di-ti il. Aa soon af the around ur.iun I land theatre upt-nt tor .itul a definite , the .bluldlna la settled and panli-d a announcement la expertml by Mr I cement walk will replace this one. St-avey within a few day a. It '« un An allotment of |36 wai set aside ) be made In a few days by the state highway department according to Raymond Walsh, district engineer. The road has not been taken over yet by the state bat the state has been maintain­ ing the surface. If the county brings the grade of this road up to state specifications there is some talk of paving It next year. When the county turns the road over to the state then It will be maintained by the highway com m ie sion either as a macadam road or paved highway. Engineers will also run a line over the old street car piers to determine the route, said Mr. Walsh. If the state and county decides to use this route later on another survey will i be made with the bridge department ! and data on the river secured. io »t in the hank b a ld in g Cnh -t tu BROWNSVILLE HERE OCT. 16 Ity walls on either side are already ' — — erected j A complete football schedule, with A Ih istre tbut will seat 600 or 000 ,hrv« games at the home gridiron and people la planm-d. It will be modern ' lhr»e away froqj hiane, has be»n gr­ and upto-date with a pipe organ and i ra»«ed for the tiprlngf eld high school elaborate decorating and lighting of. Tbe first game will be played here Oc- feels, according to the tentative plana 1 her 16. agalnat Brownsville. Here are the two teams which thia week battle fo r tha World T "!e . Top photo an unusual group A game with Junction City, then*. detune *»f “The Washington Senator»” in "eivies", while being receivt by President Coolidge. Arrows ' on October 24. la second on the Hal, HICH SCHOOL GLEE ndicate Clark Griffith, Pres. Coolidge, “Bucky” Harris, M gr., and the * .«ran W alter Johnson. Bottom: and the locals will play Lebanon at tha challenging Pittsburgh Pirates. Front row, left to right:— Hass, Moore, Culloton, Sheehan, Ena, Billy CLUB MEMBERS CHOSEN j their field on the following Friday McKechnie, Jr., (in fro n t!. W right, Cuylar, Kremer and Gooch. Center row, left to right:— Oldham, Smith, T ray nor, McInnis, Carey (Captain), McKechnie (M anager), Clarke, Bigbee, Thompson, Spencer, Grantham . October 30. The second home game Men ber» of the high school glee and Austen. Rear raw, left to right:— F rater, Hinghman, Onslow, Bam hart, Aldridge, Sam Watters, < tubs have been chosen by Mias ^ aye will be against Oakland, on Armistice Bamov Dmcfu» (p r.-ld a n tl Sam Dreyfus, Raiding’ , Yde, Adams. Morrison and Meadows. * Spaulding, m u se instructor, after day. November 11. Thn Harrisburg tryouts held Tuesday and Wedne«- game will be played there November SCORE OF GAMES. LEASE ON OLD SHOP SITE I 30. and the Cottage Drove game, the TEACHER'S RECEPTION TO day Those In the girls' club are: Wednesday — W ashington 4, Pitta last of the season, will be here No- BEFORE COUNCIL MONDAY BE HELD TUESDAY NIGHT burg 1. First sopranos, Dorene Larimer. Kensington Hold First Meeting. Grace Morris. Shirley Hi tnenway. I v«mber 28, \ The Kensirgton club held the first Thuraday — Washington 1, P itt» Proposal of Eugene Council and Juanita Hack. Thelma Lith erland .! With the main essentials learned, Civic Club and Parent-Tsaohara te burg 3. meeting of tbe year at the home of Lease Will be Offered After At­ Maxine Mnodgraaa. Myrtle Harvey, the team la now prautlelng out ope Sponsor Entartalnmant at High Mrs. Harry Whitney. Friday, October Margaret Oderklrk, second soprano«. playa unrter the tutelage of poach torney's Examination. 2. A short business meeting was pre­ School Auditorium. LIONS INSPECT WOODEN Jessie Manning. Winifred Tyson, V. D. Hain. Several new men have sided over by the president, Mrs. An- The lease from the city of Eugene n e Knox. Mrs. Whitney was appoint­ Gertruda Muatoe, DeKtta lluryee, Sy­ appeared, who w? I probably win plac­ A reception for faculty members of RAILROAD IN MOUNTAINS on the old railroad shop site will be ed secretary and rMs. Lawrence May bil Gorney, Esther Mcl’bersun and es on Iho elevrn. At present three the Springfield schools and for towns, Naomi Carlton; and aitoa, t^-na Frl- mao. Kd. * lxiuk. Joe Thompson and paople. sponsored by the Woman's Members of the Lions club Inspec­ brought before the Sprtngfteld City and rMs. C. E. Swarts were m ade, sell. t'athertne Hemenway, low« Carl­ W hiten«' are out with temporary In- Civic club and Mio l*arent-T«achera ted the wooden railroad being built council at Its regil ar meeting Mon­ members of a flower committee. Juries but they will probably be I n ; association. will be held Tuesday eve- :rom Ho-ton to Junction City S in day night. The city attorney has ex­ ton. Gladys Collins, and Agatha Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway spoke shape before u gum«. * lit ala. nlnlng. October 13. at the high school day. Included In the (tarty were G. amined the lease and proposal as sob- * to the club, asking for cooperation No definite lineup will be announ ■ auditorium. Mrs. Paul Uasford of the G. Bushman, H. J. Cox. John P. Ket mited by the Eugene council and pro­ with the Civic club in having a fair ) Hoys passing (be examinations were: Hobart Wilson. Robert Olbaea, red by the coach until just before the i Civic club atiiL Mrs. R Masters of the els, W. F. Walker an») H. E. Maxey. nounces it legally all right. In conjunction with the annual Rose Charles Thompson. Edgar luiuk. * i,r“* ««me. Pollard and Lombard are ' I*. T. A. are members of the commit­ The Springfield council met In spe­ show, » , The railroad has been computed Moon. Frank Ixmibard,1 flwla, Mc­ Quartette, ''Underneath the Copper the club at Ita Friday noon meeting. that the overhanging tree« must be Moore. Mrs. Anne Knox, Mrs. Her­ Pherson. H. Cowart, William Cog, and The new railroad Is receiving wide cut eight feet above the sidewalks bert Clark, Mrs. Paul aBsford, Mrs. Moon.’’ Mr and Mrs. O. II. Murphy, An effort will lie mndr to organize perhaps W. Geiger and Charles ' publicity In recent Issues of the Lit­ before the rainy season sets in. No­ S. R. Dippel, Mrs. L. H Neet, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mushier. a class of women In millinery and Thompson Mt-Pheraon or Cowart an* i erary Digest and Saturday Evening tice wil be served on people who do Mary Elizabeth Whitney and Mrs. Reading, Whitney. dreasninklng this winter In Spring, the best bets for quarterback. H a» j not comply. ........... Mra. Ora Read Hemenway post it »aa given space. The next m eeting of the club will field as a result of a meeting here be­ tings bus made the best punting rec-' The Mountain States Power com­ Violin solo ............... ........ Joe Cyr be October 16, when Mrs. W. L. Walk­ tween Hess Cbnppe|l. a Mate super- ord thia year. pany is preparing to renew its pow­ Movie for Library Benefit. ... ............ Mis Faye Spaulding Beason tickets for all Ihe hom e' Solo visor of home economics, and mem­ er line on Sixth street. The council er and Mrs. Annie Kncx will enter­ Violin si»o Charles Nadvornlk Final arrangements for the preeen- tain the club with a 1 o’clock lunch­ games, and costing $1 will be placed bers of the parent-teachera associa­ Amerlca, led by Mr Elmer Halstead ' ,al on 0( thv movle, “Way Down decided to ask the company to put eon at the Anchorage. tion. The work will be undertaken j on ’'•**' by **** student», the poles in the alley. Members of the comm ittees for the Hast." to be given at the eBel the- with funds provided by the fe H. W. Hanson, Is recovering from a jured late Haturduy evening when he Mrs. Effie Elliott of Jnspqr and Perry major operation performed ■ ast week. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, OC. 11 Guy Whttely was stolen Tuesday e v e -, cording to the janitor, drove his car Into Ihe Wendllng log­ Barber of Coburg. nlng from Main afreet, according to j ging train. A heavy fog obscured the Funeral services wore held Tuesday The Sunday school of Christian a report to City Recorder R. W. Register at Hotel___\ S. Rogers of Farmer Badly Injured. slowly moving flat-cars from Mr. aftem ocn at 3:00 from the Jasper church, on the corner of 4th and A Smith Wednesday. Roseburg and Ernest Osburn of Oak­ Hustlng'a view until he was too close church, Rev. F. L. Moore of the James Karhan, well-known rancher ridge registered at the Spong hotel street. Is preparing for the largest Mr. W hlteley left his car on Main to avert the collslon, He was taken Hprlngfluld Methodist church h a v in g ! np“r W alterville. was thrown Tuesday. crowd on Rally Day, Bunday, October street between 3rd and 4th street«, j to Eugene to a hospital Immediately charge of the service. Burial was a t ! 