the a v i u N a r r x D news THUIIHDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1H25 PAGE SEVEN William J. Wheatley, 21. of Port­ USE THE HOT PACK IN HOME CANNINO land, waa killed when he fell over a high cliff In the vicinity of Trout The hot pack method of canning Creek villa, near Molalla. Hie body waa found at the bottom of the cliff. vegetables at home has all the ad­ vantages of any other plus several * • j on the edge of the Molalla river. of Its own, sa fs the United States Brief Resume of Happening* of »«i-m high school students who re- ! fuse to sign a pledge that they will Departmtnt of Agriculture. Whether tomatoes beans, corn, the Week Collected for not Join or take part In any secret are ; ctety within the schools will be sus­ greens, or any other vegetables. It Our Readers. pended or expelled, according to an­ packs to better advantage la precook­ nouncement made by school authori­ ed for a few minutes before being put Into the can. Tin cans packet with UBCD CAR CLEANUP. More than 200 youngsters are en­ ties. f r fl Rulp Dlppel, Dentist, Vltu« F o il RENT— HAI.K or TRADE for boiling-hot vegetables may be sealed Spi c'al Dow Price«. rolled In boys' and girls’ club work in building, Hi rl ffrteUL Oregon More than 43 per cent of the first Eug«n« property, n»w Ilvaroo.n THIS W EEK ONLY. Union county thia year. year students 'who took the compul­ at once without the usual exhaust bungalow l ’hoii« It# J Hprlngfield. 11*22 Chevrolet touring. NOTICE OF HAI.K Work has been started on pouring sory freshman English examination as and put Into the canner for process­ fu ll «30 U «treat N( TICE lb HEREBY GIVEN that 1»23 ChatroW touring. the foundation for the new «300,000 a part of the registration procedure ing. Also vegetables packed hot Into by virtue of an order of aale made 1923 8 ’nr touring. hot "I of nine stories at Marshfield. at the University of Oregon failed, any kind of container and placed In and « fletad by the County Judge for 1923 Chevrolet Delivery. Money Io limn ou daslrable slip I an« County. Oregon, on the 4th day ■Mrs M, J. Olds, 88, a pioneer of results of the test showed. Of 863, the canner reach the tem perature 1923 C: kland Bporl touring. >e Oregon In 184«, died at McMinnville both men and women, 378 tailed while necetsayy for processing In shorter properly Monthly payments. 3« to of Herteinber. l?2i, I will, on and aft­ time than those packed cold, and 'he 1923 Ford Fordor tredatt. 485 passed. 9.» month«, a fter an Illness of more than a year. er the 10th dry of October, 1925, offer Huy Now. Eaay Term s. • EMERY INSURANCE AOBNCY Construction work started last week heat penetrates through them more fer aale, and »«Il «I private aale, the Dedication of the new Elks' temple evenly. This may mean success o« G A N N E T T M O TO R C O M P A N Y , elione 687, dower interest c f Harriet Nye. in- 37 9th Avo W at Salem has been eet for November on the first unit of a modern fire­ failure in canning some nonacid vege­ tr Kompetent. In and Io lota one, three, Chevrolet Dealers, proof reinforced concrete building for Fugen«, Ore 7. The temple cost approximately tour and five block eight, amended Co. 9th A Olive Ste. the purpose of housing the South tables. Corn, sweet potatoes, and •178'90. ' pial of Ealrmonf. l-ane County. Ore­ Eugene, Oregon. With the regular registration com -1 “ ’ ft“ P « * « of Eastern Oregon greens, for Instance, are likely to H«o our Un» of vlslt'ng carda, gon. said aale to be at the off ce of company at South settle Into a solid mass that heat Y otin*,, »«0 Willamette Ht.r SPECIAL PRICE on plate work Dr. pleted at Willamette university at • U « ht * pao»led. qr plain, at the N ew i ortica Donald Eugrno, Dreg t. Salem, the enrollment ha« reached | The • • « » ««1 ‘be does not penetrate easily. Conse­ N. W. Emery, dent|at. Sutton Bldg. quently the food at the center of the M HVARVKItUD only 480, a decrease of nearly 150 work •• «11.000- Guardian of Harriet Nve. incompe- Three men were drowned In the can may not become hot enough to HCMMONS from last year. tent 8 10 17 24. O-lg k'll the injurious bacteria. The hot IN THE CIRCUIT COURT o r TIIK Na. -jnaJ Champion The timber on six tracts In Mult­ Willamette river at Harrisburg when pack, therefore, has scientific reason« HTATK o r ORBOON r o l l LANK the automobile In which they were nomah, Benton, Polk. Clackamas and Ut PUBLICATION NOTICE to back It up. t OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER Wa«hlngton counties was sold by the riding ran off the ferry Into the river. Zola Rieger, I’lalntlff, Send to the United States Depart­ The drowned were: Edward Boyer, I H. U. 8 I . '» ’» OFFICE at Rose­ government last week for an aggre­ va. burg. Or«goa u -.