■ ■ PAOE FTV» TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1826 . ■ -i - . . - True to Form. W heeler; secretary trvaaurer, B o g le w'nter camps are due to begin logging MORE TRAFFIC SHOWN •‘Young lady," said th e Judge stern. Feugleai organist, Bella Otaon; chor­ during the next month. The numbe- BY McKENZIE ROAD CHECK | ly. “you ore accused of having two By Special of men employed In planer» and box ister. Jed Wheeler. C o rrsapo nd snts f«c:prlea has dtffreased and one plant A traffic check September 1# above husband«," e*" ......... ' - "Wrong number?" snapped tbe tel- It in«,rted Io have laid otf 126 met- .,j 2038 ears passing on the Pacific WORK- IN NORTHWEST epbope-wperator defendant. "Expuae n»r-'the ftrat time In many wi-efco » ' G REATÍR THAN YEAR AGO Iglftvay north of Goshen between »lx it, please." the supply of men IS greater than de 1 • COBURG NEWS • I THURSTON NOTES , o’clock In the morning and 10 o’clock POATLAXU Lc'ober J.— (Special! mand Nona: ‘‘Do you think a woman In the evening. A check the same Jay Gruut. tvlurhad trdm McKatala I H It Biavi n». th« biackxTkh c f 7avcrah)< vaathar throughout the day showed 424 cars on the W Ran» »ho«M take a man's name when they litd p e when h« ag«it< th «um ntr u« ( Coburn, ha» ) n* In a new FOR SALE—Oaroon paper In large P»it:lc Nri'ihwe-* las' grryk contrib­ Ut» w«n.<,n. un- w-th terry I’ t ' co au 1 «tiu 11 Iin rvtng hic holil't. . -» ehe>ta, 2(1x3# Inches, suitable for etie highway and 621 on the Mcken- i marry? uted to hold wmplryyment to a high h i e h w « . . at t T h o r a o .n T h i. was - » .! E lm o : "Bure! Why make an ex. amt Hubert Taylor went tu Curvali a | A. (... Mutin'., of Cngena *a netting making tracing«. The N ew s Office r.te highway Thurston This level, according to the 4L employ ceptlon of hla name?” la»t Hun lay where they are attenillun out a go al mi ny loads of rock from 1 the heaviest check of the year on the ment arrv're letter Issued here to­ O. A, C, 'In* alii'* bill t* the Coburg bridge (or McKenzie highway The check was Fire Department Runt Away. day. 'which stated that the total vol­ "Where Is that beantiful| canary Mr itlrglter and fstnlly bane aiovi-d ! r<*a