11 In the history of the school. The The theft Is believed to have occur from a load of wood, when a brake after the accident hut was dismissed Mount Vernon cemetery. attendance a year ago was at least red about 11:16. The car number was was applied to quickly on a hi 1, ami Visits from Bend— Hale Clihgan, of Sunday morning. The car was a com­ seriously injured. Mr. Karhan was un­ Rend, who has been visiting here with 367 and we are hoping for at leas 125.500. plete wreck. N tw District Church Superintendent. conscious when picked up, but re­ his father. F. A. Cllngan, left Tues­ 400 this year. S. J. Chaney of Ashland was appoint-! vived at a nearby home, and later day for San Diego. • Students to Buy on Requisition. This Is the “home coming” time Buys Property In City. ed district superintendent for the I was able to be moved to his own for a I w ho have been away during A house nnd nn acre of land on eaat Southern Oregon district of the Meth ! Printed requisition blanks have home. His ribs were thought to be the summer and the success of our Returns from Mlnnetsota— E. E. Main street belonging to the old John, odist church at the conference last been prepared by the Springfield high j(ro)len n e wa9 ab|e t0 talk a little winter's work depends somewhat up­ Morrison retrned Tuesday evening son estate, has been sold to R. W. w eek / Mr. Chaney succeeds Rev. 8, school student body and m«yeha“<8 Sunday but it will be some time be- after spending two weeks at Minne­ on the success of Rally day. and others who have occasion to sell I fore he will be up and around again. Ftlaynes of Douglas Gardens. The A. Danfort! of Eugene, who held that apolis. There will be a nine piece orches­ to the student body will do so only proprety la about two blocks beyond position for six years. Rev, Dqnfnrd the end of the pavement. Mr. Haynes will enter evangelical work during the tra to help In the music and to play when a printed blank filled not Down from, Donna—-G. C. Buell of Goes to O. A. C.—Ivan H ale left several pieces as an additional fea­ is presented to them, according to •will move to his new home soon. coming year. Donna spent Tuesday here. Sunday »0 attend the Oregon Agricul­ Frank Lombard, president The req­ ture. tural college. uisitions muat be signed either by the Freshman Given Reception, Radio School Opened. All are cordially Invited to attend Visit» frorp Portland—Barney Lar­ Student» may still register at the and especially all strangers In the president or treasurer of the student fttunta calculated to Inform the Fined for Cutting Corner»—W. R. son of Portland visited Sunday at the freshman class of Its lowly position Mpdlo night sehool, which opened at city and all who have np other church body. Ingram was fined *2 Monday for cut­ H. W. Hanson home. In the universe featured the freshman the city library Tuesday evqning, ac­ preference may feel sure of 'a wrt - ting corner» Returns from Eastern Oregon— reception at the high school gymna­ cording to D. W. McKinnon, organi­ edme here. from Waltervilla — William In Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parsons returned a i sium last Friday evening. The party ser and Instructor. The second meeet- Visit Calapooya Spring»—Mr. and to Sprtngflefd Wednesday after visit­ Hucha of Walterville was in town 1*0 la an annua) affair, and la sponsored Ing will ba thia evening. Penmanship Mm G. H. Turner spent Sunday at Prlcflla'Club Maste. ing the Deachntes county fair. Mr. Wednesday. Vaha-b.,' ♦ t f # and business courses w tl be taught. by tha student body. Calapooya Springs. l’arsona drove fcvsr the McKenzie The Prlcllla Club will m set nt the -----1— Refreshments wars served after Visit at Goehen— Mr. and M t ». N. In from Fall Crask— Mrs. D. W. home of Mra. L. 10. Baaford Frli’ay Pass, which ho reports to he free tha atunta. Myrtle Harvey and Thelma Ha» Tonalla Removed—R ay, Jr., frbm anvw. and returned by way o f ' Nelson visited at the H. L. Bdmleton Iotyaon were chairmen for com m ittees Fllltspte of Fall Creek was in to an wlth Mra. L. E. Baiford and Mra. amai son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chase Portland. home at Goshen Wednesday. Paul »Baford os hosteeaes. Monday. In charge of the evening. f