* mber 24, 192ft. 26, of Percy, lit.; Archie Stevens. 22, ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. K r. IDeger. Defendant: gate of 350.548.46. N O T IC E la aerehy given that Carl of the same place, and Phil Eaatep, C„ for Miscellaneous Circular 24 It To K r RIEGER. Defendant: Thomas B. Key. state treasurer, waa gives time-tables and brief directions «7, of Roseburg. *N TIIK NAME <»F THE HTATK Ü. T o ll, of E gene. Oregon, who. on I elected president of the Oregon Linen l» r OHEOONON: You are here#)* o p rll 2». 192' made Homrstaad E n­ for home canning all the common Request that a resident game war­ Mills, which was Incorporated at required Io app'ur and answer com try . No. n e a r , for W % . H W 'i, Hec-1 kinds of fruits and vegetables. Salem recently with capital stock of den be stationed opposite Arlington on plaint filed agntnat you herein on or tlon 3, Townal ,» 19 8.. Range 4 Weat ¡ the Washington side of the Columbia before a ll weeks from dat« of flrat WWamatt* M :dian, baa fil'd notice approximately 3600,000. river during the wild goose hunting publication hereof, or for want there of intention t< -nak three-yenr I'roct,, Recent hall storms damaged the season was made In a resolution pass­ of the plaintiff will take Judgment eatn h l.h rla'm to the land shove Walks Being Laid. Cove prune crop so badly that work ed by the Arlington Rod and Gun agalnat you and apply to the court'described, bete"* E O, Immel C, 8 j Walks around the new Brattaln for the relief prayed for In the com- j commlaatoner at Eugene. Oregoa, on} has been curtailed and the prunes club. The request was addressed to plaint ___ and for a decree of absolute (be 10th day * November. 1925. school are being put In aa fast as tha will be either dried In the Cove dryer the state game commission. Claimant nr idea a» wltneg divorce from you. and aa mown by or else sent to canneries. weather permits. They are already H e rb irt Mu ■ th, Georg ' T o ll, Guy The Oregon Construction company said complaint. A good start Is being made In mov­ Th'a aumône le puhllehed once each V Knox, all < ’ F tgwpa. Cre on WHITTEN SWAEF RD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Oregon Railroad A Navigation the basis of the final estim ate will be Attorney for Plaintiff. R.-ildence vance. Bend (deck or mon< y order.! u io k c 4C3 lurspui without a miss, the undersigned has been appointed company In GUlUun county. jeM tb>.. Oue cent a day. Offer establishing a world record and 12.8 mills as against 12.« mills last and poet office addrets. Eugene. | Admintstratrix-with-the-Wlll-Annexed w in n in g the national championship An attractive young woman, fash­ year, and will raise for the general of the estate of O. B. Kessey. whoso Oregon. 8 3 10 24 O-1-S16 c,o*e* Saturday, October 10.—Adv. at Vandalia, Pa. The former ionably dressed and with polished fund, with the help of miscellaneous full name is Orville B. Kessey. de-. record *as 26C without a mlsa. ■---------------— — ------- ------ — manners, fleeced Klamath merchants receipts, 34.0(1.052.29, and sums for ceased, by the County Court of Lana AH persons having ant of a considerable quantity of mer- special levies will bring the total for County, Oregon claims against the said estate are re­ -handlse by means of forged checks. etty purposes to 34.252.569.49. quired to present the same, with tho Fifteen Out fo r Orcheatra. One hnndred and six mills report­ The Abbot and Fltxpatrlck flock of oroper vouchers, to the unders gned. About fifteen atulents turned out ing to the Weat Count l-umberrnen'i several thousand sheep which are at the law offices of Potter & Foster, for the first meet ng of the high association for the week ending Sep­ Telephones: Office 813 Res. 207« ^rasing In the Plata ranger station at No. 981 Willamette Street In Eu­ 4 school orchestra Monday evening. tember _____ 19. _______ manufactured 101,871.796 above government camp district are gene. Oregon, within six months from • Several new applicant« for positions 1|unbor ^ 4 1p9.34j.s3] being Invaded by coyotes. Twenty the date of this notice. DATED at Eugene Orfgon, this IT were found, although violinists are ' beet. sheep were killed at one time. The day of September. 