PACE SIX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1025 TIUS SPfU N O nSLD NKAVS =E Beni). It la said. The officiale of the Hill linea ara salii lo he anxloui io hulld thelr reali Into San Frati.ìacy, bui have nei liallrated whether Ihey w II go aouth frolli Klaninih Falla or west freni ihat foln l io ih« coast- Uons bay obaivvera •»»■ inerti la a a |Mvelb llt y Ih a t 111» rnail may Ite Isiiil » « si fro n Iti li I lo th e co.ast. TOWN AND VICINITY Orive* to Bend— M L. Rewey drove Wangling Man In— Andy Calhoun of Wendllng was in town Saturday. to Bend and bark Sunday. Mr. Cogill III—Theran Cegtll la til Down from Donna—J. C. Nicholson was In town from IXuina Saturday. at his home c o titin ii ng acu th a ln o , ih « shorw* o f th e f i n i r t i -Ucttnge U r ie » Si u t ili I Here from Coburg—H C. Crlstner Thurston Men Here— Ira Gray and Walter Platt of Thurston spent Sat | of Coburg wae in town Monday urday In town. Visits Son Here A M. Richardson of U nslaw Is here visiting his son. Dawn from W altervllle— William I Emery R'chardson. Hucka of W altervllle shopped In Springfield Saturday. Little Boy III— Robert, small son of Emery Richardson. Is 111 with la Miss Schiews Vis t*— Miss Idly grippe. Schlewe of Xotl visited her sister. Mrs. Fred Frese, Sunday. Marcóla Lady III — Mrs. Fred Wright of Marcóla is seriously ill at C w t* F 'ngee— M rs O. L . S tra tto n her home. cu' her finger seriously Saturday on a troken '-u't Jar. I Go Fishing Sundsy— Harry Whit­ ney and Wdliarn bong spent Sunday Takes Store Position— Mrs. ( ia-iev fishing near Jasper. ..Ijers has W i n a position at the N 'e lty star* Fish at Mapleton— Walter Scott Here from Albany— Charles Boyd, Jim Laxton fished near Mapleton of the Mountain States Power com Sunday. pany a: Alhan.v. was a business visit­ Here from Thurston—Mrs. Sam or here Friday. Carrulhers and son. Allen, of Thurs­ Spend Week-end at Coast— Mr and ton were In town Monday. Mrs Thomas Thomas and baby son Drive to Corvallis— Miss Clara and Mrs. Belie Spong spent the week­ W yse and Miss Amelia Metxen mo­ end a t Bandon, North Bend and tored to Corvallis Sunday. Marshfield. At the General S'ore, S tr a n g e r :— "Would you mind t i l l lu g me. w ho is th a t m an o u t th e re ?' P ridlle Club to Meet. T he 1‘ r lr il la c lu b «111 meat O c to b e r 9 at th e hum» o f .Mr I. E Hanford. A ll m eintia r« are urged to he p ria e n t, N E W S P A P E R IIA IIG A IN HATE The Eugene Guarl «very week day N ative; That's Hill S mpkina- anil we fo lk s In th is to w n th in k him on« year hy m a il, $2 99. cash in ail- trance Send check or money order the tallest n a n In th« world.“ Stranger:—"W. II be c a n 't be the Coats less than one 1 > nt a day <>ff«r closes Saturday, tlclidwr 10 Adv ■ 676 DEPARTMENT STORES EUGENE, OREGON School Caps Men’s Suits For the Boy The famous "Rube’" Goldberg will now draw a weekly comic Visits Portland — Russel Olson j Returns to Mail Routs— Percy O'- strip cartoon for this newspaper, beginning with this issue. M r. drove to Portland Saturday afternoon, j Brian relieved I. D. Leslie Monday as Goldberg has for years been one of America's highest paid cartoon­ returtfng Sunday evening I driver of the star route stage up the ists and we believe that our readers will be highly entertained by I McKenxie. Mr. O'Brien has been his clever and original work. Goldberg has originated more «layer D ism issed fro m H o s p ita l — Mrs. I series t’ an any other artist. Just now he has the country saying— ' driving the stage from Blue river east John R chter was dismissed from the ■It's the boloney!” Look for Goldberg's comic every week in this aver the pass. newspaper. Pacific Christian hospital Monday Leave for Normal School— Miss I.u- Resigns P ostion —Mrs. Lida Mac- le Male and her sister. Miss Mir­ 70 minutes. Corn ibould not be Oowan has resigned resigned 1 her position