1928. Osteopathy Htanda for the still In demand. Mrs. Crystal Mal« MARY M. KESSEY, Forty-three of the (1 applicants who coyotes are running In bands which truth wherever It Is aclenti-, will direct the orchestra this year. Admlnlstratrlx-wlth-the-Wlll-An- took the stata bar examlaatiooa kalu indicates they are In large number«. 16 In. Maple at $7.50 per finally proven. nexed of the Estate of O. B. Keo- In Salem last July ware successful. A c-n feren ce at which the state Oatsopathlc Physician and Bur­ sey, Deceased. S 17-24 O 1-8-15 I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE to announcm eat by Arthur h^hwuy commission and the county Cord. ,.u<. geon U aNWEC f U 1 ^ TO N ’ N A*S U ' l 8 ' B en ,on ' d e r k 01 th* g U ,e BU'k* bme oouree at Morrow sad Umatilla ooun- GUARDIANS SALE OF REAL Office 404 M A. W . Bldg., j le J R i N C a « I . PROPERTY. ' Harold J - Wei W ells. Plaintiff, vs. Wll- °°"rt »“ * P«*’«««». » * ’ hekl In Port- Ordere at News Office Eugene, Oregon NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN th a t I fred Collier and Fred H. Collier, dc-J Indorsement of the Oregon Trunk's hv»d Tuesday to consider-the manner Osteopathy stands for the truth proposed extension from Bend to of letting a contract for the ooaatruc- by vlr ue and order of the County '■n^'IlU. wherevrtt It Is scientifically Court of Lane County. Oregon, duly Klamsth Falla wa« urged by tha Klara Don of 1511 miles of road between made and entered on the 14th day proven. ». • i„ . v,..™.. ............ ....... , ath county chamber of commerce rail Pilot Roek and Heppner, known aa the of » ‘ptember, 1925, the undersigned, Phone 14« W Phone 13« M guardian of the person and esta tes IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ccmm Stee In a report recently Lena-Vtnson gap. o f Vernlta Lntber and Juanita Luther, OF ORBOON. You are hereby re-. , B R IG G S A D O T Y qulred to appear and answer the com Publlc- . | Aggregate coiiectlon of Income and minors, will, on and after the 19tlx C E M E N T CONTRACTO RS plaint flleil ngafnst you in the above I Mistaken for a deer, Henry Alvin profits taxes In the state of Oregon day of October. 1925, offer for sa le Call Springfield, Ore. entitled action wlth'n six w eek s; Boyce, nuto mechanic of Corvallis, was j for the fiscal year ended June 30 of and sell at private sale to the h igh est from the date of the first publication ghc, and („„unly killed on Klickitat this year was 36.784,101 as against bidder for cash the following d e s­ SUTTON TRANSFER Hldewalka B asem fnt Walla of this Summons, If you to B,omi(ajn> approximately 11 miles 38,242.145 for the preceding fiscal cribed real property, to-wit: sc an«w-r. for went and thereof the fall Plain- AU of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three southwest of the Fisher poatoffice tn year, according to official figures com- Phono 57 tiff will lake Judgment against voil as | piled by the commissioner of Internal (3) and Four (4) and the East one- prayed for the Complaint, to-wlt: for|I-*no county. half of Lot Five (5). In Block 110. In LADIES! Try that expert the sum of 380.88 together with the posae outfitted and provided by u., revenue. This represents a decrease Washburne's Subdivis'on of the costa anl dl-bursem en's of th's ac-1 , he Klamath oountjt court left Klamath of 1S l * r cent ,or lhe year J*“ ' ended. Springfield Investment and Power • hair cutter at Anderson • tlon. Barber shop. Falls for Huckleberry mountain In a Final approval of the timber-sale company’s Addition to Springfield, GEO.. N. M cL E A N bvTnrd.v w t M J I o n " 7 r Hkípworih'' nnal eftort to fln<1 * ime tr,C® Of Mur‘ ' contract Into by the United Lane County. Oregon. A. A. ANDERSON Said sale will take place at the law Automobile. F ire and Life July.' of raid Court which crd< r l , ' tln Gwensby. Merrill rancher, who , States forestry service and John G. office« of Potter & Foster, at 961 IN S U R A N C E BARBER SHOP dated the 8th dav 'T Septe-rber, I l f ' , had been missing for nlnp days. Helmrlch, capitalist and owner of the Willamette Street. Eugene. Oregon, Surety B°nda.. Pho. .a «17 requiring this Summons to be publish-1 Announcement was made at Med- Dreat Southern railroad, was announc­ FLORENCE LUTHER, My buslntn« l«s to protect y«Ur Guardian of the person and estate ed once a v.eok for «lx M i.oesdt >|torJ of the 8a,e for , 1 , 5 ogg o( the ed at The Dalle». Mr. Helmrich has bualne«« ot Vernlta Luther and Juanita n fh ' Spring.lold \> w s I)«’.« (’reek crchcrd of 2JO acres n ew announced that he will start oonstruc- S S S X T Z o ° n ... — »100 of h.9 „ 0 ^ 860 W llls m e tte St. Eugene Oregon i?hu^:d;ypux ? 7 ‘”rn r ; . ^ 8 8ttOTinon?> S Luther, Minora. DR. n . W. EMERY S 17-24 O 1-8-15 WEI 1.8 t WEI LS apples, to Robert Hunstock of in,° tbe timber belt this winter. He O E N T IS T Loa Angeles by 8. J. Oreenwood. ! PIans erection ot a large sawmill « A tte n -v s for ’’laln'lff. VASBY BROS. Phon« 20-J NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S Sutton Bldg O. Address. Eugene. Oregon A total of 3267,500, representing one- Tbe I)aIles- . — ’ SALE Residence Phon« 153 M Painting & Decorating O I X 15 22 29 N 5 12 Articles of Incorporation tor the fourth of the receipts from motor ve­ Pursuant to an order of the Probale Pacific Airways, a company capital­ NOTICE F O R I'l BI IC A T I ' . \ Court of Lane County. Oregon, the hicle registrations In Oregon during in all Its branches Springfield, Oregon DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ the period March 16 to Seteinber 15 ised at $160.000, which proposes to I’rrlerslgn d adminlatra'or of the es­ IOR. U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Rose­ tate of Charles W. D ai’ing, deceased, 312 Main Street of this year has been apportioned operate air mail, express and passen- will on the 24th day of October. 1925, burg, Oregon. Heptember 10. 1925 NOTICE I. hereby given u n i "Vel-! among the various countlgs of u». ' ««r » ^ 1 « between SeattkqPortland. at the hour of one o'clock. P. M .,at II eon Rush, of Marcóla. Oregon, who. ¡ state ! San F'™nc‘»«i 9an * * _ • the Southwest door of the County ---- v [on January 7, 1921, mode Homestead With apple harvest well under way, | flled ln SaJem bY members of the Ore Court House in Eugene. Lane County. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Entry. No. 013602. for I ote 3 and 4. Hood Rlvor orchaMtats have cut their | B° n Motor S,a* ) The cap- Oregon, sell 1c the highest bidder for Your Homo When In Section 17, Township 16 S’, Range 1 Ital stock of the sew corporation is ■ cash Lots 1 to 10 inclusive or Block DENTIST pre-harvest estimate« of tonnage more Springfield held exclusively by stage operators In I h>'o. 10, being all of Block No. 10 o West. W ’l -n c tle Meridian, has filed Chula Vista Park, a suburban plat notice of In ten t'en to make th r.... than 25 i ?r cent. It is estimated that Orogon, Washington and California. Phone 43 near the Southeast corn -r of Eugene, year r —»of, to estahllah claim Io U e tho crop U'ls year will reach 2od0 cars, Two Benton county men were killed Lane County, Oregon, for the purpose’ Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. land al ove described, before E. " approximately 50 per cent . f the ton­ while cleaning rifles preparatory to of paying the cost and exten ses of ad- CLEANING AND PRESSING Immel, U. 8 Commls-donc-. at B e­ nage of 1924. gin «. ’ 'regon, on the 19th day of Cc- Altering and Dressmaking Of 600 a- rea of potatoes li pected In hunting trips, one in the south and iri'nistratlon and the indehednes« | lohi-i T 26 . th ' Weeton mountain district of Uma- one In the west part of the county, against said estate and for dlstrlbu- Claimant n»T'e« na w'tnesse«: New Shop, 240 Main Street il’la ccjn ty. a big percentege passed Austin M. Taylor, mill owner at Wren, ,l0Dated this 17th day of September i Ellav orlh W. Dial. Jasper W. D' *1. WM. G. HUGHES Next to Spong Hotel j both o f Merc in. Oregon; Horh'-rt the second field inspection with rat- waa one of the victims. The other F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E ' occurred at the McCredle log 1925. J. E. Lindsey, Prop. Downing, of Wendllng, Oregon- Ahre- tugs entitling the tubers to claasl- M. SVARVERUD. 