at Ml7 HOT PACK. CORN FOR SUC owan has iam Male left Sunday for Monmouth _ ______ _____ ___ __ . . canned in No. 3 tin cans because tf the Springfield garage where they are attending the Normal CESSFUL HOME C A N N IN G , n,,, difficulty of heal penetrat'oa Fined for cutting corner—'John school. W rite to the Department of Agri­ In canning a starchy, nonac'd veg­ Doe' paid a fine of $2 to Justice of the culture, Washington. D. C.. for .Mis­ Returns to Portland— Miss Aubrey etable like sweet corn It is necessary Peace R. W. Smith Friday for cut­ Meacham of Portland returned to her to watch every step to insure a safe. cellaneous Circular 24. giving lime- ting corners. for home canning of fruits and i home Wednesday after visiting here appetising product says the Bureau j tablas v e r .uW es Visit at Thurston— Dr. ard Mrs. W with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs rf Home Economics, United States Í H. Pollard and family were Sunday Chauncey Meacham. Department of Agriculture. Success ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hanson Is not Just a matter of luck. Behind RAILROAD HEAD VIEW S Operator on Vacation— LeRoy F o f Thurston. COOS BAY COUNTRY i Donahue of Tuscon. Arxona is t . k - 1T ” 7 ,“ r ° f “ome^anned food th .t and inK the place of John Shaw as tele-' ’ P0 "’ ,h e” * “ ’ rea,on Thp Visit at Cottage Grove— Mr Mrs J. C. Parker spent Sunday at graoh operator at the depot this week follo’ ln< «Hfctlonx for home cano n , Cottage Grove as guests of Mr. and i while the latter is on his vacation ' ’ WPPt corn are b a,”d on ,he facla Mrs. E. E. Ellsworth. j the <1<'ParUnent can obtain I Returns from Hunting Trip__Dr. i Corn for canning should be gather- Moving to Leaburg— Mr. and Mrs. j Eugene Kester. Jack Howard of P*1 aboat 17 to 25 days after silking. Al Montgomery moved Monday to Portland. Charles Clark and Roy the exact Ume depending upon varle- Leaburg where they have a summer Brewer of Fall Creek made up a P y ani1 aeason Shuck, silk, and dean home. hunting party which returned Sunday «H *N lly. Cut from the cob without V isits from P ortla n d -N ell Pollard ” th thppp deer They spent a week P e k i n g Add half as much boiling water as corn by weight, heat to boil­ of Portland arrived here Sunday for huntinF on Saddleback mountain. ing, add one teaspoon of salt and two a short visit. He returned home Back Injured by Fall— P S. Hills teaspoons of sugar to each quart, and Tuesday of Jasper had his back badly cut and fill boiling hot into containers. Pro­ Returns from Califronla— Mrs. R. bruised Saturday when he fell on a cess immediately at 15 pounds pres­ P Mortensen returned Mcnday from wood sled. Several stitches were re- sure, or 250 degrees F.. quart glass a v'sit in San Francisco with rela- Iquired to close the wound, Jars for 80 minutes, pint glass Jars tlves. 1 for 70 minutes, and No. 2 tin cans for Visiting Minister Preaches— D Ro- Vieiting from Washington— Mr attd bert M. Gatke, professor of history at Mrs. Walter Griffen of Mora. Wash- W illamette university, delivered the Ington. arrived here Friday to spend morning sermon at the Methodist a week with Mrs. Griffen's sister, church Sunday. Rev. Gatke is re- Mrs. Clara Fawver. turning to W illamette this year after Go to Portland—Mr. and Mrs. Jul ’ P*n<^inF two years in graduate study tus Fulop left Sunday for Portland, re-j at Waablcgton. D. C. turning to their home here Monday ' ----------------------- - J " « 'I* Budd to B . d In Routs to Coast Said Res dents of the Coos bay section entertain hopes that another railroad may enter that rapidly developing country from the east, as the result of a reported visit there recently of I Ralph lludid. president of the Orest Northern and director of the Hill line extensions, with a party of ns- j soctates. Mr Budd and his party ar rived at UrooklngH the latter part of last week from Klamath Falls Mr. Budd has been watching the contest between his road and the Southern Pacific relative to the ex­ tension of the Hill lines south of evening. Dr S. Ra iph DippeL Dentist, Vitus I ■_ Visiting from Amity— Mrs. C. A. building, Springfield. Oregon. Phillips and baby son of Amity are here visiting with Mrs. Phillips' par­ NEWSPAPER BARGAIN RATE. ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson . The Eugene Guard every week day - Go . to „ Monmouth— ,, j t Bry- , one year „ by , mail, >2 98, cash In ad- Mrs. ,, Maude . , . ... „ . , vanoe Send check or money order an and daughter. Miss Crystal Bryan. „ . , 7 uruvr. _ .i. j v. Costs less drove to Monmouth Friday, where , „ . than . one cent a day. 7 Offer *lcf . Miss .. „ . s .u ok . closes Saturday, October 10.—Adv Bryan entered the Oregon Nor- j 7 iv . mnl school. iasti'st man else he would either get up or alt down—Instead of holding hitaself up In that poslilou on hla hand«.*' Native: — •'You're wrong there, stranger Some of the boys pul a lack on that bench—and Bill's too laay to gel off'lt." Suita for Fail Heavy rlbbsd; acruj long Flaeves; ankle length— I . $1.49 ««at Flannel Shirts For M en— Bright Colors Checks and plaids | full; coat ityle— cut • $2.98 to $4.98 Freah new novelty pat­ terns and fabrics; wool caastmeres; twill lined. Caps for service and good looks. Exceptional values •t— • Men's Half Hose Fine Grade Lisle P o u r -p ly mercerised. black and colors; low priced 69c and 98c 3 Pr. $1.00 Oderless Cry Cleaning A n / T ue Usual Prom pt Service WE ALSO CLEAN MATTRESSES PHONE 300 < Hrs Operation— Vern Carsellon un I derwent an operation at the Pacific Christian hospital Monday. The op­ eration was made necessary because of complications from 4 broken thigh Go Hunting up McKemie— W. T. Thompson and Otto Smith, both em­ ployees of the Mountain 9'ates Pow­ er company, left Sunday for a hunt­ ing triup up the McKenzie. Much Lumber Shipped—Three car­ loads of lumber were shipped to Chi- j «■ago by the Springfield Lumber com-1 pany Saturday. Four cars of lumber ■werg reclved here by the company JT-.nday. Four carloads of poles were j received by the Carboilneum wood preserving company Monday. Salesman Want­ ed to Manage CHEVROLET SALES in Springfield and Vicinity An opportunity for some local man. See Mr. G an­ n ett a t— GANNETT MOTOR COMPANY, Cor. 9th & Olive Sts., Eugene, Oregon. BIG GENEROUS PORTIONS of our if e cream you can give to the children w ith­ out any bad after effects. It Is so pure and good th at it will benefit them rather than harm them. O u r cream comes in all flavors. Order some for dinner to­ day. EGGIMANN’S Between 8th and 9th on Olive Almost everyone ordering printed m atter feels th a t they w ant “som ething different.” They sense th at to obtain such printing they must have either one or two things—special cuts or type. To outline or specify “Just w hat they w ant” Is a task beyond one inexeprienced in the crafts­ m anship of printing. When you let us do your printing you get all of this service free of ex tra charge. We know just which type faces to use to carry your mes­ sage in the most effective way. In addition to this we have a complete line of cuts to Illustrate your message— pictures which will a ttra c t read­ ers and m ake them read. No we and pay matter what kind of printing you want can do it—deliver the job promptly— at a p rice far below what you may elaewhere. Try ua. The Willamette Press RAYMOND TORREY. Proprietor Because It's Dependable — one important reason for your travel over Southern Pacific Lines Your travel responsibility ceases when you board the train. Comfortable trains leave at con­ venient hours. You arrive at your destination rested and refreshed— and on time. Economical, too—reduced round- trip fares make travel surprisingly inexpensive. A sk A g e n t. Southern Pacific Lines CARL OLSON, Agant