4 NO TARY PUBLIC ‘ ham L. Kelte. of Donna. Oregon. ricatlcn as cert!»led or standard seed, ging camp when Ernest Blackburn, an Administrator of the estate of HAMILL A. CANADAY, , Office at Charles W. Darling, deceased. according to Fred Bennion, county employe of the mill and son of the Register. mill foreman, shot him self through S 24 O 1-8-15-23 FIRST NATIONAL BANK non-coal. S 17-24 O 1-8-15. agent. the heart. In both cases the rifles Springfield, Oregon One c f the largest land deals con A summated at The Dalles In some time were supposed to be empty. JEWELER NOTICE F R P t'B ’ ICAT1DN NOTICE OF GUARDIAN S SALE A total of more than 1500 forest DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER was announced, approximately 6000 NOTICE le hereby given that by Repairing a Specialty of all classes, burning over « more virtue oi a license and order of the | ICR. it . a. LAN© OFFICE nt Ror. acre» of graxing and farm land In fires t Springfield. Oregon southern Wam-o county being sold by J U" ’ .d,.8‘ County Court of the State of Oregon , burg. Or- gon. SctRember 10, 1925. ' NOTICE is hereby given that Al- D. P. Ketchum to his son. William Ket- ) 1 trim during the forest fire season this in and for Lane County, authorlxing All kinds of gravel for con­ I hert Itu=h, of Marcóla. Oregon, who. year, and have cost more than 3189,- me as guardian of the estate of John crete or road wor,k. We Jen Mn’-eh 1, 1921. made Homestead chum. The consideration was placed 000 since July 1, according to a sum­ F. Wilcox. Insane, to sell at private sale all cf the Interest of my said make a specialty of crushed Entry No. 013716. for W ’4 S W 'i. Sec at 375,000. R. W. SMITH The Medford chamber of commerce mary report released by forest service ward, be'ng an undivided one-third, rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ¡7: and on Anrll 6. 1921, made Add officials. Of the total number ot fires in and to the Lots or TractB Number­ Justice of the peace and I H. F. 913813. for I ota 4 and 5. Sec 7. has Rent a resolution to Rhea Luper, ers at foot of Main on Mill 494 were man-caused, as compared ed 12. 13 and 14 In Washburne's Ad­ Tewn«hln 16 S . Range 1 West Wll notary public, Insurance state engineer, urging the state Irri­ street. Inmett" Meridian, hg« filed notice of gation securities commission to ex­ with 1034 caused by lightning. Of this dition to Springfield. Lane County, HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. inten'ion to make tfiree-yvar Proof, tend state guarantee on Interest on number 157 were caused by careless Oregon; I will, on and after Saturday, City d all Springfield, Oregon »o ea'abilFh cla’-n to the land above smokers and 20 were incendiary. Con- the 241»h day of October. 1925. upon said premises, offer for sale and sell deacr'hed. before E O. Immel. II. S 3400.000 of boDds Issued by the Eagle Polnt irriga:lon district for a period I * rlloD8 ot num- to the party paying the most' there­ Cenmilaaloncr nt E ugene. O recon, on of .»ne and oue-halt years This was bered 138. The Whitman national fore in cash, all of the undivided one- the 19th dnv of Octohe-. 192«, Contracting and Building FRANK A. DE PUE Claimant name« as witnesses: rejected by the commission at a r«- | forest' ln whlch 149 wer* rePort‘ third Interest of the sel.1 John F Wil­ GEO. W. PARKINS A T TO R N E Y AT LAW Ellsworth W Dial. Jasper W Dial cent moatiag. with the understanding : had the greatest number, while the cox ln and to the above descr'bed Corner 5th and D Streets both of Mnrcoln. Oregon: Herbert Ihat the irrigation district would ba lUeateat area burned over was 80C0 real estate, subject to the approval NO TARY PUBLIC of said County Court. Downing of Wendling, Oregon: Abra­ SpringSteld, Oregon acras ln the Olympia national forest» SARAH C. McBee, «atltleu tu a n c r e r hearing. __ ham L. Kelte. of Donna. Oregon. Plans and Estimates Furnished Sutton Springfield Guardian. IIAMÍLL A. CANADAY. Free. W ill Help You Finance Buldllng Oregon. S. 24 O 1-8 15-22 Register. Your Building. non-coal 8 17-24 O 1-8-15 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST • b u s in e s s Dry Hard Wood d ir e c t o r y } - Dr,John Simons I “The Loop D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.